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This study moves beyond previous investigations to examine whether an educational intervention combining shared book reading with a vocabulary game increases children's vocabulary knowledge. Four‐year‐olds (N = 44) were randomly assigned to dyads in either an intervention (shared book reading plus vocabulary review game) or comparison condition (shared book reading, after‐reading vocabulary review, and game that did not teach vocabulary). After two 30‐min sessions, results demonstrated that the intervention condition outperformed the comparison condition on measures of receptive and expressive knowledge of taught vocabulary words. Children in the intervention group who scored the lowest at pretest on the receptive measure saw the most gains in taught word knowledge. Findings suggest that combining vocabulary gameplay with shared book reading improved children's learning of the vocabulary words in comparison to a comparison group.  相似文献   

Alphabet knowledge is consistently recognized as the strongest, most durable predictor of later literacy achievement. Recent research offers practical implications for increased effectiveness of teaching alphabet knowledge to young children. In this article, we outline Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge instruction (EAK), a method of practical instruction that early childhood teachers can use to organize, plan, and teach the essential skills of alphabet knowledge. EAK emphasizes identifying the letter name and sound, recognizing the letter in text, and producing the letter form, through flexible, distributed cycles of review based on factors that influence acquisition of alphabet knowledge.  相似文献   

核心素养一词的提出,标志着社会对以教师培养为首的人才培养质量的更高要求。教师实践性知识的培养,是核心素养视域下卓越小学教师培养的重要抓手。在职前培养阶段,通过增加入学面试、设置教育类课程模块化、优化实践类课程实施、革新教师教育方式等方法,培养小学教师具备实践性知识,提高基础教育师资质量。  相似文献   

新手教师面对课堂教学问题时往往束手无策,对教学情景无所适从。针对此问题,文章将陈述性知识、概念性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识归纳为理论性知识与实践性知识两大类。通过比较教师五个阶段专业发展的知识特征,揭示四种知识之间存在的“情景间隙”。因此,结合情境开辟有效的学习途径成为整合理论知识与实践知识的重要举措。基于Nonaka和Tadeuchi提出的企业知识管理创造的“SECI”模型,文章提出了新手教师知识转化的“IAIR”模式,即互动、运用、融合和反思,为新手教师的专业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Technology can enhance teachers’ practice in multiple ways. It can help them better understand patterns in their students’ thinking, manage class progress at individual and group levels, and obtain evidence to inform modifications to curriculum and instruction. Such technology is most effective when it is aligned with teachers’ goals and expectations. Participatory methods, which involve teachers closely in the design process, are widely recommended for establishing accurate design requirements that address users’ needs. By collaborating with researchers, teachers can contribute their professional expertise to shape the tools of their practice, and ultimately ensure their sustained use. However, there is little guidance available for maintaining effective teacher–researcher design partnerships. We describe four strategies for engaging teachers in designing tools intended to support and enhance their practice within a web-based science learning environment: discussing physical artifacts, reacting to scenarios, customizing prototypes, and writing user stories. Using design artifacts and documents of teachers’ reflections, we illustrate how we applied these techniques over 5 years of annual professional development workshops, and examine their affordances for eliciting teachers’ ideas. We reflect on how these approaches have helped inform technology refinements and innovations. We moreover discuss the further benefits these strategies have had in encouraging teachers to reflect on their own practice and on the roles of technology in supporting it; and in allowing researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between technology, teaching, and design.  相似文献   

教师个人实践知识是教师专业发展的基础,对教师的专业发展具有重要意义。教师需要用教师个人实践知识来完善自身,这是教师实现专业化的一个发展路径。  相似文献   

阅读理解是高等学校英语应用能力等级考试(PRETCO)必考的重点测试项目。要想提高学生阅读理解能力,除了要有足够词汇量的积累和相当的阅读量外,还应熟悉和了解阅读理解部分的试题类型,掌握必要的解题技巧。  相似文献   

黄淑琴 《成才之路》2020,(2):140-141
课外阅读作为语文教学的重要补充,不仅关系到学生阅读理解能力的培养,而且关系到学生语文素质的提升。教师应以整本书阅读的指导思想,指导学生读一本好书,从而达到拓展学生知识视野、提升学生语文核心素养的目的。文章结合教学实践,探讨整本书阅读指导理念下中高年级课外阅读策略。  相似文献   

通过班级读书会的形式开展整本书阅读教学,需要教师激发学生阅读兴趣。而以"主体参与、个性培养"为目标的阅读实践是激发阅读兴趣的有效做法,也是培养创新型人才的途径之一。武汉市常青树实验学校在整本书阅读实践中,将班级读书会活动以读物推荐课、阅读指导课、阅读赏析汇报课三种课型展开,并采取不同的阅读方式,有效地提升了学生的阅读素养。  相似文献   

英语词汇知识的广度和深度在阅读理解中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章旨在探讨在外语环境下,英语词汇知识(包括广度与深度两个层面)与阅读理解之间的关系。121名学生参加了本研究的词汇广度、词汇深度、构词知识及阅读理解等四项测试。运用相关关系、多元回归等统计方法对所有数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)词汇量、词汇深度与阅读理解之间存在着高度正相关;(2)除了词汇量可以预测阅读成绩外,词汇深度在预测阅读成绩中也起着非常重要的作用。本研究的发现不仅证实了词汇知识的广度在阅读中的作用,而且使我们认识到词汇知识的深度在外语学习过程中的重要意义。  相似文献   

一篇文章的难度是影响学生阅读理解的重要因素之一。日常阅读教学选材的难度控制和阅读考试的难度控制是教师急切需要掌握的技术手段。在实用语言学的研究领域中,语言学家提出了一些测试文章难度的公式。探讨这些公式对于高职高专英语阅读教学是否具有指导意义,这是我们试验的目的。通过试验证实,Fry提出的文章难度测试公式对于中国高职高专现行的教材具有可靠性、易行性和较高的可信度。  相似文献   

优质教师的培养与选聘是实现优质教育的一项重要任务。联合国教科文组织在2013~2014年发布的报告《教与学:为所有人实现优质教育》(Teaching and Learning:Achieving Quality for All),将教师的选聘与培养作为实现优质教育的一项重要策略。优质教师的培养与选聘策略主要有:选拔最优秀的人才进入教育领域;提高教师教育质量,培养全纳教师;将优质师资分配到最急需的地区;为所有教师提供合理的薪资待遇。  相似文献   

近十年大学英语阅读策略研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述近十年来刊登在国内外语类核心刊物上关于大学英语阅读策略的研究;对已有成果进行评析,总结其研究特点,最后指出研究中存在的不足和未来值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

评价体系是教学活动的一个重要环节,本文从形成性评价和自主学习的理论出发,通过学生在阅读课程中的学习过程,讨论形成性评价体系对英语专业学生在阅读方面自主性能力提高的策略及意义,以便教师在教学中帮助学生强化学习动机、调整学习策略、改进学习方法,提高学习效率、增强学习自信。  相似文献   

促进师范生实践性知识的发展是“顶岗实习”最根本的出发点。“顶岗实习生”这个特殊群体实践性知识的缺失在某种程度上影响了“支教”农村薄弱学校和自身顶岗“实习”的效果。就“顶岗实习生”实践性知识生成的外部条件存在的问题,可从高等师范院校课程设置的调整、“顶岗实习”过程的指导与评价的加强等方面进行大胆探索。  相似文献   


The similarities and differences in language teachers' practical knowledge about teaching reading comprehension to 16- to 18-year-old students were explored. A questionnaire was developed that consisted of closed-format questions derived from a qualitative in-depth study on teachers' practical knowledge about teaching reading comprehension. The results indicate that part of teachers' practical knowledge was shared knowledge and that 4 scales of (unshared) practical knowledge could be distinguished. On the basis of those scales, 4 clusters of teachers were identified, each representing a specific focus of teachers' practical knowledge.  相似文献   

在研究职业院校教师实践性知识获取途径的基础上,得出教师实践社区是教师获取实践性知识的重要途径之一的结论。参考SECI知识转化模型,表征教师在实践社区中获取实践性知识的流程,同时结合职业教育的特点,在"互联网+教育"的理念下构建职业院校教师实践社区。该社区包含学习模块与实践模块,在实践模块中融入虚拟现实技术,便于职业院校教师在社区中练习操作技能,提升有关技术技能知识,促进职业院校教师自身专业发展。  相似文献   

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