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文章提出了建立我国物流文化的框架性基本思路,包括物流经济文化、物流系统文化、物流管理文化、物流技术的构想,还提出了物流文化的定义(狭义定义),即人们对物流活动全部理念和整体运行过程的认识,并对发达国家的物流文化的特点--“服务中心说“、“利润中心税“、“成本中心说“进行了比较分析,在借鉴国际先进物理理论的基础上,笔者创新了“本土物流“、“合理物流“、“规模物流“、“高级物流“、“诚信物流“的物流理念.  相似文献   

当前我国物流产业存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国物流产业存在的主要问题是:物流职能分散,运作效率低;缺乏协同竞争,第三方物流市场薄弱;缺乏先进管理,物流信息化滞后;物流理论研究滞后,物流人才紧缺;传统物流核算掩盖了物流成本的真面目。解决这些问题的对策是:加快物流学科建设,建立物流标准化体系;创造现代物流环境,提高物流绩效;加快物流设施建设,改善物流管理技术;缔结物流战略联盟,构筑一体化物流战略;开拓全球性物流,寻找全球性物流空间等。  相似文献   

文章从四川省区域物流发展出发,对北川县域物流进行了研究,介绍了北川县域物流的基本情况,分析了北川县区域物流发展中存在的问题,提出了北川县区域物流规划措施,从而提高北川县区域物流发展水平,有效地改善民族地区经济状况。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了按物流主体分类的物流类型,然后分析了湘电物流的优势和机遇、湘电物流的劣势和挑战,最后结合湘电物流实际和相关物流理论提出了湘电物流发展的对策与具体建议。  相似文献   

本文将物流基地按其依托对象分为交通枢纽型物流基地、制造型物流基地及商贸型物流基地三种类型,论述了每种类型物流基地的业务发展模式,在此基础上,以重庆寸滩-金山物流基地、重庆铁路物流基地、重庆上桥物流基地为例探讨了重庆物流基地的类型及业务发展模式。  相似文献   

目前,国内物流市场结构性供需失衡问题日益突出。一方面,从物流供给来说,一些低层次、单一的和低技术含量的物流服务供给过剩,而高层次、综合性和高技术含量的物流服务供应不足;另一方面,从物流需求来看,由于自办物流的比例过大,专业物流市场的有效需求不足。本文剖析当前企业物流外协存在的种种障碍,指出物流市场需求不足制约了物流市场的发展。同时分析了作为第三方物流企业发展要素的规模、现代化管理和信息技术,由于程度不等地存在着发展不平衡的问题,严重制约了我国第三方物流供应市场的发展。在此基础上,提出了解决物流市场供需结构失衡问题的措施。  相似文献   

物流产业整合是优化物流产业结构、实现物流一体化运作、提升物流产业国际竞争力的主要途径,是促进社会经济发展的重要动力,是物流产业发展到一定阶段的客观要求.本文分析了河南省物流产业整合的环境、物流产业整合的要素、物流产业系统整合和物流产业整合方式几个方面构建了河南省物流产业整合的模式.  相似文献   

从学科重组的角度探析物流学学科的建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从学科交叉和重组的角度 ,分析了物流学学科的发展沿革 ,提出物流学学科的产生是学科重组的必然 ,必须对物流学学科体系进行研究和梳理 ,在此基础上 ,对高层次物流教育的学科体系进行了设计 ,对物流管理、物流工程和物流经济三个子学科的内涵分别进行了阐述 ,最后对高层次物流教育和学科建设提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

本文对物流全球化这一概念进行了阐述,并就推动物流全球化的动力进行了分析.在此基础上,提出了以联运企业的网络经营,改善物流系统的低组织化状态;建设高起点的物流基础设施,提升国内物流系统在国际物流系统中的地位;促进运输代理国际化,实现地区物流系统与国际物流系统的衔接;培育国际性的物流中心城市;与其他国家和地区政府加强合作等策略.  相似文献   

第三方物流管理信息系统的分析与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
物流管理信息系统是第三方物流企业构建现代物流的中枢神经。本文在分析业务流程、数据流程和功能需求的基础上,给出了第三方物流管理信息系统的完整设计方案,实现了物流、信息流和资金流的集成,满足了第三方物流企业对物流全过程的高效管理,具有实用性。  相似文献   

实验教学是培养大学生实践能力、创新意识和科研素养的重要手段,实验教学质量评价有助于提高实验教学水平,促进实验课程体系和实验教学内容的持续改革与创新,提高实验教学质量。 本文从提高实验教学质量为出发点,介绍了地方高校实验教学工作的基本流程,以及建立实验教学质量保障体系的意义及内容,并构建了实验教学质量评价和监控体系。  相似文献   

对高校教学质量评价体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学质量评价是教学管理的一项重要内容。通过对教学活动系统的分析,探讨教学质量评价的内容、建立质量评价指标体系应注重的问题。教学质量评价还涉及到对教学质量评价表的用途及编制的理解。  相似文献   


Differentiated instruction is considered to be an important teaching quality domain to address the needs of individual students in daily classroom practices. However, little is known about whether differentiated instruction is empirically distinguishable from other teaching quality domains in different national contexts. Additionally, little is known about how the complex skill of differentiated instruction compares with other teaching quality domains across national contexts. To gain empirical insight in differentiated instruction and other related teaching quality domains, cross-cultural comparisons provide valuable insights. In this study, teacher classroom practices of two high-performing educational systems, The Netherlands and South Korea, were observed focusing on differentiated instruction and other related teaching quality domains using an existing observation instrument. Variable-centred and person-centred approaches were applied to analyze the data. The study provides evidence that differentiated instruction can be viewed as a distinct domain of teaching quality in both national contexts, while at the same time being related to other teaching domains. In both countries, differentiated instruction was the most difficult domain of teaching quality. However, differential relationships between teaching quality domains were visible across teacher profiles and across countries.


实验教学是造就创新性人才的摇篮。提高实验教学质量,有利于创新人才的培养。分析了实验教学质量不高的主要原因,提出了提高实验教学质量的几种有效途径。  相似文献   

基于网络协作学习理论,围绕"C程序设计"课程建设目标,在建设立体化课程教学资源的同时,构建了基于Wiki的网络协作教学支撑平台。通过教学实践,不仅强化了优质教学资源的共建共享,也对进一步提高课程教学质量,促进人才培养模式改革产生了积极作用。  相似文献   

以教学基地建设搭建实践教学改革平台   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学基地的建设以服务实践教学为主旨,注重内涵建设,科学制定管理办法和验收指标体系。通过教学基地建设,显著地改善了实践教学的条件,有力地促进了实践教学改革与发展,确保了实践教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between the type and quality of science teaching strategy and student engagement. Teachers and their students in middle and high schools were observed on ten occasions. A total of 60 observations were made of all teachers and ten of each of their students. During each observation period, the type and quality of implementation of teaching strategy was identified and student engagement was rated. Data collected were examined by regression analyses. The results indicated that the type and quality of implementation of teaching strategies did significantly and positively relate to student engagement. Analyzed individually, the type of teaching strategy predicted 12 per cent of the variance in engagement, while the quality of teaching strategy predicted 35 per cent. Overall, the type and quality of teaching strategy predicted 37 per cent of the variance in engagement. The data also showed that the more indirect the teaching strategy, the greater the students' involvement in learning tasks.  相似文献   

为了解高校分层次教学现状,提高大学英语教学质量,本文对参与分层次教学的5名教师和600名非英语专业本科学生进行了问卷调查和访谈,并对不同层次学生的回答进行了比较。结果表明,不同层次的学生对分层次教学的接受程度有显著差异。目前的分层教学在层次划分、教师素质、教学方法、课程设置方面还存在问题,文章有针对性地提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Comparing self-perceived quality of teaching to students’ perception can be used in higher education to improve the quality of teaching of pre-service teachers in teacher education. However, comparing these measurements from different perspectives is only meaningful if the same constructs are being measured. To shed light on this comparison’s meaningfulness, we scrutinised whether aspects of quality of teaching are measured in the same way across pre-service teachers and their students by means of measurement invariance analyses. To do so, 272 pre-service teachers in teacher education rated aspects of their quality of teaching, and were rated by their 4851 students. Measurement invariance across these perspectives was tested in multilevel structural equation models. Strong measurement invariance held for two aspects of quality of teaching; for the third, one item lacked weak measurement invariance. Pre-service teachers perceived their quality of teaching lower than their students. In conclusion, aspects of quality of teaching can be compared across perspectives, and teacher education should encourage pre-service teachers to use students’ feedback as a valuable resource for improving their quality of teaching.  相似文献   

通过对高校实验教学评价现状的研究,在分析独立学院实验教学质量影响因素的基础上,构建实验教学质量评价指标体系,介绍Elman神经网络的结构和学习过程。将Elman神经网络运用到独立学院实验教学评价活动中,把实验教学评价指标量化成确定的数据作为其输入,实验教学质量水平作为输出,对模型的实用性和可操作性进行了验证,并提出了改进独立学院实验教学质量的具体措施。  相似文献   

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