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同学们,临近期中考试,“链接中考”栏目帮大家复习1-6单元中出现的中考知识点,并将考例加以链接,以帮助同学们系统复习,轻松备考。【要点回放】1. Where’s the post office? 邮局在哪儿?2. The pay phone is between the post office and the library.公用电话在邮局和图书馆中间。3. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. 它在Bridge Street 的右边。4. If you’re hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.如果你饿了,你可以去超市买些食品。5. I hope you have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。【真题搜索】1. —________ ar…  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身句子创意大赛:比一比哪组造出的句子更有创意。1.教师出示Let’s learn中的单词卡片(post office,hospital,cinema,bookstore,library and science museum),让学生尝试拼读并记忆。这个过程的目的主要是帮助学困生回忆已学知识。2.小组比赛:教师出示其中的一张卡片,让学生发挥想象力创造句子。如:出示"post office"卡片时,学生造出的句子必须含有这个单词,而且哪一组的句子更具创意,就得高分,目的是帮助学生将已学句型运  相似文献   

在英语学习中,我们经常发现把一个复合句或并列句变成简单句后其意不变。那么如何进行转换呢?下面介绍几种方法。一、将宾语从句变为简单句1.将宾语从句变成“疑问词+不定式”结构。如:I don’t know how I can get to the post office.→I don’t know how to get to the post office.  相似文献   

一、核心词汇(一)"四会"单词computer board fan计算机写字板电扇light this is my灯这,这个是我的that your那,那个你的teacher’s desk picture讲台图画,照片wall floor yes it墙地板是它(二)"三会"单词playground garden操场花园teacher’s office library教师办公室图书馆canteen art  相似文献   

'●r—1.词汇俱乐部。A.请根据句意和首字母提示补全所缺单词,完成下列句子。可要注意适当形式哟.1.1 study in the l every weekend.It’s very quiet there.2.It’s P cold today.Please put on your coat.3.It’s too late and no bus call take us home.We have to look for a h to rest.4.The teacher often asks us questions at the b 5.The address ofthe post office is 667 Main S ofclass..It’s easy to find it.B.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Tim is thin and medium嘶ghl.2…  相似文献   

一、教学分析 1.教学内容分析: 本节课主要是学习句型What’s the time?It’s…,“四会”单词seven和eight,“三会”单词eleven和twelve。[第一段]  相似文献   

I.根据首字母写出下列单词。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. Is there a p__ office near there? 2. Is there a pay phone n__ here? 3. My home is a__ from the library.  相似文献   

1.Could you tell me how to get to the post office?你能告诉我怎样去邮电局吗? (p.87)此处how to get to the post office是"疑问词 动词不定式"结构,在句中作宾语,相  相似文献   

<正>教学过程Step 1. Pre-story1.Enjoy the song“At the zoo”.设计意图:歌曲热身,活跃课堂氛围。2.Say and guess.T:Look at that giraffe. It’sso_____.(引导学生说出单词“tall”)And it’s playing with the_____(.引导学生说出单词“ball”)带领学生找出相同单词“all”,由此引出词组“all the animals”。  相似文献   

Learn some useful words and expressions to talk about the post office and the postal service. The post ("mail" in the US, 邮件 )--the system by which letters and parcels are collected and delivered.  相似文献   

案例描述:上周五第二节课快结束时,我刚在六年级(2)班上完PEP教材第七册第二单元Let'slearn里面的“四会”单词:library,postoffice,cinema,hospital,bookstore;“三会”单词sciencemuseum和句型Excuseme,whereisthelibrary?It'snearthepostoffice.又到了布置作业的时间,五十多双眼睛由刚才学习时的兴奋而变得暗淡下来,无奈地、目无表情地等待着我的宣布。低头一看,坐在讲台前的Bob已经无精打采地拿出抄写本,说:“每个单词抄四遍,中文一遍,抄吧。”看到这里我的心情也格外地沉重。如何才能让这些孩子做作业时也能保持他们上课时的激情呢?…  相似文献   

A卷(共50分)I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.-Excuse me.What l__________do you speak?-I speak Chinese.2.Russia(俄罗斯)is the biggest(最大的)c__________in the world.3.One of my pen pals is from Tokyo,J__________.4.Sorry,I don’t have a__________math books.But I have some physics books.5.Sandy likes g__________to the movies with his friends.6.-Excuse me.W__________the park?-It’s over there.7.The post office is b…  相似文献   

Anonymous  佚名 《高中生》2014,(7):40-41
一、巧用高级句型改造简单句 1.用倒装句改造简单句①(A)The library is to the east of the office building.(B)East of the office building is the library.②(A)Although we are tired,we are happy.(B)Tired as we are,we are happy.(A)句为简单句,表述平淡;(B)句使用了倒装句式,突出了句子的中心词,使表达更地道。  相似文献   

Useful Expressions--The Post Office Listen and repeat these useful expressions.What you say Is there a post office near here? What time does the post office open? Where can I buy stamps? Where can I get an envelope, please? I would like to send this letter to the US. I would like to send this letter special-delivery. I would like to send a certified Getter.  相似文献   

Posting a Letter     
Peter:i磊饼蕊er and"ran to 7 7 ● ● 糕 Aftef,Peter-;c撕eibaCk 产 ● o Yes, of course! 我当然看见、 envelope_k_什 么都没写啦。 ’难道你没看见’ envelope.k_没有 写the address和 the addressee’S name吗? Then why didn’t you bring the letter back 我还以为您不写the address知the addressee’S name,是因为您不想让 。我知道您要把the letter. /、 \It, “ 寄给谁呢! )、)、 Th否End 今天耍掌螺这些词灌嚷 post office~意思是“邮局”。post本来就有“邮寄”的意思, 那专门办理邮寄业务的地方当然就是邮局(p…  相似文献   

龚婷 《现代教学》2008,(1):137-137
《牛津英语》4B UNITl中第二课时,用“what’s the weather like……”等一系列的句型及单词,展现一年四季的气候特点。  相似文献   

许书杰  曹风玲 《考试周刊》2013,(67):122-123
<正>一、教学内容《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 8(B&C),主要学习单词chair,blackboard,bookcase,picture,computer,music room,office,playground,classroom和there be句型。二、教学目标1.知识目标:①能听懂,会说、会读、会写单词chair,blackboard,bookcase,picture,music,computer,musicroom,office,playground,classroom;②会运用本单元句型:What’s in the...?There is/are...;③熟悉歌曲"In the classroom"。2.技能目标:①能运用这些单词和there be句型;②能学会由说句子过渡到用语篇描述。3.情感目标:①激发学生对家、学校、班级的热爱,培养他们的责任感与集体荣誉感;②提高学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验成就感,从而形成积极的学习动力。三、教学重点与难点①掌握单词及句型therebe;②用语篇描述教室和学校等。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词过关1.We change our behaviour by o the behaviour of those around us in a foreign country.2.He p that the economy would grow by about six percent both this year and next.3.The company’s head office is in the city,but it has(分部)all over the countr  相似文献   

Be My Valentine     
A man walks into a post office one day and sees a middle-aged, balding[秃头的] man standing at the counter  相似文献   

One noon, Brown 探长 came to the post office.他准备给一位朋友寄个包裹。There was a long table in the middle of the hall(大厅).  相似文献   

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