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哈佛大学前校长德雷克·博克的新著《回归大学之道》,向中国读者展示了一名知名美国大学校长如何反思美国大学本科教育的根本目标,如何评价这些目标的实现程度,又如何为美国大学的本科教育更上一层楼提出建议的。作者在本书中强调了两点:本科教育需要确立务实的目标;以学生发展为导向的本科教育需要依靠大学自身(特别是大学领导人)使命感的推动。  相似文献   

美国本科教育所遭到的批评声不绝于耳,而大学本科教育之道应该沿着怎样的逻辑强势回归?哈佛前校长德里克.博克结合了丰富的经验和大量的实证调查后,提出需要在建构大学本科教育目标、通识教育课程设计以及质量提升方面着手进行。这不仅是对美国大学本科教育理论和实践的反思,也是各类大学之间的共性,形成了大学之道理性的回归逻辑,对我国大学本科教育理念的完善有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

德里克·博克是哈佛大学第二十五任校长,也是有影响的当代美国高等教育思想家和实践者。在《回归大学之道》一书中,博克将美国大学本科教育的目标明确界定为八个方面,并诚恳地提出每个目标相对应的指导建议。确立务实的大学教育目标是提升教育质量的出发点。就目标本身的意义不谈,博克务实的批判精神及负责任的研究态度无疑值得人们学习和借鉴。同时,博克重塑大学本科教育目标的理念,对我国大学教育改革具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

美国在短历史时期内成为一个世界上经济最发达的国家,其发展主要依靠先进的科学技术和素质较高的劳动者,但更与其高等教育的发展密不可分。通过分析哈佛大学前校长德雷克·博克的著作《回归大学之道》中如何反思美国大学本科教育目标及如何评价其目标的实现程度,深入了解了美国高等教育的经验,通过对比、借鉴,提出加强对我国高等教育质量认识的方法,以期为我国高等教育的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在内战后,随着美国研究型大学的崛起,如何理解学院在大学教育中的角色成了紧迫的新问题.美国高等教育在改造德国模式创建美国大学的过程中,借助自由选课制等原则建立了研究生教育与本科教育在大学中的共存体制.这一体制虽然能有效地支持研究,但也对如何处理学者的专业化研究与本科教育提出了挑战.对"新教育"的批评,推动了大学第二轮改革中重建学院的努力,力图通过学院通识教育的探索,克服研究型大学中本科教育面临的困境.虽然这些改革尝试并没有获得普遍的成功,但研究型大学的缔造与学院的重建奠定了美国高等教育的制度框架,基本原理与主要问题支配着二十世纪美国高等教育的进一步发展.  相似文献   

美国名校通识教育的价值导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识教育是美国大学本科教育的基础,是大学教育质量的重要保证,核心课程是其主要的组织形式。各个大学的历史不同、条件各异,决定了不同大学教育理念和人才培养目标的差异,从而使得各具特色的核心课程百花齐放、百家争鸣。考察哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学的通识教育理念及核心课程的组织与实施,可以看出美国大学通识教育体现了以学生为本的价值导向,强调了要立足基础知识的信念,贯彻了服务社会的理念。  相似文献   

创业与大学教育相互促进,创业教育应该是美国本科教育的基本科目,作为学生学习和大学办学的主要目标.创业是一个基本的转化过程,是从想法到实业,从实业到创造价值.创业在美国大学教学中已经蓬勃开展,正在成为大学自身功能的基本组成部分.创业教学与音乐教学一样,都可以从专业学习延伸到业余学习.创业教育是一种理想的通识教育,他可以应用于许多学科领域,将原来毫不相干的学科自然而然地结合在一起.创业要成为真正的主角,必须在学科教育中找到自己的位置,与专业教育相结合.专业教育也需要结合创业教育重新审视教学效果,设立新的教育目标和方向.创业教育要与第二课堂紧密结合,要使高校的学术与管理制度更有利于创业,将创业的理念广泛地融入大学文化中去.这样,创业教育才可以更有助于提高美国本科教育的质量.  相似文献   

美国大学教育的思考与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学评价学生学习成果的方式多样,教学方式灵活自由,教学大纲在本科教学中发挥重要的作用.对比分析我国大学教育的一些不足之处,提出了相应的一些建议.  相似文献   

推荐书目:《回归大学之道》德雷克·博克(Derek Bok,哈佛大学前校长)著侯定凯、梁爽、陈琼琼译,华东师范大学出版社,2008年出版作者于1968年开始任哈佛大学法学院院长,于1971年至1991年担任了二十年的哈佛大学校长,2005年前任教于哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院与教育学院,2006年又担任了一年的临时校长,目前已经退休。作者考察了美国大学取得的进步以及本科教育目标之间的差距,得出了非常深刻的、令人深省的结论。这些结论值得中国大学在发展道路上得以反思、避  相似文献   

美国大学发展的过程,伴随着大学教师教学道德向度的逐步消解。提升大学教师教学的道德向度成为美国大学回归大学之道、重建本科教育的主要改革举措。正确理解大学教育目标,重塑大学教师的职业忠诚,加强教学实践中师生双方精神层面的交流,强化道德推理教学,构成了改革的主要内容。  相似文献   

Understanding students’ multiple goals in real learning contexts is an emerging area of importance for educators and researchers investigating student motivation in classrooms. This qualitative study conducted over an academic year investigates the multiple goals articulated by seven 11-year-old students and explores relationships between goals and changes in goals during the year. Findings show students pursue a range of related academic and social goals over time and that goals can be complementary and dynamic. The significance of multiple goals is emphasised as goals are shown to be complex, dynamic, and pursued simultaneously in real learning contexts.  相似文献   

Theory on achievement goals favours a trichotomous model encompassing learning goals, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. Performance-avoidance goals are associated with lower achievement compared to performance-approach and learning goals. The present study investigated the predictions of this model as regards achievement after failure. Low achievement of participants with performance-avoidance goals was expected to be mediated by a high degree of negative self-related thoughts. Before manipulating achievement goals, achievement on verbal analogies was assessed. After manipulating achievement goals for an anagram task, all participants (N = 87) were exposed to failure. Subsequently, achievement on a parallel version of the verbal analogies task was assessed. Participants in the performance-avoidance goals condition showed low achievement after failure, mediated by a high degree of negative self-related thoughts.  相似文献   

Although many motivational theories have emphasized that person- and situation-based aspects should be recognized simultaneously when explaining actual learning behavior, not much is known about the occurrence of state goals. The model of adaptive learning (Boekaerts & Niemivierta, 2000) proposes that state goals are influenced by trait goals, perceptions of the situation (i.e., appraisals), and interactions between trait goals and appraisals. Nevertheless, empirical evidence for this model is scarce. The present study aimed to overcome this research deficit by integrating trait goals and appraisals as well as their interactions in explaining state goals in authentic learning episodes. As suggested by Boekaerts and Niemivierta (2000), we adopted a multiple-goal approach and included achievement goals (i.e., mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) as well as well-being goals (i.e., affiliation and work-avoidance goals). They outlined the meaning of perceived relevance and autonomy for learning behavior. Therefore, we included both appraisals in our study. Using longitudinal data with one trait and two state measurements (N = 542), we applied structural equation modeling to test three different effect models with latent variables: an additive effect model, a reactive effect model, and an interaction effect model. Our data did not fit the reactive effect model: Trait goals did not impact appraisals. The joint influence of trait goals and appraisals on state goals was not unitary but multiform: Additive and multiplicative relations between trait goals and appraisals explained the occurrence of state goals. State goals are important predictors of proximal learning behavior. Thus, these results are important for theory development and for practitioners.  相似文献   

The present study investigated contextual and personal factors associated with teachers' achievement goals for teaching. A total of 211 teachers completed an online survey. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that perceived school mastery goal structure and performance goal structure predicted teachers' mastery goals and performance-approach goals, respectively. Teachers' sense of efficacy moderated the effect of perceived school goal structures on achievement goals for teaching. Teachers with high teaching efficacy maintained personal achievement goals for teaching even when their schools emphasized conflicting goals. However, teachers with low teaching efficacy tended to assimilate the goals promoted by their schools.  相似文献   

Kai Yu 《教育心理学》2014,34(5):635-658
Prior research has shown personal best (PB) goals to be significantly related to students’ motivation, engagement and achievement. However, research thus far has investigated PB goals only among Western samples and it is unclear to what extent PB goals hold academic merit in the Asian context. It is also unclear whether PB goals explain variance in motivation and engagement beyond that explained by ‘classic’ performance, mastery and avoidance goals. With a sample of 3753 middle school students in China, the present study showed that mastery and PB goals explained the bulk of variance in motivation, engagement and academic buoyancy outcomes. It therefore appears that the effects of PB and ‘classic’ goals derived in Western contexts generalise to the Chinese context. Further, although correlated, mastery and PB goals explain unique variance in distinct academic outcomes such that mastery goals appear more salient in mapping onto motivation factors while PB goals appear more salient in mapping onto engagement and buoyancy factors.  相似文献   

成就目标、自我效能、学习策略和学业成就的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对545名中学生进行测量,以探讨成就目标、自我效能、学习策略与学业成绩的关系。结果表明:掌握目标、成绩目标与自我效能、学习策略有显著的正相关,回避目标与自我效能、学习策略存在显著的负相关,自我效能与学习策略有显著的正相关;掌握目标、自我效能和学习策略与学业成绩有显著的正相关,而回避目标与学业成绩则有显著的负相关;学习策略直接影响学业成绩,成就目标和自我效能对学业成绩的影响是间接的。  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals. Of specific interest is how teachers in a Swedish and a Finnish context describe goals for children’s learning and how they describe them implementing these goals into their practice. The research question is thus: How are pedagogical goals perceived and enacted, in the thematic-oriented and play-based pedagogical practice of preschool? In-depth interviews were conducted with six preschool teachers, of which three expressed learning goals guiding their pedagogical work. The Variation Theory of learning is the guiding principle throughout the analysis, and reveals indirect and direct objects of learning and content for learning described by the three teachers. A deeper analysis of the features of these provides a comprehensive picture of pedagogical goals that are intertwined and move between activity goals, working goals and transdisciplinary goals. These results contribute to our understanding of the characteristics of preschool pedagogy and the complex pedagogical practice preschool entails.  相似文献   

Achievement goals predict learning in children and young adults, but it is unclear whether they apply to older adults and how they are related to approaches to studying. An online survey examined achievement goals, approaches to studying and academic attainment in distance learners. The Achievement Goals Questionnaire-Revised and the Approaches to Learning and Studying Inventory were given to 2000 students, yielding 1211 responses. The findings confirmed the 2?×?2 model of mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals in adult distance learners. Mastery goals were positively associated with deep and strategic approaches to studying but negatively associated with a surface approach. Performance goals showed only weak associations with approaches to studying. Performance-approach goals were positively related to attainment, performance-avoidance goals were negatively related to attainment, but mastery goals were unrelated to attainment. The relationship between achievement goals and attainment was partly but not wholly mediated by approaches to studying.  相似文献   

Self-set goals, selected by students for themselves, have known motivational benefits leading to increased autonomy and intrinsic motivation. In spite of the motivational benefits, students often fail to accomplish self-set goals because they lack the social motivator ascribed to assigned goals. The purpose of this research was to investigate methods of increasing students' commitments to self-set goals using implementation intentions: plans for when, where, and how to work toward a goal. The results of two studies revealed that implementation intentions increased students' performance on self-set goals relative to assigned goals through enhanced goal commitment and effort. Our findings suggest that the positive effects of self-set goals are greater when they are coupled with implementation intentions.  相似文献   

Performance at school is affected not only by students’ achievement goals but also by emotional exchanges among classmates and their teacher. In this study, we investigated relationships between students’ achievement goals and emotion perception ability and class affect and performance. Participants were 949 Greek adolescent students in 49 classes and their Greek language and mathematics teachers. Results from multilevel analyses indicated that students’ mastery-approach and performance-approach goals were positively related to positive affect whereas performance-avoidance goals were negatively related to positive affect. At class-level, relationships between achievement goals and affect were moderated by students’ emotion perception ability. These findings highlight the importance of emotion abilities and their role in motivational processes for class-level outcomes.  相似文献   

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