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陈肖波  朱晓宇 《科技通报》1997,13(4):250-252
应用扫描电镜观察6例育龄期妇女正常输卵管和积液输卵管上皮.结果发现:输卵管积液上皮的纤毛细胞纤毛大量脱落,且纤毛多为微绒毛所代替,使纤毛细胞大量减少.分泌细胞发育良好,细胞游离面有众多密集的微绒毛和许多分泌颗粒.本文首次发现,在输卵管积液处上皮细胞之间,有许多输卵管淋巴孔,它位于分泌细胞之间直径3.25~4.25μm.输卵管淋巴孔是输卵管积液的代偿性产物,与输卵管积液的转归有关.鉴此,本文提出了形成输卵管积液新的发病机理  相似文献   

人类靠身体内的化学感受器感受机体内外环境的化学刺激。在各种化学感受器中,味感受器引导着我们的摄食活动。味蕾是人类昧感受器的基本结构,它们大部分集中于舌乳头。在味蕾顶端有一小孔,开口于上皮表面,被称作“味孔”。当溶解的食物进入味孔时,通过黏液层作用到味细胞的微绒毛,可以引起细胞膜对某一离子的通道开放,  相似文献   

胡晓玲  陈斯宁  陆珏 《大众科技》2023,(1):123-126+116
慢性阻塞性肺疾病是一种常见且多发的呼吸系统疾病,以慢性炎症为主要特征,而中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶作为一种重要炎性蛋白酶,它能消化、水解细胞外基质和上皮连接结构,损害气道上皮完整性、损伤肺组织,在该病的演变进展过程中具有重要意义。文章对两者的相关性进行综述与探讨,为中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶抑制剂作为慢性阻塞性肺疾病临床用药提供新视野及一定理论基础。  相似文献   

采用病理解剖、HE染色法对2例确诊为患鞭虫病的猪的小肠、大肠、肠系膜淋巴结、心、肝、肺等进行组织学观察,结果表明:该病主要发病部位为结肠和盲肠,病猪结肠和盲肠粘膜上皮完全脱落,粘膜表面和深层可见寄生虫断面,虫体周围包囊形成。肝脏和肾脏出现不同程度的淤血和变性。肠系膜淋巴结充血、出血,淋巴小结发达。其它脏器未见异常病变。  相似文献   

自噬是指细胞消化自身蛋白质或细胞内结构(细胞器)的一种自食现象。自噬作为一种进化上非常古老和保守的代谢途径.参与降解、消除和消化受损、变性、衰老和失去功能的细胞器和变性蛋白质等生物大分子.为细胞的生存和修复提供必需的能量。  相似文献   

肽是什么?肽是人体生命的必需因子。肽是两个以上的氨基酸分子联结而成。人体的很多生命活动都是由肽完成的,如调节代谢和传递信息等。人体的很多功能更是离不开各种各样的肽,如记忆功能、心血管功能、消化功能的调节。肽还和人体的免疫功能直接相关联,是机体完成免疫功能和进行免疫调节的重要活性物质。因此科学家认为,肽是人体生命活动的最基本因子。活性肽,生命的灵魂活性肽,顾名思义,就是有生物活性的肽。与蛋白质相比,活性肽在体内易被吸收利用。现代医学发现,小分子肽能直接被人体的粘膜吸收,从而避免了经过肠、胃消化时被降解和失活…  相似文献   

本文分析32例肠梗阻的实时超声诊断资料。诊断准确率为90.6%(29/32)。肠梗阻的声像图特诊为:肠腔扩张,肠袢积气,积液,肠粘膜皱襞水肿增厚,肠蠕动增强。实时超声对肠袢充满液体的肠梗阻的诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

李紫阳 《科学大众》2010,(10):21-21
人的胃里有一种强腐蚀性液体,叫做胃液,主要用来帮助我们消化所吃的食物。胃液中的盐酸浓度很高,以至于它能消解骨头,甚至溶解金属。然而,胃自己本身却不会被消化,这是因为胃壁的粘膜表面有一道由脂蛋白和碱性粘液组成的天然保护屏障,使胃能长期处于消化液中而安然无恙。  相似文献   

崔鹤同 《知识窗》2007,(11):57-57
1883年.俄国乌克兰的自然科学家梅契尼科夫教授,在西西里岛建起了一个业余实验室。尽管他对微生物捕猎还一窍不通,但兴趣广泛的他已开始研究海星和海绵消化食物的方法.并发现这些动物体内有一种奇特的细胞,  相似文献   

警犬的嗅觉灵敏是尽人皆知的。犬的嗅觉灵敏度位居各畜之首,它对酸性物质的嗅觉灵敏度要高出人类几万倍。犬的嗅觉器官叫嗅粘膜,位于鼻腔上部,表面有许多皱褶,面积约为人类的4倍。嗅粘膜内的嗅细胞是真正的嗅觉感受器,嗅粘膜内大约有2亿多个嗅细胞,为人类的40倍。嗅细胞表面  相似文献   

胡建文 《科技通报》1997,13(5):349-351
对以上消化道症状而就诊的321例慢性胃炎患者行胃镜及幽门螺杆菌(HP)检测和胃粘膜病理学检查,结果显示慢性萎缩性胃炎的HP检出率为76.1%,显著高于慢性浅表性胃炎的检出率56.3%(P<0.01),HP感染患者胃粘膜萎缩和肠化生的发生率分别为26.3%和29.9%,显著高于无HP感染者胃粘膜萎缩和肠化生的发生率12.6%及19.7%(P<0.01和P<0.05).且HP感染与胃粘膜萎缩程度有显著关系,而与肠化生程度和不典型增生无显著关系(P>0.05).提示HP感染可以使胃粘膜萎缩和肠化生的发病率升高,并认为HP感染可能为胃癌发生的危险因素之一.  相似文献   

生物膜是细菌在生长过程中为适应生存环境而吸附于生命的或无生命的材料表面所形成的一种与浮游细胞相对应的生长方式,是一个具有结构性、协调性和功能性的高度组织群体。本文介绍了生物膜的特点,重点讨论了生物膜的形成过程以及在重金属等有毒物质的降解和废水处理等环境问题中的应用。  相似文献   

Control of the 3D microenvironment for cultured cells is essential for understanding the complex relationships that biomolecular concentration gradients have on cellular growth, regeneration, and differentiation. This paper reports a microfluidic device for delivering gradients of soluble molecules to cells in an open reservoir without exposing the cells to flow. The cells are cultured on a polyester membrane that shields them from the flow that delivers the gradient. A novel "lid" design is implemented which prevents leakage from around the membrane without requiring sealing agents or adhesives. Once layers are molded, device fabrication can be performed within minutes while at room temperature. Surface gradients were characterized with epifluorescence microscopy; image analysis verified that sharp gradients (~33 μm wide) can be reproducibly generated. We show that heterogeneous laminar flow patterns of Orange and Green Cell Tracker (CT) applied beneath the membrane can be localized to cells cultured on the other side; concentration profile scans show the extent of CT diffusion parallel to the membrane's surface to be 10-20 μm. Our device is ideal for conventional cell culture because the cell culture surface is readily accessible to physical manipulation (e.g., micropipette access), the cell culture medium is in direct contact with the incubator atmosphere (i.e., no special protocols for ensuring proper equilibration of gas concentrations are required), and the cells are not subjected to flow-induced shear forces, which are advantageous attributes not commonly found in closed-channel microfluidic designs.  相似文献   

                                                                 摘    要     通过对中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis planch.var.chinensis)和硬毛猕猴 桃(A.chinensis Planch.var.hispida C.F.Liang)的枝、果、叶、花粉等的比较 观察,发现它们在冬芽形状、花粉大小、果型及毛被情况等方面均有明显不同。 中华猕猴桃冬芽外露,呈马蹄状,为具毛的黄褐色鳞片所包裹;果多近圆形,枝及 果上具灰白色茸毛;花粉扁球形—近球形,17.5x 20微米,表面光滑。硬毛猕猴 桃冬芽为丘形,不外露,完全包裹于皮部之下;果多为长柱形,枝及果上具褐色长 硬毛;花粉扁球形—近球形,22.5x 25微米,表面具极模糊的细网状纹饰。     在雌株茎段的组织培养中,它们对培养基的反应也有显著差异,中华猕猴桃 茎段诱导产生愈伤组织的能力弱,再分化产生小苗的频率低(45.4%),硬毛猕猴 桃的茎段,产生愈伤组织的能力强,再分化产生小苗的频率高(81.3%)。     鉴于它们在形态及组织培养中的这些不同,建议将硬毛猕猴桃由变种提升为种。  相似文献   

Ability to perform cytogenetic interrogations on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from the blood of cancer patients is vital for progressing toward targeted, individualized treatments. CTCs are rare compared to normal (bystander) blood cells, found in ratios as low as 1:109. The most successful isolation techniques have been immunocytochemical technologies that label CTCs for separation based on unique surface antigens that distinguish them from normal bystander cells. The method discussed here utilizes biotin-tagged antibodies that bind selectively to CTCs. The antibodies are introduced into a suspension of blood cells intending that only CTCs will display surface biotin molecules. Next, the cell suspension is passed through a microfluidic channel that contains about 9000 transverse, streptavidin coated posts. A CTC making contact with a post has the opportunity to engage in a biotin-streptavidin reaction that immobilizes the cell. Bystander blood cells remain in suspension and pass through the channel. The goal of the present study is to establish the technical performance of these channels as a function of antigen density and operating conditions, especially flow rate. At 18 μL/min, over 70% of cells are captured at antigen densities greater than 30 000 sites/cell while 50% of cells are captured at antigen densities greater than 10 000. It is found that lower flow rates lead to decreasing cell capture probabilities, indicating that some streamlines develop which are never close enough to a post to allow cell-post contact. Future modeling and streamline studies using computational fluid dynamics software could aid in optimization of channel performance for capture of rare cells.  相似文献   

目的:考察不同产地狗肝菜红外光谱的指纹图谱的细微差异,并进行对比鉴别。方法:对同种不同产地的狗肝菜药材进行红外光谱测定,并计算其相似度。结果:本实验采用IR法建立狗肝菜指纹图谱,通过相似度计算发现,12批样品的相似度均大于0.90,且出峰位置稳定。结论:该方法所建立的图谱具有较好的稳定性和可控性,可用于狗肝菜的红外鉴别。  相似文献   

 在扫描电镜下观察了豆科黄华属Thermopsis 18种植物种子的表面纹饰,发现 T.alpina,T.bar- bata,T.inflata,T.lupinoides,T. licentiana,T.smithiana和T.turkestanica的种子表面为粗网状,T californica,T.divaricarpa,T. macrophylla,T.mollis的种子表面为细网状,T.gracilis,T.montana,T. fabacea的种子表面为相对平滑型纹饰,T.alterniflora的种子表面为不规则条形,T.chinensis的种子表 面为粘膜状,T.rhombifolia的种子表面为条形及 T.viuosa的种子表面为碎屑状纹饰。结果表明黄华属的种子表面特征对属下类群的划分有一定意义,对澄清某些混乱的种有一定价值。  相似文献   

 The present paper, mainly dealing with phytogeographical, Cytological and Palynolo gical studies on Chinese Stachyuraceae, is the first part of a series of contributions to systematics of this family. As we know, Stachyuraceae, a monogeneric family, is  endemic to East Asia, with a strong differentiation in China. Systematic position of the family is still uncertain. Undoubtedly, multidisciplinary studies on it wisl give a better understanding of plant differentiation in East-Asiatic floristic region and systematic position of the family.      The distribution of all the 9 Chinese species of Stachyurus have been studied on the basis of morphogeographical method. The status of some taxa has been changed as follows: Stachyurus chinensis Franch. ssp. latus (Li) Y. C. Tang et Y. L. Cao, stat. nov. S. chinen-sis Franch. Ssp. cuspidatus (Li) Y. C. Tang et Y. L. Cao, stat. nov. S. chinensis Franch. ssp. brachystachyus (C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen) Y. C. Tang et Y. L. Cao, stat. nov. S. salicifolius Franch. ssp. lancifolius (C. Y. Wu) Y. C. Tang et Y. L. Cao, stat. nov., S. yunnanensis Franch. var. pedicellatus Rehd. and S. oblongifolius Wang et Tang being reduced as synonyms of S. yunnanensis Franch. From morphological point of view, we would consider that sect. Callosurus is more primitive and its present area might be the preservation center of the family.      In this paper the chromosome numbers of 5 taxa, i.e. Stachyurus yunnanensis, S. chinensis ssp. chinensis, S. chinensis ssp. cuspidatus, S. salicifolius ssp. salicifolius, S. retusus, are reported for the first time. Along with the chromosome countings of S. himalaicus and S. sigeyosii by S. kurosawa, we come to the conclusion that all the species so far studied have 24 small somatic chromosomes (2n=24).      The pollen grains of 6 taxa, i.e. Stachyurus yunnanensis, S. obovatus, S. himalaicus, S. chinensis ssp. chinensis, S. salicifolius ssp. salicifolius, S. retusus were also examined. Together with the observations of G. Erdman and Huang Tsengchien on  S. himalaicus, it seems that the pollen grains of the genus Stachyurus are rather uniform in  morphology. The pollen grains of sect. Callosurus are tricolporoidate, while those of sect. Stachyurusare tricolporate. Two pollen types, representeb by the two sections, though not strongly distinct, may be considered as further evidence of the validity of the two taxa as section.       Sexuality of flowers is also disscussed in the paper. According to our observationon six species, i.e. Stachyurus yunnanensis, S. obovatus, S. himalaicus, S. chinensis, S. salicifolius, S. retusus, the plants are dioecious, which supports T. Makino's observation on S. praecox and H. Hara's on S. himalaicus. Female flowers have relatively large pistils and short stamens with empty anthers, while male flowers have smaller sterile pistils and longer stamens with well developed anthers.  相似文献   

同步辐射对直肠癌组织微量元素测定的意义探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用同步辐射荧光分析光谱法(SRXFS)对9例直肠癌及癌旁移行粘膜和正常粘膜中微量元素的含量进行分析,结果显示,癌组织中Cu、Zn、Mn三种微量元素相对含量分别为38199.16、15557.04和209.86,显著低于正常粘膜组织(P<0.05,或P<0.001);而宏量元素Cl含量为3438.16,显著高于正常粘膜(P<0.05)。癌旁移行粘膜中Cu、Zn、Mn、Cl、Ti、Se元素含量介于癌组织和正常粘膜之间,作者认为,微量元素Cu、Zn、Mn可能是直肠癌的相关性元素,癌旁移行粘膜多种元素含量变化趋势,提示癌旁移行粘膜可能是一类潜在性交界性瘤变。  相似文献   

本文首次记载了对分布于峨眉山的凤仙花属Impatiens 12种植物的种子表面显微结构的观察, 并分析了种子表面形态在该属种水平上的分类价值及可能的系统学意义。种皮表层细胞特化、排列方 式、隆起状态、种脊上近合点端的突起、种子末端附属物的有无及其形态等性状被视为凤仙花属种子表 面的主要特征。依据这些性状12种凤仙花种子形态分为两种类型:1.种子表面光滑,无明显大、小细胞 分化。如白花凤仙I.wilsoni可能具3沟花粉凤仙花的种子形态的特点。2.表面粗糙,有明显大、小细 胞的分化及不同程度的细胞隆起,并呈现出多种特异形态.这代表了以一年生草本,4沟花粉为特点的 凤仙花种子形态特征。种子特征与植物体习性、花形态及花粉形态相关,在一定程度上反映了属内类群的分化,因而在凤仙花科、属的分类和系统研究中是不可忽视的性状。  相似文献   

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