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This paper assesses the glass ceiling for academics in the Turkish universities with reference to top administration positions: rectors and deans. Glass ceiling indicators show that the glass ceiling thickened from the 1990s to late 2000s. The findings are discussed against the background of the transformation in the Turkish universities in the last decades and in the context of three areas of challenges: the hierarchy deeply rooted in the current higher education system, the restructuring scheme with the recently introduced public administration reform law and marketisation of higher education.


This paper assesses the glass ceiling for academics in the Turkish universities with reference to top administration positions: rectors and deans. Glass ceiling indicators show that the glass ceiling thickened from the 1990s to late 2000s. The findings are discussed against the background of the transformation in the Turkish universities in the last decades and in the context of three areas of challenges: the hierarchy deeply rooted in the current higher education system, the restructuring scheme with the recently introduced public administration reform law and marketisation of higher education.  相似文献   

《玻璃虫》是林白推出的又一部女性主义力作,这部虚构的回忆录以自传体的纪实方式讲述了女性的个性生命体验。从文体和女性性别诗学视角阐述了小说在女性身份强调,价值判断,意义指向领域的审美文化意蕴。  相似文献   

Compared to the training of higher education management professionals in the US, the training of their counterparts in China is relatively modest, with few programs offered at the graduate level. Further, few concrete solutions have been proposed for tackling the challenge of preparing managerial professionals for the sound development of higher educational institutions in China. Based on existing theories and practices associated with professionalization and findings from the literature and data collected from universities both in China and the US, this paper examines the training of higher education professionals from a comparative perspective in the two countries. With the intention of identifying the characteristics of “best practices” for the training and education of institutional executives, in an effort to provide possible suggestions for the future development of higher management training in China, the paper will discuss the topic from two perspectives: short-term in-service training programs and formal PhD and EdD programs.  相似文献   

女性担任大学校长及高层领导已屡见不鲜,许多女性走进大学的领导层,肩负起管理大学、促进大学建设与发展的重任.对我国“985计划”的39所高校的调查发现,在2013年,这些高校中共有42名女性高层领导.通过对其履历进行研究,总结出了我国“985”高校女性高层领导年龄偏大、学历与学术背景高、占领导人数比例低、以副职居多、以党委领导居多和以内部晋升为主的整体群像.继而在此基础上讨论了在高等教育领域中女性领导的作用,并分析了其处境的相关原因.  相似文献   

阐述了采用nAERO辅助气溶胶薄膜沉积技术制备TCO镀膜玻璃时,在TCO玻璃生产线上出现的玻璃连续炸裂的问题,通过分析和多次对加热炉温度曲线、气浮台高度、镀膜腔室尾气排放量、加热炉与镀膜腔室间隙等工艺及设备调整,对可能存在的原因逐一排查,最终确定炸裂的主要因素,并加以改进,使离线式TCO镀膜玻璃炸裂问题得到了最终解决。  相似文献   

教师声誉管理:高校管理者的一个思考向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维护良好的职业声誉应是当代高校教师从事职业活动不可忽视的重要内容。尽管目前建立我国高校教师声誉管理机制仍面临许多困难,但扭转高校教师声誉不断下滑的趋势既有必要也有可能。为此,应强化三方面的措施,即:政府层面的利益推动与社会主流舆论的正向引导;高校管理体制的优化和对教师职业行为的规约;教师自觉履行职业责任与良心自律。  相似文献   

本文通过对北京市石景山区的中小学管理者的培训需求调研发现,该区管理者虽然接受过不少培训,但对以往的培训从内容到组织形式,到具体的方式等不甚满意。从各个环节提高培训的针对性是提高培训效果的关键。  相似文献   


Technologies that enhance classroom instruction and school administration are widespread. The majority of schools, however, have yet to implement technologies beyond a basic level. Reasons for this reluctance include a lack of funds, teacher beliefs about the role of technology in education, methods of technology allocation and distribution in schools, a lack of understanding of how technologies can accentuate learning and administration, and most importantly, a lack of vision and support from school administrators. To help solve the problem of administrative support, we propose the creation of university courses designed to nourish school technology leaders. Included in this paper is a basic outline for such a course.  相似文献   

根据教学管理者的基本任务及其工作特点、面临的挑战及其素质与能力要求,对高职高专教学管理人员能力建设进行探讨。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于数字图像处理技术的玻璃裂纹检测系统。此系统对采集的图像进行预处理、图像分割、特征提取,从而获得玻璃表面图像的识别信息,并利用圆形度指标判断该图像是否含有裂纹。系统采用Visual Basic6.0编程语言开发,实现了裂纹检测过程中各部分功能。  相似文献   

For the study we report here we used the theoretical framework of organizational justice to examine academic administrator’s perceptions of resource distribution decisions. We asked deans, school directors, and department chairs in one midwestern state about their perceptions of the fairness and likelihood of use of various distribution principles in scenarios involving distributions of compensation to faculty and resources to schools/departments. Differences based on Carnegie classification and current position were examined. Overall, we found that participants perceived compensating faculty members and allocating resources to departments based on the quality of teaching and impact on students was most fair, but they believed factors such as research productivity and funding secured were more likely to be used. While there were no differences based on current position, there were differences based on Carnegie classification with the research universities indicating greater preference for and likelihood of using research principles and non-research institutions indicating greater likelihood of using equality.  相似文献   

调查表明:多数教学管理对多数教学管理的基本问题都有共识,并符合新课程理念和《普通高中课程方案(实验)》的主旨。但教学管理对新课程实施之教学管理的具体操作问题特别是与学分管理相关的操作问题分歧较大,而这正是新课程教学管理改革的难点之一;教学管理对学制“弹性”问题的认识分歧也很大,特别是“提前毕业”、“免修”、“重修”和“继续修习”及其安排问题,而《普通高中课程方案(实验)》以及相关政策没有相应的规定。为此,必须系统筹划,建构新的普通高中教学管理体系;大胆探索,创建民主、规范、合作和尊重选择的教学管理化;让教师明了教学管理,建立以校为本的新型学校教学管理制度。  相似文献   

论高校教学管理人员的能力培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等学校教学管理人员是决定其教学管理是否成功的关键因素.目前,高校教学管理人员还存在一些问题,而提高教学管理人员的能力是解决问题的关键,据此提出了培育教学管理人员能力的七项对策.  相似文献   

在文[1]讨论“每个投保人仅购买一份保险”的基础上,进一步讨论了人寿保险中“每个投保人投保份数不同”的情况下,相应地得出该保险品种中盈利率的上限与赔率、风险系数等指标的函数关系.  相似文献   

In spite of open access to community college education, specifically human service associate degree programs, students with criminal justice histories do not necessarily have an unobstructed pathway to obtaining the degree and admission to the baccalaureate programs in human services and social work that are almost always selective. The first obstacle may arise when a student must be placed in the field internship. This may mark the first time in a student’s educational career where he or she must disclose his or her ex-offender status. While higher education plays a well-documented role against recidivism, students who are ex-offenders who are enrolled in community college programs and also have their sights set on transfer, professional credentialing, and professional employment, may face similar barriers. There is a paucity of research related to students in community college with criminal justice histories and a clear need for qualitative and quantitative study in the area. The author calls for more active advocacy and community education roles for community college professionals in this arena as well.  相似文献   

行政人员的道德化,是指对行政人员的行政行为的道德规范过程。它既存在着理论上的必然性,更有着现实的紧迫性。理论上,个体作为“行政人员”在公共领域中出现,碍于行政人员的特殊身份,就必然要摒弃以个人利益为出发点的观念,把握好自己的道德自觉性,这就要求“行政人员的道德化”。行政人员的道德失范给行政人员的道德化提出了现实的紧迫性。制度建设是建构行政人员道德化的有效途径。  相似文献   

我国社会转型对高校教学管理工作提出了严峻挑战。为了适应市场经济、知识经济和加入WTO对人才的要求 ,教学工作和教学管理都须从观念、内容、手段等方面进行改革 ,建立一支高素质的教学管理队伍。教学管理队伍的素质分个体素质和群体素质 ,个体素质主要有思想、业务、创新素质等 ;群体素质有合作共事、开放、整体效益等。通过对转型期高校教学管理干部素质的研究 ,引起教学管理干部自身和高校领导对提高管理干部水平 ,加强管理队伍建设的重视 ,为推进教学改革、提高人才培养质量奠定基础  相似文献   

适应与超越:高校行政管理人员的专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育规模的不断扩大及高校与社会关系的日益密切,高校行政管理人员从职能、地位到作用都发生了相应的变化,并对其提出了更高的要求。其中,高校行政管理人员的专业化成为教育研究和社会论辩中的一个重要课题。实现高校行政管理人员的专业化是社会转型与高校行政管理人员角色转变的要求,是高校教育改革的需求和方向,也是对高等教育实践的呼唤与教育理论的回应。  相似文献   

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