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大气中多环芳烃的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多环芳烃是一类已被证实具有致癌作用的碳氢化合物,文中系统地讨论了大气中PAHs的研究现状,针对多环芳烃的来源、理化性质、危害及源识别技术等进行了综述。  相似文献   

用固相萃取和气相色谱-质谱法对珠三角某条河流进行了多环芳烃的测定。结果表明水相中多环芳烃的浓度范围介于30.96~357.90 ng/L之间,平均为150.14ng/L。以2环(Nap)和3环(Ace,Acy,Flu,Phe,Ant)为主。说明低分子量的多环芳烃在水相中居于优势地位。颗粒相中多环芳烃的浓度范围介于292.54 ng/g和873.65 ng/g之间,平均为574.32 ng/g。以3环和4环(Fluo,Pyr,BaA,and Chry)为主,高分子量五、六环的多环芳烃比例远远高于水相中的比例。lgKoc与lgKow在本研究区具有良好的相关性(R2=0.554)。  相似文献   

提供了几种从水体和大气中采集多环芳烃类有机污染物的实用技术,并阐述了相关预处理方法和气相—质谱联用仪的分析条件.  相似文献   

本文提出了多环芳烃的一阶对数连接指数(lg(1X))与其分配系数(Kow)之间的定量关系方程,并利用该方程计算了46个多环芳烃的分配系数,计算值与实验值十分吻合,相关系数R=0.996  相似文献   

环境中多环芳烃的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了多环芳烃的来源和危害,同时综述了国内外对多环芳烃的样品预处理及检测方法,并对其发展趋势进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

文章研究采集了江苏省南京市六合区农田土壤的表层土(0—15cm),用高效液相色谱测定了土壤中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量.结果表明,采样点土壤中PAHs总量在45.6μg/kg~210.9μg/kg之间.在检测的PAHs中,二环、三环、四环的PAHs含量之和约为总量的51.0%~92.5%.采用PAHs总量和内梅罗综合污染指数方法评价污染水平,南京市六合区农田采样点土壤中PAHs含量基本上是处于安全水平.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic and mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) generated in coal combustion have caused great environmental health concern. Seventeen PAHs (16 high priority PAHs recommended by USEPA plus Benzo[e]pyrene) present in five raw bituminous coals and released during bituminous coal combustion were studied. The effects of combustion temperature, gas atmosphere, and chlorine content of raw coal on PAHs formation were investigated. Two additives (copper and cupric oxide) were added when the coal was burned. The results indicated that significant quantities of PAHs were produced from incomplete combustion of coal pyrolysis products at high temperature, and that temperature is an important causative factor of PAHs formation. PAHs concentrations decrease with the increase of chlorine content in oxygen or in nitrogen atmosphere. Copper and cupric oxide additives can promote PAHs formation (especially the multi-ring PAHs) during coal combustion.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic and mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) generated in coal combustion have caused great environmental health concern. Seventeen PAHs (16 high priority PAHs recommended by USEPA plus Benzo[e]pyrene) present in five raw bituminous coals and released during bituminous coal combustion were studied. The effects of combustion temperature, gas atmosphere, and chlorine content of raw coal on PAHs formation were investigated. Two additives (copper and cupric oxide) were added when the coal was burned. The results indicated that significant quantities of PAHs were produced from incomplete combustion of coal pyrolysis products at high temperature, and that temperature is an important causative factor of PAHs formation. PAHs concentrations decrease with the increase of chlorine content in oxygen or in nitrogen atmosphere. Copper and cupric oxide additives can promote PAHs formation (especially the multi-ring PAHs) during coal combustion.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured during various seasons at six different cities/locations in Qingdao alongshore. The annual average PAHs concentration ranged from 16 ng/m3 (at a clean com- pared site) to 308 ng/m3 (in an industry site). The average total particulate PAHs concentration was 74.5 ng/m3 with a higher concentration of particulate PAHs in winter. Based on a year-round dataset, the sources of PAHs in the air of Qingdao were drawn by principal factor analysis and correlation analysis. The results indicated that vehicle emissions and oil burning were the main source of PAHs in Qingdao alongshore.  相似文献   

恒波长同步荧光法同时测定三种多环芳烃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了1,2-苯并蒽(1,2-BA)、苯并[k]芴(BkF)和3.4,8.9-二苯并芘(DBP)三种多环芳烃的恒波长同步荧光分析法。选择波长差Δλ=30nm,只需一次扫描,就可实现三组分的同时鉴别和定量测定。1,2-BA、BkF和DBP的线性范围分别为0—5.0μg.mL-1、0—1.6μg.mL-1和0—1.0μg.mL-1,检出限分别为0.58ng.mL-1、0.020ng.mL-1和0.013ng.mL-1。该方法简便、快速、灵敏,无需预分离,用于自来水、海水和溪水的分析,取得了良好的效果,回收率分别为87.5—104.0%,89.0—102.0%和88.3—102.5%。  相似文献   

环境中威胁最大污染物是多环芳烃类化合物,通过正交试验,进行了BDP01对多环芳烃类化合物降解能力的调控因子极差分析。发现:适量Tween80可分别大幅提升BDP01降解萘和蒽能力达6.49%和12.7%。其中pH值对BDP01降解萘的影响极为显著;Tween80影响为显著;温度和接种量影响不显著。 Tween80对BDP01降解蒽的影响极为显著;pH值和温度影响显著;接种量影响不显著。  相似文献   

目的:探索中国生活垃圾焚烧残灰中重金属、氯苯、多环芳烃等有毒成分的排放特性、排放水平及相互之间的关联特性,并认识其产生、排放与焚烧炉型、焚烧条件的关联,以探索控制其危害的有效方法。方法:1.对中国几个典型的生活垃圾焚烧炉现场采样,获得多个飞灰和底渣的样品;2.通过多种不同的检测手段和方法,分别检测残灰的基本物理化学特性、氯苯、多环芳烃和主要金属元素的浓度;3.结合焚烧炉型和焚烧特性等条件,分析各有毒成分的排放特性和相互之间的关联特性。结论:1.氯苯、多环芳烃和重金属受焚烧因素影响,在残灰中的排放特性各不相同,流化床焚烧炉能消除焚烧和原始垃圾的扰动,能控制氯苯在残灰中的排放,但多环芳烃排放控制不如炉排焚烧炉;2.残灰中主要的有机有毒成分为高氯代氯苯和2至4环等少环类多环芳烃;3.氯苯和多环芳烃在残灰中的含量可能因为不同的产生机理而表现出一定的负关联特点;4.残灰中的金属主要为铝和铁等轻金属,浓度远高于重金属元素,而无毒重金属(主要为Mn、Ni、As和Zn)浓度高于有毒重金属元素(Cu、Pb和Cr),且不同金属表现出不同的对氯苯和多环芳烃的催化促进或抑制作用。  相似文献   

Recently, extremely large benzenoid hydrocarbons have been synthesized. These compounds resemble graphite in many ways, and have been named graphenes. Because of their nonstandard properties, graphenes have already found numerous applications, especially as special-purpose materials in electronics. In this article we outline the basic chemical facts on graphenes. Ivan Gutman is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, Kragujevac, Serbia. Among his interests are mathematical methods in chemistry and the theory of polycyclic aromatic compounds. Boris Furtula is secretary of the journal ‘MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry’.  相似文献   

龙凤湿地由于长期承泄工业废水和城市生活污水而受到不同程度的污染.湿地中的水体流动性差,众多芳香烃类污染物在表层沉积物中富集、沉积,部分有机污染物难以降解.通过实验分析检测这些芳香烃类污染物在湿地不同区域沉积物中的质量分数从0.15~4mg/g变化较大,其中苯系物主要为C4苯和C7苯,多环芳香烃以萘、蒽、菲系列化合物中的萘、C2萘、C3萘及蒽、菲、甲基蒽、甲基菲为主,而且具有PAHs质量分数高于苯系物以及C2萘与甲基菲质量分数高的特征.龙凤湿地表层沉积物中的C2萘及甲基菲等质量分数高,有机污染物成为潜在的二次污染源.  相似文献   

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