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“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等会儿”不见了“等…  相似文献   

近些年来,作文作秀的现象已成了众矢之的。梦境多了,真情少了;忧郁多了,天真少了;深沉多了,清纯少了;抒情多了,记叙少了;概述多了,素描少了;柔情多了,激情少了;历史多了,现实少了;排比多了,平实少了;感悟多了,经历少了;上帝多了,自己少了。学生作文越来越  相似文献   

近些年来,作文作秀的现象已成了众矢之的。梦境多了,真情少了;忧郁多了,天真少了;深沉多了,清纯少了;抒情多了,记叙少了;概述多了,素描少了;柔情多了,激情少了;历史多了,现实少了;排比多了,平实少了;感悟多了,经历少了;上帝多了,自己少了。学生作文越来越偏离了自己的感情世界和真实的生活。  相似文献   

蒲公英飞了笑容绽开了你光着脚丫跑了烟花升起了瞬间美丽过了泪落了手机没电了打不通了就失去联系了鸟儿飞走了街道变凉了和你又相遇了走近了走近了却擦肩而过了结束了@迷云$陕西省榆林市第一中学高一  相似文献   

小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!小鸟冻僵了!v智救小鸟@余士新  相似文献   

按时起床最好了,自己叠被最好了。刷牙洗脸最好了,晨起锻炼最好了。自己上学最好了,安心听讲最好了。做事认真最好了,格守时间最好了。文明礼貌最好了,团结友爱最好了。艰苦朴素最好了,勤俭节约最好了。注意安全最好了,身体健康最好了。讲究卫生最好了,干干净净最好了。能文能武最好了,会唱会跳最好了。关心幼小最好了,帮助老人最好了。勤勤快快最好了,不徽不滑最好了。脚怀大志最好一了,心地宽阔最好了。学好本领最好了,报效祖国最好了。.﹃,,、之,、‘,r‘二﹄.、、幼儿“好了”歌@牟平 @杨小平~~  相似文献   

从前有个学生在日记中写道:"天亮了,我醒了,起床了。起了床,我就穿衣了,穿袜了,着鞋了,洗脸了,刷牙了,去上学了,回家了……"老师批阅道:"‘了’字大王,‘了’字用得太多了,不该用‘了’就不用‘了’,该用‘了’才用‘了’,希望今后少用  相似文献   

了了作答某小学生上作文课,作文题是《日记一则》。该生写了这样一篇:“天亮了,起床了,吃饭了,上学了,下课了,回家了……”老师看了给以下评语:“该用‘了’不用‘了’,不该用‘了’尽用‘了’,‘了’字用得太多了,希望以后少用‘了’。”  相似文献   

春姑娘来了,春姑娘来了|冰雪溶化了,杨柳抽芽了,桃树开花了,燕子飞来了,油菜花开了,麦苗儿笑了|春姑娘来了@沈燕~~  相似文献   

楼房越来越高了,但视野越来越窄了。高速公路越来越宽了,但车速越来越慢了。买的更多了,但享受的更少了。 约会更多了,但时间更短了。 话题更多了,但共识更少了。 知识更多了,但观点更少了。 专家更多了,但解决的问题更少 。 药品更多了,但健康更糟了。 我们拥有的东西更多了,但价值小了。 我们说的更多了,爱的更少了。 我们学会了营造生活,但却没有会享受生活。 我们已经去过了月球,但我们对居却不甚了解。 我们征服了外太空,但却没有征内心世界。 我们净化了空气,却污染了自己灵魂。 我们的收入更多了,但良心更少 。 生产的数量提高了,但…  相似文献   

Students who graduated from a teacher education program at a large public university were contacted to determine if they were teaching. Those who were teaching were also asked if they were teaching in the communities where they lived prior to attending college. A comparison of the graduates who were community college transfer students and graduates who were university native students was conducted. The results indicated that community college transfer students were less likely to be teaching following graduation, but that those transfer students who were teaching were as likely as native students to be teaching in their communities.  相似文献   

《城口厅志》应只有一种版本,即刘绍文主持的道光24年刻本。所见三种印本中,四川本印刷时间更早,书版的毁损程度较轻。城口本、重庆本印刷时间约晚50年,书版的毁损程度较重,但印刷质量较好,内容更完整,并增补有少量光绪年间的材料。城口本中的补正出自近人,讹误较多。  相似文献   

文革期间的版权现象主要是废止与剥夺,它体现在有的作者的生存权利被剥夺;许多作者的作品所有权被剥夺;有些作者的创作权被剥夺;一些作家作品的发表权被剥夺;大多数作者的署名权被剥夺;大多数作者的报酬权被剥夺;一些作者对作品的改编权和修改权被侵害;一些作品的转载权被剥夺等方面。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of family structure and school variables on behavior disorders of children. The sample consisted of 1,162 white elementary school children. General information was obtained from school records, and ratings on behavior disorders were obtained from teachers. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analyses of variance. Results indicated that grade in school, sex, social class, ordinal position in the family, and teacher were important variables in the determination of behavior disorders. Whether or not the children were living with both of their natural parents, number of children in the family, if the children were in special education classes, and whether the children were older than usual for their grade in school were less important or were unimportant. The results, especially those that were not expected, were discussed.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of exceptional states in 384 children aged 6 years is presented. Predictors were six items of information in the domain of child development, four items were in the domain of social factors, and three items were maternal traits. Criteria were six of nine exceptional states on which there were enough cases for multivariate analysis. The AID-4 interaction regression method was the technique of analysis applied to data gathered by prospective longitudinal study. No consistent sets of predictors were found for the criteria. However, Coddington's Life Changes scores were frequently observed as prime sources of variance. Social class scores were also important influences on criteria of exceptionality.  相似文献   

The study investigated a scale developed to measure parents’ satisfaction with experiences of various aspects of their child's early education program. The Parent Satisfaction with Educational Experiences (PSEE) scale was co-constructed with parents and teachers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade programs in a large urban school district. Demographic and PSEE data were collected from a representative sample of 648 parents. Factor analyses yielded three dimensions of parent satisfaction with teacher contact experiences, classroom contact experiences, and school contact experiences. Multivariate analyses showed that parents with children in Head Start or kindergarten were more satisfied in all three dimensions than were parents of children in child care or first grade. Married parents were more satisfied with their teacher contact than were single parents and parents who were not employed full-time were more satisfied with their contact across all three dimensions than were parents who were employed full-time. Implications for fostering parent involvement were discussed.  相似文献   

We examined how preschoolers coped with anger in interactions with well liked and not well liked peers. The free-play interactions of preschool-aged children ( M age = 66.27 months) were observed for 6 months. The frequency, causes, and intensity of children's anger, as well as their anger-related reactions, were compared for incidents provoked by peers who were "really liked" to those provoked by peers who were liked only "a little bit." Although there were no differences in the intensity of anger provocations by well liked and not well liked provocateurs, children's responses to provocations by well liked peers were more controlled than was the case for anger provoked by peers who were not well liked. In general, boys were more responsive to how they felt about the provocateur than were girls. These findings suggest that anger episodes with well liked children were less stressful than those with peers who were not well liked.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted in which phonology‐based instructional strategies designed for improving spelling skills of elementary school children were compared against instruction strategies that relied only on visual exposure of words. The first study involved a total of 93 children. Of these, 46 were instructed by drawing their attention to the psycholinguistic nature of their spelling errors. The remaining 47 children in the comparison group were shown the correct version of all the words. In study II 15 children were placed in a treatment group and were taught phoneme awareness, and 15 children were placed in a comparison group and were exposed to printed words only. In both studies, posttests showed that children taught through psycholinguistic and phoneme awareness methods significantly outperformed the visual training groups. Further, these gains were retained after a period of 2 weeks. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The article describes a clinical sample of 87 boy victims of child sexual abuse and compares them to 226 girl victims. Boys were on average 6.3 years of age at onset of the sexual abuse; girls were 5.5 years. Boys were more likely to be victimized by someone outside the family than girls, but about two-thirds of the boys were abused by someone within the family. Male victims were more often abused by someone who sexually abused other children than were female victims. The majority of perpetrators were men; however girls were more likely than boys to be abused by men, and boys by both men and women. Only a small percentage of the offenders were women acting alone, but boys were more likely to be abused by women than girls. In addition, data on the role relationship between victim and offender and how these relationships differ for boy and girl victims are presented.  相似文献   

Affective processes and academic achievement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Achievement, empathy, depressive affectivity, aggression, and self-concept measures were obtained for 8-9- and 10-11-year-olds. Depressive affectivity and aggression were assessed by teacher ratings and self-reports. Empathy was assessed by audiovisual tapes. Measures were readministered to the younger group 2 years later. Achievement scores were highly stable. Significant test-retest correlations were also found for the affective measures. Self-reports were negligibly related to achievement. For girls, strong relations were found between empathy at age 8-9 and achievement in reading and spelling at age 10-11. Teacher ratings of depressive affectivity were inversely related to achievement for boys and girls at age 8-9, but significant at age 10-11 for girls only. Initial ratings of depressive affectivity were predictive of girls' subsequent achievement. A similar pattern was found for teacher ratings of aggression.  相似文献   

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