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This article reports on a formal mentoring project that ran for eighteen months at the University of Uppsala, in Sweden. It investigates the experiences of fourteen women academics at junior and mid-level who were paired with senior academics. Mentoring occurs informally in academic as well as in other types of organizations, yet little in terms of hard evidence is known about its effects. In this case, the investigators wished to learn if mentoring in an academic context could contribute to a narrowing of the gender gap in Swedish higher education. The conclusion was that mentoring makes enough of a difference to the junior faculty concerned that it should be undertaken openly and made available to all junior faculty members wishing to be mentored.  相似文献   

In past centuries, only women attended women in childbirth. Birthing women were in control, choosing who should attend them and where and how to give birth. Men were usually excluded unless they were needed for their strength and their tools if labor was obstructed. Eventually, with the medicalization of childbirth, male physicians became involved, introducing new techniques that interfered with the normal birth process and competed with midwives. By the 19th century, midwives struggled to hold onto their profession and advance through education. Midwives survived in Europe, but in America, they were eventually usurped in the early 20th century when birth began taking place in hospitals and as medical science and technology advanced. Midwives eventually rose again as educated nurse-midwives. Technology and obstetric interventions in normal childbirth continue, in spite of lack of evidence of their efficacy. Midwives are again in jeopardy because of rising malpractice insurance costs, women''s trust in technology, and, most recently, renewed efforts by physicians to once again prevent midwives from practicing autonomously and outside the hospital environment in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of neuroscience for improving educational practice by describing the perspective of educational psychology as a linking science; providing historical context showing educational psychology’s 100-year search for an educationally relevant neuroscience; offering a conceptual framework for the connections among neuroscience, cognitive science, educational psychology, and educational practice; and laying out a research agenda for the emerging field of educational neuroscience.  相似文献   

Science & Education - Science includes the fundamental attributes of durability and uncertainty; hence, we teach about the “tentative yet durable” nature of science. Public...  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that academic freedom is currently under threat. But there is also considerable dispute about the meaning of the term. In this paper I examine two recent and important accounts of the nature of academic freedom that seek to distinguish it clearly from free speech. Such a distinction is, in my view, essential. The aim of the paper is to clarify and resolve differences between these two accounts, and thereby to develop further the conceptualisation of academic freedom.  相似文献   

This paper notes that, in the field of education and beyond, the term ‘ethnography’ has acquired a range of meanings, and comes in many different versions, these often reflecting sharply divergent orientations. I argue that this is a major problem that requires attention; particularly since today there are some serious threats to the practice of ethnographic work, on almost any definition. However, while we need to forge greater agreement about the meaning of the term, this is a challenging task. Indeed, if we take ‘ethnography’ to refer to a whole methodological approach little agreement will be possible. I argue that it may be feasible if we treat ethnography as one methodological strategy among others, each having varying advantages and disadvantages for the purposes of investigating particular topics. However, the fundamental disagreements among ethnographers today about ontological, epistemological, and axiological matters render even this by no means unproblematic.  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of university academics’ experiences of their own growth and development, i.e., what it means to them, what they are trying to achieve, how they go about it, why they do things that way ... The outcomes presented are based on a series of interviews with teaching and research academics at a research intensive university. The group as a whole showed a range of views of academic development, representing in particular a varying focus on:
•  Academic performance, in terms of increasing work output, academic standing or work quality;
•  Personal learning, in terms of ongoing accumulation of new knowledge and skills or increasing depth of understanding in one’s field of study;
•  Disciplinary or social change, in terms of contributions to one’s field of study or a relevant social community.
Implications for our understanding of academic development and academic work are discussed.  相似文献   

Eric Schwitzgebel presents an attractive argument for the use of affective indicators to both assess and extend the 'theory theory' research agenda. A key component of his argument is an account of explanation that can be applied to both children and adults, few of whom possess the attributes and behaviors that warrant being called scientists. The core features of his account include 1) regarding a set of propositions as a theory and 2) subscribing to a theory by accepting and employing this set of propositions to explain events within the theory's domain. We will argue that this account, while potentially helpful for guiding research on the affective content of explanations, requires elaboration because it (1) does not fully characterize what is distinctive and important about theoretical and scientific thinking, (2) raises questions about different kinds of explanations, such as seen in transitions from common-sense explanations to theoretical explanations; (3) favors individual theorizing to the exclusion of socially mediated theorizing, and (4) raises developmental questions about the nature of explanation-seeking and the capacity to apply evidence to evaluate theories.  相似文献   

~~When Can We Have Our Teacher Back?@小非 @柴立青  相似文献   

There is robust evidence that the interparental relationship and parenting behaviors each have a significant influence on children's risk for emotional (internalizing) and behavioral (externalizing) problems. Indeed, interventions targeting the interparental relationship and parenting processes show significant intervention‐related reductions in child internalizing and externalizing problems. However, most evidence‐based parenting‐ and couple‐focused interventions result in small to medium effects on children's emotional and behavior problems. It is proposed that there is opportunity to improve upon these interventions through incorporation of knowledge from quantitative genetic research. Three core recommendations are provided for practitioners engaging in intervention work with children and families. These recommendations are contextualized relative to what quantitative genetic studies can tell us about the role of the interparental relationship and parenting behaviors on child outcomes.  相似文献   

Scores on essay‐based assessments that are part of standardized admissions tests are typically given relatively little weight in admissions decisions compared to the weight given to scores from multiple‐choice assessments. Evidence is presented to suggest that more weight should be given to these assessments. The reliability of the writing scores from two of the large volume admissions tests, the GRE General Test (GRE) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet‐based test (TOEFL iBT), based on retesting with a parallel form, is comparable to the reliability of the multiple‐choice Verbal or Reading scores from those tests. Furthermore, and even more important, the writing scores from both tests are as effective as the multiple‐choice scores in predicting academic success and could contribute to fairer admissions decisions.  相似文献   

This study compared Dutch alumni who previously participated in an honors program (n = 72) to non-honors alumni who entered university as high-achieving high school students (n = 72) with regard to (1) final university grade point average (GPA) and (2) early career outcomes. Final grades were drawn from university files. Using an online questionnaire, participants were asked to rate themselves on work engagement and other characteristics in their current jobs. Results indicate that, compared to the non-honors control group, honors alumni had a higher study GPA at the end of their studies and higher work engagement after graduation, while job characteristics were found to be similar. Implications for educators and job recruiters are discussed.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Academic procrastination is understood as the postponement of academic tasks despite the possibility of negative consequences, with an estimated 46% of undergraduate...  相似文献   

We examined the relative contribution of genetic, shared environmental and non-shared environmental factors to the covariance between parental sensitivity and limit-setting observed twice in a longitudinal study using a child-based twin design. Parental sensitivity and parental limit-setting were observed in 236 parents with each of their same-sex toddler twin children (Mage = 3.8 years; 58% monozygotic). Bivariate behavioral genetic models indicated substantial effects of similar shared environmental factors on parental sensitivity and limit-setting and on the overlap within sensitivity and limit-setting across 1 year. Moderate child-driven genetic effects were found for parental limit-setting in year 1 and across 1 year. Genetic child factors contributing to explaining the variance in limit-setting over time were the same, whereas shared environmental factors showed some overlap.  相似文献   

Research on cost beliefs has surged over the past several years. Though many dimensions of cost have been identified, researchers have often conflated these dimensions with one another. Moreover, some dimensions of cost may actually refer to already established constructs. In the current study, we explore the potential jangle fallacy between emotional cost and negative emotions, including anger, frustration, anxiety, boredom, and confusion, with particular attention to the costs and emotions that students anticipated to be associated with a course, as well as the costs and emotions that students actually experienced during the course. Results of this study provide evidence that emotional cost and negative emotions are distinct constructs in both their anticipated and experienced forms, although some similarities between constructs were also identified. Future directions are discussed for providing more conceptual clarity of emotional cost.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical action research study of six participants who reflected on their experiences and practices of digital resources in teaching Grade 12 mathematics Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). One-on-one semi-structured interviews, reflective activities, and journals were used for data generation to explore these reflections in order to encourage the teachers to reflect. Purposive with convenience sampling was used to select the teachers. The study reveals that ideological-ware (IW) resources and critical reflections are the main ingredients to ensure the success of CAPS implementation. When the teachers critically reflected on their practical use of the digital resources, they overcame the curriculum challenges that affected their teaching practice. This study recommends the promotion of IW resources and critical reflections in order to produce teachers’ reflective framework for teaching. This study consequently concludes that there were limited forms of reflections that were not compulsory to the teachers.  相似文献   

The popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) among adolescents and young adults has raised concerns that the intensity of using these platforms might be associated with lower academic achievement. The empirical findings on this issue, however, are anything but conclusive. Therefore, we present four random-effects meta-analyses including 59 independent samples (total N = 29,337) on the association between patterns of SNS use and grades. The meta-analyses identified small negative effects of \( \widehat{\rho} \) = ??.07, 95% CI [??.12, ??.02] for general SNS use and \( \widehat{\rho} \) = ??.10, 95% CI [??.16, ??.05] for SNS use related to multitasking. General SNS use was unrelated to the time spent studying for school (\( \widehat{\rho} \) = ??.03, 95% CI [??0.11, 0.06]) and no support for the time displacement hypothesis could be found in a meta-analytical mediation analysis. SNS use for academic purposes exhibited a small positive association, \( \widehat{\rho} \) = .08, 95% CI [.02, .14]. Hypotheses with regard to cross-cultural differences were not supported.  相似文献   

Twenty preschool children identified as in the poverty group by OEO standards were compared with twenty preschool children from upper middle class families, as judged by father’s occupation, as to the extent and nature of their ability to recognize their own photographs from five other unidentified photographs on each of a series of six different views. Statistical analysis supported the hypothesis that preschool lower class children cannot recognize themselves from photographs as well as preschool middle class children (P = . 005). Although some views were significantly more recognizable by both groups of children (P = .01), sex and’’time to respond" differences were not significant.  相似文献   

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