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关于毛泽东、周恩来合作关系定性的评价,以“紧密合作,相得益彰”、“但也存在不和谐不协调”较为实事求是;关于毛周合作关系地位、意义、作用的评价,金冲及的观点更具信史底蕴;关于毛周合作关系模式的认识与评价研究,说明人们对毛周合作关系在第一代领导集体中居于主导地位这一本质的逐步认识;关于毛周合作关系评价研究中的难点——毛周与毛洛、毛刘关系比较研究的评价,人们对毛周关系是大多数情况下处于主导地位的关系、“周恩来是新中国建设总体蓝图的重要设计者和组织实施者”这一塞观事实达成了共识。  相似文献   

再论“毛周体制”   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
“毛周体制”是“毛泽东主席、周恩来总理领导我们国家的时候” (邓小平语 ) ,中国最高领导层基本的组织体制和运行方式。其基本含义是 :以毛为核心 ,周为主要助手 ,毛周合作的组织体制 ;以毛为决策中心 ,周为办事中心—轴心的运行机制。从遵义会议到 1976年 ,各个历史时期及其重大事件 ,为“毛周体制”提供了雄辩的事实依据 ;党中央的常委分工提供了组织依据 ;江泽民的“主要助手”说 ,邓小平的“毛周并称” ,毛泽东的“轴心”说 ,以及纪念周恩来诞辰百年党中央的评价和十一届六中全会决议 ,为“毛周体制”提供了理性认识的权威依据  相似文献   

周恩来是毛泽东的主要助手,有客观存在的史实,有胜于雄辩的依据,更有权威的历史结论.因此,那种认为"突出周恩来,置刘少奇、朱德于何地"的悖论是不能成立的,不仅作为"主要助手"说的悖论不能成立,而且作为"毛周体制"说的悖论也不能成立."主要助手"说侧重于周恩来的历史定位;"毛周体制"说侧重于毛周关系,它从"领导体制"、"运行机制"的角度揭示第一代领导集体的本质特征和基本属性,它为周恩来历史定位提供了一个新的视角.  相似文献   

“毛周体制”说,不仅建国后能成立,建国前也能成立,有了“主要助手”说,“毛周体制”仍有深入研究的意义。“毛周体制”从集体领导及其运行机制的角度,揭示毛周合作的内在本质,其要点在于揭示了中央领导集体的组织体制及其运行机制。这对党建、特别是对领导班子建设具有重要意义。领导班子,不仅要有“核心”,而且应有“轴心”。“核心”、“轴心”体制及其运行机制的建设,是集体领导班子建设的要害所在。  相似文献   

周恩来理政治国26年的历史贡献   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国的总管家、人民的好总理、新中国建设总体蓝图的重要设计者和组织实施者,是周恩来理政治国26年的经典评价。1949—1976年,周恩来“贡献最大”说,“三领袖并列”说,20世纪中国“四伟人”说,都一定程度上隐含着对周恩来历史贡献评价欠准确、有缺失,本质上揭示了建国后26年,尤其是文革前17年,毛周贡献如何恰当评价,毛周关系如何深度把握、需要科学态度和理性思维的问题。  相似文献   

汪浩同志反复论述的“毛周体制”从法理上说是不存在的,从客观实际上说也是不通的。毛泽东周恩来有过长期的密切合作,但也有意见不一致的时候,或产生重大分歧的时候。“毛周体制”不是民主政治的体制,而是类似历史上的寡头政治,所以不宜宣传,不宜作为党的建设和国家制度的价值目标。  相似文献   

实事求是地对第一代领导集体形成过程及其运行情况作综合分析,我们就不会得出“‘毛周体制’说违背邓小平‘领导集体’说”的结论。“毛周体制”是第一代领导集体的主要特征和基本属性,是第一代领导集体成熟的重要标志。“毛周体制”所揭示的宝贵经验,对于落实“三个代表”,加强领导班子建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大革命时期,周恩来、毛泽东关于革命领导权等重大原则问题上的一致看法,为他们的合作奠定了基础;毛周合作40多年,至死不渝,原因很多,但实现共产主义之志,走农村包围城市之道,这“志同道合”,才是其中最本质的原因。遵义会议的全部成果可能就是在红军长征前,周毛之间达成了一致意见。在抉生死、定命运的关键时刻,毛周相互选择对方,这成了毛周合作领导体制的真正起点。  相似文献   

<正> 关于“人化自然”与美的关系问题,美学界有争论。一种观点认为,“人化自然”与美不存在任何关系;一种观点认为,“人化自然”是美的唯一形式。我持第三种观点:“人化自然”与美是两个相对独立的范畴,它各自具有独立的结构,其中只有一个层次是同一的,其余的层次是不相干的。  相似文献   

近年来关于教学过程中教与学的关系问题,众说纷纭。归纳起来,有三种主要观点:一、认为学生的“学是矛盾的主要方面”二、认为教师的“教是矛盾的主要方面”三、认为教与学都可成为矛盾的主要方面,“开始阶段,教是矛盾的主要方面”,练习阶段,学是矛盾的主要方面。总之,似乎真的“教为主导,学为主体”已陷入了“难以自圆其说的理论上的矛盾”的困境。  相似文献   

Using the conceptual model of reasoned action, one would expect that what teachers do with instructional materials would be influenced by their internal beliefs and their external constraints. In this two-year study with elementary teachers, using a supplemental science instructional resource,Superscience, it was found that teachers' internal beliefs about what will benefit their students are linked to the external constraints of their students' interests and the expected curriculum. Even if the teachers believed that the content of the resource would be helpful, they were not likely to use it if they believed it did not fit the expected curriculum.  相似文献   

The Crisis through which the world is passing is not a crisis of capitalism versus some other form of economic organization; it is not a crisis of war or peace; it is fundamentally a question whether man shall surrender everything that has been gained in his long, upward, and arduous struggle for freedom. Those who have lived under the blessings of free institutions tend not only to forget this struggle but are in danger of ignoring the fact that constant vigilance is the price that must be paid if these institutions are to be maintained and handed on. In a period of strain and tension such as the one through which we are passing today, at a time when millions do not know where they will get their daily bread, when youth feels that it is being deprived of its heritage, it is perhaps not a cause for surprise that there should be a tendency to follow the lure of plans and schemes that promise an easy way out without counting the sacrifice involved. Disappointed and disillusioned, men tend to be swayed more by their emotions than by their intelligence, more by promises for the future than by the realized achievements of the past and present, more by a policy of collective action than by a philosophy of individualism guided by the golden rule. From whatever point of view the crisis is viewed, the one fact that emerges is that the ideals of liberalism, freedom and democracy are being challenged both by their enemiesand by those who profess to be their friends. Liberalism as a social and political faith is gradually being crushed out of the world, and even in the few remaining countries in which it survives-the English-speaking nations, France, Belgium, Holland, and the Scandinavian countries, it is being challenged.  相似文献   

在会计专业学生上岗实习遭遇安置难的背景下,通过创新模拟实践手段,改进实训组织方式,强化专业训练过程控制,使校内模拟实践基本具备上岗实习的功效,从而提高实践教学的效果,实现人才品质的动态更新,并由此化解上岗实习安置难与人才结构需要变动快的矛盾,提高会计人才的培养水平。  相似文献   

This article reports the learning achieved by a group of trainee teachers about acts of collective worship (CW) organised in English primary schools. Using data gathered from non-participant observation questionnaires, it describes, from the viewpoint of observers, three main findings related to children and their learning, the position of CW in primary schools and their own learning about it. The findings reveal that children learn, among other things, values, dispositions, morals and issues connected to their self-esteem, reflection, prayer and spirituality. Participants consider these to be attempts to empower children to be active in out-of-school contexts. The data suggest that these trainees think that CW has a place in primary schools as it holds many benefits for the children, school and wider community. In terms of their own learning, the data shows that they learnt about the purpose and value of CW, their professionalism and the practice within their respective schools.  相似文献   

对南社诗人群体与“诗界革命”派之间的关系,学界多强调两者之间的相异处,但却忽略了两者之间的内在承传关系。实际上,如果我们不过分拘泥于因时移世异而表现出的两派诗人在政治倾向上的分野,而只从诗学精神的追求来看,则不难发现,无论是对诗歌功能的体认还是对诗歌形式的变革,南社诗人的诗歌创作与“诗界革命”的精神都表现出惊人的一致,某种程度上甚至可以说,南社诗歌是“诗界革命”的继承和发展。  相似文献   

Several states in the United States of America and countries in Europe punish parents when their minor child commits a crime. When parents are being punished for the crimes committed by their children, it should be presumed that parents might be held responsible for the deeds of their children. This article addresses the question whether or not this presumption can be sustained. We argue that parents can be blamed for the crimes of their children, not because they have the duty to control their children as is often maintained, but because they have the duty to assist their child to develop in such a way that s/he becomes a morally competent agent.  相似文献   

目前的初中学生最难教,初中教师最难当,初中校长最难做。缘何?因为教育观念莫衷一是、误区太多,初中学生又处于人生中的“多事之秋”,初中教师恰好处在教育系统链条中的“咽喉要塞”,初中校长更是置身于社会批评教育的“风口浪尖”当中。初中学生的鲜明特点在于强化“人生支点”的自我意识,初中教师的根本职责在于培植“人生支点”的坚实根基。初中校长的特殊使命在于扬起“人生支点”的前进风帆。夫如斯,不可不重视初中教育,不可不善待初中学生.不可不珍视初中校长和教师。  相似文献   

An inquiry into school context and the teaching of the virtues   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
If teachers' views of their work are strongly influenced by school-level processes, and if it can be shown that there is a tight connection between teachers' views of their work and their actual conduct in the classroom, then what students gain morally and intellectually from their experiences in school may be contingent, in important ways, on the avowed philosophy of the school and the commitment of the school principal to that philosophy. Although this chain of reasoning may be lengthy and somewhat fragile, it is filled with interesting implications. This paper is a first step in examining these potential connections. Using multiple case study methods, an analysis is presented around principals' and teachers' views regarding the school philosophy, the organizational structures that allow for its implementation, and to what any congruence between them might be attributed.  相似文献   

The example of teachers not seeking counselling was used. Some reasons for this situation were given as well as one possible way to change it by providing early information and training during the students' regular studies. My hope is that if teachers have the necessary information, abilities and positive experiences, when they have problems, it should be easier for them to use counsellors than it is for other today.Teachers were used as an example of how one group could be encounraged to make use of counsellors. However, similar strategies could be used with other groups whose jobs involve high personal stress (for example social workers, medical doctors etc.). The example of teachers was also used to show how change can be introduced within a system. Here it might be useful to develop the ability to work with a counsellor during the regular education, so that it becomes part of their understanding of their professional role.  相似文献   

教育行动研究是幼儿教师成长的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育行动研究是教师研究自身教育实践中的问题、改善教育活动质量的一种教育研究形式,这种研究形式使幼儿教师可以在自己的教育实践中,开展研究工作,在研究状态下进行教育工作。这对幼儿教师的成长起着重要的作用:可以提升幼儿教师的社会地位和学术声誉,促进其专业发展;唤起幼儿教师的主体意识,促进教师主动发展;幼儿教师的教育行动研究将会成为我国幼教改革“胶着期”的突破口。  相似文献   

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