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谈体育课程学习的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习评价是体育课程教学中十分重要的环节。评什么 ,怎么评 ,这是我们体育教师应该很好去思考的问题 ,评价是否合理、公正 ,事关每个学生的进步与发展。我在过去的几十年体育教学中 ,对学生的体育学习的评价内容 ,基本上局限于学生体能和运动技能的评定 ,忽视了对学生的学习态度、行为习惯养成、情感、合作等方面的评定 ,这实际上是很不公平的。学生个体无论是体能、运动技能、运动兴趣、个性等方面都存在很大的差异。部分学生不怎么努力 ,运动技能和体能都能较轻松达到优秀 ,而部分“天分”较差的学生 ,虽十分努力 ,成绩仍然达不到优秀 ,从…  相似文献   

以往的教学中,对学生的体育学习的评价内容,基本上局限于学生体能和运动技能的评定,忽视了对学生的学习态度、行为习惯养成、情感、合作等多方面的评定,这实际上是很不公平的,也是很不科学的。这是因为学生个体无论是体能,还是运动技能、运动兴趣、个性等方面都存在很大的差异。部分学生无需努力。运动技能和体能都能较轻松达到优秀,而部分“天分”较差的学生,虽经十分努力,成绩仍然达不到优秀,从而严重挫伤了这部分学生的自信心和自尊心。削弱了他们体育学习的积极性,甚至使他们害怕参加体育活动。  相似文献   

随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的顺利推进,我国的体育教学思想和体育教学模式发生了深刻的变革,这些变革迫切要求建立与之相适应的体育教学评价体系,继续解决理论与实践之间的矛盾,以保证和促进我国体育教学改革的深人发展。本文拟在体育与健康课程标准全面改革的背景下,就体育与健康课程教学评价的改革问题,谈一些看法。  相似文献   

高职体育课程学生的学习评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高职教育的蓬勃发展,体育课程作为高职教育的一部分,其目的就是增进学生身体健康,提高身体机能,丰富学校生活,学习有关体育的科学知识,了解体育在社会生活和社会道德中的意义和作用,养成自觉运动终身体育锻炼的习惯。高职学校要把增强学生体质作为教育的基本目标之一,要把健康素质作为评价学生全面发展的重要指标之一。2002年《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》第二十一条规定:“体育课程评价包括对学生的学习评价、教师的教学评价、课程建设评价三个方面”。我国现行的高职体育在贯彻学校体育目标和实践学校体育教学内容的同时,已经把学生的学习评价放到亟待改革的位置,评价内容、评价过程、评价方法、评价制度都有待于整体变革.  相似文献   

分析传统评价观念存在的主要问题,重新构建高校科学、合理的体育课程学习评价体系,提出以形成性评价来建构新的评价方法,使体育课程的学习对在校大学生的素质和能力有更多的导向作用,并具有较强的可操作性.  相似文献   

夏冬  李丽 《嘉应学院学报》2006,24(3):122-126
课程评价是体育学习评价的思想源泉和理论基础,要深入的研究体育学习评价就必须从课程评价的理论角度来进行。为适应新的课程改革需要,有必要从课程评价理论与体育学习评价理论相结合的角度来研究新的《课程标准》中有关评价的问题。  相似文献   

包文才  孙立军 《考试周刊》2014,(18):113-114
<正>1.研究目的本文以青海省西宁市小学体育课程学习评价为研究对象,讨论了西部落后地区小学《体育》新课程学生学习效果评价体系的具体实施问题,以及当前的这种评价体系是否符合本地区学生的实际特点,用什么样的评价方式才能正确、公正地评价学生的体育课程学习,以期能为新课程评价体系的深入贯彻提供依据。2.西部地区小学体育课程学习评价的调查现状2.1教师对体育课程学习评价的认识。2.1.1体育教师对体育课程学习评价与体育期终考试关系的理解  相似文献   

学生的体育学习评价是体育课程教学中重要的环节,因此,体育课程学习评价应遵循“健康第一”的指导思想,改革体育教材,增加考核项目的选择性,关注学生的进步与发展,从而充分发挥体育课程学习评价的激励、导向功能。  相似文献   

素质教育背景下,小学体育课程的开展逐渐受到教育工作者的重视,如何合理的对学生的体育课程学习情况进行一个全面、系统、真实的分析,以助于促进小学体育课程的开展,一直以来,都是教育工作者极为关注的问题。  相似文献   

Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article draws on a survey of 83 teachers, to explore the concepts of ‘assessment for learning’, ‘assessment’ and ‘learning’. ‘Assessment for learning’ is categorized as meaning: monitoring pupils' performance against targets or objectives; using assessment to inform next steps in teaching and learning; teachers giving feedback for improvement; (teachers) learning about children's learning; children taking some control of their own learning and assessment; and turning assessment into a learning event. Conceptions of assessment include assessment‐as‐measurement and assessment‐as‐inquiry. These conceptions are related to two conceptions of learning: learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives and learning‐as‐the‐construction‐of‐knowledge. The conceptions of assessment‐as‐measurement and learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives are dominant in English educational policy today. The article suggests that these conceptions need to be challenged and expanded, since conceptions held by those who have power in education determine what sort of assessment and learning happen in the classroom, and therefore the quality of the student's learning processes and products.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use data from the German PISA 2003 sample to study the effects of central exit examinations on student performance and student attitudes. Unlike earlier studies we use (i) a value-added measure to pin down the effect of central exit exams on learning in the last year before the exam and (ii) separate test scores for mathematical literacy and curriculum-based knowledge. The findings indicate that central exit exams improve curriculum-based knowledge but do not affect mathematical literacy. Students, although showing a better performance, are less intrinsically motivated in school.  相似文献   

本文通过回顾我国体育教学目标的发展历史,总结出我国体育教学目标发展的特点;从体育教学目标的概念、特点、内客、分类、制定等角度介绍体育教学目标的研究现状;通过对国内外体育教学目标的比较分析研究,得出我国体育教学目标的发展趋势.  相似文献   


Although more nuanced understandings of assessment have been proposed in the physical education literature, assessment practices remain relatively underdeveloped, and when used, tend to focus on traditional, summative evaluations of learning. However, physical education teacher education programs can be used as an intervention to help pre-service teachers develop assessment knowledge and skill. Toward this end, the purpose of this article is to propose an evidence-based framework for helping pre-service teachers develop assessment literacy that is rooted in occupational socialization theory. The framework provides a four-phase approach to integrating assessment into teacher education, and includes suggestions for how physical education teacher educators can progressively help build pre-service teachers’ assessment knowledge in line with the focus given to instruction and planning. These suggestions acknowledge the technical and sociocultural aspects of learning to use assessment. Implications are discussed along with the need to help graduating pre-service teachers transfer lessons learned into the workplace.  相似文献   

新课程视野下中学化学学案设计的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
关士伟 《化学教学》2005,(11):27-29,24
1 学案概述 学案即导学方案(Guided Learning Plan)是在新课程标准下,学生根据自己的知识水平、能力水准、学法特点和心理特征等具体情况,在教师引导下,由师生共同设计的,供学生在整个学习过程完成学习任务使用的学习方案。其着眼点则在于学生学什么和如何学。  相似文献   

Thirteen Ecuadorian indigenous nationalities follow the Intercultural Bilingual Education Model in Ecuador (MOSEIB). This paper analyses the present situation of MOSEIB, the challenges to it and future prospects. First, in order to understand how MOSEIB today has relieved the intercultural tensions of the past it is necessary to look at the history of Ecuadorian education. Second, in order to explore the particular characteristics of the MOSEIB model and the challenges of implementing intercultural education in non‐intercultural societies we ask how and to what extent the intercultural education policies and practices in Ecuador differ from those developed in other Latin‐American countries. Third, we consider curricular diversity, seeking to clarify how the MOSEIB curricula relate to the reality of the Kichwa indigenous nationality and its communal environment, rituals and agricultural schedules. We conclude with comments on future prospects and remaining challenges to the establishment of a truly intercultural society inside a multicultural country.  相似文献   

认识和把握体育教学过程中的相关因素及其在新形势下的变化,客观分析体育教学过程中评价的性质和职能,促进其同步发展和优化组合,增强体育教学过程的整体效应,推动新一轮课程改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

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