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In most countries the funding for early childhood education has increased and governments in some countries have taken serious steps to bring about positive change in the profession. However, the increase in funding by governments and other funding organisations around the world has, understandably, attracted increased accountability as these organisations need to know that their financial investments are achieving desired outcomes. To seek evidence that positive learning outcomes have indeed been achieved through these investments is a reasonable request, and there is a shared responsibility and accountability for professionals to provide appropriate evidence. The downside, however, can be the request for standardised test information, as if performance on such tests provides proof of all desired outcomes. More than ever before, it is important for early childhood educators to be able to provide accurate, objective information about children’s assessment in ways other than by standardised testing, which may not reflect the complex reality of children’s lives. This paper reports on a research study in Singapore that investigated curriculum effectiveness using developmental learning outcomes as a means of assessing children. The research was devised to examine if eight specified broad developmental learning outcomes could measure the effectiveness of the curriculum by assessing children’s learning as shown in qualitative data. Practical examples showed evidence of children’s learning and the role of the educator in facilitating and documenting developmental learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Assessment of learning outcomes at the program level is essential to evaluate whether students are achieving what is expected of them as graduates. In this article we present the results of a study in which faculty focus groups were consulted so as to understand the subjective issues that surround the learning outcomes assessment program of an institution. We hope that our study contributes to continuous improvement in institutional assessment practices and to the improvement of student learning. We analysed the data through the lens provided by a leadership model since leadership is a key driver of assessment practices that lead to changes to improve student learning.  相似文献   

THE EARLY INTERVENTION field is witnessing some major shifts in the focus of efficacy research. The traditional preoccupation with the question as to whether early intervention works is giving way to greater concern with understanding how programs make their impact. While this is seen as a progressive shift, much of the focus has so far been placed on how specific dimensions of the intervention process contribute to outcomes. Little attention has been paid to extra‐program variables which impinge upon or interact with the intervention process to shape outcomes. This paper presents the perspective that an intervention program is only one of many factors with potential influence on child and family functioning. Consequently program efficacy must be assessed in relation to both program and extra‐program variables. A framework outlining five classes of “independent” variables and two classes of outcomes to be considered in efficacy research is presented. Regression and path analytic techniques are presented as two potentially useful tools for addressing the different kinds of efficacy questions currently being raised in the literature.  相似文献   

Erin Bentrim, Kim Sousa‐Peoples, Garrett Kachellek, and Wendy Powers report the results of assessing the effect of students' work experiences on their personal and academic development.  相似文献   

简要分析建构主义教学的特征,并从建构主义教学的角度,对目前英美等国许多大学普遍采用的大学生学习评估方法以及各种方法的利弊进行阐述和比较。同时,对提高中国高校学习评估的可靠性和有效性提出建议。  相似文献   

Anatomy curricula are becoming increasingly populated with blended learning resources, which utilize the increasing availability of educational technology. The educational literature postulates that the use of technology can support students in achieving greater learning outcomes by increasing engagement. This study attempts to investigate the dimensions of student engagement with technology-enhanced learning (TEL) resources as part of a medical program’s anatomy curriculum using exploratory factor analysis. A 25-item five-point Likert-based survey was administered to 192 first-year medical students, with three emergent factors discerned: satisfaction, goal setting and planning, and physical interaction. The three factors closely aligned with the existing literature and therefore additional nonparametric analysis was conducted that explored the levels of engagement across three custom-made anatomy TEL resources, including: (1) anatomy drawing screencasts; (2) an eBook; and (3) a massive open online course (MOOC). Usage data indicated that the most popular resource to be accessed across the cohort was the anatomy drawing screencasts via YouTube, with the MOOC being used least. Moreover, some evidence suggests that those students who utilized the MOOC were more engaged. Generally, however, no correlations were observed between the levels of engagement and TEL resource usage or assessment outcomes. The results from this study provide a clear insight into how students engage with TEL resources, but do not reveal any relationship between levels of engagement, usage, and assessment outcomes.  相似文献   

20世纪中期以来,随着高等教育质量评估理论和实践的发展,高等教育经费的大幅增加和高校人才培养功能中心地位的回归,学习结果评价成为世界高等教育质量评估的热点之一。目前,经合组织已经建立了高等教育学习结果评价体系,在评价的理念、目的、主体、技术和工具等方面为我国高等教育质量评估提供了经验与启示。  相似文献   

美国大学生学习成果增值测评概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大学生学习成果具有多方面的涵义,从学生发展的角度,可以指掌握知识的层次,个体的心理发展等;从高等教育质量评价的角度,可以指学生在大学期间知识、能力和态度等方面所取得的成就;也可以侧重不同方向,分成其他类型。大学生在高校的增值是指大四学生比大一新生学习成果的增加值,同时要考虑入学时的成绩计算预期值,进行基准一致的纵向增值测算。学生参与理论解释了高等教育中影响学生学习结果的一些变量及其相互关系,丰富了增值评价理论的内涵。美国大学生学习成果增值测评体系健全,从顶层设计、理论研究到评价方式、实施运用,都取得了良好的实际效果,推动了美国高等教育的向前发展。  相似文献   

徐静 《比较教育研究》2015,37(10):92-97
国际高等教育学习结果测评项目(AHELO)是经济合作与发展组织在高等教育领域计划进行的规模最大的一项综合性国际测评.测评不以排名为目的,拟对高校即将获得学士学位的学生的学习结果进行测评,以监测全球高等教育质量.经过五年可行性调查研究,经济合作与发展组织于2013年公布《AHELO可行性调查报告》,指出在全球范围内开展高等教育学习结果测评是科学、可行的,并计划于2016年全面启动该项测评.  相似文献   

高职学生学习产出是指学生经过学习后,其职业知识、职业技能、职业行为及职业道德等方面发生的变化。高职学生学习产出具有职业性、实践性和应用性等特点。以学习产出视角反思当前我国高职学生学习评估现状,需要树立系统化的学习评估理念;学校需要从被评者转变为评估主体和主导者;行业企业和学生需要共同参与以学习产出为核心的学习评估标准制定;学习信息的复杂性和多样性需要采用多元收集方法。  相似文献   

通识教育一直是美国高等教育关注的重要内容,"为生活和个人的发展做准备"已成为美国高校对人才培养的共识。从美国通识教育评价内容来看,通常需要各个高校根据自身办学特色与人才培养目标进行总结分析,制定出适合于学校学生发展的通识教育目标,从而制定出特色化的通识教育评价内容。由于"评估运动"引发了人们从学生学习结果的角度思考高等教育质量问题:通过使用标准化测试来评价学生通识教育结果的方法具有悠久历史,标准化测试实现了对不同地区和学校学生的通识教育质量进行比较的可能,评价结果可以作为说明高校教育质量问责的有力证据。另一方面,课程嵌入式的通识教育评价方法得到越来越多的关注。源于评价结果不仅可以体现学生的学习成果情况,而且可以作为教学改革的重要依据。标准化测试与课堂嵌入式评价的配合使用,共同有效地保障了美国通识教育质量。  相似文献   

当今美国高等教育质量评估的焦点:学生学习成果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生学习成果已经成为当今美国高等教育质量评估的核心内容。学生学习成果评估提供了能够显示每一所院校办学成效的最为重要的证据。高等教育的学习成果按类型可划分为认知性学习成果和情感性学习成果。学生学习成果评估的一个主要环节是运用定性或定量测量等方法获取学习成果的信息和证据。全国性的标准化测试和问卷调查被更多地用于测评一所高校总体的学生学习成果水平和办学成效。当前,学生学习成果评估在实践中面临着一些问题。美国高等教育质量认证要求的变化促使美国高校前所未有地重视学生学习成果的评估和改善。美国学生学习成果评估运动对中国的高等教育评估有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Questions contine to be raised about the relevance of educational outcomes for young people with learning difficulties. Margaret Dowrick, lecturer in special education at the University of Western Sydney, suggests that there is ongoing concern that education services fail to prepare students with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties 'for the demands of adult life'. In this article, Margaret Dowrick describes a project that brought together professionals, parents and students in order to generate consensus about the skills that young people with learning difficulties need to gain before leaving school. The results of these consultations were fed back to schools in order to support the process of curricular review. Although this paper is written from an Australian perspective, the author makes telling links with the situation in North America and the United Kingdom and raises issues that will be of interest to specialist educators everywhere.  相似文献   

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