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Multimedia technology allows precise coordination of linguistic and visual information and may provide teachers with tools for enhancing literacy foundations in children–especially those who might otherwise be at-risk for school failure. This research explores the hypothesis that a multimedia environment with dynamic visual support facilitates language comprehension when children listen to short stories. Kindergarten children heard stories in three conditions: Helpful video, in which dynamic, silent video accompanied the beginning of stories; No video, in which children only heard the stories; and Minimal video, in which static images of characters and places accompanied the beginning of stories. In all conditions, the ending of the story was presented without visual support. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that dynamic visual support can provide a framework for understanding and remembering linguistic information.This research was funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Development, grant P01 HD15051-12. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of that organization.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper reports on a study set up to investigate the effects of gender related differences in home range behaviour on the acquision of spatial and environmental skills amongst a group of children aged 8 to 11. The population was divided to form two groups (A and B) of similar sex composition and environmental experience. The children were informed that the aim of the project was to construct a map of an unfamiliar area which they were to visit. The two groups were ‘primed’ about their task in different ways, with children in Group B undertaking a slightly more complex exercise. The results show that whilst ‘priming’ has the effect of reducing disjunction between the spatial capabilities of boys and girls on simpler tasks, when the exercise is complicated boys do much better than girls in all but one of the spatial assessments. Such evidence lends further support to those who argue that the more extensive movements of boys through the environment leads to superior spatial ability. The educational implications of the results are considered.  相似文献   

Coordination of size standards by young children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Big" and "little" are inherently relational terms: whether an object is considered big or little changes as the standard of comparison changes. The present studies examined how 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old children use and coordinate 2 different kinds of standards: perceptual (object is compared to another physically present object) and normative (object is compared to a class standard stored in memory). Even the youngest children were capable of using both normative and perceptual standards. When children avoided a perceptual interpretation it was because they chose a conflicting normative interpretation instead. Thus, very young children can apply different standards of comparison when judging size.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the Primary Movement programme on the fine motor skills of children in an early years setting in an area of high social disadvantage. Primary Movement is a programme which can be used as an early intervention technique to help children inhibit persistent primary reflexes that have been shown to adversely affect motor and cognitive development. Previous research has found that the programme can have significant effects in increasing the motor and academic attainments of children, aged 8–11 years. A repeated measures design was used to evaluate the impact of the Primary Movement intervention, in comparison to a control intervention, on the fine motor skills of 65 Reception children, aged four to five years. The results from this study provide evidence that the Primary Movement programme had a significant effect on improving the fine motor skills of the children. This research provides further evidence to support the use of the programme within the Early Years curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present two experiments investigating the ability of children aged 4, 5 to 7 years to reason about temporal problems. The first experiment indicates that within the same problem space, temporal problems are not found by children to be of equal complexity, and secondly that children throughout the age range investigated were able to solve temporal problems with varying sophistication. The second experiment continued the investigation of temporal problem solving using a computer based task. Children’s performance was compared when were given feedback about the effectiveness of their solutions and when no feedback about the effectiveness of their solutions and when no feedback was given. The data suggested firstly, that feedback contributes to the level of sophistication of the solutions offered rather than to overall success, and secondly that the feedback condition contributes to an understanding of the problem space such that children who were given feedback were more effective problem solvers in a subsequent retest.  相似文献   

This study aimed at analysing traditionally taught children’s acquisition and use of shortcut strategies in the number domain 20–100. One-hundred-ninety-five second, third, and fourth graders of different mathematical achievement levels participated in the study. They were administered two tasks, both consisting of a series of two-digit additions and subtractions that maximally elicit the use of the compensation and indirect addition strategy (, so the answer is 2 + 1 or 3). In the first task, children were instructed to solve all items as accurately and as fast as possible with their preferred strategy. The second task was to generate at least two different strategies for each item. Results demonstrated that children of all grades and all achievement levels hardly applied the compensation and indirect addition strategy in the first task. Children’s strategy reports in the second task revealed that younger and lower achieving children did not apply these strategies because they did not (yet) discover these strategies. By contrast, older and higher achieving children appeared to have acquired these strategies by themselves. Results are interpreted in relation to cognitive psychological and socio-cultural perspectives on children’s mathematics learning.
Joke TorbeynsEmail:

Conclusions Play is an important part of the life of the young child, both at home and in school. In designing a play environment for handicapped children who are attending a preschool along with their nonhandicapped peers, the teacher needs to be aware of the needs and limitations resulting from the child's particular disability. This knowledge can be put to use in making the environment as productive as possible and providing play opportunities that are fun, educational, and practical for each child. While it is important that we consider the particular handicapping condition, teachers should never lose sight of the fact that a handicapped child is first and foremost a child, whose basic needs are not too different from those of all children. These basic needs should be the primary concern of the teacher who is interested in guiding the child toward productive educational experiences and helping that child become an integral part of the school group.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles on the importance of play for young handicapped children. Part 1 explores activities for mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed children.  相似文献   

Cumulative experience with a variety of symbolic artifacts has been hypothesized as a source of young children's increasing sensitivity to new symbol-referent relations. Evidence for this hypothesis comes from transfer studies showing that experience with a relatively easy symbolic retrieval task improves performance on a more difficult task. Significant transfer was found for the 2(1/2)-year-old children in the 3 studies reported here, even with relatively low levels of contextual support (according to the taxonomy of transfer by Barnett & Ceci, 2002). Transfer occurred even though the 2 tasks were encountered in very different settings and there was a prolonged (1-week) delay interval between them. Transfer also occurred to a much more difficult task (one that even 3-year-olds typically fail).  相似文献   

A series of studies was conducted to examine the development of self-evaluation in children aged 1-5 years. Developmental changes in children's reactions to achievement-related outcomes were assessed in a variety of contexts, using different tasks and different criteria for success. The first study of 1-3-year-olds revealed an increased social orientation after the age of 21 months. Only children over this age were more likely to look up at the experimenter after they had produced an outcome themselves than after the same outcome had been produced by the experimenter. These older children were also more likely than younger children to call their mothers' attention to their achievements in a free-play situation. In a second study, on a task with visibly salient success versus failure outcomes, children aged 2-5 years responded to success with positive affect (e.g., smiling) and to failure with avoidance reactions (e.g., looking away from the experimenter). Praise enhanced children's positive affective reactions to success, but its effect was modest. In the final study, winning or losing on a competitive task was not understood by children below age 33 months and had no effect on their affective reactions to the task. In contrast, winning enhanced older children's pleasure in completing the task. Three stages are proposed in the development of self-evaluation. In the first stage, children experience joy in causality, but they lack the cognitive representational skills required for self-evaluation in a self-reflective sense, and they do not anticipate others' reactions to their performance. In the second stage, beginning before the age of 2 years, children anticipate adult reactions, seeking positive reactions to their successes and endeavoring to avoid negative reactions to failure. The proposed third stage involves a gradual internalization of external reactions, with children beginning to evaluate their performance and react emotionally to success and failure independently of their expectations of adult reactions. Although all studies focused on achievement outcomes, the development of self-evaluation in the moral domain may parallel this developmental sequence proposed for the achievement domain. It is also proposed that caretakers' reactions to rule violations might engender concerns about meeting adult expectations in achievement contexts.  相似文献   

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