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讲课,关键是内容。内容精通,讲课没有大问题。其次是内容之间的逻辑关系清晰顺畅。最后是表达具体、优美。内容、逻辑关系、表达方式,就是讲课的三要素。学理、条理与文采,学科、逻辑与艺术,艺术师范生掌握了这几方面,就掌握了讲课。  相似文献   

《论语》是研究孔子的重要文献,但不是研究孔子的唯一文献依据。孔子本人首先是一个礼学家,然后才是一个道德教育家,他的道德教育是为重建礼制秩序服务的。孔子毕生为之奋斗的目标是重建“君君,臣臣,父父,子子”的政治伦理秩序,为此他开门授徒,对弟子讲述礼仪,阐述礼义,最终形成了以重建礼制秩序为核心内容、以礼乐刑政为施政纲领、以心性道德修养为立国基础、以畏天命远鬼神敬亡亲为宗教态度、以“中”“和”为思想方法、以优先发展教育为治国要务、以文献古籍为制礼依据的一套完整的礼学治国思想体系。现存的孔子研究文献主要有《论语》《礼记》《大戴礼记》《孝经》《仪礼》以及上博简中的七十子作品等等,这些都可以视为礼学文献,其中《仪礼》和大小戴《礼记》中那些记载礼仪的篇章居于主干地位,而《论语》《孝经》、大小戴《礼记》中讲述礼义的文献以及近年出土的孔子师徒文献都是礼学传记。从这个角度来看,《论语》只是孔子礼学的重要传记。《论语》所记载的主要是孔子的伦理道德思想,仅凭一部《论语》来研究孔子是远远不够的。  相似文献   

人本管理的创新特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人本管理是现代管理的创新重点和发展趋势。人的全面自由发展是人本管理目标的新定位。人本管理角色的新转换集中到一点,就是充分地尊重人,恢复人的奠严,颇具特色的自我管理是人本管理运行的新机制。  相似文献   

付朝 《滨州学院学报》2011,27(5):102-106
《孙子兵法》舍事言理的论说式结构是文章体裁的重大创新,具有深厚的文化渊源。其最早的源头应为《周易》:主要概念和概念构成均取自《周易》,主体结构的理论框架也源于《周易》,而一句一理的结构占位和立象尽意的哲理化思辨也都深具文化特质。所以,这不仅是文体结构的重大进步,也成就了我国轴心时代理论言说方式的深刻变革,对提升整个民族的理论思辨能力和文化发展均具重要意义。  相似文献   

作为红色经典的代表作品,长篇小说《红旗谱》之所以影响至今,其原因有三:从酝酿到诞生长达23年之久,显示了作家准备之充分,经验积累之丰厚,体现了小说创作的特殊性;作家对五四文学和外国文学特别是苏联革命文学有过丰富阅读积累,创作出长篇小说《红旗谱》,有着深厚的文学背景支撑;创作的特殊性和文化背景支撑,使《红旗谱》在革命历史建构和审美建构过程中保持了平衡和张力,小说的魅力依然未减。  相似文献   

图的临界群决定了其支撑树的内部结构,因而支撑树的很多性质可以通过研究图的临界群得到.作为顶点数有限的图,其临界群是一个有限生成的群.该群的生成元的数目显示了群结构的复杂性.所需要用到的生成元的最小数目即为临界群的秩.在不引起混淆的情况下,临界群的秩也被称为图的秩.秩越小,临界群的需要的生成元的数目也就越小,研究的难度也相应越小.有一部分图的秩的下界可以通过计算直接得到.  相似文献   

直接从点电荷场强公式出发,利用泰勒级数展开法,得出了均匀带电圆盘周围任意点的电场表达式,所得结果在特殊情况下与有关的文献完全一致;定量的给出了圆盘周围电场强度分布矢量图,为平行板电容器研究、有限长带电圆柱电场的研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this account of practice is to share my specific experience of action learning as an approach to effective working in a networking organisation. The context is delivery of public health at a regional level as part of a national organisation, The Health Development Agency. The action learning set took place with a consistent group over a 20-month period. The account includes my personal learning, views expressed by colleagues, and some reflections on ways the set improved my working practice with others as part of a ‘networked organisation’. The account may be of relevance to anyone involved with developing networks, and/or a networked organisation. It is particularly pertinent to public health specialists, practitioners and others involved with developing networks as a tool to enhance good public health practice.  相似文献   

《牡丹亭》的结局,一般都认为是大团圆结局,然而杜宝始终不认可杜、柳二人的自由婚姻,故《牡丹亭》并非传统意义上的大团圆结局。如此安排,让《牡丹亭》中的现实世界与浪漫世界的冲突和碰撞展现在观众、读者面前,使其具有更加深刻、丰富饱满的社会现实意义。  相似文献   

A decade has passed since the publication of Parnell's (1985) book The Neglected Majority, which stressed the need to provide a linkage system to better articulate secondary and postsecondary technical education. Initial strides in generating the “tech prep system” have begun to slow down. The slackened pace has resulted from, among other factors, a failure to adequately define the system that constitutes tech prep. This article discusses 11 problems that have proved to be obstacles in moving tech prep forward. The article also offers a model that can be construed as a tech prep product that can be marketed much as a college transfer program is marketed. The product, however, is actually an array of products constituting a system, the contents of which vary from place to place. The model is divided into both secondary and postsecondary components, and each set of components is explained. The secondary component is further explained in terms of a core component and a suggested component. The article also includes a discussion of how the model addresses the problems set out previously. The article concludes with sections on the model components of a tech prep system and the implications for practice that result from the discussion.  相似文献   

"王冕死了父亲"等是领属性致使句,其中动词受致使范畴扩展,有相应的把字句,主语是致使范畴为动词选择的论元,可以关系化,也可以被转指。主语由致使范畴指派致事角色,它通过成分统制跟役事的领属者建立领属关系。有领属关系的两个成分不一定构成结构体,它们可以是非连续成分。动词的论元由扩展它的功能范畴选择,论元跟动词的关系可以很松散,甚至可以是另一成分的领属者。  相似文献   

教育研究之生命意识探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究之生命意识,是对教育研究存在自身的思寻,是对教育研究自身作为一项有生命活动的思寻。教育研究之生命意识为教育研究者自身生命之意识,是教育研究者之个性的自我意识;教育研究之生命意识在于以整个生命的方式进行教育研究,要求以对生命的敏感性和理性关切来进行教育研究,让感官和人心都活跃起来;教育研究之生命意识表现为对生命和教育研究的一种精神担当,是对生命和教育的不断追问和困惑,而非给生命和教育提供技术方案,在于对教育和生命之赤子情怀和真性情;教育研究之生命意识蕴含于对生命和教育的宽恕,在于对教育研究的一种多元追求和关注。  相似文献   

The article presents an analysis of how diversity is defined and attended to in Swedish schools. The research reported has been carried out as a case study of categorizing practices that concern the uses of neuropsychiatric diagnoses, notably ADHD. The data were collected as part of a larger study. The interaction over a two-year period between the parents of a boy (William, aged 5.5 years) and representatives of the school (school psychologist, principal, teacher etc.) has been analysed. It is shown that parents and professionals provide different accounts of William’s difficulties. The parents, while not denying that their son causes problems in class, argue that the boy will mature and that the problems will disappear. The representatives of the school try to convince the parents that a neuropsychiatric examination of the boy will be beneficial to all parties. The long process of negotiation can be understood as a rhetorical drama, where the category ‘ADHD’ serves as the resolution of a complex institutional problem in the modern welfare state.  相似文献   

社会公平与政府治理有直接的相关性,公共政策不仅是政府实施对国家有效治理的制度保证,也是政府致力于实现社会公平的重要手段.公共政策内在的公平要素主要体现为公共性、公正性、民主性和科学性.公共政策有关公平主义的应然性以及其在实践转化过程中的具体表现,是公共政策的价值之维和"合法性"保证,必须结合现实加以研究.  相似文献   

The paper discusses how the concept of switchingtype servosystems can be introduced into an undergraduate curriculum without requiring a more advanced background in mathematics on the part of the student than is ordinarily expected. A differential equation approach is used to study the response of a second-order system which is excited with a step function input. The system starts to respond in a linear mode of operation with an over-all positive feedback and switches into a different linear mode with an over-all negative feedback at a predetermined instant. The system is designed so as to respond with no overshoot. The response time is shorter than that of a conventional critically-damped linear negative feedback system with the same major physical components. The results of a rigorous study by means of a phase-space representation are also given.  相似文献   

写作的理论探究和写作的实践体验是写作教师生命形式的一种展示。写作理论的"知"最终完形于写作实践的"行",写作理论和写作实践"合一"的成果是"文章",写作的过程是"知行合一"的过程。写作——生命的形式,写作是精神家园的守望。  相似文献   

柏拉图《法律篇》的法学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《法律篇》是柏拉图的最重要的著作,也是西方法学史上的一部重要经典。《法律篇》的核心是依法治国,怎样依法治国,柏拉图以陌生的雅典人的身份与克里特人和斯巴达人进行了讨论,并就法律的起源、立法的目的、法律的作用、法律的本质和地位、为什么要依法治国以及依法治国的具体规定等法理问题谈了系统的看法。《法律篇》一般被视为法理学或法哲学著作,实际上它也是公元前4世纪古希腊的一部法典,它的影响涉及应用法学和理论法学两个方面。  相似文献   

《诗经·卫风·氓》叙述了女主人公"我"追求自由恋爱自主婚姻终遭遗弃的悲剧故事。作者的主观目的在于"情鉴",客观上塑造了痴情女子"我"的动人形象,并且构建了始乱终弃的悲剧模式。唐传奇名篇《莺莺传》和《霍小玉传》创造性地继承了这一悲剧模式,并加入了丰富的时代色彩,成功地塑造了崔莺莺、霍小玉两位女性形象。《氓》可以说是中国古代文学创作传统题材"始乱终弃"的悲剧模式的先声。  相似文献   

Deformation-based freeform feature reconstruction in reverse engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For reconstructing a freeform feature from point cloud, a deformation-based method is proposed in this paper. The freeform feature consists of a secondary surface and a blending surface. The secondary surface plays a role in substituting a local region of a given primary surface. The blending surface acts as a bridge to smoothly connect the unchanged region of the primary surface with the secondary surface. The secondary surface is generated by surface deformation subjected to line constraints, i.e., character lines and limiting lines, not designed by conventional methods. The lines are used to represent the underlying information of the freeform feature in point cloud, where the character lines depict the feature's shape, and the limiting lines determine its location and orientation. The configuration of the character lines and the extraction of the limiting lines are discussed in detail. The blending surface is designed by the traditional modeling method, whose intrinsic parameters are recovered from point cloud through a series of steps, namely, point cloud slicing, circle fitting and regression analysis. The proposed method is used not only to effectively and efficiently reconstruct the freeform feature, but also to modify it by manipulating the line constraints. Typical examples are given to verify our method.  相似文献   

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