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目前中国演艺市场大环境呈现出四个特点:1、与国内发展较为充分的其它各类市场相比,演艺市场的发展相对滞后,还处于不规范、不成熟和困难很多的阶段;2、随着中国经济的高速发展,特别是各省市一批(包括国家大剧院)现代化大剧院纷纷落成,对剧场管理服务和运营提出了更高要求,将极大地推动中国演艺产业的发展。[第一段]  相似文献   

12月30日,上海戏曲艺术中心(原上海京昆艺术中心)揭牌成立。中心下辖上海京剧院、上海昆剧团、上海沪剧艺术传习所(上海沪剧院)、上海越剧艺术传习所(上海越剧院)、上海淮剧艺术传习所(上海淮剧团)、上海评弹艺术传习所(上海评弹团)。  相似文献   

10月1日,由上海歌舞团、上海东方青春舞蹈团创排的舞集《满庭芳》献演上海东方艺术中心。2008年12月28日至2009年1月7日,与安利(中国)日用品有限公司合作的“新春慈善音乐会——舞剧《满庭芳》华东地区巡演”活动举行,历时近半个月,赴杭州、温州、合肥、上海4地,行程3500公里,募集善款近200万元。凭借“文广演艺之星”平台,上海歌舞团、上海东方青春舞蹈团7月12日在美琪大戏院推出“文广之星——朱洁静、方光舞蹈专场”,该团2位首席舞蹈演员朱洁静与方光演绎了《野斑马》、《天边的红云》、《花木兰》等舞段。  相似文献   

蓬勃发展的上海社区文化,正在有力地夯实上海都市文明的根基。  相似文献   

上海京昆艺术中心成立一周年庆贺演出举行,3月14~16日在天蟾逸夫舞台推出“京昆演唱会”、“京昆武戏专场”、2台“京昆文戏专场”。其中,文戏包括《贵妃醉酒》、《虹霓关》、《大登殿》、《锁五龙》、《绣襦记·打子》、《占花魁·受吐》等,武戏有《铁笼山》、《昭君出塞》、《寿荣华·夜巡》以及京昆合演《雁荡山》。尤其在16日“京昆演唱会”上,上海京昆院团老、中、青三代演员齐上阵,戏迷观众大饱耳福。  相似文献   

2004年,浦东新区的文化工作以“二三个代表”重要思想为指针,在市委宣传部和市文广局的关心指导下,以提高浦东居民的文明素质和城市内涵为目标,坚持开创性、坚韧性和操作性,在设施建设、活动开展、团队培育、机制推进等方面都取得一定的成果。在新区区委、区政府的高度重视下,新区的文化建设工作突显丁以下几个特点:  相似文献   

世界上酒的文化历史悠久,为了弘扬酒文化的民间传承,促进国际酒文化的交流,同时以酒文化促进国内外酿酒业,促进酒商、旅游、饮食、宾馆业,繁荣与发展酒市场。  相似文献   

我素有集报习惯。几乎定期地将所积累报纸分门别类地整理一番,已备查找。而当整理有关艺术区相关报道的不经意间,意外发现中国艺术区进行时态的规律:其一,正在建设型,《北京西山文化创意大道诠释艺术海淀》(《中国文化报》2009年12月1日);其二,正在转轨型,《湖南第一条创意街夭折的背后》(《中国文化报》2009年12月1日);其三,正在拆除型,《当艺术家遇上拆迁队》(《中国青年报》2010年2月9日);其四,正在风光型。上述4种类型的归纳,大致可以代表中国艺术区发展的基本时态及其普遍规律。  相似文献   

第6届中国上海国际艺术节 于2004年10月15日开幕,历时一个月叉二三天。本届艺术节是在党的十六届四中全会刚刚胜利闭幕的新形势下举行的。胡锦涛总书记在沪视察时要求上海努力走在发展社会主义先进文化的前列;上海市文化工作会议叉提出了建设国际文化交流中心的目标,这对高起点、高规格办好第6届中国上海国际艺术节起到了引导作用。  相似文献   

第14届中国上海国际艺术节于10月18日~11月20日在沪举行。来自56个国家和地区的130多个演出团体参加了本届艺术节,3300多名艺术家带来43台参演剧目和80场演出,  相似文献   

Chinese lacquer is one of the three most famous handicraft arts of China -- the other two are pottery and silk. Chinese people produced and used lacquer in primitive time. The earliest lacquer ware ever found in China is a wood bowl unearthed from the site of Hemudu Culture dating back to 7,000 years. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, techniques of lacquer production reached a quite high level and diverse types of lacquer were innovated, thus laying a solid foundation for the development of lacquer making in following dynasties.  相似文献   

Used to he the only imperial waterway and important water source for farmland irrigation during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Long River stretches across west Beijing and finally joins the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace. On its north bank stands Wanshou Temple (temple of longevity) where Beijing Art Museum is located. With a short history as it is, the museum houses numerous art treasures of past dynasties.  相似文献   

When I listen to the symphony series of German maestro Ludwig Van Beethoven, I am often inspired by the power of spirit as demonstrated by harmony, purity, passion and elegance. Those extraordinary melodies lead me to the pursuit of truth, kindness and beauty, driving me back to the very nature of humanity. At those moments, all my feelings, passion or reason, sorrow or joy, are purified by the power of love and beauty.[第一段]  相似文献   

On October 30, 2007, Chen Songyao took out the two flower-print boards stored in his closet for years and to his surprise, strong herbal fragrance from the board made him so refreshed. After more than one decade of stand-by,these two old print boards were again used for producing Chinese blue calico in the clamp-resist dyeing.  相似文献   

Folk paper-cut works pasted in village houses of rustic simplicity fascinate tourists at their first glance of Ruichang, a historic town in the southern province of Jiangxi. Those villagers-made creations with authentic, vigorous and plain appeal outshine even masterpieces by many artists with academic training. Exaggerated and transmogrified designs betray innocent, unadorned and romantic pursuits of local artisans.  相似文献   

Art Beijing 2007, an annual exposition on contemporary art, took place in the National Agriculture Museum of China ,from September 20 to 23.[第一段]  相似文献   

Chinese contemporary art witnessed high-profile exposure in the international art community in 2007. Both art exhibitions and art expositions taMng place in China attracted worldwide interest as its art market continued to grow. In fact, international art community has shifted their attention from Western countries to Asia and Middle East. "Apparently,  相似文献   

The ten national permanent museum exhibitions of the year were announced on the World Museum Day on May 18, co-organized by China Museum Association, Xi'an Municipality and China Heritage News. The permanent exhibition "The Art of Black and White" in Cizhou Kiln Museum won this annual award.  相似文献   

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