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个体取向的教师专业发展研究是指研究者以个别教师为研究对象,对其专业发展阶段、影响因素、发展动力、知识结构等所做的研究。这与以教师群体为研究对象的群体取向相对应,是教师专业发展研究由群体到个体、由逻辑思辨研究到具体实证研究发展的必然,也是个体取向的教师专业发展受到教育研究者重视的具体表现。  相似文献   

教育研究中访谈的倾听技(艺)术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究中访谈的倾听技(艺)术陈向明访谈是教育研究中经常被使用的一种收集资料的方法。顾名思义,“访谈”指的是研究者“寻访”、“访问”被研究者并且与其进行“交谈”和“询问”的一种活动。与人们的日常谈话不同,访谈是一种研究性活动,是研究者通过口头交谈的方...  相似文献   

精英访谈是一种通过访谈社会中优势群体来收集资料的重要方法。基于读博期间对新西兰教师工会组织高层管理者的访谈经验,致力于探索精英访谈作为一种资料收集方式的独特挑战和应对策略。精英访谈面临多重挑战,如招募访谈对象相对困难,对研究者的知识水平和背景材料掌握度要求较高,访谈者与访谈对象之间权力关系复杂,非匿名化也伴随着伦理难题。为有效应对这些挑战,需要建立研究者的专业声誉,充分利用文档资料的辅助功能,逐步建立信任的对话关系,尊重和审慎地对待访谈资料。通过精英访谈可以高效地收集“幕后”资料,并有助于打开政策制定过程的“黑箱”。在中国教育政策研究中,精英访谈的运用潜力还有待进一步挖掘。  相似文献   

"焦点小组访谈"作为一种研究方法,是对研究者拟定的特定话题,通过组员间交流对话,而进行的材料收集的方法。它以西方解释学理论及交往行为理论为依据,根据不同的研究目的,可分为"成员主体型"和"专家小组型"两类,强调成功开展访谈的相关要素及研究的问题设计。作为定性研究的一种模式,该方法拓展了国际教育比较的研究方法,在复杂的教育比较研究中,对于收集和掌握第一手材料,开展跨文化的比较教育研究,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

对于同一个教学内容,运用两个不同的教学设计进行教学,观察、比较、分析教与学的情况,这是一种课堂教学比较研究。笔者对《分数的初步认识》这一内容进行了课堂教学比较研究,本文将介绍研究的过程、两个教学设计的课堂教学流程、设计意图以及初步的研究结果和思考。一、研究的主要过程研究的主要过程是选择两个教学班,对这两个班的学生进行前测和个别访谈,了解学生对分数知识的掌握程度。然后分别对两个班运用两种不同的设计进行教学。教学后,对学生进行后测、问卷调查并对个别学生进行访谈。后测主要是了解两个班的学生在分数知识与技能方…  相似文献   

教学和研究是教师职业生活的两大侧面。教师开展教学科研是新课程实验的需要,更是落实"教师即研究者"、实现教师专业发展的需要。文章就高中理科教师开展教学科研现状进行调查分析。调查采取问卷调查和个别访谈的形式。通过对问卷调查和个别访谈结果的梳理、分析,建议:广泛宣传、组织教师参与教学科研;积极倡导和鼓励教师多读书;着力培养教师的问题意识;强化教学行动研究在学校教学科研中的地位和作用;内外结合,构建良好的教学科研的环境。  相似文献   

社会救助制度是在公民因各种原因导致难以维持最低生活水平时,由国家和社会按照法定程序给予款物接济和服务,以使其生活得到基本保障的制度,也是公民生存的最后一道防线。本文以北京市门头沟区河滩西街居委会居民为研究对象,调查了城市最低保障制度在基层实施的现状。此调查采用集体访谈和入户深入访谈相结合的研究方法,对低保户的生活现状、心理状况进行了调查分析。同时针对该社区的特殊情况,通过问卷与访谈,了解了非低保户对最低生活保障制度的看法及这两个群体的相互关系。  相似文献   

口述历史(Oral History)是一种古老而又新兴的史学方法,它是指历史研究者利用笔录、录音或录影等方式搜集受访者对往事的口头回忆而整理的口传记忆文献及其研究.同时也包括研究者基于对受访者的访谈获得的口述史料,结合文献资料,对史实进行的稽核和研究。虽然历史传说便是口述史的最初形式,  相似文献   

随着祖辈家长出镜率的日益提高,如何做好与祖辈家长的沟通工作是幼儿教师需要面对和思考的问题。目前,在幼儿教师群体中存在着"与祖辈家长沟通难"的现象。研究者通过对N市四所省级示范园的10位"工作年限十年以上、家长工作经验丰富、口语表达能力强"的一线教师进行个别访谈,在进一步验证这一现象存在与否的基础上,总结出了"幼儿教师与祖辈家长沟通难"现象的几种表现形式与应对策略。  相似文献   

中学生对学校公布学习成绩和排名次的看法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝春东  陈会昌 《教育探索》2005,53(12):37-39
这是一项有关当代中学生对学校把学生按学习成绩排名次并公布学习成绩的做法进行访谈的实证研究。被访谈的学生来自江苏省实验学校的实验班与控制班的学生共计108人。采用的访谈方法包括个别访谈和群体访谈。结论是:现代中学生有41%的反对公布学习成绩和排名次;公布学习成绩和排名次会增加学生的外在学习压力;不公布学习成绩和不排名次是对学生进行尊重平等教育的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

When hearing people and deaf people work together, two languages and two cultures come into contract. The purpose of this study is to describe some necessary prerequisites for social interaction in bicultural groups between hearing people and deaf people working together. The method used was one in-depth interview. The result indicated the need for counselling on an individual level as well as on a group level. On an individual level the motivation for contract and positive attitudes toward on another were most frequently reported. On the group level the ability to collaborate and hearing colleagues' competence in sign-language were most frequently reported. A combined counselling and guidance model was suggested on both levels. Furthermore, regarding the working group, group therapeutic approaches were also needed. Counsellors proficient in sign-language were suggested.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare three methods of individual test administration (interview, self-paced tape, speaker-paced tape) and one group method (speaker-paced tape). Individual administrations were done in carrels in a portable van. Subjects were third-and seventh-grade students in 15 California public schools. Overall differences among test administration methods on multiple-choice test scores were not significant for either grade group; although for both grades, the mean score under the group administration method was highest. On short-answer exercises, third-graders performed significantly better in individual interview administrations. For seventh-graders, scores on short-answer questions were significantly higher under the interview and group speaker-paced methods than under the individual speaker-paced method.  相似文献   

An effective interview for the purpose of selecting potential teachers requires meeting several essential criteria which most interviews conducted in such settings fail to do. Moreover, an entire area of interpersonal skills is less effectively determined by the individual interview. The group assessment procedure proved valid for predicting teaching success in this study and appears far more effective than the individual interview used in the same setting.

This paper focuses on the need to improve the existing individual interviews for purposes of teacher selection, although many of its deficiencies are inevitable under the conditions of teacher‐candidate admission procedures. But even then, the group procedure appears to be a better alternative because those personality factors most related to teacher success, are more effectively assessed through group methods.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to examine the leadership role as lived by teaching principals in a selection of small primary schools in the west of Ireland and in particular the implications information and communications technology (ICT) has for that role. The study involved the use of individual one‐to‐one semi‐structured interviews with a selection of 13 primary school principals in the mid‐west region. Following analysis of the interview data a focus group interview with eight of the principals was conducted to validate and explore the issues to emerge from the one‐to‐one interviews. Principals had enthusiastically responded to the national ICT in schools initiative (Schools IT2000) but it had significantly added to the demands of their positions. While the lack of up‐to‐date resources, poor levels of technical support and time were identified as the main impediments, a lack of familiarity of ways in which the technology could be integrated across the curriculum affected the quality of pedagogical leadership provided by them. The research highlights the need for alternative models of support and leadership to be considered.  相似文献   


To gain insight into the educational opportunities for European foreign national prisoners, an online survey was distributed among educational providers and prison managers (N?=?108). The results demonstrate that courses for learning domestic languages are most frequently offered. Other educational courses mostly relate to primary education and psychosocial courses. Based on the online survey, four organizations are investigated in depth to gain more information about how they work. We conducted 12 semi-structured individual and one group interview with professionals and prisoners. The results of the hybrid thematic analysis showed that different models exist to organize education for FNPs. The findings make contribution to the development of European pilot projects that provide distance education to FNPs offered by their home country.  相似文献   

非英语专业大学生英语学习动机及激发策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以问卷和访谈为工具,研究非英语专业大学生英语学习动机现状及激发策略。研究结果发现:中国非英语专业大学生学习英语的个人发展动机最强。七种动机的强度顺序依次为:个人发展动机,成绩动机,学习情景动机,信息媒介动机,内在兴趣动机,社会责任动机,出国动机。教师应充分掌握其变化规律和特点,有针对性地采用适当的教学策略和措施,培养和激发学生的英语学习动机。  相似文献   

Educational or school psychologists (EPs/SPs) can offer support with behaviour concerns at the levels of individual, group or organisation. Their practices, whilst being psychologically based, must be responsive to local contexts and needs. To explore behaviour practice in a real-world context, and to consider how development in this domain might occur during the adoption of a “part-traded” service delivery model, an empirical investigation was conducted within one English local authority (LA) educational psychology service (EPS). Using an action research model, data were gathered through a focus group with six EPs and an interview with the Principal EP (PEP). Current behaviour practices, psychological approaches and future development priorities were identified, as well as perceived facilitators and barriers to change and the EPs’ reflections on professional development through research participation. Implications for EP practice and future research are considered.  相似文献   

Chinese students constitute the most rapidly growing international cohort of students enrolled in many Western tertiary settings, and it is important to understand more about their preparation for engaging with commonly used teaching approaches such as groupwork. This study investigated their attitudes and experience of groupwork while enrolled at a large Chinese university. Semi-structured and video-stimulated recall interview data were collected from 16 third-year Finance students over a 5-week field study. Results showed that this group of Chinese students experienced more out-of-class than in-class groupwork activities. These out-of-class groupwork sessions fell into three categories: (1) student initiated, (2) student league initiated and (3) teacher initiated. Students identified both individual and collective benefits from groupwork, highlighting that Chinese students value groupwork and actively seek to engage with it in the Chinese tertiary context. This study contributes to the understanding of Chinese students’ group practices in Chinese tertiary settings.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the conceptual and empirical basis for the concept of study orchestration. The manifestation of study orchestration at a group, and at an individual level, is illustrated by means of an example that captures the range of individual differences, and of individual similarities, that typically occur. The interpretation and the categorisation of study orchestration is discussed and further illustrated by means of examples, as are the linkages between such categorisations and learning outcome. Disintegrated orchestrations, in particular, are discussed and interpreted in more detail by means of interview data. Important properties of individual study orchestration such as their stability and their contextual sensitivity are then addressed in terms of their contribution to intervention programmes for students who may be academically at risk. This paper concludes with a discussion of the concept of metaorchestration which is seen as a logical development of the concept of metalearning and which is viewed as having important consequences in terms of intervention programmes.  相似文献   

随着互联网行业的发展,微博已经成为当今最流行的产品之一。在微博的使用者中,大学生是一个不容忽视的群体。通过使用深度访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对大学生的微博使用情况进行了调查,发现大学生在微博使用行为和对待微博的态度上均有其自身的特点。  相似文献   

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