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图式理论与图式阅读教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代认知心理学的图式理论是阅续心理学领域研究阅读理解过程的主流理论,文章图式有助于提高阅读效率和阅读质量,使读者知识的结构化、系统化程度大为提高,和常规教学相比,图式教学更能有效地提高学生的阅读理解能力和推理能力。  相似文献   

I .IntroductionForeignexpertshavepaidmuchattentiontotheresearchesintoreadingtheoriesandreadinginstruction .Theirachievementsandfindingscanbesummedupasfollows :(1) .Readingcomprehensionisinteractive ,thatis ,comprehensionisneithertotallytext based(bottom up)no…  相似文献   

Reading and writing in science have been frequently maligned but infrequently studied since the 1960s move toward hands-on science. Current interest in the printed-based language arts in science is supported by contemporary educational reforms and the realization that simply doing more hands-on activities may not improve meaningful learning. Students need opportunities to consolidate their science experiences and to contrast their understandings with the interpretations of the science establishment. Science literacy means that students learn about the "big" ideas of science and how to inform and persuade others about these ideas. This article attempts to sketch a substantive framework for using science reading and science writing with deaf students based on research and informed practice with hearing students.  相似文献   

教材、学生、教师三方各以自己的方式决定着语文阅读课堂的生成。课文是一个相对完整的语文教材基本单位。学生的阅读思维可分为两种:原形阅读——顺着文思流动的方向而流动的阅读思维;超原形阅读——先触摸作者文思,然后跳出作者文思,根据自己的知识经验对课文某一局部或某一方面作思考的阅读思维。教师掌握“原形阅读理论”对于设计阅读教学,提高课堂效率会有直接的帮助。  相似文献   

PISA阅读历程包括“获取与检索”“理解与解释”以及“反思与评价”,由此反映出PISA阅读素养的价值取向,即“接码能力”“解码能力”以及“语用能力”。PISA 阅读素养的价值取向在教学策略的启示,转向阅读素养的教学目标、言语实践的教学内容、阅读历程的教学过程及标准体系的教学评价。  相似文献   

科学阅读是小学科学教学的重要组成部分,也是学生学习抽象科学知识,提升科学探究能力、科学核心素养的有效途径。教师可以以科学阅读为载体,培养学生良好的科学阅读习惯,引导学生边阅读边思考,用科学阅读丰泽学生的科学素养,让学生在科学阅读中不断探索科学奥秘。  相似文献   

Theories of Theory and Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对话理论与语文对话阅读教学联系紧密。研究对话的起源和内涵等内容对于正确处理教师、学生和文本之间的多重对话关系和进行有效对话具有很大的启发作用。在语文阅读教学中对话的主体是平等的,但不是对等的。在教师的引领下,对话者进行积极主动的对话。对话的目的是更好地解读文本,产生新的理解,达到“视域的融合”。  相似文献   

有关元认知的理论和实验研究表明,元认知策略的培养是提高阅读教学的有效途径之一。要提高学生英语阅读的能力,教师应该在平时的阅读教学过程中对学生进行元认知知识的讲授和策略的训练。  相似文献   

从一线教育教学的实践活动出发,对中学语文校本教材与学生阅读素养提升的具体实践活动进行调查研究,从实践角度为研究校本教材和提升学生阅读素养提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

任务型英语教学法是指以语言教学的内容意义为中心,以完成交际任务为教学目标的一种英语教学模式。本文通过任务型教学法在大学英语阅读教学中的实践,探讨了如何在英语教学中楔入任务型教学法的理念,从而增强大学英语教学的实用性和目的性,进一步提高学生的语言交际能力。  相似文献   

《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》倡导“六要素整合”的英语学习活动观。“英语阅读教学的综合视野”所倡导的“综合而有侧重”的实践原则可作为英语学习活动观的落地途径。英语阅读课堂活动应以探究主题意义为阅读课堂活动设计的出发点和归宿,遵循以下原则:“以出为入”,主线问题促进思维培养;“量入为出”,聚焦文本内容加工之取舍;“以小见大”,上位问题切入意义探究。本研究基于课例提出以下三条英语阅读课堂教学活动设计策略:整合文本内容,重构语篇脉络;尊重自主生成,用好支架策略;聚焦活动重点,促进素养转化。  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to create a middle school literacy program that was more responsive to the needs and abilities of early adolescents in urban middle schools. The program components included: (a) cooperative learning classroom processes; (b) a literature anthology for high interest reading material; (c) explicit instruction in reading comprehension; (e) integrated reading, writing, and language arts instruction; and (f) a writing process approach to language arts. The study was conducted in 5 schools in a large urban school district, 2 implementing Student Team Reading and Writing (STRW) and 3 comparison schools. The results indicated that the students in STRW had significantly higher achievement in reading vocabulary, reading comprehension, and language expression. The results suggest that a multifaceted approach to restructuring can effectively improve the achievement of students in urban middle schools.  相似文献   

相对于科学探究,科学实践这一概念是在特殊的背景下提出的,有其独特的内涵。科学实践具有主体性、开放性、多维性、过程性,科学实践有助于学生科学素养的提升,包括科学知识的理解、科学能力的发展、科学精神的培育。开展科学实践的政策建议有科学实践课程化、科学实践多样化、科学实践常态化。  相似文献   

教学理论与教学实践两者之间有着紧密的联系,但是两者在实际中却又出现了诸多的转化困难。语言上,教学理论研究与教学实践活动及其对应的两大群体之间在语言方面存在着明显的不协调。在两大领域与两大群体之间长期各自拥有着一套属于其自身群体内部的话语体系与语言方式。思维上,教学的理论研究与教学的实践活动在各自思维的存在方式上又有着本质上的区别。其原因是在语言层面上教学实践富含情境信息的经验性语言与教学理论相对抽象的概括性语言之间存在着明显的对立,而在思维层面上则表现为教学理论与教学实践在思维程式上的演绎与归纳以及在意识性上的显性与缄默又有着巨大的差别。因此,要促进教学理论研究与教学实践活动之间进行有效的转化,必须在语言与思维层面上建立两者的转化机制。  相似文献   

针对传统讲授教学存在的缺陷,提出应当强调通过情景式学习、体验式学习使学生在交流与自我反思中主动获取显性及隐性知识,提升能力,从而改变体统模式下学生被动接受知识的现象。同时对在成文法国家开展模拟教学面临的问题以及模拟教学作了一些初步的探索。  相似文献   

Science literacy leading to fuller and informed participation in the public debate about science, technology, society, and environmental (STSE) issues that produce justified decisions and sustainable actions is the shared and central goal of the Pacific CRYSTAL Project. There is broad agreement by science education researchers that learners need to be able to construct and interpret specific scientific discourses and texts to be literate in science. We view these capabilities as components in the fundamental sense of science literacy and as interactive and synergetic to the derived sense of science literacy, which refers to having general knowledge about concepts, principles, and methods of science. This article reports on preliminary findings from Years 1, 2, and 3 of the 5-year Pacific CRYSTAL project that aims to identify, develop, and embed explicit literacy instruction in science programs to achieve both senses of science literacy. A community-based, opportunistic, engineering research and development approach has been utilized to identify problems and concerns and to design instructional solutions for teaching middle school (Grades 6, 7, and 8) science. Initial data indicate (a) opportunities in programs for embedding literacy instruction and tasks; (b) difficulties generalist teachers have with new science curricula; (c) difficulties specialist science teachers have with literacy activities, strategies, genre, and writing-to-learn science tasks; and (d) potential literacy activities (vocabulary, reading comprehension, visual literacy, genre, and writing tasks) for middle school science. Preinstruction student assessments indicate a range of challenges in achieving effective learning in science and the need for extensive teacher support to achieve the project’s goals. Postinstructional assessments indicate positive changes in students’ ability to perform target reading and writing tasks. Qualitative data indicate teachers’ desire for external direction and the need for researchers to expand the literacy framework to include oral discourse. A case study of teachers’ use of a specific literacy task and its influence on students revealed indications of robustness and effectiveness. Experiences revealed procedural difficulties and insights regarding community-based research and development approaches.  相似文献   

“专家系统”教学的认知教学理论基础及其教学实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中信息技术课程标准对《人工智能初步》选修课程中"专家系统"模块的教学要求是:学会使用一个简易的专家系统外壳并能用它开发简单的专家系统。文章在分析了专家系统与其外壳之间关系的基础上,详细论述了"利用外壳开发专家系统"这一教学模式的认知教学理论基础,最后介绍了以认知教学理论为基础的该教学模式的一个具体应用案例。  相似文献   

阅读是一项复杂的认知过程,涉及整合、组织、精加工、监控等过程。阅读教学要培养学生调节和控制上述认知过程的能力,而不能仅仅停留在促进学生对课文内容的理解上。区分阅读与阅读教学,对明确阅读教学的目标至关重要。  相似文献   

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