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1.in front of在……(外)的前面VS in the front of 在……(内)的前面There’s a garden in front of the classroom.教室(外)的前面有一个花园。There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室(内)的前方有块黑板。2.in charge of掌管,负责VS in the charge of在……负责之下An experienced worker is in charge of the project.一位经验丰富的工人负责这个项目。The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.这个项目由一位经验丰富的工人来负责。  相似文献   

1.德国有多少人口?[误]How many populations are there in Germany?[正]What’s the population of Germany?[析]英语中问“多少……?”常用“How many ……?”或“How much……?”。但问“某国、省、州、市等的人口数量”时,常常用“What is the population of 地名?”来表达。2 这个词可以放在句首.  相似文献   

1.这篇文章是谁写的?[误]Who was the article writ-ten?[正]Who was the article writ-ten by?[析]在被动语态的句子中,当出现动作的执行者时要加上介词by。  相似文献   

冯凌 《考试》2006,(11)
(一)重点词汇1.advertise vt.为……做广告[联想速记]advertisement n.[C,U]广告;公告[词组]advertise for…为征求……登广告2.charge vt.①索(要)价;收费②指控③充电: charge a battery给蓄电池充电n.[C]①费用;价钱②指控③负责;主管④电荷;充电[帮你归纳]含有charge的短语: in charge of…(某人)负……的责任in the charge of…(某事)由……管理;负责charge sb.with sth.=accuse sb.of sth.因某事控告某人……3.accuse vt.①指责;谴责(常与of连用):We accused him of immoral conduct toward her.我们指责他对她的不道德行为。②指控;告发4.associate vt.①把……联系在一起:Red is usually  相似文献   

1.你是谁?(电话用语)[误]Who are you?[正]Who is that?[析]在电话用语中,问对方是谁时,不能用人称代词you,而要用指示代词that。同样,打电话时说“我是……”时,也不能用“I am…”;而要用“This is…”。  相似文献   

1.in charge of,in the charge of,take charge of,in/under sb.'s charge in charge of意为"负责,管理",含主动意义,常与be动词连用,句子的主语可以是人、职务或由人构成的单位。take charge of有时可以代替bein  相似文献   

1.那棵树前面有辆新自行车吗?[误]Is there a new bike before the tree?[正] Is there a new bike in front of the tree?[析]in front of和before都指“在……前面”。在现代英语中,一般不用before表示“某人/ 某物在……地点前面”,而in front of则可  相似文献   

at play在玩;at the play在看戏。behind time迟到;behind the times落在时代后。by day在白天;by the day按日计算。by sea乘船;by the sea在海边。in front of在……(外面的)前面;in the front of在……(内部的)前面。in charge of看护,负责;in the charge of由……看护,由……负责。  相似文献   

Two students are sitting on opposite sidesof the same desk.There is nothing betweenthem but the desk.Why can’t they see eachother;两个学生坐在同一张桌子的两侧。除了桌子之外,他们之间没有任何别的东西。为什么他们不能看到对方?A man looked at the photo and sighed,“Neither brothers nor sisters I have,but thefather of this man was the son of my father.”Who was the person in the photo;一个人看着一张照片,叹息道:“我没有兄弟姐妹,可是照片上的这个男人的父亲是我父亲的儿子。”照片上这个男人是谁呢?Sally…  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.How is he?2.What is he?3.Who is he?4.Where is he?5.What is he like?6.What does he like?7.How does he look?8.What does he look like?9.What about him?1.How is sb.?常用来询问某人的健康状况如何,其回答通常是:“主语 be fine/OK/all right/very well.”等。例如:—How is your grandfather?你爷爷身体好吗?—He is fine/very well,thank you.他很好,谢谢。2.What is sb.?主要用来询问某人所从事的职业,译为“……是干什么工作的?”。例如:—What is your father?你爸爸是干什么的?—He is a doctor.他是个医生。3.Who is sb.?常用来询问姓名或与某人的关系,常译为“……是谁?”。例如:—Who is the girl in a red coat?那个穿红外套的女孩是谁?—She is my sister.她是...  相似文献   

1.If you do,the teachers won't let you in.如果你那样做,老师们不会让你进去的。⑴此句是含有条件状语从句的复合句,从句中的动词do是用来替代上文提到的谓语。eg:——Who broke the window yesterday?昨天谁把窗户玻璃打碎的?——Liamdid.利亚姆打碎的。⑵letyouin意为让你进来,let…in意为让……进入,把……放入。eg:  相似文献   

(1)Q:Who is know as“The Father of Modern Medicine”?谁是“现代医学之父”? A:Hippocrates.希波克拉斯(希腊医师) (2)Q:How often is the Olympic games held?奥林匹克运动会多久举行一次? A:Once every four years.每四年一次。(3)Q:Which is the oldest(know)written language?世界上最古老的书写文字是什么? A:Chinese.中文  相似文献   

PEP三年级下册第二单元Part B继续家庭话题,重点由"Who’s this woman/man?"转到"Who’s this boy/girl?He is my brother/sister.",同时在真实情境中运用"Come on!How funny!"Warm-up or lead in设计一:家有儿女T:Look at the screen.Let’s say the chant:Who is he?Who is she?Dad,mom,family.Who is he?Who is she?  相似文献   

(1)Q:Who is known as“The Father of Modern Medicine”? 谁是“现代医学之父”? A:Hippocrates. 希波克拉斯(希腊医师)。(2)Q:How often is the Olympic games held? 奥林匹克运动会多久举行一次?A:Once every four years. 每四年一次。(3)Q:Which is the oldest(known)written language? 世界上最古老的书写文字是什么?  相似文献   

一.beside是介词,意为:“在……旁边”。如: Who’s the young manstanding beside the bridge?站在桥边的那个年轻人是谁? 二、besides既是介词,又是副词。 1.作为介词:as well as(除了……还有……)如: Besides Chinese,we have tostudy history and English.除了汉语,我们还得学历史和英语。  相似文献   

英语中序数词前的冠词问题使同学们常感困惑,现将序数词与冠词连用的四种情况作一简略归纳。一、序数词前常用定冠词的情况1.强调编号和顺序。例如:Autumn is the third season of a year.秋天是一年的第三个季节。I will never give up,not even on the1,000th or10,000th try.即使再试一千次、一万次我也不放弃。2.序数词本身用作名词(其后无其它名词)。例如:The first is the best of all.第一个最好。Who was the fourth in the examination?谁在这次考试中获得第四名?3.序数词修饰最高级,表示不一定居“第一位的”,如“第二(三)位”…  相似文献   

Unit 10 The world around us 1.take turns(at)doing sth=take turns to do sth=do sth by turns/in turn意为“轮流做某事”;its one s turn to do sth意为“轮到某人做某事”。例如:W e take turns(at)cooking.(=W e take turns to cook.=W e cookby turns/in turn.)我们轮流下厨。W hose turn is itto do the washing-up?轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?2.prefer sb/sth意为“更喜欢某人或某事”;prefer to do sth/preferdoing sth意为“更喜欢做某事”;prefer sb to do sth意为“愿意某人做某事”;prefer to do A rather than do B(=prefer doin…  相似文献   

近几年英语命题的发展趋势一直是侧重考查学生的应用能力并降低语法测试比重,然而总有许多“始料未及”的“超纲”考点令考生垂足。本文就后者分析一二,以期抛砖引玉。1.He got to the station early, miss-ing his train.(江苏卷)A. in case of B. instead ofC. for fear of D. in search of解析:本题考查介词短语.由句意很容易排除B、D。in case of 后跟名词或代词,强调条件、结果,意为“以免……、以防……”; for fear of后跟动名词做宾语,强调心理状况,意为“由于害怕……;生怕……”故选C.2.A man is being questio…  相似文献   

Mr. Knott has a job in a factory far from his home. So he was usually quite tired when he got home. At nine o‘clock one evening, when he was in bed, the telephone bell rang in the living room of his house. He went downstairs loathly, picked up the telephone and said, “This is Washington Street 165. Who‘s speaking, please?“  相似文献   

William Tell was an unlikely hero.When he and his small son walked from Burglen to Altdorf, they never imaqined they would qalvanize the idea of a free Switzerland.In fact,father and son went right by the pole with the hat on top.Who would expect Hermann Gessler,Austria's autocratic man in charge of Switzerland.to demand that people bow to his hat?  相似文献   

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