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In this paper, we shall prove that the Marcinkiewicz integral operator #n, when its kernel Ω satisfies the L^1-Dini condition, is bounded on the Triehel-Lizorkin spaces. It is well known that the Triehel-Lizorkin spaces are generalizations of many familiar spaces such as the Lehesgue spaces and the Soholev spaces. Therefore, our result extends many known theorems on the Marcinkiewicz integral operator. Our method is to regard the Marcinkiewicz integral operator as a vector valued singular integral. We also use another characterization of the Triehel-Lizorkin space which makes our approach more clear.  相似文献   

用概率论的思想方法,能够解决一些积分中的问题,并能体现思想方法的简捷性和独特性,本文在积分不等式的证明和积分计算中引进了概率方法,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Ml0.7Mm0.3Ni3.7Co0.7Mn0.4Al0.2 nanocrystalline hydrogen storage materials are prepared by melt-spinning(MS).X-ray diffraction is used for the measurement of the nanocrystalline size.Compared to the electrode of polycrystalline alloys,the property of activation MH9metal hydride)electrode of the alloys with nanometer scale became worse and the inital discharge capacity decreased.It may be ascribed to the decrease of the total amount of rare earth metals and the increase of oxygen on the surface from the analysis of components of the alloys.After heat-treatment,the electrochemical performance of MH electrode of as-spun alloys could be improved,which could be attributed to the alleviation of the lattice strain.  相似文献   

Using SnxTi1-xO2 as carriers, CuO/Sn0.9Ti0.1O2 and CuO/Sn0.7Ti0.3O2 catalysts with different loading amounts of copper oxide (CuO) were prepared by an impregnation method. The catalytic properties of CuO/Sn0.9Ti0.1O2 and CuO/Sn0.7Ti0.3O2 were examined using a microreactor-gas chromatography (GC) NO CO reaction system and the methods of BET (Brun- auer-Emmett-Teller), TG-DTA (themogravimetric and differential thermal analysis), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and H2-temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The results showed that NO conversions of Sn0.9Ti0.1O2 and Sn0.7Ti0.3O2 were 47.2% and 43.6% respectively, which increased to 95.3% and 90.9% at 6 wt% CuO loading. However, further increase in CuO loading caused a decrease in the catalytic activity. The nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm and pore-size distribution curve of Sn0.9Ti0.1O2 and Sn0.7Ti0.3O2 represented type IV of the BDDT (Brunauer, Deming, Deming and Teller) system and a typical mesoporous sample. There were two CuO diffraction peaks (2θ 35.5° and 38.7°), and the diffraction peak areas increased with increasing CuO loading. TPR analysis also detected three peaks (α, β and γ) from the CuO-loaded catalysts, suggesting that the α peak was the reduction of the highly dispersed copper oxide, the β peak was the reduction of the isolated copper oxide, and the γ peak was the reduction of crystal phase copper oxide. In addition, a fourth peak (δ) of the catalysts meant that the SnxTi1-xO2 mixed oxides could be reductive.  相似文献   

§ 27 Abs. 4 der Satzung der Universit?t X- Satzungsteil Studienrecht (Satzung) r?umt zwar das Recht ein, eine Betreuerin/einen Betreuer ihrer Dissertation auszuw?hlen; dieses Recht ist jedoch auf die Auswahl auf die "zur Verfügung stehenden" Betreuerinnen/Betreuer eingeschr?nkt und besteht auch in Ansehung dieses Personenkreises nur "nach Ma?gabe der M?glichkeiten".  相似文献   

Supersaturated solid solutions Fe1-xCx (0≤x≤0.9 ) of wide composition range have been prepared by mechanical alloying process. Nanocrystalline phase was formed for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.67 and a large grain phase for 0.75 ≤ x ≤ 0.9. The large fraction of graphite volume puts off formation of nanocrystalline phase for high carbon content. In the large grain phase, magnetization follows simple magnetic dilution, and eoereivity He is mainly due to dissolution of carbon at grain boundaries. In the nanocrystalline phase the alloying effect of carbon is revealed by a distinct reduction of average magnetic moment. The increasing lattice constant with increasing carbon content is observed for x ≤ 0.5, suggesting that the high carbon concentration may enhance diffusion of carbon into the Fe lattice. It shows a discontinuity in the Hc variation with a grain size D of nanocrystalline phase. For small grain D below the critical value, Hc increases with D. For a large grain D, Hc decreases with increasing D. The solubility limit of carbon in a-Fe extended by nanocry- stalline phase formation is discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪现当代艺术的发展大致分为三个阶段:一,为第一次世界大战前的野兽派等;二,为两次世界大战之间的达达主义等;三,为第二次世界大战之后的抽象表现主义等,通过展示每个流派的思潮、特征、等,梳理了这段时期的各种艺术现象。  相似文献   

《田家Bie》中的“二年常限”田,是指吏民租佃和缴纳相应亩租额年限只有二年的零星国有土地。“二年常限”田的亩租额高于余力田。期限一到,吏民须重新佃种,封建政府也有权另行确定亩租额。  相似文献   

Software has been developed for digital control of WDW series testing machine and the measurement of fracture toughness by modularized design. Development of the software makes use of multi-thread and serial communication techniques, which can accurately control the testing machine and measure the fracture toughness in real-time. Three-point bending specimens were used in the measurement. The software operates stably and reliably, expanding the function of WDW series testing machine.  相似文献   

Effect of the content of dopants in the manganese-zinc ferrites on the low power loss is studied by measuring magnetic properties and observing the grain boundary structures. The Mn0.738Zn0.206Fe2.066O4 composition powders were prepared by using conventional ceramic powder processing technique. The microstructure of grain boundary was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). It has been found that power loss is greatly dependent upon the content of the additives.  相似文献   

The nonlinear Riemann problems were converted into nonlinear singular integral equations and the existence of the solution for the problem was proved by means of contract principle.  相似文献   

Surface morphologies of Zr52.5 Al10 Ni10 Cu15 Be12.5 bulk metallic glass after being rolled at both a temperature around T9 and near ( Tx - 50) K were investigated with a scanning electron microscopy. Macroscopic and microscopic observation results show that squamae, cracks, steps and wedges exist on the surface when the samples were rolled at temperatures around Ty. However, a smooth and fiat surface appears when the samples were rolled at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K. These results indicate that the mode of deformation in the supercooled liquid region is a partially homogeneous flow at a temperature around T9, and a fully homogeneous one at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K. According to the results, it is more feasible to roll the amorphous alloys at temperatures near ( Tx - 50) K to obtain parts with smooth and fiat surface.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of the transport properties of La0.67Ca0.33Mn1?xFe x O3 (x=0–0.3) systems showed that with increasing Fe-doping contentx the resistance increases and the insulator-metal transition temperature moves to lower temperature. For small doping content, the transport property satisfies metal transport behavior below the transition temperature, and above the transition temperature it satisfies the small polaron model. This behavior can be explained by Fe3+ doping, which easily forms Fe3+?O2??Mn4+ channel, suppressing the double exchange Mn3+?O2??Mn4+ channel and enhancing the spin scattering of Mn ions induced by antiferromagnetic clusters of Fe ions.  相似文献   

Study of the SISO mixedH 2/l1 problem for discrete time systems showed that there exists a unique optimal solution which can be approximated within any prescribed missing error bound inl 2 norm with solvable suboptimal solutions and solvable superoptimal solutions. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60174026) and the Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Zhejiang Province (No. J20020546)  相似文献   


Zusammenfassung Negativit?t und das Neue in John Deweys Theorie vom Lernen und der Demokratie — Für einen erneuten Blick auf Lernkulturen Die Rolle des Neuen in Lernprozessen bezieht sich auf die grundlegende Frage, wie Lernen überhaupt m?glich ist und wo es beginnt. In diesem Beitrag wird zun?chst John Deweys Lernkonzeption als Basis für die Analyse entwickelt. Dann wird die Beziehung zwischen Negativit?t und dem Neuen erarbeitet. Beim übergang vom Alten zum Neuen und vom Gewussten zum Ungewussten entstehen Verwirrungen und Schwierigkeiten, die in diesem Papier als Negativit?t im Lernprozess untersucht werden. Au?erdem vermittelt der Beitrag Einsichten in praktische p?dagogische Probleme, etwa bezüglich der Frage, wie Lehrer und andere Erzieher Lernprozesse f?rdern und wie Lernkulturen als besondere Lernumwelten Lehr-Lern-Prozesse unterstützen k?nnen.
Negativity and the new in John Dewey’s theory of learning and democracy Toward a renewed look at learning cultures
Summary The role of the New in learning processes relates to basic questions of how learning is possible, and where learning begins. Using John Dewey’s concept of learning as the basis for analysis, this inquiry looks into the relation between Negativity and the New and seeks to uncover the negativity in learning processes associated with the perplexities and difficulties which arise in the transitions from Old to New and Known to Unknown. Furthermore, it offers insight into practical pedagogical issues, such as how teachers and educators can support learning processes and how learning cultures, as particular environments for learning, can assist processes of teaching and learning.

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