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This article examines different forms of state intervention in the history of broadcasting in South America. In contrast to “media imperialism”; positions, it is argued that the analysis of the evolution of broadcasting systems cannot be restricted to the role of international capital. Nor can the development of broadcasting in the region be understood as completely dominated by market mechanisms. On different occasions and for different reasons, domestic actors coalesced around the state to champion government‐run models against private broadcasting. Statist solutions, however, were ineffectual in changing the fundamental dynamics of the systems in place. Moreover, as they were often implemented by authoritarian governments, state models aggravated the problems for the existence of democratic broadcasting. Amid the hegemony of the private model and the globalization of media economies in the region, the discrediting of statist experiences makes it necessary to rethink alternatives to market‐dominated broadcasting.  相似文献   

Automated cataloging: the state of the art.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The art of cataloging is in a state of constant dynamic change. The capabilities of automation are causing changes in the tools we have at our disposal, the education and training we need to work with these tools, the caliber of staff we use at various stages of the cataloging process, and the physical form of the end product of the efforts of the catalog department. But perhaps of more importance is the cooperation and sharing between libraries on both the national and international level that become possible as the result of automated systems.  相似文献   

Research question or topic formulation is an important skill for individuals to learn in order to become information literate. There are few reports in the literature on how to teach this skill and assess the instruction delivered. This article presents instructional strategies and an active learning activity that librarians can use to teach students how to develop research topics.  相似文献   

Computerization of library services is intended to modernize the entire library system in Nigeria as in the industrialized countries, and to ensure accuracy, efficiency, effective information management, reliable user services, enhanced interlibrary co-operation and library prestige. By 1985, only the library of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, had succeeded in automating its library services. Other libraries are mostly at the trial stage. University and research libraries and the National Library of Nigeria are leading the race to computerize their services. Lack of co-operation between libraries is an obstacle to library automation in Nigeria. Some librarians are not sure whether computerized library services would thrive owing to problems of poor funding, inadequate physical and environmental facilities such as low grade buildings, unreliable power supply and the scanty amount of information holdings in most of our libraries. Staff computer training, standby power generating plants, competent personnel, computer technicians and support for computer acquisition and hardware maintenance are major factors to consider before any Nigerian library decides to automate its services. In future, use of natural language by computers will make computers more user friendly. Installation of mini- or microcomputers, with powerful information storage capacity, rather than main frames are recommended for small Nigerian libraries with fewer than 20000 book titles, but which wish to automate their services.  相似文献   

Business school graduates often lack basic communicative competence in the sciences. Business librarians and business education should respond to the needs of rapidly growing science-related industries by teaching students how to acquire basic knowledge in the sciences. Science reference materials found in most university libraries are an excellent source of basic scientific information. Information resources covering major areas of scientific inquiry are described int this article.  相似文献   

在一个平常的日子里,我慕名拜访了中国现代文学馆馆长舒乙先生. 中国现代文学馆是中国现代文学的资料中心,具有国家级博物馆性质,集文学博物馆、文学图书馆、文学档案馆和文学资料研究及交流中心的功能于一身.它的主要任务是收集、保管、整理、研究中国现当代作家的著作、手稿、译本、书信、日记、录音、录像、照片、文物等文学档案资料和有关的著作评论以及文学期刊、报纸等.  相似文献   

In this article the authors present a study of the use of documents by a small group of art conservators in the Philippines. Documents are important for these conservators, but not just, or even primarily, for their role as memory devices. Also important are the functions they play in creating a sense of professional identity, for mediating the tensions created by a bureaucratically structured workplace and an occupation traditionally organised around notions of craftsmanship, and as creators of persuasive evidence for clients.  相似文献   

科学数据和科研档案的管理协同:框架和路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学数据和科研档案是国家科技创新和经济社会发展的关键基础设施,同属科研信息资源体系,具有密切联系,但在实践和研究中两项工作就像是“平行线”,交集甚少。通过对有关科学数据和科研档案的学术文献、政策文本,以及网络调查和实地调查获得的相关事实数据进行分析,根据管理协同的相关理论与框架模型,可构建由制度规范、组织分工、业务方法、数据资源、信息服务等要素构成的管理协同框架,并在框架指导下提出推动共同问题走进制度视野、构建新型协作模式、加快数字化和数据化进程、探索应用开源软件工具、夯实安全保障体系等实施路径,以共同应对科研信息资源管理在体制、法规、管理、技术等领域面临的挑战。  相似文献   

以《全民科学素质行动规划纲要(2021—2035)》和《现代科技馆体系发展“十四五”规划(2021—2025年)》为主要背景,结合各类科普场馆所诞生的历史背景和各自特点分析了倡导科学方法、传播科学思想、弘扬科学精神和科学家精神的时代使命。在此基础上,分析并提出了科学文化建设对科普场馆的要求,从实现科学文化价值引领的角度对现代科技馆体系建设提出了提升战略意识、加强学术研究、打破专业壁垒等建议。  相似文献   

王彦 《中国博物馆》2001,(3):78-80,86
关于讲解风格 ,一些讲解界的前辈曾作过一些论述 ,普遍认为讲解作为一种“准艺术”其风格存在的客观性。本文试以社会学和心理学的理论对讲解风格在个体和具有一定范畴的团体中存在的原因作进一步的解释 ,并对影响其形成的因素加以分析。讲解风格是讲解者在讲解活动中所体现的个性化特征 ,它是一个讲解员或一个讲解群体在长期的讲解生涯中形成的一种稳固的带有独特内质的行为特征 ,是讲解员内在心理和外在行为的具体表现 ,也是讲解员在讲解工作中一生追求的目标之一。讲解风格的不断完善是讲解工作艺术性趋于完美的最高境界。讲解风格分群体…  相似文献   

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