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英国入职教师教育国家课程探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国入职教师教育国家课程对合格教师资格标准,课程总要求,英语、数学、科学和信息交流技术在学科教学中的应用等几个方面进行了规定,并提出了较为具体的要求。实施其课程的目标是达成合格教师资格标准。该课程具有实践性,注重信息交流技术在学科教学中的作用,注重中小学在教师教育课程中的作用。这些启示我们要尽快制定教师资格标准,强化实践性入职教师教育课程并注重对其实施效果进行指导和监督。  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years far-reaching changes have been introduced to the education system of England and Wales. In particular, the curriculum in state schools has been prescribed through the introduction of a National Curriculum. Associated with the National Curriculum is an assessment system involving teachers undertaking the on-going assessment of pupils, as well as externally set national tests, the results of which are published. These changes have had a profound effect on the training needs of in-service teachers and on the content and structure of training courses for pre-service teachers. The assessment system linked to the National Curriculum is extremely complex. There are huge demands on the time available for pre-service teacher training. This means that teacher educators struggle to find valid ways to train students to develop good assessment practices that will enhance students' teaching and the learning achieved by their pupils. This paper reports on the attempts of one group of course tutors to develop a means of achieving this goal.  相似文献   

新课程改革在小学语文教师眼中的“利”与“弊”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在众多小学语文教师看来,新课程改革是有"利"有"弊"的。它促进了教学观念的转变,促使教师创造性地使用教材;有利于发展学生的个性特长,开阔学生的视野,促进学生全面发展;多种评价方式更是有利于学生的成长。但因新课程培训跟不上课程改革的步伐,老师们感到有些力不从心。他们期待得到更多的培训和专家指导,以提升自己的教学水平,提高语文教学效率。  相似文献   

英格兰正在实施的新国家课程力求对国家课程自开始之日起就纠缠不清的几个问题进行梳理和明确,以使教育适应21世纪对自身提出的挑战。它给予我国正在进行的新一轮基础教育课程改革的启示在于:1.国家课程要想取得成功,必须使学校既能从长计议,形成和提升学生恒久性的价值观念,又能对现实中出现的经济和社会变迁积极应对;2.新的国家课程在形成过程中应有教师的高度参与,教师须持有清晰的课程理念;3.跨学科学习主题应在国家课程中有所体现。  相似文献   

Much recent comment by the Department of Education and Science (DES) and National Curriculum Council (NCC) has suggested that continuity difficulties will largely disappear as a result of the introduction of the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum, however, does not address the main issue — lack of communication between teachers. Any effect it has is likely to be caused by changes in ways in which primary schools are organised to deliver the curriculum — changes which will bring them closer in ethos to the secondary sector.  相似文献   


This paper reports on selected aspects of data, with special reference to science, derived from a survey of primary school teachers as part of the Leverhulme Primary Project at the University of Exeter.

A national sample of teachers (N = 901) across 152 schools was surveyed in order to ascertain teachers’ perceptions of competence and needs with respect to the new National Curriculum in the UK. Initially, data were collected in relation to ten subject areas and generic teaching skills, with provision made for free‐form responses concerning National Curriculum implementation.

Selected aspects of these data, principally related to the National Curriculum core area of science, were subjected to detailed further analysis and are reported. Variables identified from the survey findings, and of concern to science educators, included early subject specialism, years of teaching and gender. These were probed for relationships and significance. The tension between competing National Curriculum requirements for specialist subject knowledge and generalist teaching skills was explored.

Findings have implications for innovation in approaches to staff development to cater for perceived needs, teacher educators and curriculum alignment.  相似文献   

How to monitor and raise standards of educational attainment generally were issues addressed by the British Government in 1988 when the National Curriculum was introduced into all state‐funded primary schools in England and Wales: ‘There is every reason for optimism that in providing a sound, sufficiently detailed framework over the next decade the National Curriculum will give children and teachers much needed help in achieving higher standards.’ This paper assesses the value of looking closely at successive reading scores of cohorts of children in order to monitor reading attainments over time. The reading attainments of seven cohorts of Year 2 children from five randomly selected primary schools within one local education authority (LEA) (N = 1,329) are analysed to see if standards of literacy have changed since the introduction of the National Curriculum in 1989. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were used in this cross‐sectional study. The reading attainments of each of the seven cohorts of Year 2 children, as measured by the are presented. Headteacher perceptions of the effects of the National Curriculum on the teaching and learning of reading in their schools were collected through interviews. Examination of the means of the standardized comprehension scores for each cohort reveals no statistically significant differences in attainment between any two cohorts. It was noted that the distribution of the reading scores was skewed towards underachievement in all seven cohorts. The relative stability in reading attainments contrasts with the aspiration that the introduction of the National Curriculum would raise standards. Headteachers saw this stability as the result of key stage 1 teachers working at an intense rate to safeguard the teaching and learning of reading against the pressures exerted by the introduction of the National Curriculum and assessment procedures.  相似文献   

新课程背景下教师教学观初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基础教育课程改革已进入全面试验阶段。对国家试验区教师教学观念的初步调查证明,新课程的实施或说新课程背景下的教师培训,有利于教师形成与新课程相适应的教学取向。同时在研究中还发现教师教学观的转变需要经验和环境的支持,不可能一蹴而就,这将是一件须长期努力的工作。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1-2):30-47

The purpose of this study was to take the first steps in a long-term approach to helping South African teachers understand and respond to government demands that they change their assessment practices. Specifically, it attempted to identify the beliefs, perceptions and attitudes about assessment that student teachers bring with them to courses that are designed to equip them to teach in ways that are consistent with current curriculum trends in South Africa. The study attempted to answer the following research questions: are student teachers’ beliefs about assessment consistent with the approaches to assessment advocated in the South African Revised National Curriculum Statement? Are student teachers’ beliefs about assessment consistent with the basic principles of outcomes-based education? The results indicated broad general agreement between student teachers’ beliefs about assessment and the principles of assessment espoused in the Revised National Curriculum Statement. However, there was evidence that the beliefs of some of the subjects were inconsistent with these principles.  相似文献   

Data on responses to the National Curriculum were gathered from personal interviews with a sample of 50 primary school head teachers, 304 primary class teachers and 223 secondary heads of department. In the primary schools concern centred around an anticipated increase in the level of assessment and record‐keeping and curriculum documentation. Increased levels of science and technology in the curriculum were also anticipated and these were the areas in which primary teachers felt in greatest need of support. In secondary schools changes were anticipated in individual subject curricula, especially in the fields of science and modem languages. The results suggest that there is great concentration in schools on a few specific areas of concern and that this may be at the expense of wider issues involved in the National Curriculum.  相似文献   

新课程对于教师角色的要求是多方面的。教师原有角色要发生变化,不断地补充新的内容,变传统的知识传授为新课程条件下的知识传授。  相似文献   


A study of science classroom behaviours reported by Eggleston et al. (1976) was replicated in 60 secondary school classrooms where the National Curriculum was being followed. Key teacher and pupil characteristics were matched across the two samples, and it was suggested that curriculum change was the most likely factor influencing changes in the teaching and learning processes which were observed. It was found that there was more emphasis upon lower‐order intellectual skills in classrooms where the National Curriculum was being studied. There were also fewer speculative behaviours and fewer behaviours concerned with experimentation. It was shown that a less effective informational instructional strategy was more popular with teachers implementing the National Curriculum, and that instructional strategies which involved practical work were less frequently employed. Participating teachers were asked to give possible reasons for these changes, and it was suggested by many of them that an overburdened curriculum may be a significant factor influencing their choice of teaching and learning strategies. It was suggested that this problem would only be resolved if the informational content of the National Curriculum was reduced, perhaps by focusing upon those key concepts which Bruner (1961) has described as constituting the structureof the discipline.  相似文献   

在新课程理念下,小学教师需要进行角色转变,主要表现在:(一)从知识的灌输者转换为学习的引导者;(二)从单向的传授者转换为主动的合作者;(三)从课程忠实的执行者转向课程发展的参与者和设计者。  相似文献   

Prior to the advent of the National Curriculum in England and Wales, the production of teaching materials was an established vehicle for curriculum change. The Nuffield Design and Technology Project recently published extensive materials which enlarge upon the National Curriculum. This paper presents an investigation based on case studies of two teachers in separate schools, each using Nuffield publications with one of their classes. It explores: how Nuffield materials were selected and adapted by teachers; the resulting balances between in-house and Nuffield influence; and teachers’ intuitive evaluations of the materials’ impact. Both teachers ‘injected’ similar Nuffield elements into existing schemes; they took ownership, exploiting the materials’ flexibility. Both prescribed the mechanical/structural elements of the product, but allowed extensive pupil autonomy over aesthetic elements. Text books were initially underused. In describing the materials’ impact, one teacher emphasised pupils’ learning, the other the improved quality of his own experience. This paper suggests that even a little training may greatly enhance teachers’ use of Nuffield resources.  相似文献   

This study sought to explore the extent to which the introduction of six National Curriculum subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, History and Geography) has had an impact on teaching methods. A case study was conducted at one secondary school, which comprised interviews, questionnaires and lesson observations (including video taping for stimulated recall). Particular attention was paid to the National Curriculum Council's guidance concerning the teaching methods to be used in teaching these subjects. The data indicate that most teachers felt their general approach to teaching was based on using a variety of teaching methods and adopting a more active and investigatory approach. They felt this approach had generally been supported by the National Curriculum. However, there was a concern that the content and method of national assessment tests may make it difficult to sustain this emphasis in their approach in future.  相似文献   

随着《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的颁布与实施,我国高中英语的教学理念、教学目标、教学方法和评价考试制度将会发生巨大的变化。而目前正在启动的高中课改,使我国高中英语教师面临一场新的挑战。通过对高中英语课标的主要内容的解读,可以帮助高中教师加深对高中英语课标和英语课程改革的认识和理解,从而提高教学效益。  相似文献   

The 1‐year Postgraduate Certificate in Education Secondary English method course at the University of Sheffield's School of Education has, since 2001, asked its students to write an essay of around 4000 words on their initial understanding and experience of the National Strategies promoted by the United Kingdom's Department for Education and Skills. The essay expects a critical, reflective and analytical piece of writing that records the student teacher's developing views on the place, role and value of the National Strategies in the classroom. Using grounded theory and content analysis techniques, this small‐scale study of the 2005 cohort identifies common perceptions regarding the National Strategies among student teachers of English and seeks to categorise these to account for their developing identities as future English teachers. Drawing on Twiselton's identification of teacher types, Task Manager, Curriculum Deliverer and Concept/Skill Builder, and Shulman's classification of knowledges necessary for teaching, this article will argue that the National Strategies and their respective Frameworks, while successful in moving teachers on from the role of ‘Task Managers’, runs the risk of locking teachers into being ‘Curriculum Deliverers’, and not developing the pedagogical content knowledge necessary for teaching English expertly.  相似文献   

John Bangs, principal officer, Special Needs and Curriculum Initiatives, National Union of Teachers, reports on the reactions of teachers concerned with special educational needs in primary schools to using SATs for assessing pupils at Key Stage 1.  相似文献   

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