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51.The teacher said to Li Lei,“Be careful,you missed “f’’in word“diferent”.” A.an…the B.a…a C.an…a D.a…the 52.There is——apple on the table.——appleis Tomk. A.an…the B.a…an C.an…The D.the…The 53.There is “u”, “s’’and “e”in theword“use”. A.an,an,an B.a,an,a C.a,an,an【).an,a,an 54.From——space the earth looks very smaU. A.a B.an C.the D./ 5豇——interesting stOry it is! A.What a B.What an C.How D.How an 56.The train will arrive haH hour. A.after…an B.af…  相似文献   

请看下列两道中考题1.You've dropped“s”in theworld(.2005年江苏省徐州市)Oh,sorry.letter"s"should bedoubled like this“glass”A.a;A B.an;AC.an,The D.the,The2.Do you think English is usefulanguage(.2005年湖南省常德市)A.the B.anC.a D.不填以上两题旨在考查学生对冠词用法的掌握情况。在英语词汇大家族中,冠词虽然只有三个成员但其能量却不可等闲视之。它的用法既是历年各地中考试题的考查热点,也是令英语学习者颇为头疼的难点。本文列举了同学们在运用英语进行书面表达和口语交际时常见的冠词误用实例,以正、误、析的…  相似文献   

冠词练兵场 1. I have ____ uncle. He is good at mending TV sets. (青海省) A. an B. a C. / 2. There is ____ “h”in the word “hour”. (南京市) A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. ——Do you know ____ girl in white? ——Yes. She!s ____ old friend of mine. (连云港市)  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.M y bike is broken.Can you help m e r it?2.M y dress is s to yours,so I took your dressby m istake.3.I cam e here s to ask you a question.4.H e looks sad.Let’s c him up.5.I’ve called you three tim es,are you d?B)根据句意及所给汉语,填写适当的单词完成下列句子。6.The kind m an always helps the(无家的)children.7.“D idn’t you see the(牌子)‘NOSM OK IN G’?”she said angrily to the m an.8.M other asked her to(指导)u…  相似文献   

A Last Saturday,our school organized a tal- ent show to raise money for charity.It was a great success.Students took an active part in it.and we raised 20.000 yuan in all.After the show.I interviewed three stu- dents.First.I talked with Liu Hong.In the tal- ent show,she danced the ballet(芭蕾舞).“How long have you been dancing the ballet?”I asked.“For about six years.”she answered.“Why do you Iearn it?”“I think it’s beautiful and I want to be a professional dancer when I grow up.”  相似文献   

O nce an E nglishm an went to the seashore for his sum m erholidays.H e asked his housekeeper (女管家)to post 1 letters thathe w ould receive 2 his absence.She prom ised him 3 that. The Englishm an rested 4 .A m onth passed but he received 5letters.H e thoughtitstrange and he rang 6 his housekeeper. “W hy didn’ you post m e m y letters?” t “Because you didn’ 7 m e the key of the letter-box,”was the treply. The E nglishm an 8 and prom ised to send her the key.In 9 days…  相似文献   

1.一Have you had_breakfast yet?一No,not yet·A.x B.a C.the D.an 2.玩t,5 fook at theb鳃.Can you see_“s”on the eomerof_ bag? A .a,a B.a,the C.an,a D.an,the 3 .They spend half_hour 6nishing doing_work. A .a,a B.The,an C.an,the D.the,a 4.Our teaeher rold us that_moon moves around_earth,and earth eircles sun. A .a,a,a,a B.an,an,an,an .西雷旬200冲51食印拿密旧圆酗C .the,the,the,the D.x,x,x,x 5 .At thar time,he was studying in_university.Andi*was afa-】】10US one. A …  相似文献   

A A man once said how useless it was to put advertisem ents in thenewspaper.“Last week,”said he,“my umbrella was stolen from a Lon-don church. A s itw as a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising,butI didn t getit back.”“H ow did you write your advertisem ent?”asked one of the listeners,a businessm an.“H ere it is,”said the m an,taking out of his pocket a slip cut froma newspaper.The other m an took itand read,“Lost from the C ity Churchlast Sunday evening, a black silk um…  相似文献   

Why Birds Sing?     
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.D o you know whata “territory”is?A territory is an area that an an- im al,usually the m ale,claim s(声称)as its ow…  相似文献   

A Clever IdeaO ne day the poor old m an lost hisw ay and1.telephoned the police station of help.A policem an2.asked the phone,“This is the policestation.W hat’s3.your trouble?”“I had lost m y w ayand can’t find4.m y house.Could you to help m ehom e?”“Stay where5.you do and we’ll send a car to takeyou hom e.”W hen6.the car reached at the old m an’shouse,his wife opened7.the door,cam e out,thanked the po-licem an.A fter the8.policem an drove away,his wife askedhim how he9.lost his w…  相似文献   

This is me     
A girl wants to fly,and wants to know ev- erything in the World.Do you know who the girl is?Yeah!The girl is me.My name is Tao Xi.I’m thirteen years old.I am a Chinese girl,and I also have an English name“Lydia”.I love English very  相似文献   

Every time you go to the supermarket,you come away with your purchases packed in plastic bag s.But wouldn’t it bekinder to the environ-ment if you asked for paper bags instead?The answer is not as easy as it might seem .Environmentalists say there are drawbacks(缺点)to using both plastic bags and paper bag s.Accord-ing to the American Plastics Council(美国塑料委员会),80 per cent of groceries(杂货)in the US are packed in plastic bag s.“The numbers are be-coming huge,”said Vincent Cobb,…  相似文献   

一、词汇(20分) A .根据句意和所给首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(10分) 1.W hats the w like today? 2.Itoften s in the north ofC hina in winter. 3.M y sister is a very p girl. 4.In spring the w eathers very w in our hom etow n. 5.I f very wellafter I took the m edicine. 6.C an you see a lotofpeople learning to s in the sea? 7.Itwas r yesterday.Itrained allday. 8.D o you wear a s on your head in winter? 9.The old m an often w in the garden after he gets up every m orning. 10.D oes LiLeiusua…  相似文献   

(A)Paul每天上学都迟到,今天他给说了老师一个令人发笑的理由。阅读下文,看看他的理由是无知还是狡猾。Paul always goes to school late.It is eight ten in the morning.The students are having an Englishlesson in the classroom.Paul opens the door and goes in.“Paul,why are you late every morning?”his teacher asks.“Whattime do you leave(离开)home?”“I leave home at seven forty,”Paul answers.“Is your home far(远)from our school?”his teacher asks.“No,about ten minutes?walk.”“Then why are you la…  相似文献   

I find out...     
How long have you been studying English? Do you get good grades all the time? If not, please look for a good way to study. And here are my suggestions: First of all, we should listen to the teacher carefully. After class, we ought to learn by ourselves, then do more exercise. If you are really tired, you should have a good rest.T he w ay is w orth studying.A m an said押“T hem ore a m an know s,the m ore he discovers hisignorance.”A nother m an also said押“C hoose a lifeof action,not one…  相似文献   

A spring visit to Portugal Can be a tranquil respite in theseturbulent times.It can also provide a holiday that iS easy on one’s budget.April on the Lisbon coast,when the weather is balmy and before the summer tourists arrive,is perfect. Instead of staying at a hotel,live it up,rent a villa!The magazine“In Britain”is an excellent source for villas and holi-day flats to“let”.Another resource is the Internet where you  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

A n old m an had m any sons, w how ere often quarreling. A s the end ofhis life drew near, the old m an calledthem all to him and show ed them abundle ofsticks tied tightly together. “N ow , ”said the father, “see if you canbreak this bundle ofsticks.” Each of the sons in turn took the bundleand tried w ith allhis m ight to break it, butcould not. W hen allhad tried and given it up, thefather said, “U ntie the bundle, and each of youtake a stick and see if you can break that. ”Theyalldi…  相似文献   

丁同根 《中学生英语》2002,(24):20-23,29
I.词汇A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.He didn’t sav one w10rd so that I r ne was qulte mIgry·2.The baU wI暮nt 0ver his head and im0 the g ·3.The young man w踮the thief that s Mrs Brown’s necklace.4.P1ease say an)rthing you know about the roII_ ber  相似文献   

单元重点词汇检测。  Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母或中文提示,拼写单词。 A雪  1.Tom is very clever.H e can teach h    Chinese. ’2.To the teacher s s .Little Jim got an  “ ”   A in the exam . ’  3.It s dangerous for a b m an to cross a   (没有)  busy street w ithout any help. (明亮)  4.The su…  相似文献   

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