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Recent advances in the science of human movement have enabled developmental psychologists to discover unique patterns of organization and control in infant motor behavior and development, provoking a resurgence of interest in this topic. In this article, we emphasize the role that motor development may play in determining developmental sequences or "timetables" in other domains. Specifically, we argue that particular motor achievements may be integral to developments in the domains of haptic perception and depth perception. In both cases, there is a high degree of fit between the developmental sequence in which certain perceptual sensitivities unfold and the ages at which the corresponding motor abilities onset. The discussions may provide new contexts in which to consider the developments of haptic perception and depth perception. The general purpose, however, is to highlight the wide-ranging influence of motor development during infancy.  相似文献   

回顾了算术能力发展的证据,用数量概念来描述算术能力的发展.从对数量及其意义理解深刻性的增加,操作数量熟练程度的增长来看出算术的发展.并提出目前研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

The Development of Fifth-Grade Children's Problem-Posing Abilities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This one-year study involved designing and implementing a problem-posing program for fifth-grade children. A framework developed for the study encompassed three main components: (a) children's recognition and utilisation of problem structures, (b) their perceptions of, and preferences for, different problem types, and (c) their development of diverse mathematical thinking. One of the aims of the study was to investigate the extent to which children's number sense and novel problem-solving skills govern their problem-posing abilities in routine and nonroutine situations. To this end, children who displayed different patterns of achievement in these two domains were selected to participate in the 10-week activity program. Problem-posing interviews with each child were conducted prior to, and after the program, with the progress of individual children tracked during the course of the program. Overall, the children who participated in the program appeared to show substantial developments in each of the program components, in contrast to those who did not participate.  相似文献   

完井是石油与天然气工程专业一门新兴的、多学科交叉的学科。由于现代完井工程技术和装备的快速发展,国内完井工程的教学滞后于油田现场对完井工程师的要求。为此,结合现代完井技术发展现状,剖析了西南石油大学石油与天然气工程硕士研究生完井工程课程教学存在的问题,分别从课程教学大纲、教材编写、教学团队建设、教学方法和手段改革等方面开展了探讨,为新时代的完井工程人才培养、改革和实践提供了思路。  相似文献   

幼儿生涯发展教育的目标是以"生涯启蒙"为核心,为幼儿铺好生涯发展的第一块基石。内容至少包括三个主题:自我观念与生涯意识的启蒙,社会职业与工作世界的初步探索,工作价值观和人生理想的启迪;实施方面应与幼儿园其他课程"一体化"设计、整体推进。提出了进一步推进幼儿生涯发展教育的建议:加强基础研究,发挥幼儿园专业优势,开发高质量课程;培养和激发家庭的生涯发展指导能力;构建政府主导、全社会积极参与的协同推进机制。  相似文献   

Previous research has established that student learning is influenced by how accurately teachers perceive student academic ability. But studies rarely investigate the degree to which inaccuracies in teacher perceptions exacerbate demographic inequality in academic ability. Using a sample of almost 14,000 children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort, we found that children whose literacy skills are overestimated by their teachers typically gain more literacy skills during kindergarten. Conversely, children whose skills are underestimated learn less. It is important to note that the skills of socioeconomically disadvantaged children are on average underestimated. As a result, inequalities in kindergarten literacy development stem in part from the links between teacher misperceptions and student background. We also explored the extent to which these relationships operate through practices associated with ability grouping. We found instructional grouping to be a weak facilitator of the link between teacher perceptions and student learning, suggesting the need for further research that identifies the social and structural classroom characteristics that link teacher perceptual accuracy to student learning.  相似文献   

利用提高信息素养的手段培养学生元认知能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今信息时代,提高学生的信息素养、培养他们的元认知能力以至提高他们的学习能力已成为教育工作者探讨的热点。那么,什么是信息素养?提高他们的信息素养与培养学生的元认知能力之间有何关系?我们应如何利用提高信息素养的手段培养学生的元认知能力?针对这些现实的问题,本文从信息素养与元认知能力的内涵、提高学生信息素养与元认知能力培养的关系、培养学生元认知能力的策略三个方面进行了具体阐述。  相似文献   

以口语测试的形式,对高职学生英语口语能力发展的区域特征作了探讨。针对区域发展不均衡的现状,提出了建立高职学生英语口语语料库的设想,以期实现高职英语教学资源的最充分共享,从而最大限度地提高学生的英语口语水平。  相似文献   

<幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)>中指出"幼儿园应与家庭、社区密切合作,与小学互相衔接,综合利用各种教育资源,共同为幼儿发展创造良好条件".在当今社会科学、文化的发展推动着教育社会化、社会教育化的进程的大潮流下,家、园、社区一体化教育已形成当代教育的格局,这些丰富的教育资源,不仅能满足幼儿自主活动、自发学习的需要,还能有效地实施社会教育,促进幼儿社会性的发展.  相似文献   

Selective attention is the ability to focus on goal-relevant information while filtering out irrelevant information. This work examined the development of selective attention to natural scenes and objects with a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm. Children (N = 69, ages 4–6 years) and adults (N = 80) were asked to attend to either objects or scenes, while ignoring the other type of stimulus. A multinomial processing tree model was used to decompose selective attention into focusing and filtering components. The results suggest that attention is object-biased in children, due to difficulty filtering attention to goal-irrelevant objects, whereas attention in adults is relatively unbiased. The findings suggest important developmental asymmetries in selective attention to scenes and objects.  相似文献   

对及物训练与学生观察能力的培养,说理训练与学生思维能力的培养两个方面进行了论述;介绍了及物与说理训练的具体做法,阐述了及物与说理训练在中学物理教学中的重要意义。  相似文献   

审美知觉的特性在于那知觉同时又是想象。其实质是:那知觉形象在一定程度上潜在地符合了,或者说体现了审美主体的想象。审美知觉的内在动力是审美情感:正是审美情感使一般知觉变成了具有潜在想象性的审美知觉。知觉即想象,这无论对于艺术品的审美还是对于自然物的审美来说都如此。当然,两者各有不同的特点。  相似文献   

文章在肯定"知觉二元论"之主旨的同时,思考了一些进一步的问题.认为内在知觉的主体只能是脑本身,脑有觉知自身状态的性能;物理事件乃是外在知觉的意向对象.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱手性固定相的最新研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述高效液相色谱手性固定相的发展过程,介绍手性冠醚类、Pirkle型、配体交换型、大环抗生素、多糖类、环糊精类、分子印迹类、蛋白质类、手性聚合物类手性固定相在2006~2007年的发展过程,展望高效液相色谱手性固定相的发展前景.  相似文献   

受国际金融危机影响,就业市场竞争日趋激烈,毕业生的就业形势严峻,这对以就业为导向的高职教育提出了挑战。苏州市职业大学以提高学生的就业能力为目标,从夯实学生的专业知识着手,不断拓展实践教学内容,加大就业指导力庹,取得了较为显著的成效。  相似文献   

作为中日两国古典艺术理论的优秀结晶,"物感"与"物哀"本身各有其历史发展的过程。分别以中国的南北朝和日本的平安时期为重要转折点,"物感"和"物哀"理论在走向成熟的同时,其本身所包含的主客体关系也经历了一个变化。巧合的是,"物感"与"物哀"所蕴含着的这种主客体关系,也因各自的这次转折而彰显出其隐含的对立关系。  相似文献   

在儿童的发展过程中,知觉的辨别和分类能力的发展是其认知、探索世界的基础。文章通过文献综述法,阐述了儿童各种知觉辨别和分类能力的表现及发展,探讨了影响儿童辨别与分类的因素,以及以往研究中的不足与争论点,为进一步研究儿童知觉的辨别和分类能力提出了思考与建议,并对未来的发展方向提出了新的展望。  相似文献   

国外大学生实践能力培养的经验及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强大学生实践能力培养已成为当今世界各国高等教育改革的重要内容之一。国外积累了丰富的经验:发挥政府的调控作用,强化立法和相关政策的制定;调动用人单位的积极性,促进用人单位与高校合作;发挥高校的主体作用,深入探究培养模式;发挥大学生的主观能动性,积极参与实践活动。它对我国的启示是:政府要充分发挥其宏观调控职能;高校要加大与用人单位的合作力度并优化其培养模式;大学生要加强实践能力的自我培养。  相似文献   

The present study explores the perceptual span, that is, the physical extent of the area from which useful visual information is obtained during a single fixation, during oral reading of Chinese sentences. Characters outside a window of legible text were replaced by visually similar characters. Results show that the influence of window size on the perceptual span was consistent across different fixation and oculomotor measures. To maintain normal reading behavior when reading aloud, it was necessary to have information provided from three characters to the right of the fixation. Together with findings from previous research, our findings suggest that the physical size of the perceptual span is smaller when reading aloud than in silent reading. This is in agreement with previous studies in English, suggesting that the mechanisms causing the reduced span in oral reading have a common base that generalizes across languages and writing systems.  相似文献   

科学与技术的发展引发人们对其可能带给社会风险的思考,这一问题已经从科学研究层面进入科学教育领域.文章探讨了科学风险教育的缘起及其实践价值,提出了科学风险议题的教学内容选择方法,阐明了基于科学风险内容的教学策略.在此基础上,展望这一领域的未来研究趋势.  相似文献   

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