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主动结构表达被动意义是法语学习的重点和难点之一。本文通过比较法语和英语主动结构表达被动意义的语言现象,介绍法语、英语各自的表达方式,分析其共性及各自的特性,旨在借助学习者熟悉的英语知识,利用其共性促进法语知识的学习。  相似文献   

通过英语和法语的对比研究,分别从语言特点、形态、词汇、句法、语篇等几个方面比较两种语言的相似点。提出二外法语教师在实际教学中运用语言迁移理论,正确引导英语专业学生在学习第二外语法语时积极寻找两种语言的相似点,发掘语言之间的联系,促进两种语言的融合,归纳出英语在法语学习中的积极作用,确定法语学习的重点和难点,建立完善、系统、准确的双语对比体系和认知策略。有效地提高二外法语教学质量。  相似文献   

迁移是研究语言习得的一个重要概念。法语由于其与英语的特殊关系以及长期受到英语学习的影响,英语专业的学生在学习二外法语时倾向用英语知识来构建法语,从而带来了正负双重迁移。基于此,从英语和法语的迁移理论着手,结合两种语言在语音方面的异同比较,分析探讨英语专业学生在二外法语语音习得阶段,如何合理利用迁移定势,促进正迁移,从而更好地学习二外法语。  相似文献   

乔姆斯基提出的普遍语法理论使语言迁移成为可能。英语和法语有着很深的历史渊源,对英语和法语进行对比分析,比较两种语言的异同,有助于有良好英语知识的学习者开始法语学习。从条件句,特别是非真实奈件句的比较研究可以看出,英语和法语之间有很多的语言相似性。因此,我们应该充分发挥学生已掌握英语的优势,因势利导,发挥语言正迁移作用,促进学生法语习得。  相似文献   

本文从语法、语义等方面对法语和英语的现在分词的特征和用法进行了系统比较。阐述了现在分词在两种语言中相近和相同部分,对学习英语者辅修法语和学习法语者辅修英语都有较好的参考意义。  相似文献   

英语和法语两者之间存在着许多联系,既有共性,又有特性.本文通过语音、词汇及语法三方面对这两种语言的共性及特性进行比较,在二外法语学习中促进正迁移,抑制负迁移.帮助英语专业的学生更好的进行二外法语的学习.  相似文献   

现在很多高校英语专业的学生都选择法语作为第二外语。在学习法语的过程中,学生常把英法两种语言混淆起来,甚至有的学生在学了法语之后,受其影响,英语退步了。本文通过分析两种语言之间的差异,向英语专业的同学提出了一些怎样学好法语的建议。  相似文献   

在学习法语的过程中。我们不妨比较一下英语和法语的句型结构,对进一步掌握两种语言大有好处。  相似文献   

本文主要针对以英语作为第一外语,法语作为第二外语的学生,通过分析并总结英法两种语言语音的不同,帮助学生在学习法语语音时合理利用已知的英语知识,分清楚英法两种语音的不同,避免英语语音带来的负迁移,达到正确熟练地运用法语发音的目的。  相似文献   

英语和法语同属印欧语系,又有着深远的历史渊源,所以两种语言之间的共同特征使得法语学习者在学习中会潜意识地将已习得的英语知识迁移到法语中来,促进或妨碍了法语的学习。因此,本文通过对比两种语言在句法方面的异同,从语言迁移角度分析英语对法语句法学习所产生的正负迁移,从而提出在法语教学中如何充分利用相似点,发挥正迁移,降低理解难度,及如何辨析差异,避免负迁移,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

French Lieutenant's Woman written by John Fowles mainly talks about the developing relationship between Sarah Woodruff and Charles Smithson.Sarah Woodruff known as"Tragedy",or "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is caught between the Victorian and modern ages.Rumors spread around that she stands by the sea to wait for the French Lieutenant who seduced her to return.And Charles is a young,lazy but intelligent English gentleman,who breaks off his engagement to a traditional young woman Tina to pursue Sarah.The novel is very special and attractive in many ways,so my purpose of the paper is to analyze how characters' desire and postmodern environment wind through the story.  相似文献   

"乎"字是<马氏文通>介字卷和助字卷论述最为详尽虚字之一.介字"乎"有表比较、介引转词、表示受动等功能,助字"乎"既可助句,也可助字.对"乎"的研究是<文通>虚词研究的一个重要成就.  相似文献   

The paper offers a historical perspective on the linguistic and cultural imperialism embedded in the struggle to maintain French as a leading international language. France was the nation-state where the ideology of national language was first clearly formulated and directly extended to overseas colonies. This shows the close relationship between linguistic nationalism and imperialism. It was believed that French was the language of universal human reason and had the power to civilize people who spoke it. This myth of the "clarté française" and the "mission civilisatrice" had a strong influence on various kinds of metalinguistic discourses that created the taken-for-granted representation of French as dominant language. It is the essential strategy of language dominance to establish the hierarchy of languages as if it were natural order of things. When French was obliged to yield the status of international language to English, there emerged the ideology of "Francophonie" which tried to defend its privilege against the monopoly of English, but the same ideology is also directed against minorities' claims for their own linguistic human right. It could be said that these discourses form a recursive prototype of language dominance whose variations are to be found in other shapes almost all over the world.  相似文献   

Comparative research data show that there is both a high level of ecological concern and a high level of ecological passivity among students in Russia, indicating that their ecological culture exists only on the symbolic level. The "green" culture of American college students, in contrast to that of Russia's college students, has become the "normal" paradigm and is propagated by the main social agents and social institutions.  相似文献   

The paper offers a historical perspective on the linguistic and cultural imperialism embedded in the struggle to maintain French as a leading international language. France was the nation-state where the ideology of national language was first clearly formulated and directly extended to overseas colonies. This shows the close relationship between linguistic nationalism and imperialism. It was believed that French was the language of universal human reason and had the power to civilize people who spoke it. This myth of the "clarté française" and the "mission civilisatrice" had a strong influence on various kinds of metalinguistic discourses that created the taken-for-granted representation of French as dominant language. It is the essential strategy of language dominance to establish the hierarchy of languages as if it were natural order of things. When French was obliged to yield the status of international language to English, there emerged the ideology of "Francophonie" which tried to defend its privilege against the monopoly of English, but the same ideology is also directed against minorities' claims for their own linguistic human right. It could be said that these discourses form a recursive prototype of language dominance whose variations are to be found in other shapes almost all over the world.  相似文献   

A survey commissioned by the French Ministry of Education on mastery of the French language by the end of the elementary grades (11–12 years) was conducted on a sample of 4585 students. The data was used to compare the results obtained on tests of written French designed to measure level of acquisition with ministerial guideline objectives. Three types of analysis were performed, to attempt to define:
  1. a pattern of results between grammatical exercises
  2. a pattern of results between exercises about use of the French language in context
  3. the relationships between grammatical acquisitions and use of language in context.
Two issues arise from this analysis: first, the problem of the relationships between the way the elementary school student analyses language through intuitive understanding of meaning vs rules of formal analysis; and second, the problem of transfer mechanisms which allow information learned in one language situation to be applied to new situations.  相似文献   

近年来,在一种不拒绝内涵的意义理论中,对于教育管理中的道德不作为应该如何得到充分而又完整的刻画,人们的观点多种多样。究其原因,还是未能从道德不作为属性评价的框架来解析教育管理中道德不作为的特性。探讨教育管理中道德不作为的属性及其特征,可以使人们从深层次的角度加深对教育管理中道德不作为性质的理解。  相似文献   

苏格拉底的教育方法及其危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏格拉底假定了某种现象背后的"先在本质"的存在。知识就是认识者透过事物的现象把握本质,这就是杜威所嘲讽的"旁观者知识观"。缘自古希腊自然哲学家的旁观者知识观经苏格拉底等人的维护使"接受学习"长时间地主导了人类的求知方式。苏格拉底的教育方法使学生处于被动状态,使学生在知识面前没有了自由探索的空间。  相似文献   

为主题计,文学如何描写“性”,化“性丑”为“性美”,减少“性丑”对读者的消极影响,这一直是艺术家们十分关注而至今尚未觅到良策加以解决的问题。要解决此问题,作者应采用反常化比喻、通感手法、重心理轻感官和美感化语言等去描写“性”。  相似文献   

论冯契的感觉观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯契认为感觉是感官借助工具变革对象的实践活动,是客观事物作用于我们的感官而引起的认识活动;对于感觉能否给予客观实在这一感觉论的核心问题,他借用中国传统哲学的“休”“用”范畴和辩证唯物主义的实践范畴做了富有创新性的肯定回答,感觉既有被动性的特点,又有主动性的特点。  相似文献   

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