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Conclusions These findings are important to educational leaders, especially those in higher education, who are responsible for allocating resources for microcomputers. Recommendations for the selection of appropriate hardware can be derived from this analysis of current computer use and of expected changes. That computer facilities need upgrading in the next decade is clear. The purchase of new Macintosh and MS-DOS microcomputers would fit the needs of a majority of educational administration students. Of the program coordinators and professors with computer expertise who responded to the survey, 43 percent believe that their graduate students are gaining more access to computers in places other than the university. College of Education computer laboratories should be more open to students in educational leadership programs, and these programs should make the availability of appropriate hardware and software a priority. Understanding the extent to which educational administration programs train their students in computer use is of paramount importance in assessing curriculum development and its concomitant hardware demands. She has published reviews and articles on various aspects of computers in education.  相似文献   

Since independence in 1947, India has made a rapid development in all spheres, more particularly in the field of education. With the national commitment to provide educational opportunity to all citizens of the country and the highest priority given to the programme of universalisation of elementary education, the educational facilities have increased considerably over the years. Special attention is being paid to provide education to girls and to the children of the weaker sections of the community. Besides formal education, non-formal channels of education are also being exploited.This has increased the responsibilities of educational administrators manifold. The complexity and enormity of the tasks that they have to perform, the quality of leadership that they have to possess, the horizontal and vertical linkages that they have to establish within and outside the Education Department, and the managerial role that they have to discharge in order that the resources are effectively mobilised and utilised, have made it incumbent upon them to be familiar with the latest techniques of planning and management.The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) which is a specialised Central Institution for advanced training of key educational personnel has for the past two decades been playing an important role in building up the capabilities of different kinds of educational functionaries and serving as a catalytic agent for change.The need for training of educational administrators of all levels is now well recognised in India. In a developing country where there are certain aspirations of students, teachers, parents and community about education and where quantity, quality and equity all play a vital role, the development of professional skills in the educational administrators assumes great importance. Such a training not only leads to human resource development and an increase in the productivity of the officers but it also helps in the speedy realisation of the targets of educational and social development.  相似文献   

高校教学管理既不是一般意义上的行政工作,也不是一般意义上的服务工作.其管理人员的管理理念、管理效能将直接影响高校的教学水平,因此,高校教学管理必须与高等教育改革同步,必须具备与时俱进的创新意识.文章从教学观、课程观、质量观、人才观和学生观等五个方面探讨了高校教学管理者的创新意识培养,以及适应新形势需求所必备的一些能力要求.  相似文献   

论高校教务管理人员的素质培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教务管理是教学管理的重要组成部分,教务管理人员的素质直接关系到管理质量的好坏。高校教务管理人员应具有职业道德素质、业务素质、创新素质,但当前在一些高校的教务管理人员中还存在诸多问题。培养高校教务管理人员的素质一要加强对教务管理工作重要性的认识,二要加强思想素质的培养,三要加强业务培训,四要建立考核激励机制。  相似文献   

Starting from the assumption that administrative personnel in educational programmes would be more efficient, if they were professionally trained; this paper outlines the guiding principles of good training and attempts to derive appropriate methods of training. To illustrate its argument, it analyses the current prerequisites for school principals and concludes that the current basic requirement that principals be experienced teachers is inappropriate. On the contrary, principals should be selected from a reservoir wider than the teaching profession, subjected to criteria pertinent to principalship and more thoroughly trained in all dimensions of its functions.  相似文献   

王思杰 《宜春学院学报》2012,(7):109-113,148
美国丰富完善的教育法建立起了强大而高效的教育体系,为美国的强盛奠定了基石。"二战"以后,美国联邦政府以更为积极的姿态介入教育的管理,一批成文的教育基本法律包括《国防教育法》、《初等与中等教育法》和《高等教育法》等相继出台实施。同时,诸多教育特别法补充与充实了美国教育体制。美国成熟的教育法可以为中国提供借鉴,包括教育立法的更加重视,多元教育体制的培养,教育公平在更大范围内的实现等。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is upon the way in which feminist educators as administrative 'leaders' conceptualised policy within what could be described as the 'masculinist' bureaucratic culture of an Australian state bureaucracy. The paper arises out of a larger research project focusing upon the ways in which change was viewed by women who have moved from voluntary and reform oriented work in teacher, curriculum and parent organisations into senior administrative positions in the late 1980s. This paper considers how they strategically addressed issues about the production of policy within a culture which was informed by particularly technicist views of bureaucratic rationality whilst negotiating the personal contradictions and tensions of being administrators and feminist educators working for more equitable forms of education.  相似文献   

Conclusion Education is, however, already beginning to reflect the whole range of pluralisms that constitute the relatively complex, urbanized and semi-industrialized societies of most of Latin America.Modernity in these societies assumes the form of cultural pluralism with a centrifugal and fragmented social basis, in which deep divisions of class and social strata still exist alongside emerging tensions due to the spread of markets, privatization in civil society, the disintegration of the traditional state, the rapid internationalization of communications and expectations, and the consolidation of liberal-democratic regimes that enable all this diversity to be expressed more freely.The new pluralism of Latin American education has therefore more to do with the modernization of societies and their cultures than with the more restrictive notion of complementarity among well-structured socio-cultural elements that fight to preserve their identity and that attain a form of expression recognized by the state in the field of education. The latter type of pluralism, found in more stable and better structured societies, is replaced in Latin America by a more fluid and ambiguous educational pluralism which, in the final analysis, reflects a process of construction of modernity that began only recently but is now in full swing. Specialist in the sociology of education. Professor-researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), vice-president of the Chilean Higher Council of Education, where he chaired the Presidential Study Commission on Higher Education. Member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Social Sciences Council. His most recent books are: Educación superior en América latina: cambios y desafíos (1990), Chile: transformaciones culturales y modernidad(1989), and Recursos humanos para la investigación en América latina (1989).  相似文献   

随着高校内涵发展的推进,教务管理工作面临的情况错综复杂,要使教务工作顺利开展,就要求教务管理人员在服务中规范管理,在管理中体现服务,在实际工作中增强服务意识,努力提高服务水平。  相似文献   

Educational Technology (ETEC) professionals in the United States (US) fill multiple roles in public school systems. While these roles can be classified into broad categories, what remains unclear are the expectations and priorities for the completion of these roles and the tasks associated within each role category. In order for ETEC professionals to be successful, they need clear guidance on what their performance expectations and prioritized roles should be. This research seeks to add clarity regarding expectations by surveying K-12 building administrators to identify perceptions of ETEC professionals within their schools regarding their actual and ideal performances relative to eight role categories. Results indicate that these US building administrators place high importance on the Technological and Administrative Communication categories. The data also show that there is a significant gap between the ideal and actual performance expectations of ETEC professionals in all eight role categories, but most demonstrably within the Instructional Support and Teaching/Training categories. Results also signal the desire for ETEC professionals to focus more on training and collaboration with teachers regarding technology integration within classrooms. This suggests that administrators want ETEC professionals to complete more instructional tasks than they currently perform. Findings from this study hold implications for the training of ETEC professionals and can potentially inform the curriculum of educational technology preparation programs in the US and beyond.  相似文献   

教学是高等职业技术院校的主题工作,教学管理自然就是高等职业技术院校教学工作中不可或缺的重要部分。目前我国高等教学改革正在如火如荼地进行,教务管理对于高等职业技术院校而言,占据着非常重要的地位,属于整个学校工作的中心环节。在高等职业技术院校中,教务管理主要由教务处直接执行,因此,教务管理员就是整个教务管理工作的操作者,在教务管理中发挥着关键性的作用。  相似文献   

Pablo Latapí 《Prospects》1990,20(1):51-57
Founding director of the Centro de Estudios Educativos (Centre for Educational Studies) in Mexico City and of the Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos(Latin American Journal of Educational Studies). He was in charge of the National Programme of Educational Research of the National Council for Science and Technology. He now carries out research at the Regional Centre for Adult Education and Functional Literacy for Latin America. His recent publications include: La política de alfabetización de seis países latinoamericanos, Participatory Research: A New Research Paradigm?and Elementos para una propuesta orientada a elevar la calidad: La enseñanza tutorial.  相似文献   

In this article the author discusses some critical issues in the design and implementation of training programmes for future educational administrators in Africa. Such issues include the determination of skills and competencies required by these administrators, the sociocultural awareness resulting from exposure to the training programme, the discernment of educational purposes, specialisation by sector and function, education for responsible and ethical behaviour, and problems related to the organisation of training programmes, and the certification and placement of the new crop of educational administrators. The discussion focuses on public education systems generally, but draws on the author's impressions and observations about English-speaking Africa.  相似文献   

Conclusion In these circumstances, the prospect of the counselor for the professions is to play a new and different role inside the field of educational counseling. This new role will rely, in great measure, on the foreseeable behavior of society and, consequently, educational systems.It is relevant to consider the kind of society which is expected to emerge in the next twenty-five years. When this desirable scenario has been defined it becomes possible and necessary to join efforts, open new pathways and formulate new alternative solutions to present problems.Educational counseling should acquire properties that give it a new, more concrete meaning in a way that allows it to be used in a more accurate and effective way institutionally, in relation to the educational system and to career and national planning.Educational counseling should be more aware of and open to what is happening in the sectors that give a mandate to education at the economic, political, and social levels.Educational counseling and counseling for professionals must have continuity inside the educational system, and it may not be reduced to the role of filling in holes and taking responsibility for the contradictions of the national education system. Counseling must have a preventive task. In order to fulfill this, it is important that counselors have a solid background in education, politics, economics, and social areas; so they should be able to establish a connection with fields of work and their development potential.It is essential to systematize and share research on the discipline in order to delineate problems which are immediate, medium, or long-range in the different areas of counseling.  相似文献   

美国工程硕士教育模式观略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
培养模式的多样性是美国工程硕士教育的特点之一。本文从培养目标、招生、学制、课程设置、学分要求等方面分析了美国工程硕士教育的四种模式 ,并针对我国工程硕士教育生源单一、培养模式单一的现状提出了若干改进措施  相似文献   

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