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Wu Hui 《现代企业教育》2014,(16):491-491
Since the reform and opening up,the rapid development of China' s national economic trends for decades to promote sustained,rapid and healthy growth of the show,attracted the attention of people around the world.This article aims to analyze the basic way China attracts foreign investment and policies,prompting foreign investors to understand China's trade policy,to provide a clear idea of China attracts investment,to promote bilateral trade to maximize and achieve more bilateral trade exchanges and cooperation.  相似文献   

Sonora Dodd,of Washington,first had the idea of a “father's day”.She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.  相似文献   

Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English when you meet one. Everyone knows that native speakers say a lot of things that you can 't find in any dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: a lot of British people can't understand each other either.t  相似文献   

What' s the best way to persuade someone to do something? What' s the best way of changing someone's behaviour? That' s something that politicians would love to know. In Britain, Labour politicians are taking lessons from an expert, Bob Cialdini. They're also learning about Cialdini' s six principles of persuasion.  相似文献   

A new study suggests that tiny organisms living underground may hoard most of the carbon in Swedish forest floors. That's a good thing for the environment: If the carbon remains stashed in the soil, then it's not escaping into the atmosphere. There, it could contribute to global warming.  相似文献   

It's a true story of mine. Till now, I have rarely been late for anything, and have spare no effort to fulfill all my promise, because there is always, in my mind, the distinct image of a bowl of rice, which wasn't just an ordinary one.  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: the bus. Part Ⅰ~ Listen and repeat these expressions. What you say Which is the bus for London? Where is the bus stop? What time is the next bus to Birmingham? What' s the best way to get to Halifax by bus? What time does the last bus for Liverpool leave? Where can I get the number 34 bus? Where do I get off for the Science museum?  相似文献   

An island connected by bridges to the mainland, Mumbai is the industrial hub of everything from textiles to petrochemicals, and responsible for half of india's foreign trade. But while it aspires to be another Singapore, it's also a magnet for the rural poor. It's these new migrants who are continually re- shaping the city,making sure Mumbai keeps one foot in its hinterland and the other in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

Learn some useful words and expressions to talk about museums.A museum (博物馆)-a building that has paintings, exhibitions and artefacts. What's the greatest museumin the world? See our list below for the ten best museums of all time. Do you agree with the list?  相似文献   

An unusual prize Would you read a book called Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice? Maybe not, but this book was actually the 1978 winner of the literary world's most unusual competition: The Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year. This is basically a humorous literary award given to the book with the most unusual title It is presented by the British magazine Bookseller. Nominees are selected from submissions sent in by librarians, publishers, and booksellers, and the final winner is voted for by the public.  相似文献   

cry wolf
To give a false alarm; warn of a danger that you know is not there. The general said lhe congressman was just crying wollwhen he said that the army was too weak to fight.for the country. (Tile general said that the congressman's warning of the army's weakness were false and made up to fi'ighten people so they would vote for him.)  相似文献   

I'm Cici. This is my happy and warm family. My father and mother are both journalists. They are busy working every day. My father is handsome and humorous. He often tells me a lot of interesting stories. My mother is a pretty lady. She's good at cooking. Every evening we sit around and enjoy a delicious meal. Mike, my elder brother, is my idol. He's an excellent boy. He has studied abroad for five years. Now he works in an international company in the center of Shanghai.  相似文献   

George Orwell is an important essayist in the 20th century and of great influence for his critical essays. Politics and the English Language is an essay with an aim to criticize the misused English at the historical setting when World War Ⅱ was about to break out. The following article is to explore the essay' s language style and its theme.  相似文献   

Part Ⅰ Listenand repeat these expressions.What you say . Is there a garage near here? I'd like sixteen litres ofdiese please. I'd like 20 litres of the four-star unleaded, please. Fill it up, please./Fill it with super, please. Could you check the tyre pressure, please? Could you check the water, please? Could you check the oil, please? Is this the road to Birmingham? Which turning do I need totake for Manchester? Which exit is it for Liverpool? What's the traffic like? I think we're lost. Could you tell me how to get here? I think I took the wrong exit. How do I get into the town centre? Is there a motel near here? Can I leave the car here, please?  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: renting a car. Listen and repeat these expressions.Part I What you say I'd like to rent a car, please. How much is it per hour? How much is it per day? How much is it per kilometre? How much is the insurance? Do you need to see my driver' s licence?  相似文献   

Have you heard of HFMD?What' s HFMD? It' s a kind of horrible disease. It' s short for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease. Thousands of Chinese children are suffering from it. What is the disease like? Can we do something to prevent it ?  相似文献   

Podcasts Listen to these two Americans chatting about podcasts. Mary: Hey, how's it going? Greg: Hey, how are you? Mary: I'm well. Greg: OK. Mary: Er, have you heard about this latest podcast? Greg: No, I haven't, how does it work? Mary: Well, I just heard about it of different files, different chats, things like that. Greg: Right. so I've been downloading lots political talks, the news, the BBC, Mary: It' s great. I was just listening to it on my way over to the bar. Greg: Well, I don't know, erm. I'm not really the type of person who really, like, you know, with all these different things like Intemet and stuff like that. i don' t know how that stuff works. Mary: But it doesn't interest you at all? Greg: Well, 1 hate reading and I never watch TV, so I really don' t even know what I would need it for.  相似文献   

A stomach bug 胃病 An illness which is caused by small organisms such as bacteria. "I 've got a bit of a stomach bug."A bug (informal) 窃听器A tiny hidden microphone which transmits what people are saying. "Look, there' s a bug on the phone. They bugged the phone."Nit-picking 吹毛求疵的;挑刺的 If someone is nit-picking, they are irritating you by concentrating on small, minor and irrelevant details. "1 know there are lots of mistakes in the report, but stop nit-picking for a while and focus on the overall effect."  相似文献   

Well, I, I suppose the accent itself is quite sing-songy, it's quite up and down. Much like the Welsh themselves, you see. They' re never, they' re never sort of in the middle. They either, either go to the sort of top or the bottom. And the language itself reflects that, I think; whereas standard English is much flatter.  相似文献   

See if you can complete this crossword. It's based on words and expressions from the magazine. So, the best thing is to do it after reading all the magazine. How much can you remember?Across 2. person who gives advice or help to an organisation. 4. Money, equipment, services, etc. for people in poor countries. 6. A piece of equipment for going up to a high place. It has steps on it.  相似文献   

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