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This article presents the concept of electronic record as articulated by the first phase of the InterPARES (International research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) Project (1999-2001) and discusses it in light of the findings of the second phase of the Project (2002-2006). While InterPARES 1 focused on records produced and/or maintained in databases and document management systems, InterPARES 2 examined records produced and/or maintained in interactive, experiential and dynamic environments. The authors describe the characteristics of these environments and of the entities found in them in the course of case studies conducted on systems used for carrying out artistic, scientific and e-government activities, and propose the new concept of record that InterPARES 2 is eleborating, which expands on that formulated by InterPARES 1. The authors would like to thank InterPARES 2 research assistant Randy Preston for his careful editing and constructive criticisms. Some of his suggestions have been incorporated in the text of this article.  相似文献   

Archival science is to be regarded as a system. The properties of that system can be investigated and integrated. The methodology to do so has been tested in two research projects which are presented in this article as examples of the way in which the view of archival science as a system supports the development of new knowledge and as a demonstration of the stability of archival theory. This article presupposes that the archival discipline is also a “science”. Many have argued against the idea on the basis of a common perception that a science is a type of study entirely objective by virtue of the rigorous manner in which it is carried out and the restricted range of topics to which it applies. In fact, the activity of science is based upon a complex framework of assumptions that make it possible for the landscape of the scientific endeavour to be redrawn over time, and, while striving towards objectivity, considers it to be an unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

For the definition of electronic records, the use of new terms, like literary warrant, is not necessary, and for the European perspective even not understandable. If this expression simply means best practice and professional culture in recordkeeping, we only to know what creators did for centuries and still do today and probably will do also in the future, by referring to the archival science, diplomatics and archival practice for clarifying definitions in the recordkeeping environment. A multi-disciplinary approach is still required for the electronic recordkeeping system as it was in the past for traditional records, but the theory and the terminology should be consistent and based on the deep understanding of essential characteristics of records and essential requirements of good recordkeeping to produce in the first place and maintain reliable and authentic records. Of course, a record is more than recorded information created in the course of business activity: a record is the recorded representation of an act produced in a specific form – the form prescribed by the legal system – by a creator in the course of its activity.  相似文献   

Archival science is to be regarded as a system. The properties of that system can be investigated and integrated. The methodology to do so has been tested in two research projects which are presented in this article as examples of the way in which the view of archival science as a system supports the development of new knowledge and as a demonstration of the stability of archival theory. This article presupposes that the archival discipline is also a “science”. Many have argued against the idea on the basis of a common perception that a science is a type of study entirely objective by virtue of the rigorous manner in which it is carried out and the restricted range of topics to which it applies. In fact, the activity of science is based upon a complex framework of assumptions that make it possible for the landscape of the scientific endeavour to be redrawn over time, and, while striving towards objectivity, considers it to be an unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

This essay is a preliminary assessment of David Bearman as the leading archival thinker of the late twentieth century. Bearman has revolutionized thinking in archival circles around the world by offering a defence of traditional archival notions of provenance, evidence, recordness, and contextuality that equals the noblest statements of a Hilary Jenkinson, and by positing a relevant, dynamic, engaged future for archivists to transform the Information Age into a Record-Keeping Age. The essay is both a personal reflection and critical analysis. There are three main themes: an assessment of Bearman's ideas and their overall importance to general archival theory; a more specific exposition of the nature and importance of the University of Pittsburgh Project and of where Bearman sees that its results are leading archivists and their profession and institutions in future; and a critique of some of the implications, if not the conscious intentions, of his ideas and methods that seem to exclude the cultural, historical, and heritage dimensions and uses of archives, public or private. The overall aim of the essay is to push the archival discourse to the next stage by challenging and constructively critiquing as well as extolling the work of this archival pioneer.  相似文献   

数字人文是人文学科与信息技术交叉研究的新领域,从数字人文角度重新认识并思考档案资源的深度开发与利用具有很强的现实意义。本文从概念、理论、价值层面对档案资源在数字人文研究中的特殊性进行探讨,厘清包括以档案资源开发为核心、由档案机构主导、与档案相关三个类别的档案数字人文项目,同时阐述了档案数字人文项目的界定与识别方法。最后,提出从参考工具、资源仓储、智力支持、成果呈现四个方面优化档案资源在数字人文研究中的应用思路。  相似文献   

Terry Cook 《Archival Science》2005,5(2-4):101-161
Macroappraisal as developed in Canada has had significant currency in archival literature over the past decade, and aspects of its program and ideas have been implemented in other jurisdictions. For the first time, this essay probes the theoretical and practical origins of macroappraisal in Canada since 1950 and why its originators no longer found convincing the predominant status quo on appraisal as articulated by T.R. Schellenberg. The essay then summarizes the theory of macroappraisal as articulated at the National Archives of Canada, and the strategic and program infrastructure developed in the 1990s to turn the new theory into operational reality. As no archival concept is universally locked in time, the evolution and changes in the macroappraisal program, both in theory and strategy, are also analysed in its Canadian home base over its first decade, as well as some internal and external criticisms of it. The essay intends to illuminate the deeper context of macroappraisal, so that an international audience may better understand its strengths and weaknesses. As the author is the principal architect of macroappraisal, the essay consists of equal parts of archival history, theoretical analysis, and personal reflection.  相似文献   

陈建  徐晴暄 《档案学研究》2023,37(1):100-106
数字人文为档案学界和业界提供了新的理论范式和应用方法。游戏作为新媒体时代的传播媒介和数字人文的重要应用之一,在文化资源开发、宣传等方面有着全新的应用。清宫档案在故宫博物院解谜书游戏《谜宫·金榜题名》中发挥了重要作用,该游戏对于档案的运用得失兼有,档案部门开发解谜书不能完全仿照故宫。基于数字人文视角下档案研究的“三原语”模式,历史档案解谜书游戏开发的路径可以分为档案数据库构建、数据处理和故事讲述三步,同时档案部门在开发解谜书游戏时应加快认知转型与行为调整,谨慎选择历史档案资源,基于档案全宗关联设计系列故事。  相似文献   

美国数字人文研究发端较早,与档案领域的交流互动频繁。本文通过梳理美国数字人文与档案领域的合作历程,把握两者的研究趋向及发展环境,总结出美国数字人文对档案理论研究、档案业务实践、档案教育培训三个维度的影响。同时,指出我国档案领域可借鉴美国经验:从思想层汲取并融合数字人文理念;从业务层开展"档案+数字人文"基础设施建设;从人才层注重培养档案人才的数字人文素质;从平台层打造特色的涉档数字人文中心。  相似文献   

组织机构视角下业务系统电子文件归档是一项参与主体多元的系统性工作,不仅需要处理多元主体之间的协同合作问题,还需要处理单一主体面临的分工作战问题。基于对档案管理域、前端业务域和信息技术域下的业务系统电子文件归档问题的识别,提出了应树立顶层设计、分类推进、数据资产管理、协同治理的归档理念。在归档理念指导下,构建了业务系统电子文件归档策略框架,认为机构整体域下应明确归档原则、建立协同机制、制订归档"三纳入"制度;档案管理域下应构建面向三态的归档标准体系、制订分类分步实施的归档计划;前端业务域下应实施以管促归和以用促归的归档策略;信息技术域下应采取技术供给和管理融合的归档策略。  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

With a central focus on thecultural contexts of Pacific island societies,this essay examines the entanglement ofcolonial power relations in local recordkeepingpractices. These cultural contexts include theon-going exchange between oral and literatecultures, the aftermath of colonialdisempowerment and reassertion of indigenousrights and identities, the difficulty ofmaintaining full archival systems in isolated,resource-poor micro-states, and the drivinginfluence of development theory. The essayopens with a discussion of concepts ofexploration and evangelism in cross-culturalanalysis as metaphors for archival endeavour. It then explores the cultural exchanges betweenoral memory and written records, orality, andliteracy, as means of keeping evidence andremembering. After discussing the relation ofrecords to processes of political and economicdisempowerment, and the reclaiming of rightsand identities, it returns to the patterns ofarchival development in the Pacific region toconsider how archives can better integrate intotheir cultural and political contexts, with theaim of becoming more valued parts of theircommunities.  相似文献   

According to ISO 15489, the international standard on records management, the four main characteristics of authoritative records are reliability, integrity, usability and authenticity. In this article, the traits of an ideal record as specified by ISO 15489 are discussed by looking at the opposite of an authentic record – a forgery. By examining the varieties of forgeries found in archives, ranging from forgeries of details to forgeries of entire documents both by record creators and users, the argument is put forth that the difference between an authentic and reliable record and a forgery is not at all obvious. Since forgeries are a regrettable evil of an archive, instead of trying to fix authenticity, more thought should be spared on users’ and archivists’ attitudes towards forgeries and how inauthentic records should be handled in an archive.  相似文献   

From the 1990s to the early twenty-first century, a range of writers in sociology, history, and cultural studies would increasingly see emotion as an important area of study. This “affective turn” has offered an important corrective to standard scientific conceptions of emotion, highlighting the mysteries of embodiment that are ignored by a narrowly empirical approach. While celebrating this development, this paper offers a series of cautions drawn from a comparative history of scholarly attention to emotion. Similarly to the early twenty-first century understanding of affect, the social sciences of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century employed a neo-romantic conception of emotion. By the 1920s, this idea would be subsumed into a new scientific paradigm that saw the new recording technologies as perfect vehicles for taming the mysteries of emotion. I discuss strategies for avoiding this scientizing of emotion in our own period, which is similarly taken with a series of “new technologies.”  相似文献   

图书馆网站既是读者获取图书馆信息资源的桥梁,又是读者与图书馆进行沟通交流的渠道。调查云南省22所高校图书馆互动式网站建设情况,针对其存在的问题,提出利用Web2.0技术建设高校图书馆互动式网站的想法。  相似文献   

为发掘中国古代图书馆学的原创性与民族特色,疏通中国古代图书馆学与现代图书馆学的因承关系,本文从文献学路径出发,论证了文献学与中国古代图书馆学的同一性,并运用文献举证与"知识考古"的方法全面考察了中国古代图书馆学的知识论取向.由此得出结论:世界范围内各民族图书馆学的发生路径是多元的,以西方图书馆学产生之初的特征来评判中国图书馆学的形成过程是一种历史错位.中国古代图书馆学虽未能在文献公共利用方面建立相应的学说和制度,但以其文献学特质,在阐释文献涵义、文献价值及具体的文献组织与整理活动中呈现出一定的知识论取向,与现代图书馆学的知识论多有契合.这为实现图书馆学研究的本土化提供了有益的启示.参考文献30.  相似文献   

传播“核心概念”是科学教育、科学传播发展的新趋势,也是国家、社会、时代的需求。本文根据近年来我国科技博物馆在理论与实践上的探索成果,对于什么是“核心概念”、为什么要围绕“核心概念”开展科学教育、如何围绕“核心概念”设计教育活动,进行了分析和归纳,并将“核心概念”视为当代科技博物馆应履行的使命和评价科技博物馆科学教育、科学传播能力与水平的标志之一。  相似文献   

民国时期是我国图书馆学思想形成和发展的重要阶段。这一时期的图书馆学思想具有古典特征、外来特征和中国化特征。民国时期图书馆学思想在自身发展的同时,又催生了中国图书馆学专业教育的兴办,促进了图书馆学术研究的繁荣,推动了中国图书馆事业的发展。但是,由于历史和社会等种种原因,民国时期的图书馆学思想也不可避免地具有一些局限性。  相似文献   

运用系统论的方法,以图书馆作为一个系统,针对目前我国东西部数字鸿沟的现状,提出了在解决东西部数字鸿沟过程中,应该遵循的原则;探讨了图书馆如何在西部开发和应对数字鸿沟中平衡发展的问题。  相似文献   

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