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Do pedagogical training courses for university teachers have desirable effects on the participants? We set out to answer this question by following a panel of 183 university teachers from Sweden’s six largest universities, who participated in pedagogical training courses. Our study reveals that the participants’ self-reported confidence in their role as teachers increased slightly, and their self-assessed pedagogical skills increased notably after they had finished their courses. Even though the courses were rather short, we could also observe some changes in fundamental approaches to teaching in some of the subgroups of respondents, both toward more student-centeredness and, perplexingly, toward more teacher-centeredness. Additionally, most respondents (7 out of 10) found the courses useful or very useful. Course satisfaction was most notable among participants with less than three years of teaching experience. Considering the fact that we find the positive effects of pedagogical training courses to be present mainly in the group of participants with less than three years of teaching experience, we discuss whether a policy of making these courses mandatory for all university teachers implies an overestimation of their impact.  相似文献   

The self‐esteem as physics teachers of students taking pre‐service physics teacher education courses was investigated before and after the courses. It was found that students who dropped out from the courses had lower self‐esteem than either the students who satisfactorily completed them or similarly qualified students who did not take the courses. There was some evidence that learning pedagogical theory enhances self‐esteem if it takes place after practical teaching experience but has the opposite effect when taught first, in the absence of any practical teaching experience.  相似文献   

信念的研究是判断教师教育成效的一项重要指标,是当前教师教育中最有价值的一部分。职前教师信念由于受到先前经验和信念本身特质等因素的影响,不易改变,教师教育应该对职前英语教师的信念进行检视与再建构。在自我反思教学模式下发展起来的教育行动研究是近年来国外教育界探究和实践的一种教学理论,是一种非常适合没有接受过教育研究训练的职前教师的研究方法。开展行动研究有助于职前教师将理论学习与教学实践相结合,在教学实践过程中,充分利用有限的直接经验进行教学反思,不断检视、并重构教师信念,提升教学行为。  相似文献   

随着全国教育信息化发展和教师职业化的推行,教育部正在推行“中小学教师现代教育技术素养培训标准”并已经对在职教师进行轮训,作为培养准教师的高等师范院校如何积极应对是个急迫的问题。为此,湖南省在全国率先对在校高师生实施“英特尔R未来教育”课程的职前培训并进行效果跟踪研究,探索与构建培养高师生现代教育技术素养的职前培训模式,探索对在校高师生实施“英特R未来教育”课程职前培训的特点以及在学科教学实习中实际应用的效果。培训项目及其实践成果受到英特尔公司与教育部的课题评估专家的高度重视与称赞。  相似文献   

朱敬 《教育与教学研究》2012,26(10):75-76,90
各大高校为丰富教学内容而开设的选修课,很多学生却提不起兴趣,存在混学分的现象,究其原因主要还是教师这一方。在高校摄影选修课中,教师主动地更新知识储备,丰富课堂教学内容,尝试新的教学模式,启发学生的创新思维,多组织开展课外摄影教学活动,为学生提供摄影创作的活动空间和展览交流的平台,能促进学生人文素质和创造力的培养,从而使教学效果发生根本变化,学生爱上摄影选修课,教师升华专业教学的意义。  相似文献   


This article reports on a second national survey of higher education institutions in the USA to answer the question “Who teaches mathematics content courses for prospective elementary teachers, and what are these instructors’ academic and teaching backgrounds?” and addresses valuable information not collected with the first survey conducted in 2010. We surveyed 1740 institutions and a faculty member from each of 413 institutions (23.7%) participated in the survey. The survey results demonstrate that the majority of these institutions are not meeting the recommendations of the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (2012) and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2017) for prospective elementary teachers to take at least 12 semester-hour credits of mathematics content designed specifically for them. The data do indicate that there is movement toward more activity-based approaches for these courses as compared to the 2010 survey. Additionally, there is an increase in these courses having instructors with doctorates in mathematics education as well as an increase in instructors having grades 7–12 teaching experience. Most instructors for these courses do not have elementary teaching experience and have likely not had opportunities to think deeply about the important ideas in elementary mathematics. While most institutions still do not provide training and/or support for these instructors, formalized support and training appear to be increasing since the 2010 survey.



The aim of the study was to explore whether short online pedagogy courses can have an effect on university teachers’ interpretations of teaching–learning situations. Before and after participating in a short online pedagogical training programme, a total of 66 participants wrote their interpretations of two short video clips, which depicted a content-focused teacher and a learning-focused teacher, respectively. The training was successful in changing participants’ interpretations from a knowledge-transmission view to a learning-facilitation view of teaching. This result indicates that even short online training programmes have the potential to affect participants’ interpretations of teaching–learning situations, especially when participants are not very experienced in teaching. Therefore, pedagogical training should be offered already at the early stages of teaching careers.


教育的信息化和基础教育课程改革的不断深化,对教师的教学能力提出了更高的要求。通过对浙江省某高校师范类高年级学生(职前教师)教学能力培养现状的调查发现,职前教师教学能力的培养方式和效果不容乐观,而且职前教师对视频案例教学持肯定态度,对视频案例资源设计需求迫切,大多数学生希望通过网络进行协作交流。由此,高等师范院校要加强课程和教学方式的改革,提高职前教师的实践能力;教师要运用多媒体和网络技术,构建基于案例教学的视频教学资源库;要充分利用网络信息资源,构建职前教师协作交流学习的新平台。  相似文献   


In 2014, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences implemented a fundamental change in its curriculum from small single topic 3–5 credits courses into 15 credits multidisciplinary courses implemented by teacher teams. This paper focuses on how teachers of Information Technology programs experienced the reform. Research data include teacher feedback and opinions that were collected during training sessions and interviews. Team teaching is a substantial change for teachers that raises concerns about time management, getting enough compensation for the work and possible loss of teacher autonomy. However, teacher teams that managed to overcome these challenges saw a variety of benefits in the new approach. Not only was team teaching seen as a means for providing students with the skills they need, but it also was discovered as a way to enhance the teacher’s own professional development.  相似文献   

新课程改革非常强调有效教学的理念,有效教学是所有教育教学改革的共同追求。对高师教育类课程有效性教学的调查主要从课程和教学两个角度,基于小学教育本科专业的样本,通过实证研究,发现师范生对教育类课程兴趣不高,教育类课程内容脱离教育实践,教育类教师的课堂教学方法有待改善。针对教育类课程教学存在的现状,我们从促进有效性教学的视点提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,中国教学论学者群体率先在师范学堂开设教学论课程,后藉助教育学会、教育期刊、教育研究机构等实践平台,引介日本及欧美教学论,并继承中国传统教学论思想,成为推动教学论学科形成与发展的坚实力量。就其构成来看,主要包括中小学教师、师范学校教师、师范学院及大学教育学院的教师及研究者以及文化出版界的学者。这些学者大多具有以下共同特征:深受国外教学论思想影响、学者来源多元化并践行教学理论与实践相结合的治学理念。  相似文献   

Teacher education institutions conduct information and communications technology (ICT) courses to prepare preservice teachers (or initial teacher education candidates) to support their teaching practice with appropriate ICT tools. ICT course evaluations based on preservice teachers’ perception of course experiences are limited in indicating the kinds of ICT integration knowledge or technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) preservice teachers have gained throughout the course. Preservice teachers’ ICT course experiences was found to influence their intentions to integrate ICT but its influence on their TPACK perceptions, if better understood, can inform teacher education institutions about the design of ICT courses. This study describes the design and validation of an ICT course evaluation instrument that examines preservice teachers’ perceptions of ICT course experiences and TPACK. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed on survey results collected from a graduating cohort of 869 Singapore preservice teachers who had undergone a compulsory ICT course during their teacher training program. These preservice teachers were being prepared to teach the different subject areas at primary, secondary, and junior colleges (or postsecondary institutions for 17–19 year olds) in Singapore. The regression model showed that preservice teachers’ perceived TPACK was first influenced by their perceptions of course experiences that supported the development of intermediary TPACK knowledge components such as technological knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge. The methodological implications for the design of ICT course evaluation surveys and the practical applications of survey results to the refinement of ICT course curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

"英语语言学导论"课程是英语专业知识必修课程,但由于该门课程涉及理论知识较多,学生很容易感觉枯燥乏味,教学效果急需提高,而有关的教学研究又屈指可数,鉴于此,笔者提出像语言学导论这样的专业知识类课程,除了采取传统的以教师授课为主的教学方式,还应注重师生、生生之间良好的互动,采取一些行之有效的互动策略,以此提高教学效果。  相似文献   

The Schools IT2000 initiative, launched in 1997, was the first large-scale attempt to integrate information and communications technology (ICT) into teaching and learning in the Irish education system. As part of this initiative a training continuum was developed with the objective of enabling teachers to progress from novice to expert users of ICT. Short-term in-service courses were offered to all post-primary teachers in the state. Third-level institutions were invited to develop professional development programmes in the area of ICT in education to advance the training continuum. This article reports on the findings of a survey of teachers who had progressed along this training continuum and had opted to study for a postgraduate award in ICT in Education. The research aimed to determine the general profile of teachers electing to study on the programme, their current use of ICT and the types of in-service education and training in ICT they had previously been exposed to.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationships among teacher classroom practices, student motivation, and mathematics achievement in high school. The data for this study was drawn from the base-year data of High School Longitudinal Study of 2009. Structural equation modeling method was used to estimate the relationships among variables. The results indicate that conceptual teaching positively affected student mathematics achievement, whereas procedural emphasis in mathematics instruction had a negative effect. Teacher support influenced student mathematics achievement indirectly through students' mathematics self-efficacy, and also influenced students' interest in mathematics courses. Finally, students with higher levels of family socioeconomic status and prior achievement were more likely to have teachers who use conceptual teaching strategies. Students with higher prior achievement were also more likely to perceive higher levels of teacher support. The findings have theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

五年制小教专科教育课程建设既要融入高等师范教育课程改革体系,又要从小学课程改革的实际出发,顺应义务教育新课程改革的新形势。构建“综合培养、文理渗透、四块结合、五年一贯、预专分段”的培养模式;突出学科思想和方法的教育;注重应用能力的培养;开发学生的学习、创造性潜能;大力推广现代网络、信息技术辅助教学;增加教育学科课程比例;提升学生教学能力的“大专性”和“学术性”。  相似文献   

2005年,韩国《国语基本法实行令》颁布,标志着韩国语作为外语教学教师资格制度正式建立。韩国语教师资格分为1、2、3级,1级为最高。韩国语教育副专业毕业生及韩国语教育培训课程结业者通过考试可获得3级证书。韩国语教育专业本科生、硕士生毕业后可获得2级证书。非韩国语教育专业毕业生须参加规定的培训课程并通过韩国语教育能力检定考试可获得3级证书。2级、3级证书获得者经过规定的时间和教学经历可晋升为更高等级。  相似文献   

张亚平 《集宁师专学报》2011,33(1):82-86,96
翻译在大学非英语专业教学中,应从整体教学出发,针对学校的特点,将翻译定位为教学翻译,对与翻译目前定位相联系的三个翻译认识误区进行反思,并在深刻认识教学翻译的意义和充分保持《新视野大学英语》特色优势的基础上,在词汇、语法及翻译技巧上提出了积极有效的应对策略。  相似文献   

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