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This case study analyses the benefits of implementing a paperless software solution (Alert®pfh–Alert Paperfree Hospital, developed by Alert Life Sciences Computing) in a Portuguese Hospital, the Espírito Santo Hospital, in the city of Évora. Alert®pfh is a complete hospital clinical information system with real time clinical information input. It was implemented in emergency medical services, inpatient and outpatient services, and operating room services. Data were collected between 2006 and 2011 prior to, during and after the system's implementation. The case analysis demonstrates that paperless software systems have a significant potential when applied in healthcare organization services. Besides financial benefits, other important organizational features were identified, namely higher levels of patient and professional satisfaction; an increase in efficiency in hospital operations; improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making; and a reduction in medical errors. Lessons learned are noted and conclusions drawn for both theoretical and practical ICT benefits analysis.  相似文献   

The integration of products and services into a bundled product/service offering by manufacturing organisations is seen as a global trend in today’s competitive business environment. The shift of product-based manufacturers towards offering business solutions and value-added services to consumers is termed as ‘Servitization’. Contrary to the potential benefits expected by adding service activities to the offerings, advocates voice their concerns towards experiential problems and challenges in employing the servitization strategy – termed as ‘Servitization Paradox’. Nevertheless, the shift from product-based delivery to a service-based provision has the potential to significantly impact on developing sustainable and eco-friendly environment. To provide greater insights to the servitization phenomenon, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the servitization implementation in manufacturing organisations. In order to respond to the latter, we propose the following three research questions “Q1 – what are the different types of servitization strategies”, “Q2 – what are the different servitization definitions”, “Q3 – what are the potential benefits in selecting a servitization strategy?”, “Q4 – what are the challenges in transitioning towards servitization?”. A systematic literature review is carried out to understand the past trends and extant patterns/themes in the servitization strategy research area, evaluate contributions, summarise knowledge, thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential further research avenues. The key findings confirm servitization studies have contributed both conceptually and empirically to the development and accumulation of intellectual wealth to the manufacturing operations and supply chain discipline. Moreover, the findings clearly indicate the potential of servitization in transitioning manufacturing organisations (e.g. benefits) and utilising innovative technologies to generate business value. Nevertheless, some voices are backing further research/development in the area of servitization due to the several existing challenges.  相似文献   

Early attempts to formulate information systems (IS) strategies concentrated on the analytical task of deriving IS strategies from business plans. The limitations of the static plans that often resulted from these formal studies were, however, soon discovered. The critics suggested informal and incremental planning to ensure flexibility, creativity and strategic thinking to comprise emergent strategies as well as planned strategies.In previous IS planning research, there appears to be a contradiction between the published planning methods and the generally held views about effective implementation of IS planning process. The explicit methods described in IS literature predominantly assume a comprehensive IS planning process. Despite the fact that many researchers consider incremental approaches to be more effective, methods that can be used to facilitate incremental IS planning are few, not detailed enough and not comprehensive.The four cycles method introduced in this paper attempts to combine the strengths of both the comprehensive and incremental planning to be able to recognise emerging trends and to make an e-business strategy. The method provides a basic schedule for organising planning activities. IS planning is seen as a continuous process that is periodically adjusted to the expectations of the participating managers. Practising managers can use the method to facilitate implementation of an incremental and continuous IS planning process. For e-business strategy research, the paper provides a theoretically based method that can be tested in future action research projects.The first results of conducted action research show that the method should not be used as a checklist but as a choice list. Each period had a constant focus on external developments and the fit with internal possibilities. The method provided a flexible and dynamic basis for actions. The emergent nature of the changes and the difficulty of formalising creativity and innovation placed restrictions on the planning process. We learned that a thematic approach where each cycle is given a creative subject helped to “open up” the users in the organisation. Future research should focus on the inter-organisational nature of e-business strategy. If it is difficult to get top management participation, it will be even more difficult with more organisations involved.  相似文献   

王永 《科技与管理》2012,14(5):49-53
立足于转型背景,以能够体现国企管理创新活动规律的管理创新动因、目的、内容之间的内在联系为契入点,通过对转型三十余年国企管理创新案例资料的全景式考证与分析,全面探讨和研究了国企管理创新活动的产生和运行规律。得出的初步研究结论是:国企管理创新的动因、目的、内容之间存在着一种相对稳定的多元非线性关系。创新动因集以合力作用的形式推动管理创新;创新动因集与内容集之间呈逆向因果关系;创新目的对创新内容域的选择始终发挥着指示和导向作用。  相似文献   

Based on a survey of Chinese publicly traded firms, we report on the status of the strategic information systems planning success in China. Through this analysis of the survey data, we found that Chinese managers are not using IS as a competitive weapon though they have already realized some aspects of strategic information system planning. We also examined the differences between Eastern and Western cultural and political context factors to explain this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Organizations face significant challenges in capturing value from their investments in strategic information systems such as enterprise systems (ES). Managers are a powerful source of influence shaping the post-adoption attitudes and behaviors of users and the success of ES. However, the extant IS literature has focused primarily on the role of top management and theoretical explanations of the role of supervisors in fostering continuing usage of ES are lacking. Drawing on transformational leadership theory and the IS continuance (ISC) model, this paper conceptualizes a theoretical model differentiating the influence mechanisms through which different types of leadership behaviors influence the success of ES. Data collected from 192 users of ES confirms our theorization. We find that transformational leadership behaviors of supervisors influence users’ evaluations of satisfaction and perceived usefulness, while their transactional leadership behaviors influence users’ ES continuance intention by moderating the effects of user satisfaction and perceived usefulness on ES continuance intention. This study advances research on the role of leadership behaviors of supervisors in capturing value from enterprise systems. The research also contributes to practice by suggesting effective strategies for promoting continued usage of mission critical systems such as enterprise systems and delivering value from firms’ IT investments.  相似文献   

Organizations adopt sophisticated management information systems, which provide top managers with an ample range of information to achieve multiple strategic performances. However, organizations differ in the extent to which they improve their performance. This paper analyzes the role of top management team in the relationship between management information systems and strategic performance. Using data collected from 92 top management teams, it analyses how different team compositions interact with a sophisticated management information system, and how this interaction affects strategic performances, which are focused on cost reduction and flexibility. The findings show how the effect of management information system on strategic performance (focused on flexibility) is moderated by top management team diversity.  相似文献   

通过对联盟中公平的概念,形成和作用机理研究的回顾,发现现有研究中联盟公平的概念体系还不完善,关于公平形成的研究还很欠缺,公平作用机理的研究还有待进一步深化,并提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

山东蓬莱旅游业发展的资源基础与战略构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋军继 《资源科学》2005,27(3):150-155
蓬莱市位于山东半岛北端,是中国古代四大港口和近代四大对外通商口岸之一,其历史悠久,知名度高,独特性强,文化积淀丰厚,高品位资源分布集中,具有丰富的人文旅游资源.本文全面分析了蓬莱旅游资源特征;并基于该市旅游产业发展现状及其在发展中存在的经济基础相对薄弱,产业结构偏低,市政建设欠缺等问题,提出了切实可行的客源分级策略、旅游资源深度开发策略、旅游文化开发策略;同时提出了相应的发展措施,建议把发展旅游业纳入政府工作议程,将旅游业作为蓬莱市经济发展的战略性产业,并在加强旅游环保和环保旅游的同时,实行联合促销,强化旅游宣传,促进旅游业的全面和健康的发展.  相似文献   

本文通过对台湾工业技术研究院(ITRI)科技成果转化中技术选择、技术开发、技术应用三个部分的剖析,总结了ITRI科技成果转化率高的主要原因,认为政府的积极扶持、清晰的目标定位、开放式创新的思维、坚持公益性导向是其主要经验特色。相比较而言,大陆的科技成果转化机制存在一些问题,ITRI运作模式和经验值得借鉴,推动工研院建设的机制设计对新兴产业发展是一种有益的探索。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖生态经济区生态农业发展现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭翊泉 《科技广场》2011,(8):145-148
生态农业作为能够较好克服"人口—资源—环境"矛盾的科学发展模式,逐渐成为实现农业可持续发展的最佳选择,这将成为鄱阳湖生态经济区战略目标实现的有力支撑。鄱阳湖地区应当抓住国家建立鄱阳湖生态经济区和大力发展低碳经济的大好机遇,发挥资源优势,将空间布局和其他产业发展结合起来,积极争取优惠政策和措施,不拘于自身生态农业发展方式和模式选择,敢于创新并探索促进鄱阳湖地区生态农业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业共性技术是基础研究和应用研究之间的关键环节,在整个技术创新链条中处于至关重要的支撑地位,是战略性新兴产业核心竞争力的源头和保证。但是,共性技术创新的公共物品性、外部性、不确定性和主体的"经济人"特性,引发了共性技术供给不足、供给低效的市场失灵问题,成为了我国战略性新兴产业面临的重大瓶颈和障碍。因此,为了弥补市场调控的不足,政府有必要发挥主导作用,在战略性新兴产业共性技术创新中认真做好规划指导、资金支持、制度保障、组织协调和信息支撑等工作安排,从而推动共性技术创新活动的积极开展,并最终促进我国战略性新兴产业的培育和发展。  相似文献   

Bridging institutions or organisations are regarded as having positive effects in the Sectoral Systems of Innovation (SSI) literature, particularly in compensating for weaknesses in these systems. Yet, we know little about the organisational practices that make their role effective, or the types of innovation paths that they may facilitate within a system. This paper shows how bridging organisations may promote neglected areas of creativity and potential disruptive innovation. These blocked opportunities tend to emerge at the boundaries of SSI: where old sectors overlap and new trajectories form. We draw on the social networks, entrepreneurship and disruptive innovation literature and analyse an intervention in the UK electronic games industry: the evaluation of business propositions exploiting new gaming platforms such as mobile telephones, DVD and film. Using an innovative co-productive research design, the study shows how the effectiveness of bridging organisation activity depends on key design choices and brokerage capabilities.  相似文献   

何叶  冯倩瑜 《科技广场》2013,(8):166-170
战略性人力资源管理理论认为,核心员工是企业的重要战略资源,吸引并保留核心员工是企业建立和保持竞争优势的基础。当前我国国有企业核心员工流失问题非常严重,构建战略性人力资源管理体系对解决我国国有企业核心员工流失问题有着非同寻常的作用与意义。  相似文献   

我国图书情报事业发展中信息资源战略目标定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息资源战略目标是一段时间内图书情报机构在信息资源建设方面所需完成的具体规划。因此选择制定信息资源战略目标时,需基于信息资源建设内外部因素分析、图书情报事业发展战略总目标及信息资源的可持续发展目标的制定,在此基础上形成切实可行的战略目标。  相似文献   

This study adopts both a resource-based perspective that combines technology, human, and business resources to develop an infrastructure capability, and a strategic-positioning perspective that emphasizes customer orientation to examine customer information quality in customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Specifically, this study examines how firms bundle infrastructure capability and customer orientation to enhance the quality of customer information that enhances customer relationships and firm performance. The results of data gathered from 116 financial service firms in Taiwan suggest that the impact of quality on firm performance begins with infrastructure capability and customer orientation, and that the complementarity between these factors positively influences customer information quality. The results indicate that customer information quality positively affects customer relationship performance, which consequently leads to improvements in overall firm performance.  相似文献   

石匣小流域水土保持措施蓄水保土效益试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蔡新广 《资源科学》2004,26(Z1):144-150
通过石匣小流域径流试验小区的降雨径流泥沙资料,分析不同水土保持措施对径流泥沙的影响,探讨水土保持措施的蓄水保土效益.研究结果表明:①合适的整地造林措施能有效地拦蓄降雨,减小土壤侵蚀;自然坡的水土流失都较小;②水平条中土埂可减少径流20%~45%,减少土壤侵蚀31.5%~71.2%;③水平条与鱼鳞坑的水保效益相当;④在16°左右坡地采取水保措施(水平条、鱼鳞坑造林)比开荒减少地表径流77.7%~92.1%,在4°左右坡地修梯田比坡耕地减少地表径流54.2%,减少土壤侵蚀67.95%;⑤水保措施均不同程度地减少了土壤氮、磷流失量,其中大水平条比开荒总氮流失量减少73.65%,总磷流失量减少42.86%;梯田比坡耕地总氮流失量减少60.98%,总磷流失量减少85.29%,说明大水平条和梯田的保水、保土、保肥效益明显.  相似文献   

石匣小流域水土保持措施蓄水保土效益试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡新广 《资源科学》2004,26(7):144-150
通过石匣小流域径流试验小区的降雨径流泥沙资料,分析不同水土保持措施对径流泥沙的影响,探讨水土保持措施的蓄水保土效益。研究结果表明:①合适的整地造林措施能有效地拦蓄降雨,减小土壤侵蚀;自然坡的水土流失都较小;②水平条中土埂可减少径流20%~45%,减少土壤侵蚀31.5%~71.2%;③水平条与鱼鳞坑的水保效益相当;④在16°左右坡地采取水保措施(水平条、鱼鳞坑造林)比开荒减少地表径流77.7%~92.1%,在4°左右坡地修梯田比坡耕地减少地表径流54.2%,减少土壤侵蚀67.95%;⑤水保措施均不同程度地减少了土壤氮、磷流失量,其中大水平条比开荒总氮流失量减少73.65%,总磷流失量减少42.86%;梯田比坡耕地总氮流失量减少60.98%,总磷流失量减少85.29%,说明大水平条和梯田的保水、保土、保肥效益明显。  相似文献   

The critical factors in the big data era are collection, analysis, and dissemination of information to improve an organization’s competitive position and enhance its products and services. In this scenario, it is imperative that organizations use Intelligence, which is understood as a process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating high-value data and information at the right time for use in the decision-making process. Earlier, the concept of Intelligence was associated with the military and national security sector; however, in present times, and as organizations evolve, Intelligence has been defined in several ways for the purposes of different applications. Given that the purpose of Intelligence is to obtain real value from data, information, and the dynamism of the organizations, the study of this discipline provides an opportunity to analyze the core trends related to data collection and processing, information management, decision-making process, and organizational capabilities. Therefore, the present study makes a conceptual analysis of the existing definitions of intelligence in the literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors and research areas, and evaluating the development of the field using SciMAT as a bibliometric analysis software.  相似文献   

王立贵 《现代情报》2011,31(3):79-82
信息化是当今世界发展的一大趋势,是推动社会变革的重要力量,信息资源在信息化社会中的地位和作用不可替代。开发利用信息资源是信息化社会中一项非常重要的工作,它可以引起社会政治、经济、文化、军事发生深刻变革,从而对世界格局产生影响。档案作为信息资源的一部分,有着十分丰富的知识内含,对档案信息资源进行开发利用,意义非常重大。本文正是立足于信息化社会战略转型的需要,针对档案信息资源开发利用薄弱的现状,提出了自己的战略思考。  相似文献   

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