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新闻报道要“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”。这是一个事关新闻传播效果的大问题。离开“三贴近”,新闻必然会远离受众;“三贴近”是新闻报道的着眼点与最终归宿;只有践行“三贴近”,才能实现新闻传播效果的最大化。  相似文献   

娱乐新闻报道的社会责任初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
娱乐新闻庸俗化表现在多方面,炮制的娱乐新闻有盲目炒作、制造事端、胡编乱造、断章取义等四种主要手段。我们应用更多的理性和智慧来对待新时期的娱乐新闻报道,要建立一种娱乐媒体、娱乐报道的行业规范;要树立媒体对娱乐圈是舆论监督关系的思想;对“热点”新闻的策划要把握好“度”;新闻从业人员要坚定自己的价值取向。  相似文献   

团结稳定鼓劲,正面宣传为主,是新闻报道长期坚持并行之有效的方针,如何更好地贯彻这一方针,把新闻报道搞得有声有色,更有成效,有一个问题需要研究,就是要努力提高新闻报道的“有效率”。通常的情况是,报道规模越大,宣传效果越好,这是符合传播规律的。但在新闻实践中,也常常出现相反的情况:有时报道规模确实很大,可宣传效果却很不理想;报纸上正面宣传报道极多,可真正产生良好效果、被人民群众认可的东西却不是很多。这种特殊情况的出现,迫使我们要认真研究对待新闻报道的“有效率”问题。 一、正面报道要克服负面效应 中宣部…  相似文献   

要想改变新闻报道现状,提高其公信力,首先要求每一个新闻工作者必须对马克思主义新闻观有清醒的认识,培养良好的职业道德。其次要把对新闻报道数量的要求转变到对新闻报道质量的要求上来。最后是要有高质量的新闻作品。  相似文献   

搞好当前新闻报道的工作,既要赏砌落实好《关于进一步改进会议和领导同志活动新闻报道的意见》,又要在新闻报道的社会效益上下功夫,还应与时俱进地对国民进行爱国主义宣传和教育。这样,才更能体现“三个代表”的要求。  相似文献   

搞好当前新闻报道的工作 ,既要贯彻落实好《关于进一步改进会议和领导同志活动新闻报道的意见》 ,又要在新闻报道的社会效益上下功夫 ,还应与时俱进地对国民进行爱国主义宣传和教育。这样 ,才更能体现“三个代表”的要求。  相似文献   

新形势下,经济新闻报道在正确宣传党的经济政策,宣传经济发展成就,及时传播经济信息,服务社会和人民群众等方面发挥着重要作用。但是,当前经济新闻报道存在不少问题,主要是:1、视野不宽,思路不广,内容缺乏新意;2.缺乏理性思考,报道深度不够;3.不善于抓热点、难点,缺少曲型性和针对性;4. 面孔老一套,呆板枯燥,可读性差。因此,我们应开拓新视角,提高思想性,加强针对性,增强接近性,增加灵活性,以充分经济新闻报道的作用,更好地为社会主义的市场经济服务。  相似文献   

王茹  王强 《鸡西大学学报》2008,8(2):114-115
在新闻报道中彰显以人为本,是时代的需要,是新闻报道服从、服务于构建和谐社会的需要,是促进人、社会、自然和谐全面发展的需要,是新闻工作的本位回归和进步。“三贴近”为新闻报道更好地彰显以人为本,找到了最佳的切入点。在新闻报道中彰显以人为本,新闻工作者要牢记“最广大人民群众”和“最广大人民群众的最根本利益”这两点,既要当好“喉舌“,又要起到“桥梁”作用。在报道中,要充分尊重人的“知情权”“话语权”“表达权”“隐私权”“情感权”“肖像权”等等。  相似文献   

民族文化类新闻报道策划成功与否,关系到民族地区的团结稳定与繁荣发展。民族文化类新闻报道因对象和选题的特殊性,策划时要谨慎行事,需要注意四个方面的问题:要坚持“导向”的正确性;要坚持“创意”的科学性;要符合本民族的欣赏口味;要讲究团结协作的团队精神。  相似文献   

科学精神和人文精神是人们观察世界的两种不同方法。在新闻报道中,媒体从业人员应加强新闻职业道德,既要注重科学精神,追求新闻报道的“求真、求实”,也要注重人文精神,追求新闻报道的“求善、求美”,处理好二者的辨证关系。  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to illicit substances is a finding that typically requires reporting to a child protective services agency. We examine whether there is differential reporting to two public agencies, and whether it varies by race/ethnicity and region. We also study predictors of indicating a maltreatment report as credible. Data on positive neonatal toxicology reports were obtained from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Variation in reporting rates by race/ethnicity and region were compared with Pearson chi-square analysis. Multivariate logistic regression examined factors related to the likelihood of DCFS indicating a report as credible for maltreatment. IDPH recorded 1838 reports of substance-exposed newborn infants while DCFS only recorded 459 reports. There was a greater percentage of whites than blacks reported to DCFS as compared to those reported to IDPH (p < 0.001). There was a greater percentage of whites than blacks found to be indicated by DCFS as compared to those reported to IDPH (p < 0.001). Infants reported in rural areas were indicated less often (OR:0.34, 95% CI:0.17–0.67, p = 0.002) than those from urban areas. In conclusion, there was variation in reporting patterns between the two agencies. To optimize health outcomes for substance-exposed newborn infants (SEIs), the law should be clarified to provide clear standards for reporting and managing SEIs. Clinicians should ensure they are acting within the confines of existing law, and should engage in an interprofessional process with a broad array of stakeholders to develop statewide drug testing and reporting protocols.  相似文献   

社会新闻在一些人头脑中固有的定式是:凶杀、色情和负面的东西。其实不然,社会新闻不但有正面报道,而且是党报新闻源和一座“富矿”。它不是晚报、都市报的“专利”,同样是党报的重要组成部分。只要坚持正确的舆论导向和价值取向,党报社会新闻的百花园里也能绽放出艳丽奇葩。  相似文献   

新闻的真实是一个动态的概念和过程。事实的变动是新闻赖以存在的依据。而事实的变动在为我们提供可供报道的新闻素材的同时,也增加了我们对事变的认识与把握的难度。动态真实的理念是对传统新闻观的纠偏。防范动态性新闻失实的策略是注重交代消息的来源以及获取信息的时间,变静态、结论式的平面报道为动态、过程式的立体报道,新闻的时效性必须服从动态真实性,报道策划要有预见性与应变性,注意截稿时间与新闻细节的交代,实现传统媒体与网络媒体的互动。  相似文献   

灾难事件的电视新闻报道因其实属意外发生,具有突发性、冲突性和震撼性,而备受社会各界关注。灾难报道要坚持报道的主体是人,要注重报道的人本意识和新闻报道的多角度;对灾难事件播报的媒体要在灾难报道中扮演着多种角色等,媒体要注重如何提高灾难事件的传播效果。  相似文献   

地市党报要突破难点搞好舆论监督,就要善于寻求领导的支持,注意选择报道题材,真实地报道事件经过,党报记者要有一颗正义之心,要采取多种报道形式,讲究语言艺术,把好见报前的“审查关”,并注意反馈信息。  相似文献   

报道细节是在新闻报道中对人物、环境等方面所作的具体细致的表述。恰当地应用真实的富有个性的报道细节,可以增强新闻报道的真实性、可读性、导向性,能使报道独具魅力。生动感人的报道细节必须在深入采访的基础上获得,包括捕捉行动、关注表情、倾听声音及洞察环境等必要环节。  相似文献   

As part of a wider study, this paper reports on Australian educators’ understanding of children’s typical and problematic sexual behaviour and their source of training in this area. A sample of 107 educators from government, independent and Catholic primary schools, preschools and care organisations across Australia answered an online questionnaire regarding their understanding of and experiences with children’s problematic sexual behaviours and their management strategies. The majority of educators were able to identify children’s age-appropriate typical sexual behaviour and some elements of problematic sexual behaviour; however, individual knowledge was not extensive. Approximately 35% (n = 35) of educators said they had not been trained in identifying and responding to children’s problematic sexual behaviour. Of those who said they had received training, the majority (82%, n = 53) described having participated in a compulsory course on reporting suspected abuse to government (a mandated reporting course). Ninety per cent (n = 89) of educators reported that courses specific to children’s problematic sexual behaviours should be offered. This suggests that mandated reporting courses do not offer in-depth training specific to problematic sexual behaviour. Implications for professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundChild abuse and neglect (CAN) are common, with a high number of undetected victims. Since 2012, the German Federal Child Protection Act grants doctors an opportunity to circumvent their duty of confidentiality if they suspect CAN may be occurring, despite the reporting of CAN not being mandatory.ObjectiveThis study examines pediatricians’ reporting behavior in cases of CAN and what their attitudes are toward mandatory reporting.Participants and settingAll 378 primary care pediatricians and pediatric psychiatrists in the German capital of Berlin were asked to complete a questionnaire anonymously. The questionnaire was sent by mail to all primary care pediatricians (N = 302) and pediatric psychiatrists (N = 76) in private practice.MethodsPatterns of reporting, response tendencies, and correlations with socio-economic factors were described and statistically examined.ResultsThe response rate was 42% (N = 157). Of the pediatricians, 28% report every suspected case to the authorities. The majority, namely 73%, has difficulties in detecting CAN, and 64% would like additional training. Furthermore, 52% are aware of legally guaranteed counseling options being available if CAN is suspected. Whereas 71% consider mandatory reporting necessary to protect children more effectively, 57% are sure it would simplify their work.ConclusionsMore training on diagnosing CAN should be offered to pediatricians. It is necessary to have a full and frank discussion about making reporting mandatory in cases where there is a reasonable suspicion of CAN. Doctors believe that mandatory reporting standardizes and simplifies working procedures. It may possibly reduce the number of undetected cases of CAN and would allow more children and families access to early protection and supporting measures.  相似文献   

隐性采访是新闻满足人民知情权和代表人民更好地行使舆论监督权所必须采用的、获取信息和资料的一种手段,具有其合法性。公共利益至上是隐性采访的合法依据;采访对象及其行为是否受法律、法规保护,是否符合党和政府的政策、规定,是否符合社会公德和惯例是记者衡量自己隐性采访是否越界的一个重要标准。记者必须有深入扎实的采访作风和献身新闻事业的敬业精神,才能实施和完成隐性采访。  相似文献   

网络儿童色情犯罪是一种新型犯罪,我国在防治上还存有相当缺憾:立法不完善;打击网络儿童色情方面,有关职能部门与学校、家长彼此缺乏沟通、协作;职责交叉重叠,内耗较严重,打击不力。必须采取切实可行的措施改变现行的防治状况,如:依靠广大网民监督、检举网络儿童色情网站;完善相应的法律、法规;加强与相关部门间的信息沟通,建立长效配合工作机制等。  相似文献   

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