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小时候看电影。虎门销烟的英雄林则徐在官邸(di)里贴一条幅“制怒”。由此知道怒是一种凶恶而丑陋的东西,需要时时去制服它。  相似文献   

本文从语义学角度分析英语表达愤怒的情感隐喻.anger的生理反映主要表现在两个方面一是认为愤怒是容纳体内流体的热;二是将愤怒视为火.  相似文献   

布迪特让自己的猎狗生活得非常舒适,这些猎狗却捕捉不到任何猎物,父亲养的瘦弱的猎狗反而表现得十分出色,问题出在哪里呢?  相似文献   

本从语义学角度分析英语表达愤怒的情感隐喻。anger的生理反映主要表现在两个方面:一是认为愤怒是容纳体内流体的热;二是将愤怒视为火。  相似文献   

愤怒是一种自然的情感,但对愤怒的怀疑与压抑从古至今都未停歇。正是因为这种怀疑与压抑的存在,导致我们对愤怒的价值缺乏深入的思考。实际上,愤怒与道德有结合的可能,愤怒可以在信念、意愿、程度等维度上合乎道德。道德愤怒作为愤怒与道德结合的形式,意指自我、道德被侵犯或他人遭受不公时的愤怒。道德愤怒对道德生活的实现有重要的作用,应该纳入道德教育的视野之中,道德教育应探索引导、保护、激发道德愤怒的教育方式。  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。 想一想:你上次讲故事或讲笑话是什么时候,在哪里,对谁讲的?故事的主题是什么?你有什么讲故事的诀窍吗?  相似文献   

采用状态—特质怒表达量表、一般健康问卷和宽恕量表,对随机抽取的313名在校大学生进行调查。结果显示:大学生的愤怒情绪存在性别差异;低宽恕水平组较高宽恕水平组易愤怒、心理健康水平低;愤怒情绪和宽恕水平对心理健康有一定的预测能力。  相似文献   

冬日,当夕阳余晖散尽,乡村宁静了,万物在夜的庇护下,开始休养生息;而城市,却刚刚苏醒……  相似文献   

两种不同类型的文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从民俗学的角度说,有多少民族便有多少种文化;同一民族由于时代和地域的不同,也会产生文化的差异。拨开其表面形态上的差异去究其实质,则不难发现,它们归根结底皆生发于或从属于两种不同类型的文化,即以植物为主要食物来源的植食文化和以动物为主要食物来源的肉食文化。就其生产方式而言,即是农耕文化与游牧文化。二者皆源于采集狩猎文化。  相似文献   

Becoming a doctor can be viewed as a highly personal and unique experience, which is why many factors influence the completion or non-completion of the doctoral degree. The attention in previous research has been on the students' characteristics, and the university faculty role in promoting degree progress. Therefore, more research is needed on the alternative routes that doctoral students take as part of a flexible doctoral education. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the different types of doctoral students in industrial engineering and management, and their different study processes. We explore the study processes of 25 doctoral students using a narrative analysis approach. Doctoral students' processes are categorized into three groups according to the strategies that students take in their progress: the Project Manager, the Wanderer, and the Hobbyist. We report clear differences across the different study processes in the students' working methods, use of supervisory and peer support, problems and risks of delay, and degree success. The results indicate clear opportunities of influence for the faculty in the form of offering clear pre-defined research objectives for students, allocating funds for full-time doctoral studies, developing alternative peer-support strategies, and proactive risk management.  相似文献   

认为好导师大致有三种风格:逍遥派导师对研究生只“问”不“管”,注重培养学生自主科研和生活的能力,和学生保持距离,体现了传统的“师生关系”;慈父慈母型导师对研究生既“问”又“管”,注重情感育人、细节育人,构建起亲密无间的“家人关系”;良伴型导师视研究生为平等的合作者,在共同科研中培养研究生,张扬了互惠互利的“契约关系”。指出对于这三种风格,青年导师只可理性借鉴,不可盲目模仿。  相似文献   

东晋是门阀政治发展的鼎盛时期,士族以家族为单位加入,长期操纵政权,并享有政治、经济等各方面的特权和优势。由于婚姻能保证血缘的更替,它成为士族维护自身地位的主要手段。士族的婚姻等级森严,具有浓厚的政治色彩,是封闭的身份内婚,主要有与皇族的国婚和与士族的门第婚两大类型。  相似文献   

Responses to various forms of interadult anger were examined in 2 groups of 6–11-year-olds: 44 low-SES children with a history of physical abuse and exposure to interspousal aggression, and 44 low-SES children exposed to interspousal aggression but with no history of physical abuse or other child maltreatment. Children were presented with videotaped segments of adults in angry and friendly interactions. Angry segments varied on ( a ) the type of anger expression (nonverbal, verbal, verbal-physical), and ( b ) whether anger was resolved. In general, physically abused children reported greater fear than nonabused children in response to all forms of interadult anger. Moreover, abused children appeared particularly sensitive to whether anger between adults was resolved. Findings are discussed with regard factors that may mediate relations between exposure to family violence and the development of psychopathology in children from highly aggressive home environments.  相似文献   

不同类型的歌曲将带给人们不同的感受,这正是不同类型歌曲所具有的不同层次的美,欣赏歌曲也就是要在了解歌曲类型特征的基础上,领会它的美,并在领悟中受到艺术的陶冶,得到心灵的启迪。欣赏也是一个积极的创造过程,通过聆听或演唱,将自身的情感与歌曲的感情有机的溶为一体,达到一种完全融合统一的境界美。  相似文献   

我们知道放射性物质放出的射线有三种:α射线、β射线和γ射线。α射线是高速α粒子流,它的电荷数是2,质量数是4,实际上是氦原子核,α粒子从放射性物质中射出时有很大的动能,速度可达光速的1/10;β射线是高速电子流,β粒子从  相似文献   

2012年的“钓鱼岛事件”,让全世界都看到了中国人的愤怒。大陆保钓人士冯锦华说:“如果一个国家的青年不会愤怒,国家就没希望了。”是的,在面对不公不义的时候,我们需要用愤怒来表达态度和立场。  相似文献   

Ammie Reddick from East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, was only 18 months old when she had the accident that has scarred her for life. While her mother's back was turned for a moment, the inquisitive toddler reached up to grab the flex of a hot kettle4 in the family kitchen and poured boiling water over her tiny infant frame.Her mother Ruby spun round and, seeing Ammie horribly scalded, called an ambulance which rushed her daughter to a nearby hospital. Twenty percent of Ammie's body had  相似文献   

Recent studies about learning and instruction use cognitive load measurement to pay attention to the human cognitive resources and to the consumption of these resources during the learning process. In order to validate different measures of cognitive load for different cognitive load factors, the present study compares three different methods of objective cognitive load measurement and one subjective method. An experimental three-group design (N = 78) was used, with exposure to seductive details (extraneous cognitive load factor), mental animation tasks (germane cognitive load factor), or the basic learning instruction (control group). Cognitive load was measured by the rhythm method (Park and Brünken 2015), the index of cognitive activity (ICA) (Marshall 2007), and the subjective ratings of mental effort and task difficulty (Paas 1992). Eye-tracking data were used to analyze the attention allocation and as an indicator for cognitive activity. The results show a significantly higher cognitive load for the mental animation group in contrast to the control and the seductive detail group, indicated by rhythm method and subjective ratings, as well as a higher cognitive activity, indicated by eye tracking. Furthermore, the mental animation group shows significantly higher comprehension performance in contrast to the seductive detail group and significantly higher transfer performance in contrast to the control group. The ICA values showed no significant differences in cognitive load. The results provide evidence for the benefits of combining eye-tracking analysis and the results of cognitive load ratings or secondary task performance for a direct and continuous cognitive load assessment and for a differentiating access to the single cognitive load factors.  相似文献   

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