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随着教育学、心理学以及认知理论的不断完善和发展,人们已经注意到了元认知在教学和学习中的重要作用。元认知是由美国儿童心理学家弗赖维尔于20世纪70年代提出的一个术语。元认知是个体对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节。简单地说,元认知是个体对自己或他人的认知的认知以及对自己认知活动的主动调节的过程;明确地说,它是认知主体对自己的心理状态、能力、任务、目标、策略等方面的认识,同时又是认知主体对自身各种认知活动的计划、监控和调节。元认知过程实际上就是指导、调节人们的认知过程,选择有效认知策略的控制执行过程。国内研究者认…  相似文献   

元认知是一种高级的认知,通常被定义为对认知的认知。在为迁移而教教会学生学习日益成为教育主题的今天,越来越多的认知心理学家开始重视元认知研究。依据心理学培养原则,通过改善学生认知结构、促进元认知迁移,强化专业知识、丰富学生元认知的体验,培养元认知能力、提高学习者的思维品质,提升学习能力、有意识地自我监控和调节,强调评价内容的多元化、评价方式的多样化等有效途径,提升教学质量。  相似文献   

近年来随着认知心理学的蓬勃发展,认知心理学的许多研究成果已被广泛运用到各实践领域中。本文将元认知理论和实际教学活动结合起来,探讨教师和学生在教学过程中的元认知加工水平,即认知策略建构、教学策略选择和调整对教学效果的影响。  相似文献   

众所周知,由于初高中教材、教法、学法及测试等差异,容易造成初高中英语教学衔接不畅等问题,从而影响高中新课程的顺利实施。因此,做好初高中英语教学衔接具有重要的现实意义。元认知迁移理论是一种以策略训练为基础的学习迁移理论,该理论认为认知策略是一种特殊的知识,  相似文献   

元认知理论与化学教学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
元认知理论是 2 0世纪 70年代中叶由美国的心理学家弗拉威尔 (J·H·Flavell)提出的关于儿童认知发展的心理学理论 ,在这里弗拉威尔首先使用了元认知 (metacognition)的概念。元认知的提出可以使我们从更深的层次上理解人类学习和解决问题的过程 ,把握学生进行有效学习的实质 ,因而它对于教育教学实践具有重要的指导意义。近年来 ,随着终身学习、学会生存、使学生学会学习等一些新教育理念的提出 ,元认知已成为世界范围内教育心理学研究的热点问题之一。一、元认知理论元认知是指人类对其自身认知活动的认知 ,即认知…  相似文献   

赵娜  王磊  原凌虹  杨丽然 《考试周刊》2011,(90):196-197
现代教育目标要求学生“学会学习”.元认知理论被认为是学生学会学习的理论基础,学生元认知能力的培养离不开教学过程。元认知理论根植于学校教育.服务、指导于教学,不仅需要从受教育者的角度探讨元认知与主体性和有效学习的关系,而且需要从教育者的角度探讨元认知与有效教学的关系。元认知理论的教学分为课前、课中、课后三个阶段,对教学具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

迁移机制及其对教学实践的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用现代认知心理学最新研究成果,深入剖析了迁移的机制,认为迁移的产生与编码,组织,辩别,心向有密切关系。在此基础上,提出了教学实践中实现“为迁移而教”应该注意的有关问题。  相似文献   

迁移理论对成人教育教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今的教学已不能仅仅满足于传统的传道、授业、解惑,而应该是旗帜鲜明地把培养学生的能力,尤其是培养知识、技能迁移的能力放在教学的首位。成人以其特殊的心理特点迎合了迁移理论的适用性。本文根据不同的迁移归因,对成人教育教学如何促进知识、技能的迁移提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

翻译教学在大学英语教学中具有很重要的作用。元认知策略是指学习者对所需要完成的任务进行分析和计划,管理学习资源,选择学习操作,对学习过程进行的有效调控的策略。文章主要论述了元认知策略及其对于大学英语翻译教学的几点启发。  相似文献   

如何使学生在有限的学校生涯中学会如何适应社会,最有效地灵活运用所学的知识技能来获得新知识、解决新问题,这就是教育心理学中关于学习的迁移问题。在学校教学过程中,为迁移而教,为迁移而学,研究、探索和运用迁移的规律,充分考虑影响迁移  相似文献   

元认知及元认知培养对教学的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
元认知这一术语是在20世纪70年代由弗拉维尔提出的,在这以前中外历史上已有广泛的论述。弗拉维尔认为元认知的结构主要包括四个方面:一是元认知知识;二是元认知体验;三是目标或任务;四是行动或策略。要提高学生的元认知水平需从提高教师的认知水平以及学生的认知能力、动机水平、迁移策略与认知策略等方面入手。  相似文献   

Writing can be viewed as a recursive process involving both cognitive and metacognitive processes. Task, environment, individual cognition and affective processes all impact on producing written text. Recent research on the development of metacognition in young children has highlighted social constructivist and socio-cultural factors. Metacognition is seen as facilitated through collaborative tasks and through talk. This study investigated the peer construction of metacognition in 5-7-year-old children engaged on collaborative writing tasks. Six year 1 and year 2 classes were involved in the project (n = 172). 25 h of video observation data, teacher and researcher reflections and structured field notes were analysed qualitatively using ATLAS ti software. The written texts produced in these sessions were analysed using a qualitative content analysis, looking specifically for evidence of the process of text construction and metacognition. The findings provide evidence of young children's ability to engage in metacognitive talk and to use metacognition intentionally in the co-construction of written texts. The relationships between children and their talk partners mediated the effect of pre-determined ability in literacy. Teachers’ direct questioning aimed at reflection on the writing process did not always support metacognitive dialogues. Drawing on recent models of metacognition and writing the paper highlights the role of social factors in developing metacognition and illustrates the ways in which young children negotiate task demands during shared writing tasks.  相似文献   

英语口语能力的培养是大学英语教学的重点和难点,本文在介绍元认知策略的前提下,探讨当前大学英语口语教学的现状,分析如何运用元认知策略指导英语口语教学,提高学生英语口语能力。  相似文献   

本文从认知与元认知的概念入手,对国内外语言学习领域中的元认知理论和实践研究状况进行综述和评价,提出在外语教学中培养元认知能力的重要性及其策略和方法。  相似文献   

论元认知与英语阅读   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本在国内外相关献的研究基础上,结合自己的问卷调查研究,讨论了元认知的内涵及在英语阅读中的作用,英语阅读理解水平与元认知能力的关系。最后对教师在英语阅读教学中,如何培养学生的元认知能力,提出了三点教育建议。  相似文献   

In French universities, only one out of two students is successful in his/her first year. The change of the working rhythm and the importance of self-regulated learning (relying on metacognition) can to a large extent explain these dramatic rates. Metacognition, as the process of being aware of one’s own cognition and activity implies awareness and consciousness. Nowadays, its improvement has only been achieved through the training of monitoring for a specific task. Regarding awareness, techniques like meditation and relaxation (attentional practices or APs) lead to its general development. Therefore, we investigated the possible improvement of metacognition thanks to AP. We conducted a longitudinal study with two groups of students: one group took a training programme in autogenic training (an AP), and the second one received no training in awareness or metacognition. We found out that metacognition could be improved thanks to an AP. This approach could therefore be used as a global metacognitive remediation for students.  相似文献   

介绍了元认知概念,阐明它在中学物理学习中的作用和怎样在物理教学中培养学生的元认知能力。  相似文献   

自我价值理论是一种成就动机理论.在充满竞争的学校环境中,学生为了保护自我价值,往往会采取措施避免失败,避免作出缺乏能力的归因.自我价值理论的四象限模型展示了不同动机类型的学生是如何看待能力和努力的,在教学中,应加强学生正确归因的训练,合理地运用奖励,引导学生正确认识努力的双重性和培养能力的增长观.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this study was to explore the predictive power of thinking styles for metacognition when self‐rated abilities were taken into account. As a preliminary step, the study examined the psychometric properties of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). Four hundred and twenty‐four university students from mainland China responded to the MAI, the Thinking Styles Inventory‐Revised II, and the Self‐Rated Ability Scale. The study ascertained the reliability and validity of the MAI. More importantly, results suggested that three creativity‐generating styles (hierarchical, liberal and legislative) and the executive style predicted metacognition beyond self‐rated abilities. Practical significance of the main research finding was discussed for university faculty members, students and university senior managers.  相似文献   

Interest in the role of metacognition has been steadily rising in most forms of education. This study focuses on the construction of a questionnaire for measuring metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation and metacognitive responsiveness among students in higher education and the subsequent process of testing to determine its validity.


The aim of the study was to construct an original instrument for measuring features of metacognition, henceforth referred to as the Awareness of Independent Learning Inventory (AILI), and further to establish the similarities and differences between this model and existing instruments for measuring metacognition.


The AILI questionnaire was distributed to 1058 students in various types of Teacher Training Institutes in the Netherlands and Belgium. The abridged English version of the questionnaire was administered to another sample of 729 students reading Economics and Business Administration at the University of Maastricht in the south of the Netherlands.

Design and methods

The AILI instrument was constructed on the basis of a facet design along two dimensions: components of metacognition and topics of concern to students in higher education. The data gathered with the instrument was analyzed by means of a generalisability study and a decision study, respectively. The validity of the instrument was investigated by using confirmatory factor analysis.


The generalisability study showed that the reliability of the instrument was satisfactory. The decision study revealed that the number of items included in the questionnaire could be reduced substantially by leaving out two components of one of the dimensions in the facet design, without losing too much generalisability. The validity study showed that there was a considerable level of congruity between parts of the AILI questionnaire and the relevant parts of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).


The AILI questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness. It is suitable for use in the evaluation of the effects of interventions that purport to increase metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness of students in higher education.  相似文献   

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