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为帮助用人单位更好地利用有限资源,制定有竞争力的福利政策,以提高人才吸引力、防止人才流失,本文基于舒适物理论,提出了职场舒适物系统概念,涵盖生存舒适物、生活舒适物、精神舒适物和环境舒适物四个圈层。以此为分析框架,通过访谈、问卷调研、文献调研等方法获取国内外知名大学、企业、科研机构的人才吸引和稳定政策,对7家用人单位的14条政策进行文本分析,发现不同地域、不同性质的用人单位所提供的职场舒适物具有趋同化特征,集中于提供生存舒适物和生活舒适物,并以住房、健康及家庭相关服务为主的福利作为核心舒适物。更进一步,以中国科学院“3H”工程(即HOUSING工程、HOME工程和HEALTH工程)为例,分析核心舒适物对人才稳定作用的差异性,发现科研人员对核心舒适物的需求按照从强到弱的顺序依次为:HOUSING > HOME > HEALTH。基于此,提出了用人单位吸引和稳定人才的职场舒适物策略,一是尽量利用所在城市的舒适物系统,二是构建以住房、健康和家庭为核心的职场舒适物系统,以最大化利用资源;三是在资源有限的情况下,应根据不同舒适物对人才吸引作用的差异,有重点、有针对性地制定人才政策。  相似文献   

Attraction is an essential factor in interactions between individuals. Some existing studies have examined multiple dimensions of attraction including social, physical, and task attraction. However, the mechanism behind these three attraction dimensions and parasocial interaction in social shopping websites has not been well examined. This study adopts technology attraction theory and parasocial interaction theory to analyze how three types of technology attraction affect parasocial interaction, which consequently influences users’ social commerce intention. This study conducted a survey to analyze the proposed empirical model and analyzed data from 248 social shopping website users. The results indicate that social attraction and task attraction positively and directly affect the users’ parasocial interaction. In contrast, physical attraction indirectly influences users’ parasocial interaction via social attraction and task attraction, respectively. Parasocial interaction consequently influences users’ social commerce intention. Discussion, limitations, and implications of the study are presented.  相似文献   

分子生物传感器是由生物大分子通过基因重组或DNA合成所构成的传感器,能够实时、可视化探测活细胞及活体内关键分子事件。目前研究热度高、应用广的分子生物传感器包括分子信标(MB)、共振能量转移系统(荧光共振能量转移和生物发光共振能量转移)和分子荧光互补系统(如双分子荧光互补、三分子荧光互补等)。文章介绍了这几类分子生物传感器的原理和特点,重点强调了它们在活细胞分子影像学中的运用,如:研究细胞内蛋白之间的相互作用,探索生物大分子在细胞中的定位、运动和动力学等。此外,还讨论了分子生物传感器的局限性和面临的挑战,并展望了未来发展方向。"眼见为实",分子生物传感器在这方面发挥独特的作用,它使我们前所未有地深入到细胞内部去观察生物分子事件乃至生物学过程,从而解答更多的生物学难题。  相似文献   

Developing a tourism forecasting function in decision support systems has become critical for businesses and governments. The existing forecasting models considering spatial relations contain insufficient information, and the spatial aggregation of simple tourist volume series limits the forecasting accuracy. Using human-generated search engines and social media data has the potential to address this issue. In this paper, a spatial aggregation-based multimodal deep learning method for hourly attraction tourist volume forecasting is developed. The model first extracts the daily features of attractions from search engine data; then mines the spatial aggregation relationships in social media data and multi-attraction tourist volume data. Finally, the model fuses hourly features with daily features to make forecasting. The model is tested using a dataset containing several attractions with real-time tourist volume at 15-minute intervals from November 27, 2018, to March 18, 2019, in Beijing. And the empirical and Diebold-Mariano test results demonstrate that the proposed framework can outperform state-of-the-art baseline models with statistically significant improvements at the 1% level. Compared with the best baseline model, the MAPE values are reduced by 50.0% and 27.3% in 4A attractions and 5A attractions, respectively; and the RMSE values are reduced by 48.3% and 26.1%, respectively. The method in this paper can be used as a function embedded in the decision support system to help multi-department collaboration.  相似文献   

Sparks in the dark: the attraction of electricity in the eighteenth century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bertucci P 《Endeavour》2007,31(3):88-93
Electricity was the craze of the eighteenth century. Thrilling experiments became forms of polite entertainment for ladies and gentlemen who enjoyed feeling sparks, shocks and attractions on their bodies. Popular lecturers designed demonstrations that were performed in darkened salons to increase the spectacle of the so-called electric fire. Not only did the action, the machinery and the ambience of such displays match the culture of the libertine century, it also provided new material for erotic literature.  相似文献   

分子材料和器件主要探讨共轭有机、高分子的设计、合成,研究其聚集态结构、分子之间相互作用,光电磁物理性质及相关现象,制备器件并研究其性能,是多学科交叉前沿研究领域。该领域发展迅速,取得了许多重要突破,但仍然蕴藏着重要创新机遇。经过几代人的努力,我国在该领域已有很好的研究基础,已经占有一席之地。  相似文献   

提高"微机原理及接口技术"教学质量的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“微机原理及接口技术”是电类专业一门重要的专业基础课,面对大学课程的增加、各课程教学学时的减少,探索教学模式,对提高教学质量、培养创新人才具有重要意义。本文从该课程的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段及实践教学进行探索与实践出发,指出建立一套采用多媒体技术辅助理论传授、实践验证及综合设计相结合的全方位的课程教学新体系,可有效地提高该课程的教学质量,还需进一步利用网络为教学开辟一个互动、多彩多姿的崭新环境,实现个性化学习,以提高教学质量及学生微机应用能力。  相似文献   

区域创新组合与区域经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹卫兵  王卉 《科技与管理》2004,6(1):109-111
从新的角度界定了创新的涵义,分析了区域创新组合的技术创新、制度创新、组织和管理创新,初步探讨了区域创新与区域经济发展的关系以及发展区域经济的创新对策。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a robust tube based model predictive control (RTBMPC) strategy for tracking problem of piecewise affine (PWA) linear systems. The core idea of the RTBMPC strategy is to robustly control an uncertain system through its nominal system and an additional feedback term which rejects a bounded additive disturbance. In tracking problem, RTBMPC strategy should be capable to steer the uncertain system to a given setpoint fulfilling the constraints. But if the setpoint changes, the controller may not success due to the loss of feasibility of the optimization problem. This paper employs several novel features to deal with tracking problem. First, the tracking problem is converted into the regulation problem by introducing an extra system called regulation nominal system that its constraints are translated from tracking into regulation. It leads to a reduction in complexity of the objective function. Then, the feasibility region is enlarged for given setpoint without increasing the prediction horizon by changing the terminal constraint set at different steps of RTBMPC problem solving. Simulation examples, including two different case studies, are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed RTBMPC.  相似文献   

基于区位引力场下的区域梯度推移粘性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏敏  李国平 《科研管理》2005,26(6):129-134
根据梯度推移扩散理论,高梯度地区产业总是在不停地向低梯度地区推移,根据梯度推移极化理论,高梯度地区的经济增长必然伴随着低梯度地区经济衰退而的出现。但我国的实际情况是:一方面,东、西部地区经济水平差距并没有减少并呈扩大趋势,而另一方面,我国东、西部地区都出现了经济增长。因而,传统的梯度推移理论已经无法解释我国的现实情况。本文基于区位引力场分析,发现我国东、西部地区在梯度推移过程中由于存在资本区位引力、劳动区位引力和技术区位引力等因素从而使得梯度推移出现粘性因素。  相似文献   

科技人才作为科技资源的基础,对促进社会经济发展起着关键作用。如何吸引优秀的科技人才来满足经济建设和社会发展的需要,已经成为各个国家和地区发展战略中的重要组成部分。为了更加全面、科学地衡量城市的人才吸引力水平,本文收集了2012年至2016年间北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州及苏州六个城市的宏观经济数据,并在此基础上对各地区人才吸引力的内部和外部环境进行了系统分析,构建了包含有人才流动吸引力、人才发展吸引力2个一级指标,经济发展水平、自然环境、生活环境等12个二级指标,以及GDP总量、人均GDP、GDP增长率等46个三级指标组成的人才吸引力指标体系及相关的评价模型,并且重点结合深圳市人才吸引工作的相关措施,对该市的人才吸引力水平进行了量化评价。同时,针对深圳市的具体情况,本文将其与广州、杭州等同类城市的人才吸引力优势与不足进行了深入分析比较,提出了提升该市人才吸引力水平的相关措施,并综合给出了其他城市的发展建议。  相似文献   

分子伴侣与蛋白质折叠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
井明艳  孙建义 《科技通报》2004,20(5):407-411
新合成的多肽链必须先经折叠和装配后形成特定的三维结构才具有活性.在多肽链折叠过程中,往往会产生折叠异常蛋白,形成集聚体.分子伴侣可有效地调控多肽链的正确折叠,从而避免集聚体的形成.文章主要对分子伴侣的定义、作用、种类、特性等做一介绍。  相似文献   

分子泵          下载免费PDF全文

文章讨论了分子成像的含义、价值、国内外发展现状、趋势与前景等,重点总结分析了最新分子成像方法的发展状况,简要分析了我国在此领域研究的现状,基于分子成像的重大发展前途,建议我国重视分子成像研究。  相似文献   

董忠  陈焕 《大众科技》2015,(3):141-142
针对目前工学结合的教学模式突出的问题,提出通过收集工作内容为教学原始资料,并经过专业团队的加工,再及时地拿来给学生集中上课,使学生很容易掌握和吸收,从而学到真正的知识与技能。解决原来"工学结合"教学模式的"形结而神不接"问题,大大提高教学效率。  相似文献   

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