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甘永涛  陈娟 《教学与管理》2014,(12):146-149
美国"开端计划"是一个全国性的大型项目,对于促进美国幼儿学前教育机会、儿童认知能力发展以及入学准备有很大的促进作用。本文根据美国NCES的翔实资料,从开端计划的性别比例及族裔构成、开端计划家长参与情况、开端计划层次与家庭环境、开端计划效果和认同等几个方面进行现状分析,以期能够对我国学前教育发展提供启示。  相似文献   

解读美国开端计划家长参与执行标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国“开端计划”始终把家长参与作为其重要组成部分,并以促进儿童发展为目的,制定了家长参与执行标准。本文对美国开端计划家长参与执行标准作了解读,详细分析了有代表性的执行标准和指导,如制定家庭合作目标、家长参与孕产妇教育、家长参与儿童发展活动、家长参与过渡性活动等,以期为我国指导家长参与儿童早期教育提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

美国开端计划的发展、问题与走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开端计划在美国的学前教育中起着重要的作用,有美国学前教育的国家实验室之称。近年来,美国政府对其进行了一系列改革,其目的是促进学前儿童的全面发展,其中又特别注重学前儿童学业成绩的提高,以促进美国基础教育的发展。  相似文献   

美国《开端计划执行标准》评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国开端计划是由美国联邦政府制订并推行的一项主要针对处境不利学前儿童及其家庭的国家行动计划,作为扩大教育机会、保障教育公平的重要手段,为保证并促进其实施与质量,联邦政府自计划实施之初就为它制订了一套执行标准,并不断根据现实发展的需要对其进行修订.开端计划执行标准对开端计划涵盖的七种服务都作了详细具体的规定,其文本由标准概要、服务规划、社会服务标准、儿童健康和发展服务标准、个人教育项目服务标准、营养服务标准、家长参与服务标准、合作服务项目标准八大部分组成,并提供了多种运作方式供地方获权机构与授权办事处根据自身情况灵活选择与运用.此外,执行标准还强调组成包括政策理事会、政策委员会和家长委员会在内的开端计划治理机构,以加强对开端计划执行过程的监督与对其实施效果的监测和反馈,从而保证为处境不利儿童及其家庭提供高质量的多方面服务.  相似文献   

美国"早期开端计划"始于1995年,是"开端计划"延伸到3岁以下婴幼儿的早期教育项目.本文介绍该计划的产生、基本原则、组成部分、组织形式、参与标准、考核评估以及取得的成效,并在此基础上分析对我国早期教育的一些启示,即要重视0~3岁儿童的保育与教育,要与家庭建立良好关系,要关注和支持弱势群体的教育,要提高养护者和工作人员的专业素质.  相似文献   

美国的开端计划经历了四个发展时期。在目标定位上,从关注贫困幼儿的社会能力向重视幼儿的入学准备转变;在服务性质上,从重视综合服务向侧重教育服务转变;在价值取向上,从重视公平向公平与质量并重转变。文章基于对开端计划的历史考察,提出应关注开端计划中所蕴含的对教育机会均等的持续追求、对处境不利儿童接受高质量学前教育服务等理念和做法。  相似文献   

近年来,我国通过实施学前教育三年行动计划,取得了显著成效,普惠性学前教育资源快速增加、经费投入大幅增长、办园水平不断提高,但也存在政府统筹力度不够、发展失衡等问题。美国开端计划在学前教育立法、经费投入保障、综合服务项目和家庭社区合作等方面的做法保障了儿童受教育权,促进了教育公平,对促进我国学前教育均衡发展具有启发意义。  相似文献   

美国早期提前开端计划主要为低收入怀孕妇女和婴儿、学步儿及其家庭提供婴幼儿早期教养服务.完善的教师资格标准是早期提前开端计划取得成功并不断扩展的关键因素之一.美国早期提前开端计划的教师资格标准对我国制定0~3岁婴幼儿早期教养机构的教师标准有一定启示意义.  相似文献   

董素芳 《幼儿教育》2013,(18):46-50
美国早期提前开端计划主要为低收入怀孕妇女和婴儿、学步儿及其家庭提供婴幼儿早期教养服务。完善的教师资格标准是早期提前开端计划取得成功并不断扩展的关键因素之一。美国早期提前开端计划的教师资格标准对我国制定0~3岁婴幼儿早期教养机构的教师标准有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

美国有诸多的学前儿童保育与教育项目,其中涉及范围最广、持续时间最长、影响程度最大的是开端计划(Head Start)。该项计划旨在通过关注儿童的早期发展,向处境不利的幼  相似文献   

This article explores the history of Head Start, the federal early education program for economically disadvantaged preschool children in the United States, as a way of understanding what it means to talk about change in the late twentieth century. The history of Head Start has been a story of administrative changes and improvement and accountability initiatives in the realm of public policy, a ominant narrative of progress and rational planning that is consonant with a large, centralized governance structure. In an effort to create another way of conceiving of the organization, we first examine shifting definitions and conflicting interpretations of parental involvement and staff development within the program to reveal some of the tensions inherent in all human endeavors. We then draw on interviews with women who work in and are served by Head Start to show how needs and resources vary and how policy mandates can have differential—and unintended—effects. In the conclusion, we suggest, following Toulmin (1990), that the certainty and stability that has characterized public policy since the Enlightment must now be tempered with a postmodern recognition of change, complexity, and variability. Rather than one history, we see many histories. Instead of one approach, we see value in tailoring improvement initiatives to the needs of families and staff in specific circumstances. .  相似文献   

This article explores the history of Head Start, the federal early education program for economically disadvantaged preschool children in the United States, as a way of understanding what it means to talk about change in the late twentieth century. The history of Head Start has been a story of administrative changes and improvement and accountability initiatives in the realm of public policy, a ominant narrative of progress and rational planning that is consonant with a large, centralized governance structure. In an effort to create another way of conceiving of the organization, we first examine shifting definitions and conflicting interpretations of parental involvement and staff development within the program to reveal some of the tensions inherent in all human endeavors. We then draw on interviews with women who work in and are served by Head Start to show how needs and resources vary and how policy mandates can have differential—and unintended—effects. In the conclusion, we suggest, following Toulmin (1990), that the certainty and stability that has characterized public policy since the Enlightment must now be tempered with a postmodern recognition of change, complexity, and variability. Rather than one history, we see many histories. Instead of one approach, we see value in tailoring improvement initiatives to the needs of families and staff in specific circumstances.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来的中国乡土小说,呈现回归鲁迅所开创的乡土书写的黑色调的趋势.这是一种以现代思想为坐标,正视苦难、反思传统的勇气和理性.表现出了世纪末中国文学对于"五四"传统的回归.同时,作家们精神回乡的过程中,所流露出的神话荒蛮的态度,又反映出这种回归的非整体性,尤其受后现代思潮影响而产生的乡土创作中的无意义心态,更成为一种漠视历史的理性缺失.  相似文献   

言语行为理论解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了奥斯丁(Austin)的言语行为理论的产生、理论框架和发展,同时也阐述了赛尔(Searle)的间接言语行为理论、格莱斯(Griee)的合作原则以及Leech的礼貌原则,并举例说明了作者对言语行为理论的理解。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代文化散文较多的吸收了古典哲学中道家"逍遥以游"的旷达超脱和儒家"以天下为己任"的千秋情怀的精神内核。在行者的路上或者"神游"的历史情境展开与先哲、与历史、与文明的审美对话,思索着生命的意义和存在的价值,从而达到一种宗教式的人生体悟,体现了人类对精神家园的执著追寻。  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data from the Family and Child Experiences Survey 2009 cohort (= 2,842), this study examined the implications of 3‐ and 4‐year‐old's absences from Head Start for their early academic learning. The findings from this study revealed that children who missed more days of school, and especially those who were chronically absent, demonstrated fewer gains in areas of math and literacy during the preschool year. Moreover, excessive absenteeism was found to detract from the potential benefits of quality preschool education and was especially problematic for the early learning of children who entered the Head Start program with a less developed skill set. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In the field of early childhood education, dominant discourse is premised on assumptions and values that privilege uniformity, generality, and even the “essential” nature of children and programs that should then be judged according to common criteria. In this article, we focus not on common factors that vary but on particular social practices that have very different meanings for people in two social settings (Taylor, 1979). Specifically, we describe how parent involvement- and parents themselves-were socially constructed within Head Start programs located in different communities, and we suggest how these social practices made particular forms of involvement possible and even necessary. We argue that discourses do not merely represent; they constitute, and different discourses construct both subjects and social relations in particular ways. Finally, we suggest how alternative ways of structuring knowledge and social practice in early childhood might become “communal tools” for exploring yet to be realized possibilities.  相似文献   

In the field of early childhood education, dominant discourse is premised on assumptions and values that privilege uniformity, generality, and even the "essential" nature of children and programs that should then be judged according to common criteria. In this article, we focus not on common factors that vary but on particular social practices that have very different meanings for people in two social settings (Taylor, 1979). Specifically, we describe how parent involvement- and parents themselves-were socially constructed within Head Start programs located in different communities, and we suggest how these social practices made particular forms of involvement possible and even necessary. We argue that discourses do not merely represent; they constitute, and different discourses construct both subjects and social relations in particular ways. Finally, we suggest how alternative ways of structuring knowledge and social practice in early childhood might become "communal tools" for exploring yet to be realized possibilities.  相似文献   

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