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A technique is developed for approximating a two-dimensional (2-D) causal recursive digital filter using a strictly casual filter. This is done via singular value decomposition of two finite Hankel matrices and a certain mapping technique. Since the resulting filter is simpler than a causal filter and it is separable in the denominator, the implementation is advantageous and the stability check is very easy. An example is given to illustrate the utility of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

美国麻省理工学院大脑与认知科学院经实验研究.发现了在记忆过程中起关键作用的神经路径,能帮人们把相继发生的紧密事件联系在一起。相关论文发表在上周出版的《科学》杂志上。  相似文献   

The polynomial solutions of the equation fy″ + gy′ + λy = 0 are obtained and classified for f, g, and λ certain second-degree, first-degree, and zero-degree polynomials, respectively. Applications are given illustrating the use of these polynomials in the construction of amplitude functions and system functions and in tree counting. In particular, all-pole and rational filter functions are considered which include as special cases the Chebyshev, Butterworth, elliptic, Bessel, and various transitional filter functions.  相似文献   

分析了自适应匹配滤波器和向量自回归(VAR)时域白化滤波器.结果表明,通过最小化用误差平方之和估计的均方误差得到的参量滤波器系数和通过相同阶数的多通道最小二乘法得到的VAR滤波器系数是等价的.此外,还分析了VAR滤波器最小二乘估计器的渐进性能,分析了滤波器的运算量和杂波抑制性能.  相似文献   

Weyl points (WPs), nodal degenerate points in three-dimensional (3D) momentum space, are said to be ‘ideal’ if they are symmetry-related and well-separated, and reside at the same energy and far from nontopological bands. Although type-II WPs have unique spectral characteristics compared with type-I counterparts, ideal type-II WPs have not yet been reported because of a lack of an experimental platform with enough flexibility to produce strongly tilted dispersion bands. Here, we experimentally realize a topological circuit that hosts only topological bands with a minimal number of four ideal type-II WPs. By stacking two-dimensional (2D) layers of inductor-capacitor (LC) resonator dimers with the broken parity inversion symmetry (P), we achieve a strongly tilted band structure with two group velocities in the same direction, and topological surface states in an incomplete bandgap. Our results establish an ideal system for the further study of Weyl physics and other exotic topological phenomena.  相似文献   

Load voltage waveforms corresponding to symmetrical phase-angle triggering and integral-cycle triggering in single-phase thyristor circuits, and also the waveform due to half-wave rectification, are all discrete forms of amplitude modulation. In each case the modulated output voltage is obtained from a sinusoidal (supply) carrier signal by use of a rectangular modulating function, dependent on thyristor switching.The use of amplitude modulation (AM) techniques for frequency conversion in high power applications is subject to certain severe restrictions of performance. These restrictions can be largely overcome by the use of phase modulation (PM) methods which involve two channels of AM in each electrical supply line.Appropriate waveforms may be realised by the use of controlled switching of thyristors. These are arranged in combinations of inverse-parallel connected pairs forming subtractor modulators. Certain thyristor commutation problems arise in PM systems at high power levels. These problems can be overcome by producing so-called AM/PM waveforms that combine the separate advantages of AM and PM systems.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of a series of experimental investigations that have been conducted at The Johns Hopkins University on the effects of electric shock. Rats and dogs were used as the experimental animals. They were completely anesthetized before the experiments. Studies of the effects produced by electric current upon the nervous system and upon the heart are reported. Three types of circuits were used in the work, namely, direct current, alternating current, and the discharge of an impulse generator.In the first series of experiments, the effect of voltage was studied and it was found that low voltage alternating current circuits are much more deadly than direct current circuits of the same voltage. At voltages of 1,000 and higher the reverse is the case. In this work, the importance of the size of the animal as related to the injury was definitely established, larger animals being able to withstand a greater current than those small in size.The resistance offered by a body in an electrical circuit was determined. The resistance is made up of two parts—the contact resistance, and the ohmic resistance of the body proper. The resistances offered at the contacts are of the nature of a voltage drop and are largely independent of the current flowing. The importance of contact resistances in industrial accidents is emphasized.In a second series of experiments the effect of the current path through the  相似文献   

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