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Model checking techniques are recognized to provide reliable and copious results. Instead of examining a few cases only – as it is done in testing – model checking includes the whole state space in mathematical proofs of correctness. Yet, this completeness is seen as a drawback as the state explosion problem is hard to handle. In our industrial case study, we apply automated model checking techniques to an innovative elevator system, the TWIN by ThyssenKrupp. By means of abstraction and nondeterminism, we cope with runtime behaviour and achieve to efficiently prove our specification’s validity. The elevator’s safety requirements are exhaustively expressed in temporal logic along with real-world and algorithmic prerequisites, consistency properties, and fairness constraints. Beyond verifying system safety for an actual installation, our case study demonstrates the rewarding applicability of model checking at an industrial scale. CR subject classification  D.2.4; F.3.1; J.7 ; C.3  相似文献   

Over the recent years, very little effort has been made to give XPath a proper algebraic treatment. One laudable exception is the Natix Algebra (NAL) which defines the translation of XPath queries into algebraic expressions in a concise way, thereby enabling algebraic optimizations. However, NAL does not capture various promising core XML query evaluation algorithms like, for example, the Holistic Twig Join. By integrating a logical structural join operator, we enable NAL to be compiled into a physical algebra containing exactly those missing physical operators. We will provide several important query unnesting rules and demonstrate the effectivity of our approach by an implementation in the XML Transaction Coordinator (XTC) – our prototype of a native XML database system.  相似文献   

A promising application of future quantum computers is the simulation of physical systems of a quantum nature. It has been estimated that a quantum computer operating with as few as 50–100 logical qubits would be capable of obtaining simulation results that are inaccessible to classical computers. This chapter explains the basic principles of simulation on a quantum computer and reviews some applications.  相似文献   

George Newnes became one of the most influential popular publishers of the age of New Journalism, and was probably Britian’s first media magnate. He published a vast number and variety of journals in the period from 1881 until his death in 1910, editing some of these, but leaving an impression upon all of them. Newnes’s periodicals included Tit-Bits (1881), Strand Magazine (1891), The Million (1892), Westminster Gazette (1893), Country Life (1897), The Ladies Field (1898), Wide World Magazine (1898), The Captain (1899), and C.B. Fry’s Magazine (1904). Newnes was an innovator, and a publishing entrepreneur. This paper will focus on the entrepreneurial aspects of Newnes’s publishing ventures and the novel technological and promotional techniques pioneered by him. The analysis will focus upon such techniques as promotional schenesm advertising, production and illustration, the employment and promotion of popular authors, editors and illustrators, publicity, market segmentation, and financing. The concluding section consists of an investigation into some of the rhetoric that has been applied to Newnes’s publishing career, and the way in which, as publishing entrepreneur and media magnate, Newnes’s successes have been cast within a continuing debate over popular literature, New Journalism and the commercialization of the popular press in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Kate Jackson is currently completing a Ph.D. in History on “George Newnes, New Journalism and the Reading Publics, 1881–1910.”  相似文献   

Curious Archives examines the creation of the museum of archives, the Musée de l’Histoire de France, at the Imperial Archives of France under the direction of Leon de Laborde, 1858–1867. This museum was intended as a crucial tool for publicizing the Archives and educating the public, but also represented a break from the Archives’ role as administrative storehouse both in practice and in the popular imagination. The museum’s conception and reception reveal conflicts around the Archives’ mission and contents, particularly regarding public interest, the potential dangers of public curiosity, and nature of documentary and historical knowledge in nineteenth-century France.
Jennifer S. MilliganEmail:

In this short article, Henry Rosenbloom, the founder of Australian independent publisher Scribe, complains about the tactic of UK-based publishers buying ‘Commonwealth’ rights and preventing Australian publishers from acquiring separate Australian rights. ‘UK publishers are not entitled to Australia as a territory. It is our country, our market, and our industry,’ he writes. This article was originally published in The Age newspaper in early 2008, then on Rosenbloom’s blog, and it was the catalyst for a spirited debate at this year’s London Book Fair.  相似文献   

The monograph by A.V Sokolov “The Philosophy of Information” (St. Petersburg, 2010) is reviewed, which is dedicated to the conceptualization of information as one of the philosophical categories. Doubts are expressed about the legitimacy of the author’s treatment of the phenomenon of information from the perspective of dualistic monism recognizing the existence of a substance with two opposite “hypostases,” which cannot be reduced to one another, namely, about the author’s statement that the nature of information is neither ideal nor material but ambivalent, i.e., it is an indissoluble unity of the material (in this case, the carrier) and ideal (meaning) principles. This doubt is based on the premise that the ideal is not an independent substance, along with the material, but is just one form of existence of matter. Therefore, in our review it is proposed to treat information not as an element of ambivalence that belongs to the two principles of substantival, which is characteristic of dualism, but as an element of a monosubstantival principle, as a type of matter.  相似文献   

Distributed top-k query processing is increasingly becoming an essential functionality in a large number of emerging application classes. This paper addresses the efficient algebraic optimization of top-k queries in wide-area distributed data repositories where the index lists for the attribute values (or text terms) of a query are distributed across a number of data peers and the computational costs include network latency, bandwidth consumption, and local peer work. We use a dynamic programming approach to find the optimal execution plan using compact data synopses for selectivity estimation that is the basis for our cost model. The optimized query is executed in a hierarchical way involving a small and fixed number of communication phases. We have performed experiments on real web data that show the benefits of distributed top-k query optimization both in network resource consumption and query response time.  相似文献   

Michaux’s National Memorial African Bookstore, Harlem, NY, was the epicenter of black literary life and bookselling, 1933–c.1975. Michaux migrated from Virginia to escape farm work and his brother’s evangelical church, opting instead—despite the lack of formal education—to become a trafficker in ideas, through bookselling. A self-styled Garveyite, Michaux advised Malcolm X, though he never joined the Nation of Islam or advocated revolution. The bookshop—with a huge inventory of books about black experience and spearheaded by the charismatic bookseller (known as “The Professor”)—attracted a loyal clientele, championed famous writers and artists, and hosted international leaders (especially Africans). A rallying point for political speeches, often delivered in front of the store, in its period, there was no other black bookstore in America with Michaux’s influence.  相似文献   

This article reports on a pilot study which aimed to consider the e-book reading experiences of young children and their families, with currently available portable e-reader devices: Amazon Kindle, Nintendo DS-lite and Apple iPod Touch. Three families, each with two children in the 7–12 year age range, experienced an e-reader for a two-week period. They recorded their experiences in a diary and were interviewed at the beginning and end of the study. Key findings include the fact that, of the six children involved, four rate themselves as ‘enthusiastic’ readers, one ‘average’ and one ‘reluctant’; whilst all six of the parents enjoy reading. At the end of the study, all of the participants chose the Kindle as their preferred device and found it the easiest to use. In addition, there were indications that the one reluctant young reader (a boy aged eight years) was inspired to read by the Kindle. His parents were pleased with this enthusiasm, noting that he was reading rather than watching television, excited by downloading and choosing books and it was the only time they had known him to ask to read voluntarily. When asked whether they prefer printed or electronic books, all of the adults chose printed books, whilst the children were more ambivalent, with half preferring electronic books.  相似文献   

We think of bookstore chains—Barnes and Noble, Brentanos, Walden Books, or the defunct Borders—as recent phenomena. But, the roots of franchised bookselling lie deep in American publishing history. A case can be made that late eighteenth century publisher-printer Isaiah Thomas, of Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts, was the originator of the bookstore chain. At his zenith, Thomas and various partners had eleven stores operating in a network reaching from Boston to Albany to Baltimore, with branches in New Hampshire and Vermont. Driving the Thomas publishing-bookselling enterprise was a form of vertical corporate integration of publishing services (all the way from papermaking to distribution of product) that would, under today’s antitrust laws be hard to justify legally. At the time, in the 1790s–1810, Thomas’s multiple interlocking businesses were, nonetheless, truly a bookman’s empire, with bestsellers like almanacs and textbooks leading the way.  相似文献   

Children’s literature is essentially different from textbooks used in classrooms. It was primarily developed in India after the establishment of Children’s Book Trust and National Book Trust in 1957. A truly multilingual phenomenon, Amar Chitra Katha was developed by India Book House and has sold over 80 million copies in some 30 years. The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan programme started by the Government of India, has done exceptionally well in developing and encouraging the development of children’s literature in regional languages. English being the language of communication is understood in all parts of the country so more books have been published in this language. Reading habits of children have been developed through reading campaigns by Non Government Organisations (NGOs), Children Literary Festivals, Book Fairs, School Book Fairs and Book Clubs. International and Indian Characters have also increased the publishing of children’s books and reading habits of children.  相似文献   

This article describes the first half century of the Communist government’s supervision and management of the central-government archives of the last two dynasties. Immediately with the Communist ascent to power in 1949, the new government took great interest in assembling and protecting the country’s archival documents, readying the Ming-Qing archives for access to scholars, and preparing for publication of selected materials. By the 1980s Beijing’s Number One Historical Archives, in charge of the largest holding of Ming-Qing documents, had become the first Chinese authority to complete a full sorting and preliminary catalogues for such a collection. Moreover, to facilitate searches, an attempt has recently begun to create a subject-heading system for these and other holdings in the country. In the first half century’s final decades, foreign researchers were admitted for the first time and tours and international exchanges began to take place.
Beatrice S. BartlettEmail:

The Colophon, published from 1925 through 1935 for an audience of book collectors and connoisseurs, illuminates the debate over the basis of a book's value: genuine quality or artificial scarcity. It also illustrates the distinction between genuine news about the book industry and “publicity hypnosis”—today’s “hype.” The magazine’s authors, designers, typographers, printers, and illustrators were among the finest of their day. Claire Badaracco is an assistant professor at Marquette University, and is currently writing a series of articles about Anglo-American book publishing, journalism, and publicity trades between 1920 and 1940 with the support of The British Academy, the National Endowment, and the Bibliographical Society of America. Her work has been published inAmerican Literary Realism, Journalism Quarterly, Essays in Business and Economic History, and other journals. The Library of Congress, The Center for The Book, is publishing her monograph “The Lakeside Press Four American Books Campaign 1926–1930.”  相似文献   

The combination of Japan’s large, prosperous population and its thriving consumer electronics industry appears to the outside world to be an ideal environment for eBook adoption. In fact, despite cross industry initiatives that date back to 2003, widespread digitization of books is limited to Japanese comics (manga). This article will explain the origins of the Japanese eBook market, its current state and the looming entry of Amazon, Apple and Google. Finally, this article will explore the two very different paths that the Japanese publishing industry may take over the next 5 years.  相似文献   

After settling in to his second term, Brazil’s president Lula da Silva has pledged to improve on his country’s woefully inadequate education system. This means addressing illiteracy, which is one of Brazil’s most serious development issues. While Brazil has the potential to be one of the world’s largest economies, it is hampered by high rates of functional illiteracy. Furthermore, those that can read are non-readers. Consequently the Brazilian government has pledged to resolve illiteracy and launched a nationwide reading program in 2005 with the optimistic goal of increasing the national reading rate by 50%. The article analyzes the political risk in Brazil in light of the da Silva administration’s stated objectives. It will also assess the impact of state literacy campaigns will have on the publishing industry and the potential for investment in the country. Finally, it will discuss the importance of foreign investors in Brazil’s development goals.  相似文献   

Quantum algorithms are a field of growing interest within the theoretical computer science as well as the physics community. Surprisingly, although the number of researchers working on the subject is ever-increasing, the number of quantum algorithms found so far is quite small. In fact, the task of designing new quantum algorithms has been proven to be extremely difficult. In this paper we give an overview of the known quantum algorithms and briefly describe the underlying ideas. Roughly, the algorithms presented are divided into hidden subgroup type algorithms and in amplitude amplification type algorithms. While the former deal with problems of group-theoretical nature and have the promise to yield strong separations of classical and quantum algorithms, the latter have been proved to be a prolific source of algorithms in which a polynomial speed-up as compared to classical algorithms can be achieved. We also discuss quantum algorithms which do not fall under these two categories and give a survey of techniques of general interest in quantum computing such as adiabatic computing, lower bounds for quantum algorithms, and quantum interactive proofs.  相似文献   

Native America’s twenty-first-century right to know   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
More than 30 years ago, in October of 1978, Standing Rock Sioux scholar Vine Deloria Jr. prepared a paper for The White House Pre-conference on Indian Library and Information Services On or Near Reservations titled “The Right to Know.” In his paper, Deloria establishes the United States Federal government’s treaty responsibility for Indian Country’s:
…need to know; to know the past, to know the traditional alternatives advocated by their ancestors, to know the specific experiences of their communities, and to know about the world that surrounds them (Deloria 1978, p. 13).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  AEG-Telefunken entwickelte seit 1957 Rechner. Neben den Prozessrechnern spielten die Gro?rechner TR 4 und TR 440 eine wichtige Rolle. Von 1969 bis 1976 wurden 46 TR 440 installiert, bei einem Gesamtumsatz von 730 Mio. DM (370 Mio. Euro) [2]. In der Produktpolitik spielten die Rechner keine zentrale Rolle, obwohl eine ausgezeichnete technologische Ausgangsposition bestanden hatte und die Telefunkenrechner sp?ter nachdrückliche technologiepolitische Unterstützung erhielten. Die Entwicklung des Systems TR 440 hatte mit wesentlichen konzeptionellen und technologischen Schwierigkeiten zu k?mpfen, wozu der Mangel an qualifizierten Zulieferern und erfahrenen Mitabeitern kam. Trotzdem gelang es, bis 1970 den bislang schnellsten in Europa entwickelten Rechner [6] fertig zu stellen und Systemsoftware zu entwickeln [9], die den Produkten der Mitbewerber um Jahre voraus war. Von Anfang an hatte das Unternehmen nach geeigneten Kooperationspartnern gesucht. Mit dem Verkauf des Gro?rechnergesch?ftes an Siemens gingen die bereits laufenden Planungen für einen TR 440-Nachfolger zu Ende.
AEG-Telefunken developed computers since 1957. Besides process control computers, the large scale computers, TR 4 and TR 440, played an important role. 46 TR 440 computers were installed from 1969 to 1976, summing up to a sales volume of 730 Mio. DM (370 Mio. Euro) [2]. AEG-Telefunken did not consider computers as a strategic part of its product policy, though the company had had an excellent technological position for this business and the Telefunken computers got vigorous political support. The development of the TR 440 system had to defeat essential conceptual and technological difficulties, besides lack of qualified suppliers and experienced personnel. Nevertheless, the company could, by 1970, develop the fastest European computer so far [6], with system software ahead of competitors by years [9]. From the beginning, the company had been looking for business partners. With the sale of the large scale computer business to Siemens, all activities on a TR 440 successor were stopped. AEG-Telefunken computer business strategy is also subject of a paper to appear in the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.

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