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Counselors are often challenged to address issues of social justice in the counseling context, and they must be deliberate and innovative in their attempts to respond. Counselors will be required to relate social justice considerations to their practices and to the theoretical foundations of these practices; they must then operationalize an approach that suits their particular practice setting. The authors present the early results of their attempt to meet this challenge.  相似文献   

The authors examined the experiences of 10 peer‐nominated exemplar counselor advocates using grounded theory methodology (Strauss & Corbin, 1998 ). Analysis by the authors yielded a model of how exemplar counselor advocates develop a social justice interest and provided key insights on how counselor educators can enhance social justice interest in their students. Implications for supervisors and scholars are presented.  相似文献   

The authors apply the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (Ratts, Singh, Nassar‐McMillan, Butler, & McCullough, 2015) model to clinical supervision, highlighting ways for supervisors to intentionally integrate multicultural and social justice practices into the supervision enterprise. They offer specific implications for supervision practice, including a focus on broaching strategies.  相似文献   

As they explore counseling theories, students are encouraged to examine their own values, attitudes, and beliefs to find congruence with these theories. This traditional approach inadequately addresses the social injustices that may be perpetuated by selecting theories that further oppress clients and other marginalized communities. Prilleltensky (1997) introduced a social justice paradigm, emancipatory communitarianism, to address the limitations of existing theories on the basis of their underlying values. The authors discuss how incorporating emancipatory communitarianism and values discussions into counseling theories pedagogy can enhance critical thinking and self‐exploration among developing students. Implications for counseling pedagogy, practices, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to ensure that social workers graduating from social work programs embrace social justice's central role in their professional careers, educators must find creative, theoretically grounded, practice-relevant ways of conveying this value and socializing social work students. This article describes the use of Photovoice as one tool for helping convey that value and describes its theoretical underpinning and use in a social work course. Originally developed as a participatory action research approach largely in public health, Photovoice can also serve as a powerful social work tool that facilitates the development of critical consciousness among community members who photograph and discuss elements of their lives and community. The author describes using this strategy with social work students, asking them as community members themselves to engage in the process of documenting, discussing, and transforming their analysis into an advocacy plan using the photographs. Through this process, the students learn about the power of collaborative creativity and strategic messaging. In the process of demonstrating the importance of relationship and the power of “problem-posing” the professor, as facilitator, role-models while teaching and engendering increasing critical consciousness among class participants.  相似文献   

The authors argue that students in counseling practicum courses experience many self‐defeating thoughts and anxieties. These worries can impede their performance as new counselors and can have a negative impact on the supervision process. The authors outline innovative methods used by cognitive therapists to address this anxiety. In addition, a model is presented for counselor educators to use cognitive restructuring techniques as a supervision tool. Summary Throughout their studies, counseling graduate students face many possible fears and anxieties that arise from their classroom experiences. The greatest fears and anxieties seem to be related to the counseling practicum experience. This experience is one in which students may feel incompetent, vulnerable, and unskilled as they begin to put their classroom knowledge and experiences into practice. If these fears and anxieties persist, students have a hard time making progress in the area of the counseling relationship and skill building. We have examined how practicum students' fears and anxieties might be addressed, using cognitive interventions. Such interventions allow students to take irrational thoughts and change them to rational thought patterns. This is accomplished by asking students to state their fears verbally, to think about the effects of the fears and the consequences, to think about intervening beliefs and thoughts, and to restate the fears in a rational manner. Our experience suggests that cognitive interventions are useful strategies to help practicum students combat fears and anxieties. Further research might examine the use of other behavioral interventions to address these fears. For example, does role‐playing a counseling technique in supervision make a student less anxious about applying it in a real counseling session? In summary, fear and anxiety can impede the preparation of counselors during their practicum experiences. Understanding the underlying thoughts that cause these fears can help students overcome self‐defeating thought patterns. Cognitive restructuring techniques have been shown to reduce tension and can be used with counseling practicum students to help relieve performance and supervision anxiety.  相似文献   


We present a mathematical activity called graph talks as a new pedagogical routine to intertwine social justice issues and mathematics. Adapted from number talks, graph talks involve students analyzing, interpreting, and discussing real-life data represented in graphs. Graphs may be strategically selected to both highlight a relevant social justice issue while also reinforcing the mathematics content of the course. We report on experiences using graph talks in undergraduate mathematics content courses for future teachers in the USA, and provide examples of the undergraduates doing mathematics while analyzing the social justice context of the graphs.  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue of the Counselor Education and Supervision journal, the guest editors provide a brief history of the social justice movement within the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and discuss the importance of addressing social justice issues in counselor education and supervision. The authors challenge all counselors to make social justice an integral part of their work.  相似文献   

In this article, we promote the use of controversial images to enhance the discussion of social justice issues in schools. Controversial images provide rich opportunities for students to question what is occurring currently in society as well as what has occurred in the past. We provide an example set of activities to be used in teacher education that can help future teachers explore engaging methods for teaching with controversial images, discuss tensions involved with the use of controversial images, and to develop connections between using controversial images and teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

ScienceWord是一款国产科技文档编辑软件,通常用于编写教学讲义、试卷、科技论文、科技图书及建设数字图书馆等,是科研与教育信息化的基础软件。本文将主要介绍如何利用这款软件中的化学模板工具快速高效地编写化学高分子式。  相似文献   

刑事审判监督是刑事检察法律制度的重要内容,正确行使审判权,对于维护法律的尊严和当事人的合法权益具有十分重要的意义。本文通过分析刑事审判监督中存在的问题以及产生的原因,进而提出强化刑事审判监督的路径思考。  相似文献   

This article outlines the capacity of the microcomputer to help provide process feedback to counselors-in-training. Discussion is focused upon low cost equipment, innovative adaptation, and interaction of standard equipment commonly found in counselor training laboratory facilities. Advantages, limitations, and desirable features of each system are briefly discussed. Finally, possible system usage in counselor training is considered in light of the new potentials made economically feasible by advances in microcomputer technology.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the potential usefulness of eliciting “critical incidents” that occur in multicultural supervision. Survey results from a pilot study of visible ethnic minority psychology interns are discussed.  相似文献   

项目管理课程从其第四年开始采用混合式的协作模型来教授本科生和研究生。在过去的两年里,传统的研究生项目管理课程一直是联系在校本科生和在线研究生的纽带,研究生是本科生的指导老师。该模式为不能与在线研究生面对面交流的本科生提供了协作和交流感想的机会。基于此,笔者推荐采用混合式的方法来促进协作和认知学徒制的开展。  相似文献   

Standard 9 of the National Science Teachers Association Standards for Science Teacher Preparation is designed to ensure that science teacher preparation programs provide preservice science teachers with the knowledge and skills to understand and successfully engage students in a safe and ethical manner. This standard contains four components describing science teachers’ legal and ethical responsibilities, appropriate use of instructional materials (chemicals in particular), emergency procedures and safety equipment, and guidelines for proper use of living organisms in the classroom. In this article, we describe the requirements of Standard 9 and provide guidance on assessments that can be used to present evidence for preservice teachers’ competence in each of the four components.  相似文献   

The counseling practicum is generally accepted as an essential part of a counselor-training program. Likewise, the training of future counselor educators necessitates experiences in supervision of counseling-practicum students. The dual supervision model described in this article is an approach that simultaneously meets the training needs of future counselors and counselor educators. The rationale for the dual supervision model, the results of an exploratory study of the counselor trainees' attitudes toward the dual supervision process, and the counseling-practicum supervisors' reactions to the model are described. Both the students enrolled in their second quarter of counseling practicum and the supervisors had very positive reactions to the dual supervision model.  相似文献   

This study explored perceptions of social justice advocacy among liberal, moderate, and conservative members (N?=?214) of the American Counseling Association (ACA). Results showed that conservative participants had somewhat less favorable perceptions of social justice advocacy, but generally did not differ statistically from liberal and moderate participants. Statistically significant differences, however, were found among extremely liberal participants. All participants generally supported the use of ACA resources for social activism. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

赵红艳 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(5):23-27,34
随着网络技术的飞速发展,传媒监督对我国社会生活产生了重大影响,刑事司法亦不能例外。适度的传媒监督在遏制司法腐败、促进司法公正方面发挥着重要作用,但传媒监督过度介入刑事审判会影响审判之独立、公正及权威。当然,这并不等于说我国的传媒监督已趋成熟,其对刑事审判的监督过度了,相反,我国的传媒监督极不发达,只是由于我国正处于社会转型时期,许多制度不健全、立法存在盲区,规范落实不到位而使然。所以,如何进一步的规范传媒监督进而使其更好的发挥监督作用则至关重要。  相似文献   

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