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This study explored national differences in plagiarism and duplicate publication in retracted biomedical literature. The national affiliations of authors and reasons for retraction of papers accessible through PubMed that were published from 2008 to 2012 and subsequently retracted were determined in order to identify countries with the largest numbers and highest rates of retraction due to plagiarism and duplicate publication. Authors from more than fifty countries retracted papers. While the United States retracted the most papers, China retracted the most papers for plagiarism and duplicate publication. Rates of plagiarism and duplicate publication were highest in Italy and Finland, respectively. Unethical publishing practices cut across nations.  相似文献   

A clear definition of plagiarism and the ability to classify it into more or less serious forms would help editors and publishers to devise policies to handle this problem. Text‐matching software is a useful tool for measuring the extent of text copying but it cannot detect plagiarized tables or figures, plagiarism of ideas, or plagiarism in translation. Furthermore, a working definition of plagiarism in relation to research reports needs to take into account factors such as the originality of the copied material, its position in the report, the adequacy of referencing, and the intention of the authors as well as the extent of the copying. This article considers all these factors and proposes possible definitions of major and minor plagiarism in relation to scholarly publications which might be used as the basis for anti‐plagiarism policies in conjunction with resources such as the COPE flowcharts.  相似文献   

初审中利用数据库检索论文抄袭行为   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
周英智  李伟  孙瑶  靳光华 《编辑学报》2008,20(4):319-320
在初审过程中利用数据库检索系统对<山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报>的来稿进行查新,发现2007-03-2008-03共30篇有抄袭现象的稿件.对这些稿件进行了分析,并结合工作经验就如何发现抄袭稿件提出建议.  相似文献   

郑洁  张苹  吕赛英  游滨  王维朗 《编辑学报》2012,24(2):128-130
利用AMLC对《重庆大学学报》自2010年6月至2011年5月收到的163篇环境类论文进行检测,发现文字重复率≥5%的稿件有52篇,文字相似比集中在5%~40%。逐篇分析发现:有29篇存在学术不端行为,主要表现为引而不注和拆分论文;文字相似比较高部分通常为引言和结果分析与讨论,而环境工程应用案例因其特殊性而被抄袭的概率较小。指出AMLC检测的局限及特点,并有针对性地给出了编辑可采取的对策。  相似文献   

卜今 《编辑学报》2013,25(6):571-573
随着生物医学领域文献发表量的快速增加,撤稿量也随之增加。本文通过检索PubMed收录的关于中国作者发表文章的撤稿文件,对其中的信息进行提取和统计学分析。结果显示:1)生物医学领域中国作者撤稿在2005年后进入快速增长,平均撤稿时间为16.55月,撤稿主要集中在影响因子为0~3的期刊(58.9%)。2)撤稿原因分别为重复发表或抄袭(40%),科学错误(15%),作者署名或版权问题(8%),伪造数据或怀疑伪造数据(5%)。3)因科学错误、重复发表或抄袭、伪造数据或怀疑伪造数据而撤稿的期刊平均影响因子之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。4)非SCI给出不详撤稿信息的比例明显高于SCI期刊(P<0.05)。撤稿行为是对缺陷科学结论纠错的有效措施,从PubMed收录的对中国作者的撤稿声明分析中可以发现某些中国作者科学失范行为的模式,以及科技期刊编辑部对待撤稿的态度,并可借鉴经验制定出有针对性的措施,促进国内期刊出版环境的净化。  相似文献   

论科技论文中的一种隐性剽窃   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许姝韫 《编辑学报》2009,21(2):147-148
目前科技论文中存在着一种同一作者或同一课题组作者发表的系列文章之间的大篇幅雷同现象,这是一种隐性剽窃。它具有高隐蔽性和低风险性的特点,其原因也相当复杂,并具有很大的社会危害性。对此,学术界特别是科技期刊的审稿者和负责人应予以充分关注,通过加强期刊间的信息交流、强化审稿环节等措施予以遏制。  相似文献   

蒋晓  杨锐  张凌之  田江 《编辑学报》2021,(6):652-656
以2011—2021年《电子科技大学学报》投稿论文基于AMLC的检测结果为研究对象,对文字复制比、作者信息、文章信息等进行特征分析和讨论。统计结果显示,疑似学术不端的论文占10年总投稿论文的11.7%,且10年来呈现整体递减趋势;在读研究生和副高职称研究人员是学术不端的高发人群;学术不端行为以剽窃文字表述为主,第一作者本人或者团队的前期研究成果是其主要来源,通常不加引注。由此得出:1)文字复制不再是科技论文学术不端的显著特征,学术不端的表现形式越来越隐蔽且多样化,对此学术不端检测系统的作用有限;2)缺乏针对合理引用的判断标准;3)高校科研诚信和学术出版伦理建设亟待加强。因此,编辑部可分类型依托期刊协会统一制定明晰透明的学术不端判定标准、处置流程和内控制度,以学术不端检测系统为基础,加强发文要求和编辑规范,充分发挥专家和学术共同体的作用,协同应对学术不端,共建科研诚信体系。  相似文献   

杨晨晨 《编辑学报》2014,26(1):42-44
通过对医学论文文稿的检测,发现科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统(AMLC)在缩短查抄时间的同时,也存在一些问题:系统不能有效地检测图表和公式等的重复性;对论文发表的时滞性,出现漏检;不能有效地识别稍加变动的多源抄袭现象;存在语种转换的检测盲区;对于合理引用,系统仍会认为抄袭。应从以下方面加以注意:发挥编辑的主观能动性,客观分析检测结果;加强宣传教育,从思想上杜绝抄袭;加强对抄袭的警示;利用其他审稿方式进行辅助审查;增强审稿专家的作用,完善同行评议制度。  相似文献   

Program and General Chair of CAI-2008 provides a brief survey of each of a hundred papers included into the program of the conference. Being one of the series of biannual conferences, the conference CAI-2008, was organized and held by the Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence (RAAI) in the city Dubna (Moscow region) from September 28th to October 3d, 2008. The purpose of the present survey is to give a general idea of each paper by a brief exposition of its contents. The full texts of the original papers may be found in the first two volumes of the Proceedings of this conference (Moscow: URSS, 2008).  相似文献   

Extensive literature demonstrates how the copying of references (links) can lead to the emergence of various structural properties (e.g., power-law degree distribution and bipartite cores) in bibliographic and other similar directed networks. However, it is also well known that the copying process is incapable of mimicking the number of directed triangles in such networks; neither does it have the power to explain the obsolescence of older papers. In this paper, we propose RefOrCite, a new model that allows for copying of both the references from (i.e., out-neighbors of) as well as the citations to (i.e., in-neighbors of) an existing node. In contrast, the standard copying model (CP) only copies references. While retaining its spirit, RefOrCite differs from the Forest Fire (FF) model in ways that makes RefOrCite amenable to mean-field analysis for degree distribution, triangle count, and densification. Empirically, RefOrCite gives the best overall agreement with observed degree distribution, triangle count, diameter, h-index, and the growth of citations to newer papers.  相似文献   

医学论文跨语种抄袭多为英译中文献,目前还没有学术不端检测系统进行有效识别,因此甄别十分困难。本文从语言翻译学和文献内容2个角度,总结英译中的跨语种抄袭特征,剖析编辑部出版实践中的典型案例,提出在出版流程中严格把关并发挥主观能动性,开发基于先进计算机技术跨语种抄袭检测软件以及加强学术诚信教育和惩处力度3个防范措施,为编辑同行提供借鉴,共同维护学术诚信。  相似文献   

医学科研论文编辑初审的方法及要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以笔者工作中遇到的论文为实例,归纳出医学期刊编辑在对医学科研论文进行初审时的方法和要点。主要从是否抄袭和重复发表、科研设计、科研伦理、统计学方法几个方面,以实例说明医学科研论文中比较集中和常见的问题,认为这些问题应该在编辑初审阶段得到发现和解决,从而可以减少不必要的后续流程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to investigate journal editors' use of CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate, to detect plagiarism, and their attitude to potential plagiarism once discovered. A 22‐question survey was sent to 3,305 recipients, primarily scholarly journal editors from Anglophone countries, and a reduced 10‐question version to 607 editors from non‐Anglophone countries. The response rate was 5.6%. 42% of all respondents had used CrossCheck in their work. The main findings are as follows: (1) the plagiarism detection tool and its similarity report are extremely useful and effective and can assist editors in screening documents suspected of plagiarism; (2) responses show the journal editors' attitude and level of tolerance towards different kinds of plagiarism in different disciplines; (3) the survey results underscore a clear consensus on editorial standards on plagiarism, but there were small variations between different disciplines and countries, as well as between Anglophone and non‐Anglophone. The study also suggests that further work is needed to establish a universal principle and practical approaches to prevent plagiarism and duplicate publication.  相似文献   

医学期刊责任编辑在防止学术不端论文出版中的作为   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张儒祥  丁茂平 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):519-520
基于对医学期刊"连环抄袭门"事件的反思,认为医学期刊责任编辑在预防和打击学术不端行为的工作中应有以下作为:1)切实做好出版前审查工作,主要是初审工作;2)主动做好出版后"随访"工作;3)正确面对"连环抄袭门",积极处理学术不端事件,认真落实以责任编辑为主体的预防学术不端机制,建立学术不端处理预案,继续为学人作嫁衣.  相似文献   

Plagiarism is one of the most common research misconducts and has many negative consequences. It can potentially destroy the reputation of an institution. Only a few studies have explored plagiarism in Saudi Arabia, and these have focused on academic institutions. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the attitudes of researchers towards plagiarism at a tertiary care hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, using the established Attitudes Towards Plagiarism questionnaire. The questionnaire contains demographic data along with 29 statements divided into three sections: positive attitude towards plagiarism, which reflects the approval and acceptance of plagiarism (12 items); negative attitude towards plagiarism, which reflects deprecation and condemnation of plagiarism (7 items); and subjective norms towards plagiarism, which reflects personal perception of the extent and acceptance of plagiarism in society (10 items). Responses were collected from 237 participants. The overall attitudes of researchers showed a disapproval for plagiarism in medical research but also revealed some ambiguity about self‐plagiarism and a belief that others were more likely to plagiarize than the respondent. Our findings suggest that awareness about different forms of plagiarism among researchers should be increased. We recommend that researchers' attitudes towards plagiarism should be investigated further in a rigorous association study.  相似文献   

Most analyses of plagiarism focus on published content and do not report on the prevalence of plagiarism in submitted articles. Fears over large‐scale plagiarism, particularly in articles submitted by authors for whom English is a second language, have only been investigated in small publishing communities or using duplication‐checking analysis, which does not separate legitimate from unacceptable duplication. This research surveyed journal editors from around the world to ascertain recent (past year) experiences of plagiarized and/or duplicated submissions. We then compared their experiences to their assumptions about global levels of plagiarism. The survey received 372 responses, including 119 from Asian editors, 112 from European editors, and 57 from editors in North America. The respondents estimated that c.15% of all submissions contained plagiarized or duplicated content, although their own experiences were in the range of 2–5% of submissions. Of the respondents, 42% reported no incidence of plagiarized or duplicated submissions in the past year. Asian editors experienced the highest levels of plagiarized/duplicated content, although most of the problem articles were resolved, indicating that most of the identified duplication constituted relatively minor problems, rather than fraudulent plagiarism.  相似文献   

Conference proceedings are one of the most important forms of communication for computer scientists. This study investigated the policies of a large number of computer science journals with regard to the republication of papers which had already appeared in conference proceedings. Nearly one‐quarter of journal editors would not republish such papers other than in special circumstances (such as a special conference issue), and almost all of the remainder would do so only after substantial updating and expansion of the original paper. Many specified the amount of content that should be new: 30% was the proportion most frequently mentioned. Thus, many sections of text may be identical to the original paper. However, some journal editors do not appear to consider this self‐plagiarism provided the original publication is properly cited. Nevertheless, such (re)publication is likely to lead to high similarity scores in CrossCheck; in this field, therefore, journal editors need to exercise particular discretion when evaluating CrossCheck results.  相似文献   


To improve students' functional understanding of plagiarism, a variety of approaches was tried within a comprehensive information literacy program. Sessions were taught as a “module” inside a required communications skills class at a private university. Approaches taken included control, direct-instruction, and student-centered sessions. Students were taught content and definitions regarding plagiarism, what circumstances or instances constitute plagiarism, where to go for help in avoiding plagiarism, and what constitutes appropriate paraphrasing. Pretest and posttest scores indicated that no approach performed significantly better than the others; however, even though students improved across all methods, they nonetheless showed the need for more hands-on practice.  相似文献   

This article describes a study of the two most popular plagiarism-detection software platforms available on today's market—Turnitin (http://www.turnitin.com/static/index.html) and SafeAssign (http://www.safeassign.com/). After a brief discussion of plagiarism's relevance to librarians, the authors examine plagiarism-detection methodology and conduct a review of the current literature regarding plagiarism-detection efficacy. To evaluate detection efficacy for Turnitin and SafeAssign, the authors constructed a brief study in which twenty sample papers containing portions of plagiarized material were submitted to each platform. The results show that Turnitin had the highest overall success at plagiarism detection with an 82.4 percent detection rate. Additionally, both platforms had a combined false-positive detection rate of 16.8 percent. The authors conclude that close review of material suspected of plagiarism is still essential for proper identification.  相似文献   

文章以《中文核心期刊要目总览》(第五版)中的19家图书馆学、情报学期刊2003-2009年的载文量为研究基础,通过计算其数学期望值和标准差,结合《中文核心期刊要目总览》(第五版)、中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊(2004-2005、2006-2007、2008-2009)的排名情况,分析其载文量与学术影响力的关系,认为统计范围内的期刊学术影响力与期刊载文量成负相关。  相似文献   

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