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Drawing on 60 qualitative interviews with Canada research chairs (CRCs), we explore their careers in context. We develop a model to understand the intersection of individual and institutional factors that shape the everyday experiences of the CRCs. The model shows the dialectical relationship between faculty identity, research, relations with colleagues and students, and institutional practices and structures. We classify individuals’ experiences as “good,” “bad,” or “ugly.” The interviews show that while a majority of CRCs have a positive experience, others have a negative experience that is prone to becoming ugly when institutional practices and systemic factors impede the work of the CRC. We discuss the perceived problems with the CRC program from the standpoint of Chairholders, and the implications of our findings for the CRC program and universities. As well, we propose that additional research on the professoriate is needed to determine whether or not the model from our study is generalizable beyond our sample.  相似文献   

编辑出版工作非常重要。编辑在向读者提供精神食粮的同时,自身的素养也得以补充、升华。不断学习、充实提高,做一名政治过硬、业务精湛的学者型编辑,向广大读者奉献更多更好的作品是时代的要求。因此,期刊编辑应在专与博、动与静、纵与横、守与创、宽与严这五个方面下气力。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a great development in fiction written for the adolescent market‐teenage fiction. This article seeks to explore the notion of quality in teenage fiction building on earlier research by Whitehead (1977), Hall and Coles (1999), and Benton (1995a) and using findings from interviews with teachers in secondary schools in the South West of England in 2003 and 2004, the first phase in a study into perceptions of quality in teenage fiction. Questions are raised about whether English teachers have sufficient knowledge of this genre of literature to support pleasure and progress in reading for adolescents and also whether teenage fiction should be more directly addressed in the curriculum perhaps through a school canon, which may apply educational criteria to define a body of literature that begins where the child is, but allows for clear progression in reading.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential for wiki‐type open architecture software to promote and support collaborative learning through the use of student‐created content. It delineates some of the affordances and constraints of wiki software as an open architecture that has the potential to facilitate collaborative learning through community‐focused enquiry. It seeks to promote debate in this key area of development, and highlights some recent key contributions to the developing discourse on social software in what has been termed ‘the architecture of participation’.  相似文献   

人性是个永恒的话题。从人类诞生以后的很长的岁月里,一直在探问这个话题。鬼子在文本创作过程中,怀着强烈的忧患意识,以底层人物为叙写对象,以一种极为冷静的心态,通过对人物生存困境以及人物心理的书写,时刻关注着小人物的生存历程和命运轨迹,揭示了现实中表现出来的种种不合理,而这却成为了作家对人性的挖掘依据,透视着人性的丑恶与升华。  相似文献   

In this article, we share our experiences working with students to read and/or write visual essays, texts that rely more heavily on images with minimal print text. We explore how students consider elements of design as they create a visual essay, which entails new forms of semiotic processing of the combinations of the visual, audio, textual, gestural and spatial. In particular, we share a case study of how one adolescent engages with an alternative to the standard essay format when he is not restricted by the use of words alone, but is encouraged to tap into the affordances of digital media, expressing himself multimodally by using words, images and sound.  相似文献   

据最新发表在英国心脏病学期刊上的一篇文章报道,在一些可可粉和巧克力产品中,有一种“含量特别丰富”的天然合成物黄烷酮衍生物。这种物质在茶叶和红酒中也存在。波士顿布赖汉姆妇女医院的文学硕士,英国心脏病学期刊领衔作者罗曼·霍伦伯格说:“血管内皮机能退化是构成心血管疾病危险的一个重要因素。”众多作者也声称:“我们知道有许多物  相似文献   

Midwifery led care transforms the experience of Naima Beckles, a Black woman who gave birth for the first time over a decade ago. Here she describes how an empowered birth laid the groundwork for a career as a birth worker.  相似文献   

从新课程改革实施以来,我国教育界积极倡导激励式评价。但在教育实践中,人们把激励式评价等同于表扬,而表扬就是课堂上是响彻一片的“棒棒棒,你真棒”声。这种对表扬和激励式评价的庸俗化理解根本达不到对学生应有的激励作用。针对这一现状,本文从行为主义心理学、社会认知理论和教育评价学等多个视角透析在教育实践中应该如何正确的运用表扬,使表扬真正发挥在教育实践中的重要作用,真正持久地激励学生。  相似文献   

在我班的《班规》中有一条关于喝水的规定:在教室只能用自己的水杯喝纯净水,禁止在教室喝饮料和用各种饮料瓶子喝水。 不要小看这条简单的班规,它的诞生还颇费周折。如今,各式各样的瓶装饮料广受学生欢迎。这不仅不利于学生的身体发育,而且造成了极大浪费。更让人恼火的是,饮料瓶子的随意摆放抛掷严重影响了教室的整洁。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在中央政治局第二十一次集体学习时强调:"当前,各级党组织要切实抓好深入开展创建先进基层党组织、争做优秀共产党员活动,在基层党组织和广大党员中营造学先进、赶先进、作贡献、当表率的良好风气。"我们要认真贯彻落实他的重要讲话精神,充分认识开展创优活动为切实加强基层党组织建设的重要性。我们要深入开展创先争优活动,不断加强基层党组织建设,充分发挥广大党员先锋模范作用,充分发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用,把基层党组织建设成学习型党组织。  相似文献   

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