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在归纳分析未成年人违法犯罪的类型和特征的基础上,阐述了家庭教育在未成年人教育中的重要作用。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的细胞,家长是孩子的监护者和教育责任人,有责任和义务为孩子提供一个健康成长的良好环境,包括必要的物质条件和经济基础。但是,现实生活中,社会经济地位低、家长不尽基本职责、家庭结构失调、家长不良言行的熏染以及教育方法不当,都可能会对青少年的成长带来不利影响。因此,分析家庭教育中存在的问题,采取必要预防措施,是本文关注的要点。  相似文献   

家庭结构与青少年犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从社会学的角度对家庭结构进行了解释,论述了不健全的家庭结构对子女成长的消极影响,进而阐明家庭结构与青少年犯罪的关系。此外本文也说明了学校教育在预防青少年犯罪方面的补救作用。  相似文献   

The first purpose of this study was to examine contemporaneous and longitudinal associations of maternal and paternal measures of family functioning with observational and self-report assessments of sibling conflict. The second purpose was to determine whether the ways in which families attempt to solve siblings' problems are associated with contemporaneous and longitudinal assessment of sibling conflict. The results indicate that paternal equality of treatment and family harmony during family discussions about sibling problems, as well as parents' perceptions of family cohesiveness, are associated with lower sibling conflict levels.  相似文献   

目前,无论是发达的西方国家.还是发展中国家。大都面临着青少年犯罪率不断上升的严重状况。青少年犯罪主要有暴力性犯罪占很大比例、性犯罪近年来呈增长趋势以及犯罪者的文化素质不高等特点。青少年犯罪心理表现为犯罪动机的单一性和犯罪目的的荒诞性、犯罪心理的报复性和犯罪心态的逆反性、犯罪故意的突友性和犯罪手段的残忍性等几个方面。家庭在青少年犯罪心理健康发展中扮演最重要的社会控制角色是各种犯罪社会学派的共识,而不当家庭教育则是形成青少年犯罪心理一个重要因素。因此.加强和改进家庭教育方式是降低青少年犯罪率的一项重要措施.  相似文献   

Some recent studies have found a relation between the number of siblings 3–4-year-old children have and their performance on false belief tasks. 2 experiments reported here examine a variety of factors in children's social environments, including daily contact with peers and adults as well as the numbers of their siblings, on a battery of false belief tests. In Experiment 1, 82 preschoolers were studied in Rethymnon, Crete, in order to obtain a range of extended kin available as a resource for the child. In Experiment 2, 75 Cypriot preschoolers were studied in Nicosia in order to examine the influences of each child's daily social contacts, as measured by maternal questionnaire. Logistic regression revealed that the factors which account for most of the predicted variance on the theory of mind tests were ( a ) the number of adult kin available (Experiment 1) or adults interacted with daily (Experiment 2), ( b ) the child's age, ( c ) the number of older siblings a child has, and ( d ) the number of older children interacted with daily. The results suggested that theory of mind is not simply passed from one sibling to another in a process of social influence. It seems more likely that a variety of knowledgeable members of her or his culture influence the apprentice theoretician of mind.  相似文献   

青少年违法行为的家庭预防--儿童自主性的培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邹晓燕 《教育科学》2002,18(2):54-55
青少年违法行为是一个跨越时间和空间的永久性热点课题。在青少年违法行为的诸多影响因素中,家庭对儿童自主性的忽视是导致青少年违法行为的最主要因素之一。儿童自主性的发展经过了从对行为限度的意识,到初步作为规范的掌握、是非观念、判断能力及自我控制能力形成的过程。自主性的发展是青少年法律意识和自律行为的必要前提。发展儿童的自主性可以有效预防青少年违法行为;对自主性发展水平较低的青少年,要特别注意避免不良同伴的消极影响。  相似文献   

In this study we sought to determine whether sibling temperaments moderated the associations of parent-child relationship quality and family problem-solving behavior with sibling relationship quality. Observational assessments of mother-child and father-child relationship quality, family problem-solving behavior, and sibling relationship quality were obtained from the families of 49 pairs of brothers and 46 pairs of sisters. Mean ages were 10-2 for older siblings and 7-6 for younger siblings. Parent-reported child temperament assessments were also obtained. The links among mother–older child relationship quality, father–older child relationship quality, and sibling relationship quality were moderated by the older sibling's temperament. The younger and older siblings' temperaments moderated the associations between the quality of the father–younger sibling and sibling relationships. The association between family problem-solving behavior and sibling relationship quality was not moderated by sibling temperaments.  相似文献   

This study estimates the extent to which heredity influences perceptions of childhood family environment in a sample of 58 monozygotic and 46 dizygotic pairs of adult twins who were reared apart. The measures used to assess family environments were the Family Environment Scale (FES) and Block Environmental Questionnaire (BEQ). A principal component factor analysis with a VARIMAX rotation of the FES and BEQ yielded 2 major factors—Support, and Organization and Cultural Orientation. Single and multiple indicator model-fitting techniques were applied to the reared apart twin data on the 2 factors. Perceived support in childhood family environments was fitted best by a model incorporating additive genetic and unshared environmental factors. Perceived organization was fitted most adequately by a model which includes only unshared environmental factors. Maximum-likelihood estimates of heritability from model-fitting analyses suggest that genetic factors explain 44% of the variance of perceptions of support dimension in childhood family environments.  相似文献   

Family involvement in schooling can benefit young children, teachers, and families. Family involvement in schools can be influenced by both school-related and family-related factors. School-related factors include teachers’ attitudes toward families, and school and teacher expectations. Family-related factors include ethnicity, prior school experiences, and family work schedules. Teachers who recognize and understand these influences can employ a variety of strategies to facilitate the involvement of families in the school experience of young children.  相似文献   

针对家庭环境因素、幼儿人格的发展理论及家庭环境对幼儿人格发展的影响的研究进行了较为系统的梳理,并分析和探讨了现存的问题和今后的研究方向,旨在为未来研究提供全新的视角.  相似文献   

The goals of the present research were: a) to characterize children's interventions into disputes involving mothers and siblings, b) to examine symmetry between siblings' intervention behaviors, and c) to investigate how children's conflict interventions were linked to the quality of sibling relationships. During home observations of 50 families observers audiotaped family conversations, including conflicts that simultaneously involved 33-month-old younger siblings, their elder siblings and their mothers. Siblings' interventions most often concerned rules of the house, and were most likely to occur when mothers were not upset. Opposition was the most common strategy for both siblings, however alliances were asymmetrical, eldest siblings offered greater support to younger siblings. Alliances between siblings were linked to more harmonious sibling relationships. Results were discussed with regard to children's responses to anger and conflict in the home. The development of mediation skills within the family and their implication for family relationships was also considered.  相似文献   

The goals of the present research were: a) to characterize children's interventions into disputes involving mothers and siblings, b) to examine symmetry between siblings' intervention behaviors, and c) to investigate how children's conflict interventions were linked to the quality of sibling relationships. During home observations of 50 families observers audiotaped family conversations, including conflicts that simultaneously involved 33-month-old younger siblings, their elder siblings and their mothers. Siblings' interventions most often concerned rules of the house, and were most likely to occur when mothers were not upset. Opposition was the most common strategy for both siblings, however alliances were asymmetrical, eldest siblings offered greater support to younger siblings. Alliances between siblings were linked to more harmonious sibling relationships. Results were discussed with regard to children's responses to anger and conflict in the home. The development of mediation skills within the family and their implication for family relationships was also considered.  相似文献   

“近缘环境”是社会上滋生犯罪的最直接的关系介质,也是 诱发青少年犯罪的最紧密的链接要素。这是作者三年来在实地走访 大连市劳教、禁毒、综合治理等有关部门,并结合分析了四百例青少年 犯罪典型案例的基础上,第一次在犯罪学理论和实践领域提出“近缘 环境”及其同青少年犯罪的关系问题。这对于科学理性地认识青少年 犯罪的本质及形成规律,探索犯罪的心理机制及作用特点,指导和改 进青少年犯罪的帮教和改造等工作,都将产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了在Windows和Linux共存局域网环境下,如何实现两者之间资源的共享。  相似文献   

This paper reanalyzes data from the Gluecks' classic study of 500 delinquents and 500 nondelinquents reared in low-income neighborhoods of central Boston. Based on a general theory of informal social control, we propose a 2-step hypothesis that links structure and process : family poverty inhibits family processes of informal social control, in turn increasing the likelihood of juvenile delinquency. The results support the theory by showing that (1) erratic, threatening, and harsh discipline, (2) low supervision, and (3) weak parent-child attachment mediate the effects of poverty and other structural factors on delinquency. We also address the potential confounding role of parental and childhood disposition. Although difficult children who display early antisocial tendencies do disrupt family management, as do antisocial and unstable parents, mediating processes of informal social control still explain a large share of variance in adolescent delinquency. Overall, the results underscore the indirect effects of structural contexts like family poverty on adolescent delinquency within disadvantaged populations. We note implications for current debates on race, crime, and the "underclass" in urban America.  相似文献   


A model of moral identity formation is presented. According to the model, family influences have a direct effect on moral identity development in adolescence, independent of the effects of personality, income and other factors. The model is tested using longitudinal data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (Child Sample), which is constituted of the children born to a representative sample of American women who were between the ages of 14 and 21 in 1979. In general, the results provide support for the model. Cognitively and socially rich family environments, combined with high levels of parent-adolescent joint activity, were found to facilitate voluntary participation in community service, a marker of moral identity formation. The implications of these findings for parenting, moral education and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

由于特殊的成长背景,流动儿童在成长过程中出现了大量的心理和行为问题,他们逐渐走向边缘化。其中,家庭环境对流动儿童边缘化产生了重要影响,要有效化解流动儿童的边缘化,必然要优化家庭环境,以帮助其回归主流社会。流动儿童去边缘化与家庭环境优化的路径在于:培育亲子关系,丰富孩子的发展资源;及时转变角色,促使孩子心灵的回归;努力实施养成教育,完善孩子的社会功能。  相似文献   

沿袭了几千年的重男轻女、歧视女性的观念在今天还在不同程度发挥着消极的影响,这种影响,成为当代女大学生的成长与发展的障碍。消除这一障碍不仅取决于社会大环境的建设以及法律法规的制定,取决于高校教育在这一过程中所发挥的作用,还取决于女大学生树立起自尊、自信、自立、自强的信念。  相似文献   

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