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魏雅宁 《今日科苑》2007,(19):94-94
幻想坐电梯下楼让自己安静的躺在床上,闭上眼睛,幻想自己坐在高层的电梯里,在脑海中默默数着电梯下降的层数,在数数的同时,还要联想自己的身体也随电梯的缓缓下落而逐渐放松下来,这样不知不觉就睡着了。听听滴水声当人聆听平淡而又节奏的音响时,可以起到很好的催眠作用,如火车运行声、蟋蟀的叫声、滴水声以及雨水淅淅沥沥的声音等等。根据这个原理有人专用录音机制作了滴水声磁带。用这种声音诱导睡眠的条件反射,效果很好。  相似文献   

声光电子驱鸟器的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决输电线鸟害问题研制了声光电子驱鸟器。本文介绍了声光电子驱鸟器的设计思路及解决方案,介绍了驱鸟器电路方框图、硬件电路及工作流程,给出了声光电子驱鸟器的技术参数及技术特点,并总结了在驱鸟器研制过程中积累下的经验。  相似文献   

地面雨滴谱特征研究,对掌握云降水物理过程和降水机制、提高雷达定量估测降水精度及评估人工增雨作业效果等均具有重要的意义和价值。为解决青海省多部激光雨滴谱仪数据批量处理、质量控制、微物理参数反演及滴谱拟合等实际需求,文章基于MATLAB开发环境,研发了由基础算法库和核心应用算法库构成为核心的青海省激光雨滴谱仪数据应用系统。系统具备雨滴形变订正、雨滴微物理参数反演、雨滴谱分布拟合、Z-R关系拟合、雨滴谱M-P分布函数拟合和Gamma分布函数拟合等功能,系统的设计和实现为激光雨滴谱数据深度应用提供了技术支撑,具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了解决下雨天汽车后视镜因雨滴而视线变得模糊的问题,本文提出一种利用强烈热气流来去除雨滴的后视镜除雨器。该装置是利用微型气泵产生高压气流,高压气流经导气管流经散热器后形成的热气流被送到后视镜的顶端边沿,高速的热气流可以把附着在后视镜的雨滴给吹散,达到除雨的效果,使镜面更加清晰。  相似文献   

大家都很熟悉激光器,激光器也称光激射器,英文是Laser(港台直译为镭射)。最近英国帕里斯一南大学的J·Y·普瑞尔领导的研究组,利用冷却玻璃棒制成了原理类似于光激射器的声波受激放大器,即“声激射器”,并将其命名为Saser(可直译为“声射”)。研究人员认为声激射器可用来探测亚原子粒子。  相似文献   

有一天,天气预报本来是小雨,结果小雨很快转变成暴雨,由此引起同学们争论大雨滴、小雨滴谁落得快,还是同样快的问题。请你也来参加讨论,并说明道理。参考答案:大雨滴落得快。因为雨滴下落时受两个力作用:一是雨滴的重力,方向向下;二是空气阻力,方向向上。空气的阻力与雨滴的横截面积成正比,且随雨滴下落速度的增加而增加。当阻力与重力相等时,雨滴将匀速下降,这个速度叫极限速度。  相似文献   

声自导技术的基础是波束形成技术,对波束形成技术的研究能够让我们更好地提高水下航行器的自动导引能力。本文首先对声自导系统的模型和基本职能进行了简单介绍,然后对波束形成技术和方位估计(参数估计)技术在无人水下航行器声自导技术上的应用进行了初步的研究,为我们将来发展新型无人水下航行器提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

热声热机是一种与传统的热机完全不同的新型热机.它具有无运动部件、结构简单、可靠性高、寿命长等优点;可以利用废热,太阳能等作为热源;采用惰性气体作为工质,有利于保护环境.热声热机包括驻波型热声热机和行波型热声热机,行波型热声热机的工作效率比驻波型热声热机高,目前研究行波型热声热机已成为热声领域的研究热点.回热器作为热能与机械能的转换部件直接影响热声热机的性能,其中涉及诸多热力学性因素,给热声热机设计制造带来了很大的困难,为了能够更好地分析解行波型回热器中工质的动态热力学特性,本文应用计算流体力学软件Fluent来对行波型热声热机回热器中工质热力学特性进行了数值模拟.  相似文献   

镜头一: 慧眼识骗--骗售"电视机增频器"落网 一天下午,福州东街口邮电大楼前的人行道上突然传来:"抓住他,抓住他"的惊呼声,只见刚才还在人行道上的人群中演示"电视增频器"接收卫视台效果的2名骗子惊慌地拎着小电视机和电视机供电电瓶、电视增频器等诈骗工具和钱袋子四处逃窜,其中一个骗子最终被追上来的110警察制服.  相似文献   

谭晟 《百科知识》2007,(1S):38-39
法国电影大师吕克·贝松在其作品《出租车》系列中,有这样一个场景:一帮彪悍的劫匪抓住了赃物下落的知情者,逼供无效,情急之下,劫匪找来了一个似乎老到的催眠师进行催眠,一番斗智斗勇,催眠师反被知情者催眠。镜头刚刚开始时似乎还诡谲神秘的催眠顷刻间就变得荒诞诙谐了,仅仅为博君一笑。“催眠”在众多影视作品中出现的形式正如这部电影一样,是“好人”控制“坏人”或者“坏人”控制“好人”的思维的一种手段。影像里的催眠师占卜似地喋喋不休,满嘴咒语,被催眠的人神志不清,唯命是从。就连金庸笔下的杨过也过了回催眠的瘾一他神奇地催眠了金轮法王的徒弟。  相似文献   

Lafferton E 《Endeavour》2006,30(2):65-70
The story of a fatal hypnotic séance in a castle in provincial Hungary in 1894 was sensationalised by the media and propelled across national and social boundaries within a few days. It stirred public feelings and compelled prestigious medical mandarins, legal professionals and social commentators of the day to express wide-ranging views concerning hypnotic practice. The case intensified social and professional anxieties surrounding hypnosis in late 19th century culture and illustrates the complex relationship between medical hypnotic research, lay hypnosis and widely reported and sensationalised forensic cases.  相似文献   

道德失范是所有社会的常态,但集体道德失范则是社会异常的表现,在一个社会异常变迁的时代,道德失范则是社会生产的结果。本文应用现代性相关理论,分析了造成道德失范的各种社会性因素:包括理性压倒情感是病因学;以发展、进步为名义的现代国家是始作俑者;现代科层制官僚体系是催眠药;极化了的个体权利是遮羞布;行为规则的不确定性是替罪羊。并提出一个给国民安全感的国家,一系列有道德责任感的制度设计,一群追求道德生活的国家公民一起形成强大合力,才有摆脱目前道德失范困境的可能。  相似文献   

谢恩广  赵光宇 《中国科技信息》2011,(17):77+75-77,75
本文就煤矿斜井防跑车装置的现状分析与未来发展以及防跑车装置在斜井运输中的重要性进行了探讨;斜井防跑车装置基本类型;防跑车装置的定型做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

This paper reports a two-layered polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device—Flip channel, capable of forming uniform-sized embryoid bodies (EBs) and performing stem cell differentiation within the same device after flipping the microfluidic channel. The size of EBs can be well controlled by designing the device geometries, and EBs with multiple sizes can be formed within a single device to study EB size-dependent stem cell differentiation. During operation of the device, cells are positioned in the designed positions. As a result, observation and monitoring specific population of cells can be achieved for further analysis. In addition, after flipping the microfluidic channel, stem cell differentiation from the EBs can be performed on an unconfined flat surface that is desired for various differentiation processes. In the experiments, murine embryonic stem cells (ES-D3) are cultured and formed EBs inside the developed device. The size of EBs is well controlled inside the device, and the neural differentiation is performed on the formed EBs after flipping the channel. The EB size-dependent stem cell differentiation is studied using the device to demonstrate its functions. The device provides a useful tool to study stem cell differentiation without complicated device fabrication and tedious cell handling under better-controlled microenvironments.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型回摆装置,采用了磁致伸缩驱动器作为能量转换装置,利用曲柄滑块机构作为运动转换装置,将直线运动转化为圆周运动,并对其原理进行了可行性分析,进行了结构建模。相比传统的回摆装置,其体型小,可直接控制电流的变化对其进行调速,且反应速度快。  相似文献   

刘望来  杨波 《科技通报》2011,27(1):75-78
电涌保护器安全巡检仪是为了满足对电涌保护器进行常规和定期快速检测工作需要而开发的,是一款集合了多种仪表测试功能的一款多功能、智能型便携仪表.对电涌保护器安全巡检仪的原理及设计思路作以介绍的同时,对仪表的硬件设计、软件设计,以及主要元件的选择等问题作了简单介绍,并说明了系统设计、调试时应该注意的问题.  相似文献   

通过介绍普通阻车装置、自动阻车器装置和联动门阻车装置,比较器优缺点,简述联动门阻车装置在宝山矿的实践应用情况。认为联动门阻车装置在小型矿山的斜井中具有很好的效果,具有实际推广意义。  相似文献   

We present design, characterization, and testing of an inexpensive, sheath-flow based microfluidic device for three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic focusing of cells in imaging flow cytometry. In contrast to other 3D sheathing devices, our device hydrodynamically focuses the cells in a single-file near the bottom wall of the microchannel that allows imaging cells with high magnification and low working distance objectives, without the need for small device dimensions. The relatively large dimensions of the microchannels enable easy fabrication using less-precise fabrication techniques, and the simplicity of the device design avoids the need for tedious alignment of various layers. We have characterized the performance of the device with 3D numerical simulations and validated these simulations with experiments of hydrodynamic focusing of a fluorescently dyed sample fluid. The simulations show that the width and the height of the 3D focused sample stream can be controlled independently by varying the heights of main and side channels of the device, and the flow rates of sample and sheath fluids. Based on simulations, we also provide useful guidelines for choosing the device dimensions and flow rates for focusing cells of a particular size. Thereafter, we demonstrate the applicability of our device for imaging a large number of RBCs using brightfield microscopy. We also discuss the choice of the region of interest and camera frame rate so as to image each cell individually in our device. The design of our microfluidic device makes it equally applicable for imaging cells of different sizes using various other imaging techniques such as phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Microarray devices are powerful for detecting and analyzing biological targets. However, the potential of these devices may not be fully realized due to the lack of optimization of their design and implementation. In this work, we consider a microsphere-trap array device by employing microfluidic techniques and a hydrodynamic trapping mechanism. We design a novel geometric structure of the trap array in the device, and develop a comprehensive and robust framework to optimize the values of the geometric parameters to maximize the microsphere arrays'' packing density. We also simultaneously optimize multiple criteria, such as efficiently immobilizing a single microsphere in each trap, effectively eliminating fluidic errors such as channel clogging and multiple microspheres in a single trap, minimizing errors in subsequent imaging experiments, and easily recovering targets. We use finite element simulations to validate the trapping mechanism of the device, and to study the effects of the optimization geometric parameters. We further perform microsphere-trapping experiments using the optimized device and a device with randomly selected geometric parameters, which we denote as the un-optimized device. These experiments demonstrate easy control of the transportation and manipulation of the microspheres in the optimized device. They also show that the optimized device greatly outperforms the un-optimized device by increasing the packing density by a factor of two, improving the microsphere trapping efficiency from 58% to 99%, and reducing fluidic errors from 48% to a negligible level (less than 1%). The optimization framework lays the foundation for the future goal of developing a modular, reliable, efficient, and inexpensive lab-on-a-chip system.  相似文献   

蓝涛 《大众科技》2013,(5):109-110
施工升降机防坠安全器检定后用户集中反映防坠安全器噪声的问题较突出,用户甚至怀疑检测机构在进行检定时造成了防坠器的损坏,噪声已经成为防坠安全器安全使用中普遍关心的问题。文章就检定后产生噪声的因素进行了分析,提出了控制噪声故障的一些建议。  相似文献   

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