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分析了低钙、高镁石灰石物理性能对立窑熟料煅烧的影响。阐明只要合理选择配料方案,并加入萤石形成复合矿化剂以及采取适宜的工艺措施,可以配制生产符合ISO技术标准的优质早强水泥熟料。  相似文献   

用标号超过425~#的水泥配制砌筑砂浆,既不经济也不合理.加入60%以上粉煤灰作混合材配制175~#、275~#砌筑水泥,符合GB/T3183-1997的要求,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

利用电石渣代替石灰石生产水泥熟料,可以减少电石渣对环境的污染,充分利用资源.本文介绍了国内电石渣生产水泥熟料的新工艺,并综合分析了各工艺特点,认为新型干法预烘干干磨干烧工艺是最具发展前途的工艺.  相似文献   

以石灰、磷石膏为主要激发剂,采用化学激发、水热激发、机械磨细三位一体的粉煤灰活化处理方法能显提高低等级粉煤灰的早期及28天活性.在这种方法处理的粉煤灰中加入少量的减水剂可制备高品质、高掺量、低成本水泥混合材,掺量为40%、50%、60%时,可分别配制52.5、42.5、32.5级粉煤灰水泥,并能增加水泥石的致密度,降低孔径和孔隙率.也是优质的混凝土掺合料。  相似文献   

通过开展采用化学方法和物理方法使原状粉煤灰成为活化粉煤灰的试验,研究了提高粉煤灰活性,改善粉煤灰在水泥生产中应用性能的多种途径.  相似文献   

应用金斯特林格方程和阿伦尼乌斯公式计算熟料中C3 S形成时的反应速率常数和活化能,研究ZrO2对熟料中C3 S形成动力学的影响。研究结果表明:ZrO2对低温固相反应阶段生料的易烧性无改善作用;高温煅烧条件下,低掺量ZrO2生料的易烧性优于高掺量ZrO2生料,ZrO2掺量为0.2%时,熟料体系中C3 S的形成活化能比基准样降低74.4 kJ·mol-1,而ZrO2掺量≥0.6%时,其熟料中C3 S的形成活化能均高于基准样。  相似文献   

用经过预激活处理的活化湿排粉煤灰作水泥混合材,并掺入高效减水剂、石灰石粉及添加剂等复合外渗材料,通过正交试验配制出625R高强粉煤灰水泥。  相似文献   

文章针对葛洲坝水泥厂3#预分解窑生产中低热低碱水泥熟料的过程,分析了碱的含量对水泥熟料煅烧和水泥质量的影响,并就碱的来源、原燃料选料、配料方案设计与分析、熟料煅烧操作控制及水泥粉磨等有关问题作了全面的论述和探讨,总结了控制、降低碱含量的方法。  相似文献   

采用湖南某地低品位赤铁矿进行内配煤小球团回转窑直接还原工业试验,在?1.5 m×15 m回转窑正常生产过程中采取紧急停窑—封窑—解剖方案,探究小球团在回转窑内各段还原行为,为大型化工厂设计和生产提供参数和指导.试验结果表明,当窑内平均最高温度977℃,球团停留时间为90 min时,所得球团平均还原度89.96%,平均金属化率85.15%.球团内金属铁量迅速增加的阶段发生在7.5~11.5 m区段,该段金属铁生成量占总生成量的86.45%.窑内还原温度低于900℃和高于900℃的区段金属铁生成量占比分别为56.38%和34.15%. 830~900℃低温段对金属铁的生成起到了至关重要的作用,是小球团可以实现低温、快速还原的重要原因之一.球团在回转窑4.5~15.0 m区段主要完成铁氧化物的还原,在0~4.5 m区段主要完成金属铁颗粒的迁移和富集长大,为后续磨矿—磁选创造有利条件.  相似文献   

阐述了细菌浸铜的发展历程,基本原理及技术工艺,并扼要介绍了国内外铜矿细菌浸出生产情况。  相似文献   

生产实践表明,通过优化原材料的配方,改进工艺过程,利用粉煤灰,替代部分粘土原料,稳定生产32.5R普通硅酸盐水泥是可能的。  相似文献   

从粉煤灰-水泥相互作用、粉煤灰-淤泥质土相互作用两个方面开展一系列试验,研究粉煤灰对水泥和淤泥质粘土的强度及固化过程的影响,然后通过扫描电镜(SEM)试验,观察粉煤灰水泥土的微结构变化以探究其机理。粉煤灰水泥石强度试验表明粉煤灰能使水泥石28d及以上龄期的强度提高,粉煤灰淤泥质土的含水率试验和固结不排水试验表明,粉煤灰使淤泥土的硬度变大,X射线衍射(XRD)试验表明粉煤灰能细化水泥中Ca(OH)2晶粒,SEM试验结果表明粉煤灰可以使水泥土的微结构更加密实。  相似文献   

煤矸石经不同的温度(500 ~1 000℃)热活化后,其辅助胶凝性能相差很大.为了研究双掺活化煤矸石与粉煤灰对水泥强度性能的影响,运用单纯形中心设计方法,并确立各组分的上下限,通过7组砂浆实验,得出活化煤矸石粉、粉煤灰多元复合水泥不同龄期强度数学模型,并利用5组砂浆实验,对强度预测方程的精确性进行了研究.实验结果表明方程的计算值与实验测量值相差很小,误差范围在3%以下.为配制多种混合材的复合水泥最优配比提供了一个简单实用的方法.  相似文献   

采用盐酸选择溶解法测定粉煤灰的水化程度,再结合水化热法计算复合浆体中水泥的水化程度。试样结果表明,在水化早期粉煤灰仅作为惰性材料填充于复合浆体的孔隙中。随着粉煤灰掺量的增大,水泥的水化程度越高,单位体积中水化产物的总体数量仍为减少。  相似文献   

Lime, which is a frequently used activating agent of fly ash (FA), has two main states: slaked lime and quick lime. We studied the effects of slaked lime and quick lime on activating FA, and discussed their kinetics. The results show that slaked lime is more beneficial for activating FA than quick lime given the condition of equivalent CaO amount. The use of slaked lime has superiority in technology and economy on activating FA. Theoretical analysis revealed that the kinetic constant of the activation reaction using slaked lime is higher than using quick lime, credited to the better volume stability and fineness, and smaller water demand of slaked lime.  相似文献   

To study the influence of slenderness on the axial compressive performance of autoclaved fly ash solid brick masonry columns, compression experiments were conducted on 12 samples of autoclaved fly ash solid brick masonry column and 4 samples of fired clay brick masonry column. The damage patterns and compressive performance were compared and analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the compressive bearing capacity decreases as slenderness increases from 3 to 18, and the compressive bearing capacity of the autoclaved fly ash solid brick masonry columns is lower than that of the fired clay brick masonry columns. The formulae for the axial compressive bearing capacity of autoclaved fly ash solid brick masonry columns were derived based on the experiments. The nonlinear FEA program ANSYS was adopted to simulate the behaviors of masonry columns. By comparing the simulation results and experimental results, it is shown that the simulation results agree well with the experimental ones. The rationality and applicability of the simulation results were verified.  相似文献   

某石灰石仓库局部因库壁跨度过大,造成库壁破损。通过分析裂缝成因,提出从标高4.8m以上的对轴①、④/、浇筑新库壁,并对原轴①、②、③、④/、柱进行加固,,实施后效果良好。  相似文献   

通过掺粉煤灰再生砂浆砖砌体与普通砂浆砖砌体在3种砂浆强度下的轴心抗压试验,观测砖砌体试件的变形和破坏特征,发现普通砂浆砌体和掺粉煤灰再生砂浆砌体弹性模量和应力应变关系较为类似,但掺粉煤灰再生砂浆砌体比普通砂浆砌体承载力偏低,脆性破坏更明显;参照《砌体结构设计规范》(GB 50003—2011)建议了掺粉煤灰再生砂浆砌体抗压计算式,旨在为后续相关的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an investigation into the effect of the variation of curing temperatures between 0 and 60 °C on the hydration process, pore structure variation, and compressive strength development of activated coal gangue-cement blend (ACGC). Hardened ACGC pastes cured for hydration periods from 1 to 360 d were examined using the non-evaporable water method, thermal analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and mechanical testing. To evaluate the specific effect of activated coal gangue (ACG) as a supplementary cementing material (SCM), a fly ash-cement blend (FAC) was used as a control. Results show that raising the curing temperature accelerates pozzolanic reactions involving the SCMs, increasing the degree of hydration of the cement blends, and hence increasing the rate of improvement in strength. The effect of curing temperature on FAC is greater than that on ACGC. The pore structure of the hardened cement paste is improved by increasing the curing temperature up to 40 °C, but when the curing temperature reaches 60 °C, the changing nature of the pore structure leads to a decrease in strength. The correlation between compressive strength and the degree of hydration and porosity is linear in nature.  相似文献   

粉煤灰漂珠纳米结构及绝热研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现代分析仪器研究了粉煤灰漂珠的介观结构,并对传热机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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