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高考科目和内容的设置,被认为是导致近年来高考录取中"男少女多"的重要原因。本研究采用2005、2008、2011和2014年全国高考数学、语文、英语试卷,对在校高中生进行实测,取得了各年份考试成绩的性别差异量,进而考察了各份试卷性差分辨力的稳定性,以及女生上线比例与参试者性别比和录取率的关系。结果显示:(1)近些年高考试卷的性差分辨力不太稳定;(2)高考成绩的性别差异确实存在,但总体差距不大;(3)参试者性别比和录取率等因素的变化,是导致高考录取性别比变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

近年来,中国在承接发达国家外包的同时,又大量进口发达国家产品作为中间投入,目前外包已经成为我国加速融入全球分工体系的重要媒介。但是,相比发达国家,我们对外包冲击劳动力市场的认识还很模糊,国外发展外包过程中劳动力市场的对应性调整会否也在中国这样一个劳动力禀赋丰裕的国家再次出现尚无定论。本文以中国发包方的视角,整体和分组检验了材料外包、服务外包和狭义材料外包对中国28个制造业行业内部工资差距的影响。结果表明,材料外包和狭义材料外包显著提升了我国制造业熟练劳动力的工资份额,而服务外包的影响不显著。随着制造业对进口中间投入品,特别是在技术密集型产品生产行业中来自本行业的中间投入品的需求迅速增加,熟练劳动力的需求和工资进一步上升。在初级产品生产行业中,国内R&D投资的增加扩大了相对工资差距,而技术进步的作用不显著;在劳动和资源密集型产品生产行业以及技术密集型产品生产行业中,资本节约型技术进步能够缩小相对工资差距,而进口贸易的R&D溢出对行业工资差距的扩大有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

The seriousness of concussions in athletics is only recently becoming fully understood and appreciated. There are significant implications for the concussed student-athlete both in returning to the playing field and the classroom. Although practices are now in place to improve identification and management of concussions in professional sports, little is known about how it is managed in community colleges. This mixed method study identified the extent to which California Community College athletic trainers are implementing best practices set forth by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association in their management of concussion. It also sought to understand the training, cultural pressures, and resources that may impact the degree to which community college athletic trainers implement these guidelines.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,中国大陆女生通过高考成为普通高校学生的比例持续攀升,新生录取的性别比例已从男生多于女生变成女生多于男生,以至于有人呼吁要"拯救男孩"。回顾近年来国内外关于高考成绩性别差异的相关文献,从高考总分和科目分的性别差异、不同科目内容和认知目标上的性别差异、两性成绩差异的成因和影响因素等多个侧面,对性别差异的相关问题进行初步的梳理。结果显示,高考成绩的性别差异确实存在,并可能影响高校录取性别比例;但性别差异的成因与影响因素十分复杂,各种研究所得的结果也不尽相同。未来须在对策研究、测量方法、研究方法、原因研究、后果研究等方面进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of baccalaureate aspiring community college students with regard to affirmative action in college admissions. Using data from UCLA's Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Annual Freshman Year Survey, the study assessed determinants of approval or disapproval of affirmative action for 20,339 community college students. Because students in traditionally disadvantaged groups (e.g., first-generation, racial/ethnic minorities, female, and low-income) are overrepresented at the community college, critical theoretical perspectives concerning social mobility and self-interest were utilized to guide the study. The findings indicate that race/ethnicity and political views were significant predictors of affirmative action attitudes for males and females. The impact of family income and transfer intent significantly contributed to male support for abolishing affirmative action. Age yielded a significant association for support of affirmative action as reported by older African American and white students.  相似文献   

文章针对目前我国高校毕业生在就业过程中的性别差异问题.总结了近年来国内针对劳动力市场性别差异的相关研究,并侧重实证研究部分。归纳了性别差异的表现形式,考察性别差异的不同视角.性别差异的产生原因以及可采取的消除性别差异的措施等。旨在通过梳理国内现有的性别差异研究文献.全面了解以教育经济学领域为主并涉及多学科的一个广泛研究领域内性别差异研究的进展情况,从而为以后的研究提供参考并指出方向。  相似文献   

This study examines differences between women and men on 19 outcomes of college and assesses the extent to which those differences are attributable to gender gaps that existed prior to college or to men’s and women’s differential college experiences. The data are drawn from a national longitudinal sample of students (N = 17,637) attending 204 four-year colleges and universities who were surveyed upon entry to college in 1994 and four years later in 1998. Among the 19 outcomes, 5 revealed gender differences that could be accounted for by pre-college variables alone, 2 demonstrated gender differences that were attributable to a combination of pre-college and college variables, and 12 produced gender gaps that were significant despite all control variables. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, CA, May 2005.  相似文献   

Reflecting upon the experience serving on the University of California's Standardized Testing Task Force, and drawing lessons learned, I argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has merely served to accelerate the trend of US higher education institutions moving away from current standardized tests. New educational assessments will continue to be produced. There will be strong calls for the making of completely different assessments than currently available. Educational measurement as field has much to offer and to learn.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of degree choice on the distribution of occupational benefits in terms of income, and their contribution to the gender earnings gap, among young European higher education graduates. The results reveal that the field of study, which is the result of a personal choice, appears to influence the distribution of work-related benefits among graduates even after controlling for unobservable heterogeneity and observable individual/job specific characteristics. Analysis of the gender earnings gap shows that the earning disparities among female/male graduates in Education, Humanities and Mathematics are smaller.  相似文献   

Admissions data for the admissions year ending in October 1989 are analysed by sex, subject and level of qualification. It is found that entry into some subjects is easier than entry into other subjects, and that this works to the disadvantage of women applicants. It is also found that, in general, in male dominated subjects females who have low levels of qualification are more likely to be accepted than males, the reverse being true of female dominated subjects. The consequences of these effects are explored.  相似文献   

1949年至1965年,国家通过报考资格政策倾斜、优先录取政策、免试保送入学政策等措施,使得工农阶层子女获得大量的高等教育入学机会。"文革"期间废除高考、实行推荐入学制,最终导致人情、权力等在招生中泛滥。1978年恢复高考以后,高等教育入学机会按照能力本位原则进行分配,同时国家不仅对少数民族考生、华侨子女、退役军人、烈士子女等实行降分投档优惠,而且对学科、艺术、体育绩优生实行加分政策,具有文化资本优势的阶层子女获得更多入学机会。而1999年高校扩招以来,随着高校自主招生、独立学院、艺术招生规模的扩大,那些具有经济资本、权力资本与文化资本优势的阶层子女获得越来越多的优质高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined racial/ethnic differences in grade point average (GPA) among students at a highly selective, private university who were surveyed before matriculation and during the first, second and fourth college years, and assessed prominent explanations for the Black-White and Latino-White college achievement gap. We found that roughly half of the observed gap was attributable to family background characteristics and pre-college academic preparation. Of the within-college factors we considered, perceptions of campus climate and selection of major field of study were most important in explaining racial/ethnic differences in GPA. Personal resources, such as academic effort, self-esteem and academic identification, and patterns of involvement in campus life were significantly associated with GPA, but these factors did not account for racial/ethnic differences in academic performance. Overall, our results suggest that efforts to reduce the college achievement gap should focus on assisting students with the process of selecting major fields of study and on fostering a welcoming and inclusive campus environment.  相似文献   

文章通过对2017—2019年度江南大学食品科学与工程学术型硕士研究生考录情况进行分析,总结食品研究生招生筛选体系的特色和不足,分析影响研究生综合素质评价的重要因素,明确了食品研究生招生筛选体系的优化方向。  相似文献   

新加坡南洋理工学院数字化校园建设以人为本、资源共享、促进现代化管理、将信息作为重要资源、视信息化为影响当代和未来的重要因素的理念,以及全面覆盖学校事务、经验积累分享系统(AES)、合理的应用系统开发流程、先进的电子学习平台、有效的系统整合与资源共享等特点,值得我国高校建设数字化校园时学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

“高校自主招生联盟”作为一项新的高校自主招生政策,受到了多方关注。作为一项新的探索,它有着自身的优势,同时也带来新的问题。文章以“高招联盟”为出发点,看自主招生改革的问题,并就改革需要把握的主旋律提出些许建议。  相似文献   

In the current and foreseeable harsh UK higher education environment, aspiring to best- practice financial management will be key to ensuring the prosperity – and indeed the survival – of any university. In this article I argue that good university financial management should provide stability to the institution, allow for investment as well as renewal and the exploitation of opportunity, be transparent enough to facilitate accountability and good governance, and ensure that the institution allocates resources efficiently in the context of its strategic plan. I explore in detail the issues relating to this fundamental definition of good financial management, including the role of financial management in inducing stability, short-term solvency and reserves, managing financial risk, capital expenditure and long-range planning, developing a diversified funding base, embedding good financial management in university culture, the relationship between financial planning and strategic planning, and financial accounting and control.  相似文献   

This article outlines shortcomings of currently used university admissions tests and discusses ways in which they could potentially be improved, summarizing two projects designed to enhance college and university admissions. The projects were inspired by the augmented theory of successful intelligence, according to which successful intelligence involves creative, analytical, practical, and wisdom-based skills. In the Rainbow Project, we found that, through our measures, prediction of 1st-year students’ university grade point average was substantially increased over that provided by SAT and high school grade point average; ethnic-group differences, relative to SAT, were simultaneously reduced. In the Kaleidoscope Project, we found that students admitted for the set of expanded skills performed as well as or better than did other students, without the ethnic-group differences typically obtained in such measures. Enhanced prediction of active-citizenship and leadership activities was also demonstrated through these measures.  相似文献   

This paper uses internationally comparable household data sets (Demographic and Health Surveys) to investigate how gender and wealth interact to generate within-country inequalities in educational enrollment and attainment. The paper highlights that girls are at a great educational disadvantage in particular regions: South Asia and North, Western, and Central Africa. There are two main new findings. First, while gender gaps are large in a subset of countries, wealth gaps are large in almost all of the countries studied—and typically larger than corresponding gender gaps. Second, and of special concern, is the finding that in particular countries where there is a large female disadvantage in enrollment, wealth interacts with gender to exacerbate the gap in educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - The underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related fields remains a concern for educators and the scientific...  相似文献   

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