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A questionnaire, as a basic tool of organization of scientific observation, consists of two schemas: a data schema that corresponds to the specifications and the conceptual determinations of scientific vocabulary and a communicative schema that organizes the communication between the scientists and respondents depending on the particular characteristics of the asked population. The objective of this paper is the design of a documentation model for the questions of a questionnaire that would allow the detection of similar questions throughout a database. Such a model can successfully manage the documentation problems of comparative longitudinal research, whereas the questions of a questionnaire are repeated and changed slightly or go unchanged through the waves. It can also help researchers that are concerned with secondary analysis, for the detection of similar questions of similar or even different studies.  相似文献   

Practices of news selection, presentation and distribution have been transposed to the domain of audiences communicating through network media. Media practices of journalists and “media-oriented practices” of audiences (Couldry) make use of the network as a common resource, merging into a new form of “news-based communication.” This new situation of public communication questions institutional approaches to journalism and the crisis it currently experiences. The paper proposes to regard journalism as a structure of public communication which is mutually enacted by journalists and audiences alike. Practice is outlined as a conceptual tool to study how social structures such as journalism can innovate. In practice, cultural schemas value resources of communication and endow actors with agency. As media of public communication are de-differentiated in digital contexts, practice offers a way to understand innovation as the gradual transposition of such schemas to new resources.  相似文献   

郭海红  李姣  代涛 《情报工程》2016,2(6):039-049
本文旨在构建一个中文健康问句分类方法,并通过对高血压相关的健康问句进行人工分类标注,分析公众的高血压相关健康信息需求,同时为研发高血压相关的智能中文问答系统提供语料基础。本研究基于临床问句分类及公众健康信息查询场景层次模型,构建一个四级中文健康问句主题分类方法,并由5位标注员独立地对从某中文健康网站上收集的将近10万条高血压相关提问数据中随机抽取的2000条样本数据进行人工分类标注,以优化和测试该问句分类方法的可靠性,构建标注语料库,并分析公众的高血压相关健康信息需求。5位标注员使用该分类方法进行独立标注的四级类目评判者间信度kappa值为0.63,意味着分类结果可靠,一级大类获得高度一致性(kappa=0.82),略优于国际上的同类研究。分布在治疗、诊断、健康生活方式、临床发现/病情管理、流行病学、择医六个一级类别中的问句分别占样本总量的48.1%、23.8%、11.9%、5.2%、9.0%和1.9%。所构建的健康问句分类方法可用于组织大型健康问题集,以提高检索效率;分类标注的样本问句可作为高血压相关健康问句自动分类研究的语料;得出的高血压相关健康问句主题分布有助于指导健康网站的知识资源建设。此外,所设计和采用的问句分类方法构建方式、语料标注流程、评判者间信度测量方法等,也可为开放领域及其他受限领域开展用户问句分类与语料构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

半结构化数据的特点有 :隐含的模式信息 ;不规则的结构 ;模式信息量大 ;模式变化快 ;先有数据 ,后有模式 ;模式是用于描述数据的结构信息 ,而不是对数据结构进行强制性约束 ;没有严格的类型约束 ;结构不完全。参考文献 13。  相似文献   

This study provides further validation of the relational message scales (Burgoon & Hale, 1987). The “preferred” relational message schema presented by Burgoon and Hale is shown to be internally consistent, reliable, and to reflect changes in communication as relationships increase in intimacy.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):342-362
The primary aim of this study was to analyze and interpret some aspects of the process of organizational identification in a corporate field setting. Specifically, the study focused on how an individual's identification (or identifying) with an employing organization influences on‐the‐job decision making. Past research efforts have been limited by their treatment of organizational identification as a product or state, rather than as a process. The wider perspective on identification is well represented by Herbert A. Simon and Kenneth Burke, whose writings were integrated to provide a theoretical framework for this study. While this study neither examined the phenomenon of identification over time nor placed it in a clearly‐defined causal chain, it explicitly recognized identification as a continuing development involving many changes. The study employed two methodologies for the examination of identification in a corporate field setting: moderately‐scheduled interviews that produced largely qualitative data and a questionnaire instrument that yielded quantitative data. The methods were “triangulated” so as to provide a more detailed “snapshot” of the identification process than either would offer alone; moreover, the “accounts” elicited in employee interviews yielded retrospectives on individual‐organization relationships. The results suggest the soundness of the theoretical framework advanced at the outset. Most employees who were interviewed saw organizational interests as directly relevant to work‐related decisions. Their comments as well as their questionnaire responses indicated that they also identified with the organization, thus offering support for the link between organizational identification and decision making.  相似文献   

This study explored how media technologies, TV content genres, and demographic and trait individual differences influence the amount of media multitasking while viewing TV, or “second screen viewing,” among college undergraduates. A dual structural and audience factor approach examines influences on multitasking while viewing TV, and a limited capacity theory guides an examination of the effect of TV genre on multitasking while viewing. Survey data reveal that media technology access, sex, age, trait immersive tendency, and multitasking preference predict greater multitasking and that individuals are most likely to multitask during sports content and least likely to during dramatic content.  相似文献   

National security controls on information and communication have been realized in Australia through various intelligence agencies and acts of the Parliament which, to varying degrees, restrict public access to documents regarded as essential to the “national interest.” This overview describes these entities and laws as well as the role of the Freedom of Information Act. It concludes that, in stark contrast to the United States, there has been a “freeing-up” of national security controls on information and communication in Australia in recent years.  相似文献   

Visual queries based on schema graphs simplify access to databases for technical and non-technical users. Unlike relational databases, in object-oriented databases, the basic entity in a query, i.e. a class, is frequently considered as a compound of several entities to which the query operations may apply, which causes the deficiency in describing an entity of designation. In this paper, we propose a visual query language object query diagram (OQD) for object-oriented databases, where a class is decomposed into a number of object sets, each of which is a set of values of one of the attributes of the other classes. By representing each class and object sets in the class using the well-known Venn diagram in a query, OQD explicitly presents all the entities to which the operations in a query can apply. We describe the syntax and semantics of OQD through a number of illustrative examples.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面对海量专利文献,如何使用户快速、精准地掌握知识,是优化专利服务的关键课题.中文专利文献中大量存在的零形回指现象,严重影响了知识的自动识别与提取,但由于专利文献零形回指识别与消解涉及到众多文本分析技术及特定资源建设,因此,目前尚未发现针对性研究.[方法/过程]在物性结构理论、语义角色及修辞结构关系理论的指导下,展开相关规则的研究,开发句法及语义角色标注工具和篇章标注工具两种工具,并构建了4个资源库:①"专利动词物性角色库",将专利的动词归纳为4类;②"专利知识论元结构库",用于自动标注专利动词物性角色及其论元结构;③"专利动词论元结构规则库",用于分析零形回指的先行语;④"零形回指修辞结构类型库",用于分析当零形回指搭配"功能角色"和"部件角色"的情况.[结果/结论]通过资源库的建设,得出5条消解规则.初步成果已成功应用于机械领域专利文献的自动处理工作.  相似文献   

Work has been going forward on the development of a frame of reference for locating and invoking digital information services and objects over communication systems and pathways having computational capabilities. An important concept in this context is the notion of a “digital object” as a set of sequences of bits, including a unique identifier for the object called a “handle”. A digital object may incorporate digital works and other digital information in which copyright, patent, trade secret and other rights or interests are claimed, although this need not always be the case. To take full advantage of the global information infrastructure, it is helpful for a commercial enterprise to develop a flexible terminology for thinking about digital information from a copyright perspective; in this regard, the concept of “digital work” is suggested. Clearance of rights and interests in connection with the “contents” of digital objects may be treated separately from compliance with procedures for accessing digital objects viewed as entities that incorporate and identify contents. A suggested legal framework is discussed.  相似文献   

Work has been going forward on the development of a frame of reference for locating and invoking digital information services and objects over communication systems and pathways having computational capabilities. An important concept in this context is the notion of a “digital object” as a set of sequences of bits, including a unique identifier for the object called a “handle”. A digital object may incorporate digital works and other digital information in which copyright, patent, trade secret and other rights or interests are claimed, although this need not always be the case. To take full advantage of the global information infrastructure, it is helpful for a commercial enterprise to develop a flexible terminology for thinking about digital information from a copyright perspective; in this regard, the concept of “digital work” is suggested. Clearance of rights and interests in connection with the “contents” of digital objects may be treated separately from compliance with procedures for accessing digital objects viewed as entities that incorporate and identify contents. A suggested legal framework is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of research library visions, as embodied in a publicly posted vision statement, and the innovativeness of the library. The literature on organizational vision is abundant and generally reveals a positive relationship between vision, visionary leadership, and a variety of organizational factors. Many researchers state that a vision, communicated throughout the organization, is a critical element of organizational success and those entities without a vision are “stumbling in the dark”. In this study, library professionals rated each research library vision statement based on established attributes and it was found that the resulting vision statement score was positively and significantly related to the innovativeness of the library.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been conducted in the field of hierarchical text categorization, little has been done on automatically collecting labeled corpus for building hierarchical taxonomies. In this paper, we propose an automatic method of collecting training samples to build hierarchical taxonomies. In our method, the category node is initially defined by some keywords, the web search engine is then used to construct a small set of labeled documents, and a topic tracking algorithm with keyword-based content normalization is applied to enlarge the training corpus on the basis of the seed documents. We also design a method to check the consistency of the collected corpus. The above steps produce a flat category structure which contains all the categories for building the hierarchical taxonomy. Next, linear discriminant projection approach is utilized to construct more meaningful intermediate levels of hierarchies in the generated flat set of categories. Experimental results show that the training corpus is good enough for statistical classification methods.  相似文献   

USPTO中我国专利引用状况的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专利制度给予专利权人一定期限的垄断权以换取技术信息的公开。专利间的引用是对在先公开的技术信息的一种有效的利用方式之一。专利间的引用关系不但能够展现出技术的扩散轨迹,也能够为研究国家的专利行为绩效提供相当丰富的定量研究素材。本文利用相关指标对我国在美国专利商标局(USPTO)数据库中的专利引用状况进行了描述和分析,并对我国专利事业的发展提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The “new” information poor are the individuals and communities who have computer and Internet connectivity, but cannot access scholarly information due to prohibitive costs. Pratt Institute's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) represents such a community and is the subject of this case study. Three measures were analyzed: SILS' four “core” classes were surveyed to determine how many required readings were available via the library; a survey was sent to 31 SILS instructors; and we conducted in-depth interviews with two SILS instructors. While “information poor,” the data suggest our respondents are resourceful in finding ways to cope with their disadvantage.  相似文献   

As one of the semi‐permanent exhibitions of the Wereldmuseum (World Museum) in Rotterdam, the subject of “The World of Enlightenment” is to show the “teachings” of Japanese esoteric Buddhism. It is distinguishable from those religious exhibitions whose focus lies in introducing the religious materials based on an art‐historical perspective or the classification of a defined style and historical period, as its scope sought to show the audience how the Japanese “secret teaching” is experienced “in practice,” namely, in the ritual context. In order to engage museum audiences in the spirituality of Japanese esoteric Buddhist presented in this exhibition, the curator and museum staffs construct five temple‐like structures to group the religious objects and highlight their usage in Japanese esoteric ritual. This exhibition review intends to present the special strategy that “The World of Enlightenment” employs to construct a sense of ritual scene to its audiences: certain installations are placed both inside and outside of the five temple‐like structures to refer to the “metaphorical presence” of both the Japanese esoteric priest and worshiper, in so doing to make these “imagined” temple setups more “lifelike.”  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which patent citations to papers can serve as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science using a comparative study with a control group, i.e., instant recognition papers. We identify the two opposite groups of papers by the Bcp measure, a parameter-free index for identifying papers which were recognized with delay. We provide a macro (Science/Nature papers dataset) and micro (a case chosen from the dataset) evidence on paper-patent citation linkages as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science. It appears that papers with delayed recognition show a stronger and longer technical impact than instant recognition papers. We provide indication that in the more recent years papers with delayed recognition are awakened more often and earlier by a patent rather than by a scientific paper (also called “prince”). We also found that patent citations seem to play an important role to avoid instant recognition papers to level off or to become a so called “flash in the pan”, i.e., instant recognition. It also appears that the sleeping beauties may firstly encounter negative citations and then patent citations and finally get widely recognized. In contrast to the two focused fields (biology and chemistry) for instant recognition papers, delayed recognition papers are rather evenly distributed in biology, chemistry, psychology, geology, materials science, and physics. We discovered several pairs of “science sleeping”-“technology inducing”, such as “biology-biotechnology/pharmaceuticals”, “chemistry-chemical engineering”, as well as some trans-fields science-technology interactions, such as “psychology - computer technology/control technology/audio-visual technology”, “physics - computer technology”, and “mathematics-computer technology”. We propose in further research to discover the potential ahead of time and transformative research by using citation delay analysis, patent & NPL analysis, and citation context analysis.  相似文献   

从分类思想探讨、标记符号设置、适用图书语种界定、分类组织成果、期刊分类实践、索书号加工工艺变迁的角度考析了民国历史上清华图书馆创立和使用的书刊分类法及其对图书馆工作的意义。  相似文献   

用传统分类表与叙词表编制Taxonomy 的理论可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Taxonomy概念可以理解为一个用于支持浏览功能的、基于某一特定环境或领域的概念等级体系。它由等级结构和主题词两个基本元素组成,在形式上结合了分类法和叙词表的特点,为用传统分类法和叙词表编制Taxonomy提供了理论可能性。但由于分类法、叙词表和Taxonomy在性质与功能上均有不同之处,在利用传统分类法和叙词表编制Taxonomy过程中会遇到一些问题,首先,分类法和叙词表在主题范覆盖范围方面可能满足不了Taxonomy的要求;其次,分类法和叙词表的两个基本元素,等级结构和主题词在多大程度上可被利用,有待进一步实证。另外,如何将环境因素结合到Taxonomy类表中,是个有待补充的问题。  相似文献   

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