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This study examined emotion regulation (ER) as a mediator in the relation between early behavioral inhibition (BI) and later social competence (= 257), and whether this mediation varied depending on BI levels. Maternal report and observational measures were used to assess BI (ages 2 and 3). Children's ER strategies (age 5) and social competence with an unfamiliar peer (age 7) were measured using observational measures. Results showed that BI predicted less engaged ER strategies during a disappointment task, and engaged ER predicted higher social competence. Engaged ER mediated the effect of BI on social competence, but only for highly inhibited children. Findings elucidate developmental trajectories of risk and resilience, and suggest targeting regulatory strategies in early prevention efforts with highly inhibited children.  相似文献   

Interpersonal rejection and intergroup exclusion in childhood reflect different, but complementary, aspects of child development. Interpersonal rejection focuses on individual differences in personality traits, such as wariness and being fearful, to explain bully–victim relationships. In contrast, intergroup exclusion focuses on how in‐group and out‐group attitudes contribute to social exclusion based on group membership, such as gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and nationality. It is proposed that what appears to be interpersonal rejection in some contexts may, in fact, reflect intergroup exclusion. Whereas interpersonal rejection research assumes that victims invite rejection, intergroup exclusion research proposes that excluders reject members of out‐groups to maintain status differences. A developmental intergroup social exclusion framework is described, one that focuses on social reasoning, moral judgment, and group identity.  相似文献   

The principle of developmental dissociations is illustrated as a technique for studying functional brain organization in developing children with and without frank brain damage. Specific developmental dissociations described include disparities between (a) the cognitive and motor systems; (b) declarative and procedural knowledge; (c) fine motor, orthographic, oral language, reading, and writing function; (d) corresponding orthographic-phonological code connections; and (e) lexical analysis and lexical selection in reading. The educational implications of these dissociations are discussed. First, the developmental dissociations observed between the cognitive and motor systems and between declarative and procedural knowledge in motorically impaired individuals suggest that sensorimotor experience may not be a prerequisite for all intellectual development, as Piaget claimed, and that an abnormal sensorimotor period may impair the acquisition of procedural knowledge relatively more than the acquisition of declarative knowledge. Second, the dissociations observed among fine motor, orthographic, oral language, reading, and writing function support a model of noncontingent, normal variation or developmental independence in acquiring neurodevelopmental skills and academic skills, which fall along a continuum in a range typically found in normally developing readers and writers and which vary considerably within and across individuals in their relative level of development. Third, the dissociations between corresponding orthographic-phonological codes can contribute to problems in acquiring word recognition skills. Finally, the dissociation between lexical analysis and lexical selection accounts for children who can extract meaning from silent reading of text but whose oral reading is dysfluent. We argue, in keeping with the spirit of the Piagetian tradition, that developmental dissociations offer a technique for dissecting the components of biofunctional brain systems and thus for studying the constructive processes of the learner whose nervous system continually interacts with the environment.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between children's early life experiences with parents, ego resiliency and ego undercontrol, and peer group social status in a longitudinal, multimethod study from infancy to middle childhood. Participants were 129 children (52% boys) who were followed from 15 months of age to 9 years and their primary caregivers from the Nijmegen Longitudinal Study on Infant and Child Development. The measurements included observations of parent–child interaction, teacher ratings of ego resiliency and ego undercontrol, and peer‐reported social status. Quality of parental interactive behavior was associated with ego resiliency and ego undercontrol. Ego resiliency and ego undercontrol were uniquely related to preference and popularity. The findings provide insight into the developmental pathways leading to the two distinct types of social status.  相似文献   

One of the major adaptations during the infancy period is the development of the ability to cope with arousing or uncertain events. The following study was designed to examine emotion regulation strategy use between 6 and 18 months. 75 infants (25 each of 6-, 12-, and 18-month-olds) were videotaped interacting with 3 female strangers. Coping strategies were coded using a portable computer with a continuous sampling program, enabling coders to record both frequencies and durations of behaviors. Results indicated that 6-month-olds were more likely than 12- or 18-month-olds to use gaze aversion and fussing as their primary emotion regulation strategies, and were less likely than the older infants to use self-soothing and self-distraction. 18-month-olds were more likely than the younger infants to attempt to direct their interactions with the strangers. Infants' strategy use also differed as a function of their wariness of strangers, particularly at 12 months of age.  相似文献   

进化发展心理学是在现代生物学、生态学等学科的影响下形成的一个新的学科分支,走一种从种系发生来解释人类发展的新理论视角。它试图以达尔文进化发展的机制来解释人类各种心理与行为的进化意义,并通过汇总各个领域的研究资料、设计进化实验等途径和方法来探讨人类心理和行为产生与发展的机制。  相似文献   

情绪调节策略与记忆研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
情绪调节策略和记忆的关系是近几年逐渐兴起的一个研究领域,对于进一步认识情绪与认知的关系、形成有效的情绪调节策略、提高教学和学习效率、促进儿童青少年的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对情绪调节及其策略、情绪调节策略和记忆的关系的理论和实证研究进行了评述,指出情绪调节策略与记忆材料性质之间存在复杂的交互作用,并受到注意资源分配、个体情绪体验、认知能量损耗、认知加工策略等诸多因素的综合影响。最后讨论了情绪调节与记忆关系的研究方向。  相似文献   

The authors explored emotion regulation (ER) among 25 counseling professionals (master's-level counselors-in-training and counseling supervisors) using grounded theory and established 5 themes: (a) emotional experiences, (b) emotion processing, (c) metacognition, (d) emotional self-protection, and (e) emotional support. The emerging theory provides a foundation for teaching and practicing ER.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

理论范式和现代性议题:一个情感社会学的分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感是一种能力,是一种建构性因素,是生产一种社会秩序的一个核心的元素。情感深深植根于社会政治、经济、文化的背景网络中,其生成和固化有着深刻的社会制度烙印。情感既构成了人们行动的原材料,又构成了人们进行交流的符号象征和社会交流的工具。  相似文献   

This article makes the argument that the present discourse on developmental appropriateness needs to be expanded. Four points are made: First, the present discourse assumes a consensus about child development that is more apparent than real; second, it is premised on a suspect notion of broad, universal stages; third, it ignores an important alternative perspective to the dominant individualist perspective on learning and development; and fourth, it ignores an important alternative perspective to the dominant view of the relationship between learning and development. Critiques are made and alternative perspectives presented.  相似文献   

This article makes the argument that the present discourse on developmental appropriateness needs to be expanded. Four points are made: First, the present discourse assumes a consensus about child development that is more apparent than real; second, it is premised on a suspect notion of broad, universal stages; third, it ignores an important alternative perspective to the dominant individualist perspective on learning and development; and fourth, it ignores an important alternative perspective to the dominant view of the relationship between learning and development. Critiques are made and alternative perspectives presented.  相似文献   

The many adverse effects of child maltreatment make the scientific investigation of this phenomenon a matter of vital importance. Although the relationship between maltreatment and problematic emotion reactivity and regulation has been studied, the strength and specificity of these associations are not yet clear. We examine the magnitude of the maltreatment—child-emotion reactivity/regulation link. Studies with substantiated maltreatment involving children aged up to 18 were included, along with a smaller number of longitudinal studies (58 papers reviewed, encompassing more than 11,900 children). In comparison to nonmaltreated children, maltreated children experience more negative emotions, behave in a manner indicative of more negative emotion, and display emotion dysregulation. We outline several theoretical implications of our results.  相似文献   

A couple of years ago I attended a presentation at a professional meeting that made a major impact upon my life. The session, “Ways of Achieving Excellence in a Global Community,” included presentations by early childhood educators from Australia, Hungary and Finland. At the conclusion of this sharing of ideas regarding what other countries are doing to improve the lives of children, I overheard an American colleague whisper to her neighbor in amazement, “My God! We're a Third World country when it comes to child care.” Without contrasts brought out by this session, however, this educator might have never been open to the world of ideas for improving children's lives.  相似文献   

We are living in a fast-changing, technology-driven world, where technology affects the daily lives of every person, directly or indirectly. While the importance of providing young children with technological knowledge and experience has been well-recognized, how the curriculum should be developed deserves greater study. Using early childhood education in Hong Kong as a case study, this paper argues that to be successful in planning and implementing a technology curriculum, we cannot consider only the technological aspects. We also need to take into consideration the social and cultural factors. Among various social and cultural factors, this paper focuses on: (a) the background of the students and their parents, (b) society’s perceptions of technology, and (c) society’s expectations of children who learn about technology, and (d) the approach and method of teaching and learning technology.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of social and cognitive development and argues that while cognitive processes are clearly implicated in social development there is also evidence that social relationships affect problem-solving and “intelligent behaviour”. It is further argued that 4 foci: social responsiveness, social-relationships, social reasoning and social regulation — considered as development universals ought to be the focus of research. These “four R's” will need to be researched in different cultures. It is likely that while there may some universality, for instance in the age at which responsiveness and interaction with other children change, societies may nevertheless differ in what are thought to be desirable directions in the development of social responsiveness.  相似文献   

Vulnerability in Research: A Developmental Perspective on Research Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessing potential risks to children who participate in developmental research is a challenging task because children are a heterogeneous population, varying in developmental competencies and in background characteristics. This essay offers a developmental perspective on research risk, emphasizing that children's vulnerability to research risk changes in complex ways: some risks decrease with increasing age, some increase as the child matures, others change in a curvilinear fashion, while some remain essentially stable with development. Because vulnerability in research does not simply decline linearly with age, assessments of research risk must entail multidimensional considerations that vary over developmental time. In a similar manner, individual characteristics of children at any age (e.g., maltreatment, at-risk status, etc.) may also heighten their vulnerability to certain risks which require special consideration by researchers. Finally, this discussion of developmental vulnerability and the principles underlying research ethics suggests that in addition to the conventional risk/benefit analysis, researchers are in an optimal position to establish and maintain standards of decent treatment of children in research that safeguard their rights as research participants. Suggestions for fostering this process in the research community are outlined.  相似文献   

情绪调节是个体机能的重要方面,是个体适应与心理健康的关键机制.研究者主要从两个大方面考察了情绪调节的影响效果:一是情绪调节对认知过程的影响;二是情绪调节对适应的影响,主要包括对人际关系及社会交往、情绪及行为障碍、幸福感和学生学业成就的影响.未来的研究应从整合的视野建立情绪调节影响效果的完整系统.  相似文献   

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