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校本培训——教师继续教育模式的创新   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张国胜 《教育探索》2001,22(11):51-52
改革开放以来,随着教育事业的发展,特别是普及义务教育的需要,我国的教师在职进修教育受到了应有的重视。但其观念与模式还存在若干弊端,其原因在于受到我国社会特定时期的教育现实的制约。一、补偿式在职培训体系的弊端1986年,我国开始正式实施分三个阶段的九年制义务教育,而当时全国至少缺少两百万受过正规教育的中小学教师,从而使得教师的在职教育成为当务之急。其基本目标就是通过继续教育,使当时不具备合格学历的或不能胜任教学的教师,绝大多数能够胜任教学工作,并取得合格证书或合格学历。承担此重任的主要是各级教育学…  相似文献   

文章阐述了要想使学生掌握音符这把钥匙,从而打开音乐艺术大门,有效的办法之一就是搞好视唱教学。根据幼儿师范学生音乐基础簿弱的现状,开好视唱练耳课更是提高学生音乐基本技能和技巧的根本所在。  相似文献   

小教专科培养将成为 2 1世纪“二级师范”教育的主要模式。在这一模式的实践中需认真研究解决小教专科培养的生源与学制设置、明确培养目标优化课程结构与课程设置、构建新的教育实践和管理模式等核心问题。本文着重从处理好现实与发展需要的关系、“大”与“小”的关系、全面发展与培养专长的关系、理论与实践的关系这四个方面进行初步的分析探讨 ,提出几点初步的设想及处理方法 ,以供进一步研究。  相似文献   

The paper, Training Courses in Personal Counselling, by J. M. Fuster starts by depicting the local situation in India. On the one hand, much personal counselling is done by astrologers, palm-readers and elders; and, on the other hand, training programmes in personal counselling are either non-existent or of poor quality in Indian Universities. Hence the urgent need for good training programmes in personal counselling.In order to meet this need, though in a very limited way, the author started Xavier Institute of Counselling at St. Xavier's College, Bombay. He trains people on the model of counselling of Carkhuff since 1973. Thus he has conducted 34 training courses of, at least, 50 hours duration each for 402 trainees in 5 countries India. Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Spain and Italy.The author gives a picture of the population that benefits from these courses in terms of the various professions they belong to. He also reports the findings of an evaluative study, which was started in 1978. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effects of the training courses on the past trainees' daily work. 262 questionnaires were sent to past trainees in India and Sri Lanka. 94 of them or 35 per cent were returned. Based on the data of these 94 returns, it appears that, on the average, the training courses in personal counselling have had a helpful influence on this group of 94 past trainees. About the rest, we can only guess from these data, but we do not know for sure. I say on the average, for the ranges of the ratings on the 20 items of the questionnaire were 3 to 5 for most items in the diploma-holders group, and 1 to 5 for a few items and 2 to 5 foor most items in the nondiploma-holders group.That means that, while for most of the 94 past trainees the courses have had a very helpful or helpful influence in most items of the questionnaire, they have had a negative or very negative influence on some items of the questionnaire for a very few trainees.From the remarks they wrote on the questionnaire, it appears that some trainees had joined the course in search of therapy for their own personal problems. As this was not the objective of the course, their need was not met. As one trainee wrote: After attending a course of therapy for three months immediately after the counselling course, I feel that the counselling course was a waste of time, energy and money. From this remark we trainers should learn to screen the candidates for the course very carefully and to ascertain their needs.Table I gives a picture of the past trainees in terms of their professions. Tabel II shows the statements of the questionnaire and the mean ratings given by the diploma-holders group and by the nondiploma-holders group. A Chart shows graphically the model of Carkhuff.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study conducted to determine the perception of counselling needs by primary school teachers in Malaysia and Lesotho are reported. To this end, teachers were asked about the special needs of students they teach, how they cope with these students, what assistance they would like to have in teaching, and the best approach for dealing with student concerns. Teachers in Lesotho are dealing with larger numbers of special needs students and thus are having more difficulties than Malaysian teachers. Malaysian teachers appeared to be more interested in improving their teaching effectiveness. There was some variation in the perceptions of how to best deal with student concerns.  相似文献   


Career counseling must be provided for the student with a strong singular artistic talent as well as for the student who demonstrates a multiplicity of artistic talents.  相似文献   

This article discusses the prevalent crisis in secondary school counselling and suggests a new model to change the role, priorities, and activities of a school counsellor from a peripheral to the central position.  相似文献   

The Teacher Education Project was a research and development project, funded by the Department of Education and Science, which analyzed over 1000 lessons given by novice and experienced teachers in secondary schools. There were 23 research studies which focused principally on class management and control, questioning and explaining, and the teaching of mixed-ability groups. In the case studies of student teachers, effective class managers were seen to have good personal relationships with their students, be well prepared and organized and be able to ask questions skilfully and explain clearly. Most disorder in students' lessons consisted of excessive noise and there were few serious disruptions. Teachers were asked to keep a log of questions they asked and a number of strategies were elicited from their self-reports. Experimental work on explaining showed that the most successful explainers made more varied cognitive demands on pupils, used more framing and focusing statements, and more visual aids. The project produced sets of workbooks which were rated “helpful” or “very helpful” by 90% of users, as well as sets of slides on class management and group work.  相似文献   

This research note is a brief summary of a survey carried out into the training of teachers in one area of science where recruitment to courses in Britain is extremely difficult: physics (see Fig. 1). The summary is based on information received from physics tutors in university departments of education (UDE) of England, Wales and Ireland. All figures refer to replies received (just over 80 per cent of the sample), and to the 1979‐80 year only. The courses referred to are one year professional preparation courses for university graduates leading to the Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE).  相似文献   

To fill the gap in theoretical and empirical knowledge on workplace aggression by teachers working in teams, this study explored its components, its targets, and its contextual determinants. Data were collected through three observations at different schools and at different times on 29 math, homeroom, language, and science studies teams. Qualitative analysis found the components of team teachers’ aggression to include obstructionist behaviors and expressions of hostility to colleagues. Determinants of the aggression such as injustice and sense of workload were identified. Theoretical and practical implications for the educational system and educational research are suggested. Principals are strongly encouraged to establish a school environment that promotes justice and reduces work overload. Educational leaders should create workshops for teachers coping with the negative effects of aggression and implement dispute resolution systems. New directions for research on teachers’ role in preventing aggression are offered.  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研课题选择问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择教育科研课题是整个教育科研活动的起点和难点,决定了教育科研活动的方向、价值和可行性,直接关系到教育科研工作的成败。许多中小学教师在选择教育科研课题时存在不知道选择什么、不知道从何选择、不知道怎样选择、不知道为什么要选择等问题。要正确选题,中小学教师应当理解教育科研课题的内涵、把握教育科研课题的来源、掌握选择教育科研课题的标准以及明确选择教育科研课题的目的。  相似文献   

The Student Counselling Needs Scale (SCNS) was administered to 867 participants recruited from high schools in Kenya. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis yielding five factors: human relationships, career development, self development, social values, and learning skills were assessed. The findings highlighted the importance of using assessment instruments to identify students’ counselling needs in Kenya.  相似文献   

福建船政学堂是最早一批聘用外籍教师的中国高等学校。面对鸦片战争后的剧烈社会变化,船政学堂大胆采用外籍师资来校授课,以期达到"师夷长技以制夷"的目的。船政学堂也在管理外籍教师的基础上,形成了一套完整的外籍教师管理体系。  相似文献   

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