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"阴盛阳衰"现象作为当前的一个热点话题引起社会广泛关注.这种现象受现行的教育教学评价体系、家庭教育方武、文化传播、教师的性别角色观等因素影响.其中,教师的性别角色观尤其值得关注.对301名广东省中小学教师性别角色观调查显示:教师的性别角色观存在双性化倾向,理想男生和理想女生的主要特质没有显著差异;教师的双性化性别角色观利于女生发展.理想男生和理想女生的独有特质体现了性别刻板印象,说明教师的性别角色观也受传统文化的一定影响.总的看,双性化是教师性别角色观的一个误区,也是"阴盛阳衰"现象的重要成因.  相似文献   

本研究采用贝姆性别角色量表调查了三所高校大学生的性别角色类型,并考察了性别角色观。近10年来大学生与性别一致的男性特质和女性特质大幅减少,未分化性别角色大幅增加;不同性别的性别角色变化有所不同,女性向未分化和双性化转变,男性的男性化类型降低,向未分化严重偏移;男女大学生的性别角色观以传统性别观念为基础,逐渐趋向双性化;不同性别大学生的性别角色观存在很大差异,女生期待的理想男性和女性双性化趋向突出,而男生期待的理想男性和理想女性更偏重传统的男性特质和女性特质。  相似文献   

为了解中学生家长对中学生未来性别角色发展的期望,本研究采用性别角色期望调查表调查了1 591名中学生家长,结果发现:中学阶段,男生家长对男生的性别角色期望更趋近于男性化,女生家长对女生的性别角色期望更趋近于双性化。男生家长期望男生在下列特质中高于女生:有幽默感、喜欢运动、胆大、不屈不挠、侠义心肠、豪放、好动、奔放、文质彬彬;女生家长期望女生在下列特质中高于男生:快乐、善良、乐观的、自立、开朗、爱整洁、和气、心细、洁身自好、纯真、文雅、温顺、温柔、文静、贤淑。  相似文献   

潜在课程是课程理论探讨的一个重要课题,它的研究范围相当广泛,而学校中的性别角色的探究是其中的一个非常重要而又经常被人们忽视的方面,特别是在教科书、教师的期望方面,传统性别刻板印象表现得尤为突出,同时在基础教育中的"阴盛阳衰"、男生的学业成就普遍落后于女生的现象值得关注。只有通过正确的性别角色教育和有针对性的因性施教,才能真正实现教育上的男女平等和谐的价值追求。  相似文献   

为了解中学教师对中学生未来性别角色发展的期望,本研究采用性别角色期望调查表调查了99名中学教师,结果发现:中学教师对男生的性别角色期望趋近于男性化,对女生的性别角色期望趋近于双性化。教师期望男生在下列特质中高于女生:快乐的、有幽默感的、自立的、有创造力的、喜欢运动的、善交际的、精干的、胆大的、心宽的、不屈不挠的、主动的、奔放的、侠义心肠的、豪放的、外向的、直性子的;教师期望女生在下列特质中高于男生:善良的、爱整洁的、洁身自好的、文雅的、和气的、纯真的、含蓄的、心细的、守本分的、安分的、温柔的、柔情的、温顺的、文静的、贤淑的。  相似文献   

为揭示我国初中生性别角色的发展现状以及发展中的问题和特点,本研究采用性别角色量表(CSRI-50)对某地区初中生进行调查。发现双性化、未分化、单性化(男性化与女性化)比例各约占30%,双性化替代单性化成为初中生性别角色发展的新趋势,未分化现象也极为普遍;此外,中学女生双性化发展明显优于男生。  相似文献   

性别角色划分为四种类型。双性化被认为是更有利于青少年发展的性别角色类型。本研究调查结果表明,民族学生的性别类型向双性化和未分化分流,女生双性化比例普遍高于男生,男生男性化比例高于女生女性化。双性化和男性化类型学生的社会适应好于女性化和未分化,双性化类型学生社会适应最好,未分化类型学生社会适应最差。建议帮助中学生认识自己的性别角色,正确对待;引导中学生完善自己的个性品质,发展良好的性别角色;营造良好的教育环境,通过开展形式多样的活动促进中学生形成良好的性别角色。  相似文献   

性别角色观是指人们对男女性别角色的总的看法,是一种有关性别角色的价值观。本文采用问卷调查的方法,对430名中学生的性别角色观进行了研究,结果发现:(1)男女性别角色正价特质排在第一位的分别是勇敢和漂亮;负价特质排在第一位的分别是虚伪和自私;(2)男女生均认为勇敢、幽默、善良、浪漫、阳光帅气是男性的正价特质,但是在阳光帅气这一特质上有显著的性别差异;男女生均认为漂亮、大方、温柔、可爱、体贴、自信、细心、善良是女性的正价特质,此外,女生的正价特质中,男生认为还有纯洁和真诚,女生认为还有孝顺和亲和力;(3)男女生均认为虚伪、自负、自私、女性化强、奸诈、迂腐、自夸和斤斤计较是男性的负价特质,此外,女生的负价特质中,男生认为还有傲慢和霸道,女生认为还有懦弱和无能;男女生都认为自私、虚伪、势力、自大、斤斤计较、炫耀是女性的负价特质,且自私在男女生中均排在第一位。(4)年级对性别角色影响的卡方检验结果显示初中生和高中生的性别角色观没有显著差异,但是不同年级在性别角色特质选择的频数中可以看出:初中生与高中生皆将勇敢作为男性正价特质的第一位,但是初中生较高中生而言更不喜欢男生懦弱,高中生较初中生而言更不喜欢男生女性化强;高中生和初中生都不喜欢女生自私,但是高中生比初中生更看重女生的漂亮、大方、温柔。  相似文献   

性别角色是后天形成的社会性别,不仅影响到个体的成长,也关系到民族人格特征和素质的发展。近十年来我国青少年性别角色发生了严重偏移,与性别一致的传统类型男性化和女性化大量减少,而男性正性特质和女性正性特质都弱的未分化类型则急剧增加。男性正性特质和女性正性特质都高的双性化是我国性别角色的理想类型,男性化特质则在双性化特质中起主导作用。在针对偏移现状及原因分析基础上,提出了针对性的引领对策:(1)在性别角色的认识和宣传上需大力纠偏;(2)大力进行未分化的预防教育和干预教育;(3)全面开展理想化类别的双性化特质塑造教育;(4)加强体育活动,增强男性特质。  相似文献   

采用贝姆性别量表(BSRI),对浙江省745名大学生的性别角色分化情况进行调查,结果:(1)大学生性别角色各类型的分布有显著性差异,双性化的比例为75.5%,显著高于未分化、男性化和女性化。(2)男生性别角色类型在专业上有显著差异,女生无显著差异。(3)男女生的性别角色差异随年龄的变化而显著变化,女生更加男性化,朝向双性化发展;男生继续向男性化发展。基于此,应开展面向大学生的双性化教育,大学生应接受抗压训练等教育。  相似文献   

In 1927 the Swedish grammar school opened up for girls. Thereby girls got access to higher education on the same conditions as boys, at least formally. Thus, many towns' boys and girls were seated in the same classroom. In the large cities, however, sex segregation remained, as separate grammar schools for girls were established and some boys' grammar schools were still reserved for boys. The main aim of this paper is to compare the process of gender construction in these different school forms during the period 1927–1960. The questions put are: Were the discourses and the discursive practices of these schools part of the politics of equality or the politics of difference with regard to gender? Which representations of gender and gendered patterns of communication and domination did they produce? The main data consists of interviews with 30 ex-students of coeducational schools and female and male single-sex schools. The conclusion is that the pedagogy in all school forms was inscribed within the meritocratic discourse of equality, which was also important in shaping the students' subjectives. Both girls and boys had to prove themselves worthy of the privilege of attending the grammar school, and in this respect girls as a group were more successful than boys. To begin with the politics of equality also operated in the norms for how girls should dress and look, but later on a discrete make-up was allowed. The politics of difference was manifest in the swot syndrome, the techniques for punishments and rewards, and also, at least partly, in physical education. It was also manifest in the traditional representations of masculinity and femininity, like the male breadwinner and the housewife, prevalent in boys' grammar schools. Girls in female single sex schools, on the other hand, were firmly determined to make a career of their own.  相似文献   

We examined associations of teacher-perceived student temperament and educational competence with school achievement, and how these associations were modified by students’ gender and teachers’ gender and age. Participants were 1063 Finnish ninth-graders (534 boys) and their 29 Mother Language teachers (all female) and 43 Mathematics teachers (17 male) from a population-based sample. All temperament and educational competence traits were associated with both grades, but more clearly with Mathematics. Boys received systematically lower Mother Language grades but higher Mathematics grades than girls. Teacher gender had no effect on school grades, while teacher age had an effect only on Mother Language.  相似文献   

In Finnish secondary schools, girls and boys are taught physical education (PE) in separate groups. A male teacher normally teaches the boys and a female teacher teaches the girls. Focusing on PE teachers’ comments in two different ethnographic studies of seventh graders (13–14‐year‐olds), we examine the processes that reproduce or challenge the gender system and the possibilities of agency in the context of PE. Our findings suggest that the bodies of male students are regarded as strong and are, therefore, appreciated by both female and male teachers. Moreover, male teachers’ competence in PE is evaluated higher than that of the female teachers. None of the teachers questioned the male teachers’ ability to teach girls, however, heteronormativity arose as an issue. There were more doubts over female teachers’ competence to teach boys.  相似文献   

About a third of play groups observed in a part‐time and full‐time early childhood centre were of mixed gender and two‐thirds were same gender. Mixed gender groups were larger than same gender groups and kindergarten (part‐time) groups were larger than childcare (full‐time) centre groups. In the kindergarten, outdoor play was much more common and there was a significant difference in boys preferring to play outdoors, followed by mixed groups and then girls. In both centres boisterous play was more likely in boys’ groups than girls’ groups, with mixed groups more similar to boys’ groups in the predominance of boisterous play. Boys’ groups in both centres exclusively used male themes for pretend play, while girls mostly used female themes and an occasional male theme. Mixed gender groups used male themes almost as much as male groups, but rarely or never used female themes. There was more physical conflict and rejection in mixed groups, than boys’ groups and none in girls’ groups in the kindergarten. There was more adult involvement in girls’ groups than in boys'groups in both centres, but mixed groups had an intermediate amount in the kindergarten and slightly more than girls in the childcare centre. Boys enjoyed noisy, rough and tumble play, competition for dominance, stereotyped male themes and sometimes actively rejected the presence of the researcher. Girls preferred quiet adult‐structured table activities and supportive conversations over activities with peers and adults. While there were examples of successful cross‐gender co‐operative play, there were also examples of the breakdown of reciprocity due to contrasting styles of play.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the hypothesized biasing effect of teachers' gender stereotypes on their impressions of their students' competence and effort in mathematics. 48 teachers participated in the study and responded to the questionnaires concerning perceptions of about 300 of their third and fourth grade students. In general, teacher perceptions were consistent with stereotypes of gender differences: Boys have more developmental resources in mathematics. Furthermore, this bias in teacher perceptions of their students' resources in math is linked to the teacher's own category — based, gender role stereotypic beliefs regarding the general distribution of math talent between boys and girls. The finding is moderated by the student's performance level: It only holds for average and low achieving but not for high achieving boys and girls. In this way, students' performance level is an essential mediator-variable in the transmission of teachers' gender stereotypes.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to clarify several lines of research on gender in development and education, inter‐relating findings from studies on intuitive/informal knowledge with those from research on achievements and attitudes in science. It acknowledges the declining proportions of male teachers world‐wide and examination successes which indicate a reversal of educational disadvantage from female to male; as well as the recent evidence on the effects of the gender of teachers upon student success. An empirical contribution to the literature is offered, drawing from the gender‐related findings from research on children’s cosmologies in China and New Zealand with 346 boys and 340 girls (of whom 119 boys and 121 girls participated in the current study). The investigation focused on children’s concepts of the motion and shape of the Earth through observational astronomy and gave children opportunities to express their ideas in several modalities. The in‐depth interviews allowed children to share their meanings with gender differences becoming apparent (e.g. girls’ superior ability to visually represent their cosmologies and boys’ greater awareness of gravity). However, these differences were not universal across genders or cultures and marked similarities were apparent both in the content of children’s responses and in their reasoning processes. By comparing boy/girl cosmological concept categories and by tracking their developmental trends by age, statistical evidence revealed the extent of the similarities within and across these diverse cultures. The findings reinforce those from the authors’ knowledge restructuring and cultural mediation studies and provide support for the view that boys and girls have similar, holistic‐rather‐than‐fragmented, cosmologies which have features in common across cultures and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Outcomes of studies with exclusively or predominantly female caregivers suggest that boys in child care are involved with interactions, attachment relationships, and care of lower quality than girls. We investigated to what extent child gender (N = 38, 19 boys) and caregiver gender (N = 38, 19 males) is associated with child–caregiver interactions and attachment relationships. Children’s involvement and caregivers’ sensitive and stimulation behaviors were observed using systematic observations of semistructured play. Children’s secure attachment with caregivers was observed using the Attachment Q-Sort. Research Findings: Male and female caregivers showed similar sensitive behaviors toward boys and girls, and children had similar levels of secure attachment with male and female caregivers. Female caregivers had a tendency to stimulate boys more than girls, and this behavior was associated with a lower secure attachment in boys. Girls’ involvement with the caregiver was associated with male and female caregivers’ sensitive behavior and with male but not female caregivers’ stimulation. Conversely, boys’ involvement with the caregiver was elicited by sensitive but not stimulating behavior of male caregivers but not by female caregivers. Practice or Policy: Boys and girls can have equally positive interactions and attachment relationships with both male and female caregivers.  相似文献   

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