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课堂话语互动与学习辩证地联接在一起。学习科学的新发展要求不应仅仅研究课堂话语互动环境与结果,更需要实时分析课堂话语互动过程。交互论证分析超越了传统的静态的图尔敏论证模式,能够动态地实时分析课堂话语互动。基于此,本研究聚焦于争论这一典型的课堂话语互动形式,借助交互论证分析,对研究案例进行三步骤分析,不但揭示了学生话语互动中所运用的交互形式,阐明了话语互动质量,而且清晰地描绘了课堂话语互动如何促进个体的深度学习,学生个体的意义构建如何影响小组论断形成,以及作为机构代表的教师如何促进学生的学习。研究表明课堂争论有效促进了学生的深度学习,同时也进一步指出构建新型的教师角色的必要性。  相似文献   

张洋  张艳雷 《海外英语》2015,(3):106+110
教师话语是指教师在课堂上为组织教学活动所说的语言,也是学生学习的目标语言,因此,英语教师的课堂话语在大学英语教学中起着重要的作用。该文首先阐述了课堂话语的作用,接着客观地分析了英语教师课堂话语的现状,并根据实际问题提出了优化课堂话语的策略。  相似文献   

教师话语是指教师在课堂上为组织教学活动所说的语言,也是学生学习的目标语言,因此,英语教师的课堂话语在大学英语教学中起着重要的作用。该文首先阐述了课堂话语的作用,接着客观地分析了英语教师课堂话语的现状,并根据实际问题提出了优化课堂话语的策略。  相似文献   

教师话语不仅是教师进行课堂教学的工具,而且是学生语言输入的一个重要来源。本文通过对目前教师课堂话语存在的一些问题,结合案例评析,提出了提升教师课堂话语的有效途径,着重强调了提升教师课堂话语对于呈现中学英语精彩课堂的重要作用。  相似文献   

本研究针对当前课堂师生话语互动中存在的问题,在课堂互动研究相关理论的基础上,构建了班级最近发展区的理论框架,将教师的课堂话语调度视为引领和协调全班学生跨越班级最近发展区的教学活动。基于对提取自小学数学课堂录像中的师生话语互动片段的分析,本研究从班级最近发展区的空间与容量两个维度出发,以“旋律”与“和声”为隐喻,阐释了教师通过话语调度来激发学生参与、协调个体与集体认知发展进程的现实表现。本研究揭示了教师的话语调度对于课堂学习活动有效发生的重要作用,指出了仅从外显的互动形式层面对课堂教学效果进行评价的局限性。  相似文献   

使用《高中英语教师课堂话语有效性研究调查量表》对X省8所中学的高中英语教师课堂话语的有效性进行了调查和研究。结果表明:高中英语教师课堂话语有效性总体情况良好;中学高级教师互动策略维度自我满意度较高;中学二级教师对自身课堂话语有效性的自我满意度较低;新入职教师对自身课堂话语有效性的满意度较高。据此,提出了提高高中英语教师课堂话语有效性的三条建议:一是加大以提高"课堂话语有效性"为主题的英语校本教研力度,充分发挥新入职英语教师的专业优势;二是构建"有效课堂话语研究"学习共同体,激发职业倦怠期教师群体的专业自主意识;三是开展"有效课堂话语"系列课题研究,加强中学高级教师的专业引领功能。  相似文献   

教师课堂话语是教师课堂教学的重要工具,教师课堂话语的使用数量和质量直接影响教师课堂教学质量和学生的学习效果。本文旨在运用言语行为理论分析初级朝鲜语教师课堂话语,揭示目前朝鲜语教师课堂话语存在的问题,以期帮助朝鲜语教师改进课堂话语,提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

外语课堂教学是学习者习得第二语言的重要环节,教师话语是外语课堂的重要交际媒介,它不仅是学生接触英语的来源,同时也是教师讲解知识和指导学生的工具。本文分析了外语课堂中教师话语的现状,进而提出了提高教师课堂话语的途径,以改善课堂教师话语的质量,提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

教师课堂话语在教师教学过程中起着重要的作用,教师课堂话语霸权现象是学界重点关注的问题之一。真正的课堂话语霸权必须要消解,但课堂上教师的积极把控还是必要的。本文探讨了教师话语在哪些方面可以适当地行使"霸权",即掌控权。建议教师在课堂节奏的把控、话语表达方式和对文本解读方面实施掌控权。  相似文献   

课堂教学主要借助话语来实现,教师作为独特的个体存在于课堂内,在话语这一工具的帮助下与诸多个体发生联系,“没有教师与学生之间外在的、物的相互作用,要由一个人把思想、知识、经验传授给另一个人是不可能的。”师生双方作为参与主体,都具有支配课堂教学话语的权力,即通过言说对课堂教学过程进行控制或支配。然而,在我国传统的课堂教学中,教师有意或无意地过多享有课堂话语权,学生则近乎“失语”。当前进行的基础教育改革追求的是学生的价值引导与自主建构相统一,注重的是学生探究知识的过程。  相似文献   

公共话题转换为话语,有两种方向性选择:公共话语或个人话语。排除公共话语出场的刚性条件,本文倾向于在表意明确的语用环境下选择个人话语,这是基于目标受众、时空限制、话语模式可复制性、关键词新颖度、未知信息/已知信息含量、语用成本、受众能量消耗等方面的综合考量。选择修辞化的个人话语,有利于重建"表达—接受"互动过程中的共同点,激发"人是修辞的动物"的潜能。个人话语是思想空间和认知向度的修辞化突围,但不是"去公共化",相反,前者并不拒绝非个人话语资源。非个人话语资源如何组织进个人话语的修辞结构,而又能摆脱公共话语压力,是表达者的个人智慧,也是心灵自由的话语表征。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to contribute to understanding the interplay between students' disciplinary engagement and their identity construction. The term appropriation, borrowed from scholars in linguistics and education, was chosen to capture this broader sense of productive learning that sits at the nexus of disciplinary engagement and identity. Appropriation implies deep conceptual understanding, but it also involves a reflexive process of transforming scientific discourse in a way that is authentic and personal. The core aim of this article is to turn the term appropriation into a theoretical construct by means of an analytic process of defining, operationalizing, and testing the definition against student interview and classroom data. Five discourse markers for operationalizing appropriation were discovered through this process. Appropriation, in our study, implies students’ discourse is (A) an expression of a personal “signature“ idea, (B) grounded in the discipline, (C) thick, in that it involves a metacognitive and epistemological dimension, (D) non-incidental, in the sense of being consistently used throughout classroom activities, and (E) a carrier of social relationships, in that it positions the student within classroom. The study is grounded in an extended intervention on thermodynamics in an Italian secondary school class (grade 12).  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing attitudes of a group of young adults towards asylum seekers in the UK. Based on the experience of sixth form students attending a workshop hosted by a former refugee from Pinochet's Chile, it argues for the importance of personal stories and their wider contexts and suggests that each is necessary to enable understanding of the other. The paper addresses the ways in which these students were enabled to confront and contest the populist anti‐asylum discourse prevalent in the UK. The deconstruction of socially constructed barriers that had filtered their perceptions of communities beyond their own immediate environment was central to their shift from initial hostility through sympathy to greater understanding. This is analyzed in terms of risk. The paper concludes by acknowledging the power of the dominant discourse on asylum seekers and by suggesting that time must be made for tolerance.  相似文献   

会话语篇和书面语篇各有特点,解读这两类语篇的连贯性也各有不同的依据。文章分析认为合作原则和关联准则是解读会话语篇连惯性的有效依据。依赖语篇本身的衔接手段、主题和关联准则能有效解读书面语篇的连贯性。  相似文献   

语篇的理解是一个语言与思维相互作用的复杂过程。在语篇的理解中,功能语法的语篇分析理论无疑给我们提供了有益的启发。本文从功能语法的语篇分析理论出发着重探讨该理论在语篇理解中的运用,以帮助语言学习者提高其语篇理解力。  相似文献   

认知语境在话语理解中占有十分重要的地位,它揭示了话语理解的认知心理依据,制约着对语言的理解。话语理解与人的思维活动是密不可分的,它们相互作用、相互影响。本文探讨了认知语境与话语理解之间的关系及其制约作用。  相似文献   

This paper argues that professional discourse relating to subject knowledge for primary teaching is less than coherent in the context of initial teacher training (ITT). This study explored the ways in which the term subject knowledge was conceptualised and interpreted by beginning primary teachers. The research was conducted across two ITT partnerships with final-year undergraduate trainees. Data were collected via questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and participatory visual methods. The findings indicated that conceptualisations of subject knowledge were highly individualised and dependent on personal factors, rather than reflecting a shared understanding of a critically distinct concept.  相似文献   

批评性话语分析的目的主要地是通过分析话语文本来揭示话语,意识形态和权势之间的关系。本文首先介绍批评性话语分析的相关知识,然后运用批评性话语分析方法,主要地从词汇选择,人称代词,情态和语篇等四个方面来分析米歇尔·奥巴马在2012民主党全国代表大会上的演讲,探讨她是如何构建语言来为助阵奥巴马的总统竞选。  相似文献   

本就20世纪古代论研究中的意识形态型话语的历史流变、话语特征、运作方式进行了剖析,并给予相应的学理反思。  相似文献   

This article has the apparently contradictory aims of describing a discourse of new teachers that is at odds with the policy‐derived competence‐based discourse of the professional standard for teachers, and of also seeking to find some points of connection that may help start a dialogue between policy and research. The experience of new teachers is conceptualised as personal stories of identity formation with a clear emotional‐relational dimension and a sense of self and intrinsic purpose in which others, especially colleagues and children, are central – themes not visible in the standard. The empirical context is that of new teachers in Scotland but the argument is supported through a wider literature that extends beyond the traditional limits of teacher education, drawing on, for example, notions of self‐identity, pure relationship and ontological security in the work of Giddens. Whether a more constructive dialogue can begin depends partly on the extent to which the formal standard can be expected to capture the complex, personal nature of the beginner’s experience, and partly on the possibility of research identifying particular areas of competence, such as understanding difference, that connect in some way to the standard.  相似文献   

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