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农场里有一只小红母鸡。她有好几个朋友,他们分别是一条小黑狗、一只橘红色的大猫和一只小黄鹅。  相似文献   

Help Wanted     

“男人们大多生活在自己的圈子里,对外界感觉很迟钝,所以你的求婚可能是很大的意外,”心理学家罗宾·吉尔默说。用一段时间来让他有个心理准备。“比如讨论你朋友的婚姻。”两性关系咨询专家克里丝汀·诺瑟姆建议,“或者问他是否有结婚的打算。”  相似文献   

Help my mother     
正I love my mother very much.when I see her doing housework I often come to help her.One day,my mother was ill and my father was out.so I had to look after my mother and do housework by myself.although I was not good at doing that things,I still tried my best to do everything.After a  相似文献   

东西的小说《救命》讲述了一个情节趋向极致荒诞的故事——为了满足麦可可这一精神偏执的女子的过分要求,好人孙畅贡献了自己的婚姻.之所以荒诞而又圆满,原因在于这一故事情节只是抵达作品内蕴——探讨有关疯癫与理性的命题的工具.在生命陨灭的压力面前,疯癫与理性可以转换;当理性无法提供救赎的时候,生命可依托之物只余疯癫;表层上孙畅拯救了麦可可的生命,深层地作为信仰之象征的麦可可通过“疯癫”使孙畅从实用理性的禁锢中同样得到了救赎.  相似文献   

A training programme of games-like activities to improve the verbal communication of mildly retarded children at Fairmuir-School, Dundee, was introduced by Dr Judith Watson, Psychology Department, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh  相似文献   

18岁的时候,我离开家乡纽约市的布鲁克林区,来到英国约克郡的利兹大学学习历史。这虽是一件令人兴奋的事情,但同时也是我这一生中最为艰难的一个时期,因为,我不仅要努力使自己适应不熟悉的新环境,  相似文献   

Toddlers are remarkably prosocial toward adults, yet little is known about their helping behavior toward peers. In the present study with 18‐ and 30‐month‐old toddlers (= 192, 48 dyads per age group), one child needed help reaching an object to continue a task that was engaging for both children. The object was within reach of the second child who helped significantly more often compared to a no‐need control condition. The helper also fulfilled the peer's need when the task was engaging only for the child needing help. These findings suggest that toddlers’ skills and motivations of helping do not depend on having a competent and helpful recipient, such as an adult, but rather they are much more flexible and general.  相似文献   

In the context of the complexity of today’s organizations, help seeking behavior is considered as an important step to problem solving and learning in organizations. Yet, help seeking has received less attention in organizational literature. To increase the potential impact of help seeking on learning, it is essential to understand which mechanisms affect help seeking. The present study questioned whether the characteristics of the relationships that employees have in the workplace are related to help seeking behavior. This study draws on a social network perspective to investigate the employees’ relationships within their professional network. In particular, the role of accessibility, awareness of expertise, trust, and hierarchy in help seeking was explored. Results indicated that the perceptions of the help provider’s expertise, accessibility and trust were positively associated with the likelihood to seek help, frequency by which help is sought, and perceived quality of the help. Moreover, employees seem more likely to seek help upward from higher status individuals and less likely downward from lower status individuals. Employees perceived the help of higher status individuals as more useful and constructive. These results highlight the importance of investing in the strength of relationships, ensuring the accessibility of expertise and fostering a work environment, in which employees trust and respect each other. Furthermore, the results suggest valuable and promising avenues for future research and practice.  相似文献   

A wee(极小的)cuppa tea may help keep thedoctor away.A new study finds that tea boosts(增强)the body's defenses against infectionand contains a substance that might be turned into adrug to protect against disease,researchers say.  相似文献   

在我校举行的一次越野赛跑上,一位平时训练十分刻苦、成绩不错的男运动员临上场时,突然告诉老师,说自己肚子疼,放弃了比赛.其实他并非肚子疼,而是因为害怕同组的一位体育强手而临阵脱逃.  相似文献   

The government's new 9 million pound Microelectronics Education Programme will extend to special education. Mary Hope programme manager, Council for Educational Technology, asks how microcomputers can help, in the first of three articles on computers in this issue  相似文献   

Although this article is directed primarily to parents, caregivers will find many useful ideas here, too.  相似文献   

How suitable is computer hardware for use with children who have special educational needs? Dr D. Alan Dobbins and Sheila J. Bickel, Department of Education, University College of Swansea, suggest 'the beginning of an answer'  相似文献   

Professor Philip Graham, professor of child psychiatry, Institute of Child Health, London University, discusses the inter-related roles of the teacher and the psychiatrist in identifying the emotional needs of children  相似文献   

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