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创客空间是为了提高全民的创新创业素质能力,成为新观念、新技术、新产品的源泉。基本类型包括"自己玩"型与"集体玩"型、兴趣型与创业型、综合型与专业型、无配套型与有配套型。创客空间可以办成公益非盈利组织,但商业化却是其发展趋势,应当选择合适的商业模式。创客空间商业模式主要有:工具服务+社交服务+知识服务+创投服务,创客空间+购物中心,创客空间+实验室,创客空间+互联网。创客空间是对开放式创新理论、隐性知识理论、民间创新理论的应用性实践,也是对开放式创新理论、隐性知识理论、民间创新理论的丰富与发展。  相似文献   

It is commonly argued that we are witnessing a shift from global production networks, driven by the search for markets and lower cost production sites, to global innovation networks (GINs), driven by the search for knowledge. This paper explores how sources of behavioural differentiation derived from the literature on industrial knowledge bases and technological regimes condition the degree of involvement in international innovation collaboration. We find this to be significantly influenced by the nature of knowledge and the cumulativeness of knowledge development, the active use of measures to protect intellectual property, the inherent need to innovate and the opportunity to generate sales from this activity. The likelihood that the firm establishes and maintains a truly global network configuration is influenced accordingly.  相似文献   

金融发展和贸易结构优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易结构是一国参与国际分工的国内生产的组织方式,决定获取贸易利益多寡。我国的贸易结构长期以来以劳动力和自然资源为贸易主要优势,缺乏在高技术层面上的贸易结构单元和多元化。探讨了如何借助于当前我国金融发展的局面构建我国中高层次的贸易结构。  相似文献   

Since ammonia, when added to the dye bath in preparing bathed plates, increases the sensitizing action of the dye, its action on commercial plates was investigated.In the course of the work three methods of sensitometry were used. Of these, one was used as a first qualitative test; the second, the spectrograph method, was used to study the effect of the ammonia on the sensitivity of the plate to each wave-length; the third, the Hurter and Driffield method, gives the absolute value of the speed of the plate.It was found that by bathing commercial panchromatic plates in a solution of 25 c.c. ethyl-alcohol, 75 c.c. water, and 3 c.c. of strong ammonia water (20 per cent. NH3) for four minutes at 18° C. and drying rapidly, the speed to white light is increased 100 per cent. in nearly all cases, and the sensitivity in the red. extended one hundred or more Ångström units. The speed in the red is increased, in many cases, 400 per cent. If the plates be bathed without the alcohol (100 c.c. water, 312 c.c. ammonia water) the speed is still more increased, but the plates should be used immediately after drying.Ordinary plates do not have their sensitivity appreciably changed. Most brands of orthochromatic plates are not improved, although one, the Cramer Trichromatic, showed the same increase as the panchromatic plate.  相似文献   

A criticism by Loeb and Bradbury of my interpretation of the experimental results of that part of a previous paper which dealt with the aging of negative ions in commercial nitrogen is shown to be invalidated by a mistake in their analysis and by assumptions which do not represent facts with sufficient accuracy. A more extended analysis of the previous work and new evidence which is given confirm the correctness of the former contention that the negative ions in question changed in size with age. The lateral spread, owing to diffusion, of a stream of electrons in this nitrogen at atmospheric pressure, when moving in an electric field of about 100 volts/cm., was found to be very nearly the same as that for positive ions under like conditions. The average energy losses of the electrons at collision with the molecules must therefore have nearly balanced the gains from the electric field and hence were greater than would result from purely elastic collisions. The experimental results indicate that in fields down to at least 20 volts/cm. nearly all of the attachment of electrons to molecules in the gas used occurred close to the place of their liberation.  相似文献   

城市商业银行可以通过提供融资服务促进各地中小企业的发展。首先分析城市商业银行本身的经营定位,接着分析了中小企业在间接融资中的困境,由上述两个分析确定了二者的互惠互利关系。最后提出了城市商业银行通过走特色之路,帮助中小企业克服融资瓶颈以促进各地中小企业发展的若干举措。  相似文献   

商业银行零售业务中的问题及对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对加入WTO后我国商业银行零售业务面临的各种问题进行了重点分析,对我国商业银行如何加快发展零售银行业务提出了几点建议,以期利用全面开放前的这段时间更快更好地发展零售业务。  相似文献   

吴秋强 《学会》2002,(6):56-57
<正>我国政府经过千辛万苦的谈判,终于于2001年底加入了WTO,国人一方面欢呼入世成功,一方面惊呼“狼”真的来了。此前,许多媒体、学者及高层管理人员都在研究、探讨对策,许多商业银行也为此加快内部机构的调整与改革。正当中资银行(尤其是国有商业银行)进行内部机构调整与改革还未喘过气来时,“狼”已开始发威:今年早些时候,南京爱立信熊猫通讯有限公司凑足巨资逐步提前还清中资银行贷款。最初这种还贷举动,南京的几大商业银行并没有加以留意,当权威部门观察到,该公司还贷数额高达20亿人民币,并转而向外资银行贷款后,不仅整个南京金融界为之震惊,也震惊了金融界高管。事件起因主要是中资银行没有“无追索权保理业务”(一种类似于由放贷银行买断贷款公司应收账款的业务)。一波未平,一波又起:浙江“庆丰印染”喜新厌旧;四川的世界银行属下的国际金融公司与成都  相似文献   

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